FashionistaThePositivePrincess's Posts

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801 posts
Posted in XDD!!!! • 24th October 2013, 07:38 PM

Who knows this guy from youtube???


801 posts
Posted in Well, I'm not a baby. ;) • 24th October 2013, 07:32 PM

Well, since I had gotten IP banned, I thought whining and begging was gonna work, weeeeellll, it didint, so instead, Im trying to work my way back to playing.

801 posts
Posted in 63 posts! • 24th October 2013, 07:30 PM

I have made 63 posts, and I was wondering if a forum mod could check them. ;)

801 posts
Posted in How to take a screenshot. • 24th October 2013, 07:27 PM

So many people do not know how to take a screen-shot. Well, I'm here to help! Just like my subtitle in-game."Need help? Ask me."
Any ways, step one: go to google and look up: Lightshot.

Step two: Download it. Once it is downloaded, go ahead and take a test screen-shot. How you do that is at the top right of your keyboard, you should see a button that says "PrtSC". Click that, once you click it, your screen should turn dark

Step 3: Box in how much you want, to see how to do that, just play around with your mouse clicking random stuff (note: Everything your doing will be paused the second you clicked Prtsc! But when you are done, it will go back to live version!) Once you get the hang of boxing it, box in how much you want the lightshot thing to take a screen shot of. Then, once your done, their should be a button in your box that looks like a cloud with an arrow inside of it pointing up, click it, it will upload the picture. It should only take about 3 seconds to upload. Once it is done uploading, there are 2 buttons, "Open" and "Copy". Click open if you want to see the screen shot, and click copy if you want to copy the link. To get a picture on the forums, or on something using HTML, type this:

801 posts
Posted in OldCP tutorial! • 24th October 2013, 07:00 PM

Some new members are wondering a couple of things. I know because I used to be new too!
If you want credits, I suggest you apply for a job. To see some open jobs, click jobs at the homepage:

Some other ways you could get credits is by winning contests. Usually, moderators will do contests, so if you win the contest, the moderator hosting the contest will reward you with a certain amount of credits.
Now, don't ask, but sometimes, penguins will randomly give you credits.
If YOU want to give people credits, just say: /transfer [penguinname] [amount of credits]
Do not type in the []'s. Those are just for the example.
Another way to earn credits is by posting 50 discussions. (50 discussions=500 creds!) Now, do not post discussions in a row, also do not spam. They have to be useful and meaningful comments. For example, do not post something like: " I saw this!" and then a picture next to it. That is useless.
First to explain, I will show the order of the forum positions.

1. Rookie
3.News Reporter

To move up a position, you can post 50 discussions, and tell a mod to check them to see if they are useful or meaningful and not useless. If a mod likes them, maybe they will bump you up a level!

The rules of the forums are:
1. No spamming!
2.No hateful discussions!
3.No foul language!
4.Make useful posts! (e.g: more than 3 words!)
5.Don't post more than 2 discussions in a row!
When you are playing in-game, do not ask for a higher position because you will be kicked from the server(not banned!). If you keep asking, you might get banned.

If you want some cool clothing, I suggest you say: /addall
Once you say that, it will give you all the clothing in OldCP!

If you wanna clone somebody, say: /clone penguinname
penguinname is not really what you type, it is just where the penguin name goes. Once you say that, a blue box will pop up and say: "You have cloned penguinname!"

Do not hack other members or try to fool someone by making an account and then opening another tab to make it seem like it is 2 different people. Now on the other hand, if you think you are getting fooled, say: /issame penguinname penguinname
Then, it will tell you in a blue box. You could get IP banned for doing that.
These are the punishments:

IP banned: Banned from the website, you still have access to the boxed things below:

If you are IP banned, it will look like below for the things that were not boxed on top:

Kicked: It would usually say that a moderator has removed you from the server. You ban will expire: (blank)
That is just like a warning, you can come back and play. I do not have a picture of it right now, but when I do, I will edit it into this.

But you wont get punished, right?
~In-game positions~
Member: What you are once you sign up.

Moderator: Basically the security of the server, they make sure that everything is going fine and help out the new members.

Administrator: Have all the power of the game, be able to restart servers and do everything that a mod can do. They are basically in charge.
I really hope this helped!

801 posts
Posted in OldCP tutorial! • 23rd October 2013, 08:15 PM

Some new members are wondering a couple of things. I know because I used to be new too!
If you want credits, I suggest you apply for a job. To see some open jobs, click jobs at the homepage:

Some other ways you could get credits is by winning contests. Usually, moderators will do contests, so if you win the contest, the moderator hosting the contest will reward you with a certain amount of credits.
Now, don't ask, but sometimes, penguins will randomly give you credits.
If YOU want to give people credits, just say: /transfer [penguinname] [amount of credits]
Do not type in the []'s. Those are just for the example.
Another way to earn credits is by posting 50 discussions. (50 discussions=500 creds!) Now, do not post discussions in a row, also do not spam. They have to be useful and meaningful comments. For example, do not post something like: " I saw this!" and then a picture next to it. That is useless.
First to explain, I will show the order of the forum positions.

1. Rookie
3.News Reporter

To move up a position, you can post 50 discussions, and tell a mod to check them to see if they are useful or meaningful and not useless. If a mod likes them, maybe they will bump you up a level!

The rules of the forums are:
1. No spamming!
2.No hateful discussions!
3.No foul language!
4.Make useful posts! (e.g: more than 3 words!)
5.Don't post more than 2 discussions in a row!
When you are playing in-game, do not ask for a higher position because you will be kicked from the server(not banned!). If you keep asking, you might get banned.

If you want some cool clothing, I suggest you say: /addall
Once you say that, it will give you all the clothing in OldCP!

If you wanna clone somebody, say: /clone penguinname
penguinname is not really what you type, it is just where the penguin name goes. Once you say that, a blue box will pop up and say: "You have cloned penguinname!"

Do not hack other members or try to fool someone by making an account and then opening another tab to make it seem like it is 2 different people. Now on the other hand, if you think you are getting fooled, say: /issame penguinname penguinname
Then, it will tell you in a blue box. You could get IP banned for doing that.
These are the punishments:

IP banned: Banned from the website, you still have access to the boxed things below:

If you are IP banned, it will look like below for the things that were not boxed on top:

Kicked: It would usually say that a moderator has removed you from the server. You ban will expire: (blank)
That is just like a warning, you can come back and play. I do not have a picture of it right now, but when I do, I will edit it into this.

But you wont get punished, right?
~In-game positions~
Member: What you are once you sign up.

Moderator: Basically the security of the server, they make sure that everything is going fine and help out the new members.

Administrator: Have all the power of the game, be able to restart servers and do everything that a mod can do. They are basically in charge.
I really hope this helped!

801 posts
Posted in News Reporter Application. • 23rd October 2013, 07:36 PM

Ok, since I got IP banned, I cannot work as a pizzagirl until I get unbanned, so I would like to apply for a job on the forums since I can only be active on the forums. So I have been on for a month, I play from 3:40 pm to 12:00 am. I am a really good news reporter because I have great grammar and spelling and I am on all the time so I can get the latest updates, I do not know if the news has to be in-game or if it can be anywhere. I really hope I get accepted!

801 posts
Posted in I really want to come back! • 23rd October 2013, 07:12 PM

I REALLY WANT TO PLAY OLDCP RIGHT NOW! Please! Someone unban me! Please forgive me! I never got told why I got ip banned! I miss all my friends! Please! Forgive me! I will come back as a new person! The only place where I can be active is on the forums! Please! I love OldCP! IDK what I can do without it!

Honestly, begging will not help. Although, seeing that you'll be a new person on the forums might help.
I got banned in-game. But I have one question. Are you a mod in-game too?

801 posts
Posted in Proof • 23rd October 2013, 07:09 PM

ok who ever did it UNBAN HIM! give him another chance you mods scare ppl away by banning ppl who are new and don't know the rules
im a girl. XD

801 posts
Posted in I really want to come back! • 23rd October 2013, 07:09 PM

I REALLY WANT TO PLAY OLDCP RIGHT NOW! Please! Someone unban me! Please forgive me! I never got told why I got ip banned! I miss all my friends! Please! Forgive me! I will come back as a new person! The only place where I can be active is on the forums! Please! I love OldCP! IDK what I can do without it!
my username ingame is pearlr10

801 posts
Posted in Proof • 23rd October 2013, 06:58 PM

Some of the people in-game think that I am lying that I got IPbanned. Well, since you think that, here is my PROOF!

I love OldCP sooo much. Now, since I love it, I get IP banned. You can go ahead and ask May23 how nice I was, because my sister took the laptop to use it and it got auto disconnect, I can never come back again until I get unbanned! So I hope your happy all those haters that hated me so much. My only real true friend was May23. So I am only active on the forums. Those haters hated me so much. Everyone hated me except for May23. So now I'm gone haters, I hope your happy.

801 posts
Posted in It's over. • 23rd October 2013, 06:25 PM

awhh, u never deserved to be demoted!

801 posts
Posted in Reporting Hashir • 23rd October 2013, 06:23 PM

u got ipbanned too?

801 posts
Posted in LEAVING! • 23rd October 2013, 06:16 PM

Well, since im IP banned, I can never come back until i get unbanned, I will only be able to be active on the forums.


801 posts
Posted in IP Banned • 23rd October 2013, 06:00 PM

I was just wondering why I got IP banned. If it was because of the post, please forgive me, because I didin't know that I was not supposed to post something like that. I know now, so please unban me. I love Oldcp so much, IDK what I would do without it. I do not like Newcp. Nor do I like because I see many people swearing on it. So now I cannot log off, because if I do, I can never come back ever again.