538 posts
Posted in Members Earning Gold • 13th April 2014, 02:20 PM

There are people out there that are demoted Masters that I don't think this will be fair to them. How about you need to have a certain amount of posts before you earn gold? I still think it's a good suggestion. I'm just adding on to it. doesn't get rid of the problem...I just makes them make useless discussions to get to that certain number.
I THINK it should be based on rep. 300+ rep should earn gold.

538 posts
Posted in Frenando's Adventures! • 13th April 2014, 02:14 PM

Here is all of Frenando's video's so far!


Murder Mystery

Oldcp News with Frenando,,,*FAIL!

Thanks for all your support!

538 posts
Posted in Bane and Rover Misconceptions Explained • 13th April 2014, 01:19 PM

Yay thanks Damen but l thought you said you were Rover if lm wrong sorry it didn't get this someone else told me
As Damen said, please read the post carefully...
Rover is a real person.
Yet, he played as her AFTER she abused her powers.

538 posts
Posted in Bane and Rover Misconceptions Explained • 13th April 2014, 01:15 PM

Amen.. After all, this is supposed to be a community of players sharing a love for this virtual world.
Kick back, and enjoy all the amazing things Damen creates.

538 posts
Posted in About me -MrLion • 12th April 2014, 08:41 PM

*bows* Thank you, I hope my realm treats you well
Not only will it, but I HAS for a year and a half.

538 posts
Posted in About me -MrLion • 12th April 2014, 08:34 PM

Your story is most touching. :(

I am sorry to hear about this. Even though this may be in the past and perhaps you have already dealt with the pain, may I invite you to read some encouraging points that may broaden your understanding on why bad things happen to us, even though we don't deserve it??

I saw how you mentioned God in your post, and God is often thought to control all the things that happen, thought to destine us to a certain course. Yet, you will find the Bible does not support this way of thinking. If you've read some of the Bible before, perhaps you didn't realise some of the amazing and heart stirring truths inside it, truths that are often mis-understood or ignored in common society & religion.

Here is an excellent read on why we suffer:

And of course, I cannot myself imagine the pain since I have not encountered such a tragedy before but many have, and trust me there is a hope I would love to invite you to learn of.

So I got a PDF download here, of a magazine you could take time to read and it may well help you understand more:

Also some more info if you would be interested, regarding Why we die in the first place, knowledge you may already have some understanding on anyway:

And all this is sourced from the official site of Jehovah's Witnesses

Perhaps you have heard of Jehovah's witnesses before? All the content is based purely on the bible.

I never knew these things happened to you, and it is courageous and hard I imagine for you talk about it, especially publicly.

If you want to talk more about the things above, I'll be happy to :)

I hope you can take time to look into the help, it will aid you lots!

cya later
See, this is what I am talking about. This Community is just...the best group of people.
Damen, I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to post this.
Of course I will look into it.
I are very wise and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
Although it has been a year, I'm not sure if I would like to talk about it as of now...
yet, I may in the future.
Thank you so much

538 posts
Posted in About me -MrLion • 12th April 2014, 06:53 PM

Alright, I had all I could take to keep me from crying while reading this I found myself meeting you when reading this and when we first went to the /jr ninja room those where amazing times that I will always hold on to. Man, I am terribly sorry I never knew this side of the story an the courage of you opening up to everyone is simply amazing. You're an amazing guy a hard working person and most of all you where the sun to my sky for the longest time even though we grew apart I must say Chandler you are strong,kind,sweet, and so amazing. I wish you so much luck as you grow more. ^_^ you're amazing an no one could POSSIBLY take your place in my friend shelf thank you for making me the person I am today who knows maybe someday you'll find those 'pictures' in the /jr ninja room :3

This def made me smile!! Omg, your an amazing part of me too.
I burned those pictures lmao

538 posts
Posted in About me -MrLion • 12th April 2014, 06:27 PM

This is a very touching post. But everybody has very tough parts in their life. There will be bumps in the road of life sometimes. But at least your best friend is in a very good place now :)
This is true. It's just the fact that she was my TRUE love, something I didn't believe existed...And then in ONE instance she's gone.

538 posts
Posted in About me -MrLion • 12th April 2014, 06:25 PM

I have ADHD like you did. I am very hyper and I can stay up for 3 days or so with no sleep. Am so sorry that Kate died I hope she is in a better place and remember if you want to talk abut it you have your mates to talk to. I hope your life gets better.

Best Wishes

Thanks, that's one thing I love about this place. Everyone is here for everyone.

538 posts
Posted in About me -MrLion • 12th April 2014, 05:59 PM

Hey guys, I am going to do something I have never done.
I am going to share a story that ONLY one person alive knows..
Chandler (me)

This is my story. I am the son of a State Trooper and a Nurse. I practically grew up camping, and being out doors is the one place I feel I am at home. Since then I have done 2 Expeditions where my skills and knowledge are tested.

I was an ADHD kid. Which means I was always HYPER HYPER HYPER. and I had the attention span of a 1 year old. So, as you can Imagine I wasn't a reader or a straight "A" student.
As I got older, I dropped the "H" portion (hyperactive) and became a more reserved and layed back guy. I was always open to new people, and was pretty good as charming the ladies haha.
When I turned 10 years old, I decided to read the Lord of the Rings...and feel in love with it!! I read the trilogy in under a year(HUGE for me) It changed my life. It's not the syfy portion that changed me, it's JRR Tolkien's world and mythology that did.

Now here's the part that I have kept secret for sometime. During my sophomore year of high school, I was at a track meet. I got 2nd place and a girl that just started school and made the team told me how fun it was to watch me run lol She made me laugh. That evening I couldn't figure it out but there was something...odd I was feeling. It wasn't like a "omg shes so beautiful" it was "I can't get her out of my head, and I get choked up". I never thought Love at first sight was real...But as real. A month past and I finally got the courage to ask her to the Homecoming Dance. She said yes, and we went! It was one of those nights you wished never ends.
We dated for a year and a half.
We we're so happy and we had GREAT time together. There was never any dead air.

Life was.....perfect.

Last year, I was at a church retreat when my pastor pulled me aside and told me my dad was on the phone. He said, "Chandler, we are coming to get you" I remember thinking my grandpa had past away. >.<
When I got home they sat me down.... LONGEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE..
Each word felt like a knife going in my back...
They explained how Kate had been in an accident. She was killed instantly by a drunk driver

My life was OVER.

That was the roughest time in my life thus far. She was EVERYTHING. I kept asking God..Why her? Why not me too? She was to be my wife, the barer of my child, my life.
Since then I have written a couple of *possible* books on my thoughts.

If you were a friend of mine, you'd find me always sitting outside..
It's where I feel closer to God, and to her.
Thought I will never get over it, I have to move on.. God left me here without her for a reason.
It's my job to figure out why.

Ever since then I have had trouble being around other women..I felt weird going out with someone that wasn't.... her. Idk, If you don't understand what I am will.

I know this didn't exactly end up in a good place...yet, this is an ongoing process. I am now trying to figure out what I am going to do with my life.

Part of the point of this post is for you guys to always cherish what you have. In any instant it can be ripped from your hands.

Thanks for reading, you guys mean a lot to me.

538 posts
Posted in Extras Store Returns! • 12th April 2014, 01:42 PM

I am glad the extras store is back.
As am I!

538 posts
Posted in Extras Store Returns! • 12th April 2014, 01:15 PM

Wow Mr Lion you have really helped me. I can't wait to use it but what is the command o use it? Btw you have a nice back garden ~Bill~
Check out Damen's Post for the commands!

538 posts
Posted in Extras Store Returns! • 12th April 2014, 01:13 PM

....and as always, AMAZING! +1
Haha, you're too kind!

538 posts
Posted in Extras Store Returns! • 12th April 2014, 01:07 PM

WOO! The extras have returned!!

Have fun everyone!
....and as always, stay beautiful Oldcp!

538 posts
Posted in How cool is Mr. Lion? • 12th April 2014, 10:38 AM

Oh my. Well! Thank you so much for the kind words! It means a lot to know I have a bunch of support!