2,178 posts
Posted in Life Update And What Not. • 7th March 2021, 10:05 PM

Zendaya2408 wrote on 7th March 2021, 11:25 AM:
WELCOME BACK i just barely remember you.

Thanks! And Stan Zendaya haha

2,178 posts
Posted in Life Update And What Not. • 7th March 2021, 10:05 PM

Dice wrote on 7th March 2021, 09:21 AM:
Welcome back, Starwolf!

Thanks Dice! (:

2,178 posts
Posted in Life Update And What Not. • 7th March 2021, 10:04 PM

Damen wrote on 7th March 2021, 03:20 AM:
Wb Starwolf. A profiler huh? Crikey.
Also, the new game is

Thanks! I made an account on it! And it's fun for me haha I enjoy crime and all that stuff so it's fun for me. Hard work but fun nonetheless.

2,178 posts
Posted in Life Update And What Not. • 7th March 2021, 03:09 AM

Oh my god it has literally been forever since I actually sat down and made one of these wow the nostalgia is real. Anyways! Hello again to all the familiar faces it's me Starwolf. I'm back I guess? I got bored and remembered this site existed so I decided to pop back in cause I have nothing else to do in boredom due to the state the world is in and my life situation. I went on OLDCPbiz cause I popped on it once back in like May I believe and I had it downloaded and I got on and nobody was there so I decided to check the forums. Didn't remember my passcode and made a new account to get my password reset and here I am! So I'll give a little life update and whatnot since it's been 5 years since I've quit with a few visits here and there throughout the years.

How Am I?: I'm goodish. I've grown up since the last I've been here so that would be when I was 15. Now I'm 20 and in college pursuing Criminology I'm aiming to be a profiler cause I watched Mindhunter and thought it was interesting and I wanted to be one and here I am pursuing that. But I moved this past summer to a new place with my family and leaving my friends behind plus the virus really has taken a toll on me since I can only text my friends and not see them and due to the virus it puts a damper on meeting new people. So I only really have my family to talk to and they work so I'm alone most of the time which sucks so I'd say talking to people here motivated a return for me.

What Have I Been Up To?: I mainly quit so I could focus on education and I was spending way too much time on here. Which was a good decision imo and I grew out of this stuff on OLDCP it didn't entertain me as much as I used to. So I've mainly been up to focusing on education and other things since I quit. Now for the most part and pursuing becoming a profiler.

Am I Returning?: Well idk what everyone uses now since OLDCPbiz seems to be dead and I'm busy during the day so I'm only gonna be online at night when most people aren't on so idk. I'll probably spend my time here since I always preferred the forums.

So yeah that's all the notable stuff I can think of to include here! The memories flooded back making this post and now I feel old as crap since it's been sooo long since I've done a post here. So to all the familiar faces hello again! I'd love to catch up. To all the new faces hello nice too meet you all!

2,178 posts
Posted in Best Regards. ~Starwolf • 21st July 2015, 10:44 AM


Hello. Today I would like to inform you guys that I am leaving the DSGHQ again. I just don't feel like I would really enjoy it this time around because everything is just so Different. I'm not a fan of the stuff and the empire after I left. I don't know if it's just me or after leaving and really looking it in the eye. So I will be listing why I'm leaving and so on. So this will probably be my last post before my farewell.

Growing Up And Making Better Decisions.

Well recently after coming back I can see that I'm starting to get on the computer again a lot more then usual. I can feel my Dyslexia starting to come back and when I left I was getting better grades and this site after getting decent grades on my report card isn't helping. If I stayed on I'm pretty sure I'd be failing school because I would probably pick staying then going and my parents are getting stricter about me now that I am going into the higher grades. My parents want me to start growing up and it's about time I start making these decisions because I need to live life and I don't feel like I will if I stay here.

The Difference Of The DSGHQ Compared To It Back Then.

This is something I don't really like. Because I don't know if it's just me maturing and after leaving I'm looking at it and seeing the real truth behind it but. After leaving I'm matured a lot more and I'm not that big a fan of the DSGHQ like I used to be. I don't really like what it's become lately with all these deaths and such because it's supposed to be a children's game and having death in it isn't really the best thing because we have 8 and 9 year olds on here. And I don't really like what the EMPIRES become. Because after leaving I'm starting to see that I don't like the empire idea and I'd rather it be Oldcp then A entire empire.

So I Guess It's Goodbye.

2,178 posts
Posted in OldCP Deaths Memorial • 20th July 2015, 12:54 AM

May the dead rest in piece while the traitor lies dead. I thought cursing wasn't allowed I knew ass wasn't allowed unless it was used in a offensive way like Referring to A Donkey (Donkeys used to be called ass until people started using it in a offensive way.) Yet the rude words like "asshole" weren't allowed. Yet you start breaking the rules and now since people see you doing and they worship and respect you for eternity. They will think that they have the freedom to start doing it again.

2,178 posts
Posted in Link Text. • 19th July 2015, 03:57 PM

What Is Link Text.

Link Text is a feature that many many people don't know how to do because it is quite complicated. So today I will show you how to be do it. Link Text si a certain feature that allows you to make text by using the link of your discussion. Whenever you post a discussion you may get an idea on it that is a number like 42165. You need to use that number in making the discussion it isn't the ENTIRE link. With this feature you can use links to make text so people can click the text and then immediately you will be taken to the discussion. It is a unique feature but many people don't know how to do it.

Step One.

Here comes the simple part you will need to simply get the link code ready on the discussion there is always a number to me it is like the code for the discussion to get generated and ready it is a number signifying what discussion it is. So imagine if your discussion number was 42165. To get link text you will need that number it is probably the main requirement for link text to be created and made successfully. Link numbers are crucial for the discussion to be made so be sure to include that for making link text.

Step 2.

The second step is managing the bars like you see in you need to be able to manage with the bars because they are quite important to make the link text start working because it is needed in pretty much in every single HTML/BB code on this website. The bars are crucial in img, center, link, and size. Using these are optional and are important but you have opinions. But the bars that you see here are [ needed because it keeps everything centered and organized. Every thing is organized here thanks to the bars in the BB codes on here because in the words will become all centered.

The Final Step.

The Final step is the text being added in. You can pick any text again from "Click Here!" To "Be Sure To Like And Read!" The text is the last thing to be added so what you need to do is (Then text) So in the end it will come out fully text and added on into text and then once you click the text it will be link and you will see the discussion and you can be sure to read it. The link text is something that many people can do and hopefully have the ability to do it in the end.

(Demonstration Of Link Text. You need a = in the url. :P)

[url=/view/(discussion number goes here))what you want to say

2,178 posts
Posted in Fnaf #1 The Nightmare Begins. • 18th July 2015, 10:33 PM

The Nightmare Begins...

My name is Mike... I worked at Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria and everything was crystal clear until the Fifth and Final Night. Today I am being questioned by the police and the one thing they asked was. "Why Don't You Tell Us What Really Happened.." Since it was my final night I started discovering the truth. 8 Children were murdered the bodies were never discovered.. We had drinks music and everything. There was a thunderstorm while this was happening. My Girlfriend was killed she was coming out of the bathroom when two came out of nowhere. We heard a roar and then a gigantic scream.. We then discovered all the attractions were missing.. They were everywhere BB in the vents Mangle down the hall we were stuck we held the doors but that wasn't enough the vents and doors gave in and we ran as fast as we could. The last thing I heard was "We're Not Going to Live Through This" We called the police and they heard the roar and the told us the secret behind it all. A Police Sergeant told us they truth we hid together and heard it all... The story begins here... In 1987 one of the "children friendly" animals bit a child and it has been called is still called to as the bite of 87. The child was able to live but lived without a frontal lobe. Then static came... The phone signal was lost and we heard police sirens, Ambulances, Fire Trucks at first.. They all came but we got locked in the guns did nothing we then saw Toy suits they were savage Bonnie found us after our every move our flashlights cut out the strings of a puppet were here. We couldn't be evacuated the exit was blocked off we had to hide in the safe rooms and we unleashed a force more powerful then any force alive. Our lives were done for we unleashed. Golden Freddy everyone was at risk. We encountered him and all we saw was a sergeants hat and blood all over him....

2,178 posts
Posted in News With Starwolf. #4 • 16th July 2015, 01:20 PM

The Golden Toblerone Collection.

Recently Cyberwolf has made a post about a certain new collection of badges. These badges are the Golden Toblerone Collection. He explains that there are 4 parts of this badge collection and Damen said we will find one of them during the Rocketsnail Museum opening today. The badge is a big Toblerone and you can find one of them by scrolling down to the Photo Album section. And then you will see Photo Albums and click the Bolded "A". After that you will have one of them in your possession!

Link To Cyberwolf's Discussion.

Rocketsnail Museum!

Yesterday Damen made a post about a new feature that will be opened for Oldcp. That is the Rocketsnail Museum! This is the grand opening day and we will be able to see it in the bank for 48 hours and it will be moved to the Moth Priest Temple. We will be able to see all the history of Oldcp probably from V1, Blackhawks, Iceghosts all of it! He even said that the second part of the Sacred Toblerone collection will be there! So be sure to check it out we only have 48 hours. And the Bankers will answer questions and the Knights and Guards will be guarding the museum site.

Link To Damen's Discussion.

The Stag's Royal Party!

Yesterday Lord Of The Stags Tennis made a post about a house Stag's royal party. The date of the party is July 19th and the time is 12 PM. The pre party will be at the royal courtyard where everyone is invited. There will be a party and a feast for the Royal Party. There is a dress code everyone will have to wear a Black Tie since it is a formal party all the royals are invited to the party. Non members of house stags will HAVE to pay 400 gold to enter the party. So I will be coming to the party so see you there! (=

Link to Tennis's Discussion.

Sadie Demoted Cheep Promoted And Sadie's Apology.

Recently something happened with famous users around the. The two users are Cheep and Sadie. Recently if you look at the Forums News you will see that Sadie was demoted and Cheep was promoted. And Sadie says she said a bad word and wasn't being fair to some users. These actions resulted into her demotion I will show the link to her apology so you can read it. And Cheep was promoted to Moderator I truly congratulate her and be sure to congratulate her to! (:

Link to Sadie's Discussion.

Birthdays And POTD.

Lucy Heartfillia Is POTD!

Happy Birthday Lolleh!

Happy Birthday Dafalcon15!

Happy Birthday Silent!

Happy Birthday Mittenz!

Happy Birthday Haloween1000

Happy Birthday DelicousBurger!


2,178 posts
Posted in Golden Toblerone Collection • 14th July 2015, 08:35 PM

Lita wrote on 14th July 2015 08:33 PM:
Starwolf said on 14th July 2015 08:31 PM:
How do you get it??

Click the 'A' in Photo Albums
Thanks! (:

2,178 posts
Posted in Golden Toblerone Collection • 14th July 2015, 08:31 PM

How do you get it??

2,178 posts
Posted in A Sincere Apology • 14th July 2015, 03:28 PM

I know you didn't mean it my positive Queen. I forgive you even if I wasn't there I read every word of this post and I forgive you. You are true star and I don't care if you messed up we all make mistakes that's what life is life isn't fair and truthfully we should be proud we make mistakes because in the end we all learn from them. +1 (';


2,178 posts
Posted in Being disrespectful w/ women • 14th July 2015, 03:21 PM

So true truthfully I don't like the disrespect that Damen gives us here. Women should have the right to hold grand wise one. Sooner or later women probably may not be able to hold Imperial Knight. Women and Men have been fighting for who is the top gender. I don't understand society today. +1

2,178 posts
Posted in FNAF 4 Trailer • 14th July 2015, 03:16 PM

Okay if you all don't understand why we are in a house I'll explain: You are probably playing as the purple guy hence everything is purple and he is possibly dead and he was sent to the opposite of heaven. And he is in a deep slumber so everything is a DREAM and it is a nightmare and he is sleeping inside of Springtrap. So everything is all nightmare. And since it is coming out early all the other features (most likely Mangle, BB, and the Marionette will be DLC??)

2,178 posts
Posted in News Reporter Application. • 14th July 2015, 03:04 PM


Greetings Fellow Staff. My name is Starwolf and today I am applying for the rank called News Reporter. I hope you take the time and consideration to read my application and be sure to leave your opinions down below. So enjoy!

Name, Age, Experience, and Etc.

Name: Stella/Starwolf

Age: 14

Timezone: EST

Experience: Past Forums Mod, Past Oldcp Mod, 3000 Rep, 2000 Posts, Past Top Member.

Why Am I Making This Application.

I am making this application because I want to be a news reporter. I feel like all the inactive news reporters like Crimezone should be demoted because those people hardly do anything around here at all. And I don't want the news category to goto waste because once the news category hadn't been used since may. I feel like news reporters shouldn't goto waste they should be active and do there job. So I want to be a news reporter for that reason and lately I have been making a news show called "News With Starwolf." People have been telling me to apply for news reporter and now I am I want them to be happy with who I am and what I do around here.

Will I Do My Job.

Of course I will! I will be doing what News Reporters do I will show people our news reports if they even missed anything I will show them others and my news reports so they can be caught up. Even if it's a tiny or huge event I will include in the news shows I will make every once a week or whenever a event comes up. I don't want news reporters reputation around to go down I want them to be known around here for the hard work they do for us. The work for us and make news for us I want them to be known around here more and more because they deserve it.

Why Do I Want This Rank.

I want this rank because I want to make news reports around here. I want them to be known and people will read them the same way people read the news reports in the News Section. Even if I don't get it I don't really care I just want my news to be read by not only normal users I want the fellow news staff to read it to. If I don't get it I will be happy the way I am I want the news reporters to be known around here more and more even if I don't get it I still will want them to get the respect they deserve. Because they make all those wonderful reports for us and I don't want them to goto waste at all.

Will I Still Make News Reports If I Don't Get The Job.

Of course I will! It's fun making reports every now and then. I will take pride and effort into making the reports I make. If I get the job it won't change a single bit I will put pride, effort, heart, and will into making the reports that are made by me. If I don't get it my feelings for news reports won't change a single bit. I enjoy doing the job I do round here making the posts, discussions, and replies on other posts are something I love to do here. My feelings about reports won't change in fact reading news shows like "The Pookie Standard" is something I enjoy because I love to see the pride news reporters put into there posts.