FashionistaThePositivePrincess's Posts

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801 posts
Posted in I'm Administrator • 26th October 2013, 06:36 PM

Wow, congrats! You must have worked hard to get this! But, it says that you are still a ROOKIE.....

801 posts
Posted in Little daily show...;) • 26th October 2013, 06:34 PM

So, I decided to be doing a little daily "show" called "OldCP gossip VS NewCP gossip!"
Basically, I have chosen some people to help, I will be doing the NewCP part of it and the following people will be doing the OldCP part of it. I am part of it, but not yet, not until I get un-banned. ;)

Message to the people above:
If you have any kind of reason on why you cannot do it, you dont even need and answer, but,if you cant or dont want to do it, just post below saying so and I will replace you with someone else, but if u can, post below saying so. I will describe below what each of ur jobs r. HAVE FUN!
I chose two moderators and two members. So, find your name and see what your job is on the show! ;)
May23: Not really "Spying", but taking screenshots,get the latest updates on OldCP and then mail them to me.
Sarabarielle: Just like may23, but switch it to forums, plus add the fact that you keep track of the chat and if there is nothing interesting, then move on to the forums.
Iceesofie: Just like sara, but only forums and NewCP. Remember, mail everything after you take a screenshot and then it will be on the "OldCP Gossip VS NewCp Gossip" show.
Thisismyname: Show the latest fashion trends, do what hashir's job is, plus add the fact that you get to keep up with the latest MEMBER news! XD
MEEE!XD: Every job above except for OldCP ingame, thats saved until i get unbanned, but newcp is with me too.
To the people who are helping with the show, if you want to add or change your job, put it below and i will approve it of course! I AM SO NOT BOSSY! XD! Because I want it to be fun for you guys and the people who will be going on the forums just to see the show. Remember, people who are helping with the show, make sure you mail it to me on the FORUMS and with a screen shot if necessary so I can put it on the daily show. ;)

801 posts
Posted in just something I like to say • 25th October 2013, 11:25 PM

Chelsey, you are my role model, im not kissing up, im just saying. But I have a very long way until I become a mod and get back on OldCP. Cause Im currently IP Banned.....

801 posts
Posted in Oldcp • 25th October 2013, 11:22 PM

I think both are equally good, but of course, im only saying this because I have membership on newcp, but once it runs out, im gonna say it sucks. LOL

801 posts
Posted in Little daily thing...;) • 25th October 2013, 11:10 PM

So, I decided to be doing a little daily "show" called "OldCP gossip VS NewCP gossip!"
Basically, I have chosen some people to help, I will be doing the NewCP part of it and the following people will be doing the OldCP part of it. I am part of it, but not yet, not until I get un-banned. ;)

Message to the people above:
If you have any kind of reason on why you cannot do it, you dont even need and answer, but,if you cant or dont want to do it, just post below saying so and I will replace you with someone else, but if u can, post below saying so. I will describe below what each of ur jobs r. HAVE FUN!
I chose two moderators and two members. So, find your name and see what your job is on the show! ;)
May23: Not really "Spying", but taking screenshots,get the latest updates on OldCP and then mail them to me.
Sarabarielle: Just like may23, but switch it to forums, plus add the fact that you keep track of the chat and if there is nothing interesting, then move on to the forums.
Hashir: Just like sara, but only forums and NewCP. Remember, mail everything after you take a screenshot and then it will be on the "OldCP Gossip VS NewCp Gossip" show.
Thisismyname: Show the latest fashion trends, do what hashir's job is, plus add the fact that you get to keep up with the latest MEMBER news! XD
MEEE!XD: Every job above except for OldCP ingame, thats saved until i get unbanned, but newcp is with me too.
Mods, I want to know if this is going against the rules or not. If it is, I promise I will cancel it or modify it to follow the rules. To the people who are helping with the show, if you want to add or change your job, put it below and i will approve it of course! I AM SO NOT BOSSY! XD! Because I want it to be fun for you guys and the people who will be going on the forums just to see the show. Remember, people who are helping with the show, make sure you mail it to me on the FORUMS and with a screen shot if necessary so I can put it on the daily show. ;)

801 posts
Posted in Ideas on credits • 25th October 2013, 09:50 PM

mehhh, i guess i agree. But i have a better idea. We could keep the daily games, but what about the games that are original from new cp? Damen should make them work so that way we could earn creds from them. Just like in newcp, if u play games, u get a certain amount of coins depending on ur score and the fact that u play the game. Right? Right? It will also attract more people to play on OldCP because my brother wanted to play but complained that it was too boring and that the games should work. So thats one ex.! ;)

801 posts
Posted in My penguin username • 25th October 2013, 09:38 PM

Most of you do not know me on the island because my title name on the forums is named Fashionista. My penguin name is pearlr10. The reason why my forums name is Fashionista is because usually my subtitle would say: Fashionista
Its just my logo. ;)

801 posts
Posted in Signature tutorial. • 25th October 2013, 09:34 PM

hey sara, on your screen shot thats in ur signature, u forgot the [/img]
so we cant see what you wanted to put. ;)
k nevermind, i guess u fixed it.

801 posts
Posted in IP ban question. • 25th October 2013, 09:31 PM

yea, but, at least i can contact all my friends on the forums.

I really do seeing all the penguins on the island and seeing penguins that need help so i can help them, but I must earn my way back. It is a really long trail.

sighs a very lazy way. Well, its what i gotta do. LOL!

801 posts
Posted in Job Appliction • 25th October 2013, 09:25 PM

Well, damen or mateo isnt just gonna give u a random job, you have to pick a job,to do that,click the boxed thing below,

On that, you can see what jobs are needing employees and how much you get payed for that job. ;)

801 posts
Posted in IP ban question. • 25th October 2013, 07:33 PM

I was wondering, when someone is ip banned, are they IP banned forever? Because, I really do NOT want to be gone from the best cpps made in history FOREVER! Just asking, not asking to get unbanned, because obviously THATS not gonna work! XD! Please answer. ;)

801 posts
Posted in ALL MODS!!!!!! • 24th October 2013, 08:11 PM

I saw a very, very inappropriate discussion, which is called: "SO COOL!" It is marked in entertainment by: i am so cool, he/she's regular username is hipplss! I know that because he/she used to have their username showing, until they changed it. Moderators, please check it, it is VERY bad and scarred me for life.

801 posts
Posted in 63 posts! • 24th October 2013, 07:59 PM

Damen told you to MAIL a forum admin to check your posts. Not start a whole discussion. Mail in Cyberwolf or Damen.

well, im new, i didint know, but sorry.