20 posts

I was gonna make a post of how to do that. Thanks for saving me the time! :)

20 posts
Posted in Moderator Rooms • 1st October 2013, 08:02 AM

Here is a list of the moderator rooms!
/jr Damen (my favorite)
/jr hashir
/jr fizz
/jr kara
/jr luke
/jr cyberwolf

20 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 1st October 2013, 07:43 AM

Hello my name is Norgit I love to play oldcp and enforce the rules and if I see any of them get broken I report them to an admin or mod! I also have expierence with mod I was a high ranked mod in duck bay before it shut down. If Mr.Damen gives me the privilege of being a mod I would be a hard working mod! My name on oldcp is Norgit! I hope you consider making me a mod! Thanks yours truly Norgit.

20 posts
Posted in Application • 30th September 2013, 06:19 PM

Hello, I am Norgit I would like to apply to be Pizza Guy! I think im qualified to do it XD.

20 posts
Posted in Hard Work Play Hard • 30th September 2013, 06:13 PM

If you want to earn credits in oldcp you have to work hard!If you don't work hard you wont get any credits!If you want to get credits don't sit around and scream "350 CODES FOR 350 CREDITS" I mean really it gets annoying after awhile. First what you want to do is get a high paying job like a pizza guy or an assistant. Probably the best thing to do is save up your credits and buy premium so you have all those awesome things like name color and player summoning power!Thats pretty much it for this post! Also if you want to meet me on Oldcp my name is Norgit!