2,178 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 13th July 2015, 06:54 PM

I don't think there needs to be any improvements at all. I think it is fabulous and great as it is (';

2,178 posts
Posted in Forums Moderator Application|| Cheep • 13th July 2015, 06:51 PM

Allie wrote on 13th July 2015 06:44 PM:
Lloyd said on 13th July 2015 06:38 PM:
Cheep said on 13th July 2015 06:35 PM:
Lloyd said on 13th July 2015 06:33 PM:
Sadie said on 13th July 2015 06:27 PM:
Hi Cheep,
Swell application! It truly is very good and well organized. Not too long either I enjoy them like that. Hope to see you soon.

Lloyd said on 13th July 2015 06:21 PM:
Great application! G'luck!
You'd making an amazing forums Mod!

But if you want to become a forums mod, pay attention on tags....

Tags aren't needed whatsoever, in fact they're not much of use. That is why you have the authority not to use them at all.


Tags are used to find posts, imagine that a user wants to find her application, the tags would be: "Cheep, Application, Moderator, Forums", but she wrote: "app,cool,fun,cheep,is,cool,also,btw,sadie,and,chelsey,and,tess,are,cool", it's un-professional, if someone tried to find the application, he/she would take years and years.

Now now, there's no need to start an argument. It's none of your concern what my tags are .

It's not an argument.
I'm correcting you, and when I correct people, I'm helping them.
But I follow the old and good "Don't correct a fool, he'll hate you, instead, correct a wise man, he'll love you".

But your correction is wrong, It's the other way around. She corrected you, and she helped you.
Do tags really matter here? You are having a gigantic arguement over just some stupid tag that doesn't matter because it's a virtual site and it's all virtual.

Anyways. Wonderful application you are a true inspiration here and I would love to see you as a moderator once again! +1 (:

2,178 posts
Posted in Please help me • 13th July 2015, 04:33 PM

It's most likely Dyslexia I have Dyslexia to. You may want to talk to your parents about this because if it continues happening then it is Dyslexia.

2,178 posts
Posted in News With Starwolf. #3 • 13th July 2015, 12:02 PM

The Game Of Mods Comes To An End.

After a long and hard 3 days of competing and users rising above others the GOM has come to an end and one user has to rise above all others and earn the grand title Moderator. After revealing who took 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, the two users that were left standing were. Audrey and Cornbread. And the winner is CORNBREAD! Congratulations to her but she is better known as Tori. The finalists were chosen by the top 10 Points on the scoreboard. The finalists were. Audrey, Cornbread, Courtney6, Bakon, Sammeh, Angi, Mckinlee, Elliemae, Rosie and Jake01. All finalists worked hard to get to the final spot of the Moderator Competition and I couldn't have agreed more with the choices Damen made.

Congratulations To Cyberwolf.

Recently a amazing user named Cyberwolf got his rank changed back to the one we all know and loved him as. That rank is the wonderful one called Administrator. Cyberwolf is a amazing user who I believe deserves to be a Emperor Helper again. Cyberwolf is a wonderful user who deserves this rank and I look forward to seeing him as a Administrator once again he is a wonderful Administrator who we all know of and love him as a friend and a person of our virtual family. So congratulations to you Cyberwolf and I cannot wait to see you as a Admin again because it is a rank you truly deserved.

Damen Makes A Stand.

Recently Damen brought up a important matter in a post he recently made. The important and quite unusual subject to be talked about here was "Same Gender Marriages" There were many who protested against him in this post. He made a huge stand here which caused him to end up locking it due to him having to think about the matters. Truthfully I don't understand why he even posted it. I mean why would we be talking about homosexuality on a children's site. But it is Damen's opinion so we don't need to complain because we all have our own opinions here.

Birthdays And Player Of The Day.

Rawr Is Player Of The Day!

Happy Birthday Express!

Happy Birthday Haisner!

Happy Birthday Pinkiepride!

Happy Birthday Fabperson101!

Happy Birthday Rosalina123!

Happy Birthday Iceymaddie!

Happy Birthday Kaylah!

Happy Birthday Reporter23!

Happy Birthday Minepony101!

Happy Birthday NinjitsuSir!

Happy Birthday Rxchel!


2,178 posts
Posted in The Finals: GOM. • 13th July 2015, 12:58 AM

Sadie wrote on 13th July 2015 12:18 AM:
I enjoy seeing your discussions they're also colorful and to the point. Well done Starwolf on behalf of this grand explanation.

Thanks! ('; I got some posting skills left in me :3 (:

2,178 posts
Posted in The Finals: GOM. • 12th July 2015, 09:18 PM

Task 1.

The task here was to make your very own business/shop and advertise it around the island. It was a fun and beautiful task which I would love to do again or be leading the shop and advertise it. I loved it and also hearing about the other teams ideas and sometimes seeing them myself. A really beautiful idea that Damen came up with. I would have enjoyed coming up with it and it was fun helping and serving the Moderators at the Team Kacket Bakery and watching and seeing me and others getting points.

Task Winner: Team Kacket.

Task: 2.

This task was a truly entertaining and beautiful idea this time the task was. Find a base around the island and hold your own while other teams invade that base. The team(s) that did the most invasions was the winner. Tam Fireworks had the forest as there base, Glory Had the Dojo, Topaz got the Beach, and Kacket had the Iceberg. This task was flawless a truly beautiful time to do it was fun to virtually fight against your foes and fight along side your friends. It was entertaining to walk around the island fighting and defending your friends, team, and base. I remember this task from a older moderator comp and it was fun reliving and remembering that day and redoing that fun task.

Task Winner(s): Team Kacket and Team Glory.

Task 3.

This time the task was to Create A Commercial for your teams new business. This task was a little bit of a difficult task for our team because Kara was AFK and we had a hard time deciding. But in the end we came up with a fun little idea that Cornbread came up with. All the other teams had beautiful ideas that truly entertained me and my favorite was team Topaz's commercial but in the end all were beautiful and flawless ideas.

Task Winner: Team Topaz.

Task 4.

This task was quite a interesting one. In your teams make a radio show find a studio and create your show. Team Glory did a interesting Sportscast, Team Kacket had a wonderful band, Topaz did a dance party, and Fireworks had a HUGE dance party filled with music and flashing lights! This one was mainly made of music there were Bands Pop Rock and many more genres of music that we heard about from the moderators. It was a interesting task and it was a truly entertaining task that I was not expecting from Damen. I loved it and I would love to be apart of once again. In the end a fun task that made me remember the many types of music that I have heard and seen.

Task Winner: Team Kacket

Task 5.

This one to me and many others was a really entertaining task that we had going on. In your teams interview a moderator best organization will be the winner. Many teams got to interview so many moderators with so many questions. Glory got to interview Swirlie, Topaz got to interview Cheep, Kacket got to interview Sadie, and Fireworks interviewed Cyberwolf. All teams were well organized and me including all the other Moderators and other teams loved this task and would be willing to do it next time. The teams were organized perfectly but in the end on emerged victorious.

Task Winner: Kacket

Winning Team: Kacket












The Final Results.

After a hardworking 3 days of tasks, a elimination and people rising above others. It was the final results. Unfortunately 3 Finalists couldn't make it but in the end it was down between. Sammeh, Angi, Mckinlee, Courtney, and Cornbread. And the results are....

5th: Sammeh Points: 15900

4th: Angi Points: 21300

3rd: Mckinlee Points: 23200

2nd: Courtney6 Points: 31200

Runner Up: Audrey

1st: CORNBREAD!!!! Points: 39200

Congrats Cornbread!

2,178 posts
Posted in News With Starwolf. #2 • 10th July 2015, 10:12 AM

Crow Walker wrote on 10th July 2015 10:08 AM:
Thanks! I wasn't sure if Fluffybacon was dead or not. But, you told me the answer. Anyways, try going for News Reporter, your work is really good! +1
Thanks! And after my 3rd report I will try to apply for news reporter! (:

2,178 posts
Posted in News With Starwolf. #2 • 10th July 2015, 09:52 AM

Fluffybacon Dead!

Around Yesterday/two days ago the Detectives were training with there Firearms and one of our newer Detectives Dice had his gun out and shot our beloved moderator FluffyBacon. She is currently not healed but I believe if being healed. Well Dice caused the detectives to loose ALL OF there trust with Damen and now they have lost all firearms and Dice is banned, he is now a traitor, and lost ALL his reputation. And his last mood was "I ruin this community this is why I don't deserve ranks"

Blood On The Mountain.

Yesterday I believe there was a shocking find on the mountain. The mountain was crowded and many users were there taking pictures and sharing there theories. The mountain had been attacked and a unknown user had died Detective Hashir has found the color of the user on the channel. #Detectives It is like a former feature on Oldcp called "Zombies". We still don't know anything about it many theories are out there and we may not find out till much later. And many theories are proven wrong will some interest Hashir.


New Law About Weddings.

Recently Damen made a interesting post about a popular formal event on here known as Weddings. Damen made a LAW about weddings he said that they must be approved by him, they MUST BE FREE, the must be male and female only, once you have his blessing you are wedded, and he can provide guards if needed. The new law is quite interesting and makes unreasonable weddings now unneeded. So it makes weddings needing to be approved by Damen or you will be needing to have a trial. This law is kind of harsh and kind of not if you ask me because it means trusted users may not be able to have a wedding unless Damen says you can have a wedding.

Imperial Military.

Recently our Emperor Helpers Tennis released something we already know of. It is called the Imperial Military. But now he has updated it if we have any trouble in combat he will take action and prepare each group of ranks or rank in order of combat level and expertise. He strictly said "This doesn't mean you can ORDER mods around" BUT the can take command over moderators in a combat situation. Tennis then explains what is what in a combat situation Tennis ranks each official by color and you may ask "what about the other users" They are our reserved combatants.

Birthdays And POTD

~Help Is The Player Of The Day!

~Happy Birthday 1950Gal!

~Happy Birthday Bellagurt1!

~Happy Birthday Greeny!

~Happy Birthday FakeThinknoodles!

~Happy Birthday Alex Arudo!


2,178 posts
Posted in Moderator Isn't Easy. • 9th July 2015, 01:05 PM


Today I will be talking about something that pretty much everybody wants to achieve and have one day. It's a popular rank that users try to apply for at least once a day. It's a rank named and commonly known as Moderator. I'm going to talk about something that I hear and see around the community a lot. And those words are: "Moderator is EASY!" And as a past Moderator on Oldcp and the Forums let me tell you it's not easy. So I will be talking about this today so I hope you enjoy and be sure to leave a like below and you can leave your opinion to.

Is Moderator Easy?

NO it is not easy. I admit before I was a Mod it kind of looked easy. But after earning it and doing my job it is not easy. People it is not easy so you can stop saying it and complaining to the mods that "Oh you're job is easy stop complaining!" Okay to those users would you want to be asked questions 24/7, be SWAMPED with friend requests, and pretty much having to stay up till midnight maybe even LONGER to keep the site safe? Does that sound easy? No it isn't Mod is a job that is fun but people think it is easy because "apparently" People think sitting up on a shop and just talking is easy. No you have to work hard be experienced and be trusted and then users FRAME mods by saying "Oh all they do is sit on the Gift Shop and do nothing else!" Look that is just making a mods job harder. I was being DISSED on Skype one day! How does that make look easy and then being kicked off the staff. Does that seem easy to you? A mods job is to moderate and keep the sight safe and that's what mods do! They're job is NOT easy.

What Mods Do For Us.

People say there job is easy and all the do is sit on a Gift Shop or a Coffee Shop and not do there jobs. But those people are just rude and trying to frame them so then they can be demoted. Mods DESERVE respect they work there butts off trying to keep the site safe they're job is stressful and painful sometimes. There are people out there who will frame you and even if you do the SLIGHTEST mistake they will capture it so you can get demoted. People you should learn to actually RESPECT those people because they worked hard so they can actually keep US safe they work there tails off I even know Saber comes on at 6:00 AM-6:30 so she can start her day. Those people put forth time, effort, dedication, and heart into there job. They work hard for us to me they pretty much would spend a lifetime if they could they work hard for us that much and people need to show a little respect for them.

Last Words.

So I hope you learned that Mod isn't easy if you think mod is easy then try being a Administrator. Moderator is one of the hardest jobs here just ask the Mods. Mod is stressful, painful, and can be kind of hard. If you don't think so go ask me, past mods, or the mods right now. People need to learn that it is hard and is not everything. So I hope you enjoyed this post and be sure to leave your opinions down below.

2,178 posts
Posted in UNFAIR TREATMENT • 9th July 2015, 09:34 AM

well i doubt he knows how i feel.
Oldcp! They won't care how you feel I get picked on all the time at other cppes's yet I don't throw a tantrum complaining. You need to be mature and all I say if someone starts messing with me "Thanks! (:" Then walk away do that and It will help.

2,178 posts
Posted in UNFAIR TREATMENT • 8th July 2015, 06:31 PM

Listen.. People get treated like you may be all the time. That's life life is not fair people like the ones you just posted about will do this kind of stuff. I understand that people will snap one day. But remember when Damen was getting swamped left and right by people who were treating him unfairly? He didn't snap so I appreciate you standing up for yourself but this is what people will do I was treated that way once but I learned to be oblivious to comments. If someone starts this again just do this. "Thanks! (;"

2,178 posts
Posted in The Retirement of The Fire • 8th July 2015, 06:20 PM

Aww I will miss him to. But like Manaic I have a few questions. Shouldn't Djjnn healers like you be trained to deal with this kind of stuff? I understand that he is dangerous and all but you could defend yourself to if anything happens or you could get healed by Damen and become Dancebear II.

And if your wondering how he could attack Dance you saw Mico loose control since he did The Fire could also loose control and he is a hand guard which means a expert at combat so Dance will not stand a chance against him if he had possibly been kept around longer.

2,178 posts
Posted in 3000 Reputation • 8th July 2015, 06:14 PM

Your Welcome (: Congrats and gahh your catching up to meeee! Btw congrats can't wait to see you get 1000 posts and 4000 rep! (';

2,178 posts
Posted in Wedding of High Priest Mico and Lady Cheep • 8th July 2015, 06:06 AM

Congrats I hope you to are happy together! I'm not sure if I can attend but anyways good luck and hopefully I can be able to hear or see the wedding! (: =).

2,178 posts
Posted in News With Starwolf. #1 • 8th July 2015, 06:04 AM

Noel wrote on 7th July 2015 11:43 PM:
Great post! I bet you will be a News Reporter!
Thanks I'd love to try out being a News Reporter sometime sooner or later! (: