538 posts
Posted in Oldcp News 4/17/14 • 17th April 2014, 01:19 PM

This is Brilliant I can see why you are a news reporter. Also for laughs can you make a video one day of you in your ci-ac(forgot how to spell it :P) anyway It would be great to see you on the water and also well done Mr lion. 1+
Ah, yes! This has been requested many times...yet I am not sure it'd be a good idea to bring my laptop on the water.
But, If I find a way I will!! *Kayak* is the correct spelling
Thanks for the kind words!

538 posts
Posted in Oldcp News 4/17/14 • 17th April 2014, 01:16 PM

Why are you so good at the news! XD -Luke
Idk, but I have SOO much fun doing them!

538 posts
Posted in Oldcp News 4/17/14 • 17th April 2014, 01:10 PM

Hey everyone, MrLion here! I hope you all are having a great day!
It's Thursday, so it's time for another episode of OldcpNews!

Thanks for watching!
Did I do good? Tell me how I did below!

P.S. Archie and I have a birthday on the 23rd! SAME DAY! :D

....and as always, stay beautiful Oldcp!

538 posts
Posted in Moderator Application: MrLion • 17th April 2014, 11:45 AM

Best Moderator Application, Ever! Keep Up The Awesome Work And The Awesome OldCP News. MrLion4Mod

~Yours Truly,

~The Marvelous iKaitlyn
Wow, thanks everyone for the kind words! I appreciate every one of you... you guys are awesome!

538 posts
Posted in Frenando's Easter Party • 16th April 2014, 10:06 PM

Hey guys MrLion here!

Here is a video of Frenando and his crowd turning blue and wishing the Island a very Happy Easter! always, stay beautiful Oldcp!

538 posts

I'll just watch, but I say good luck to Tennis. Sadly, I cannot actually "watch" the fight I'll be in a car. So Damen, can you post the fight on youtube? Please.

Good luck to all competing.
I will post it!

538 posts
Posted in Moderator Application: MrLion • 16th April 2014, 02:18 PM

Great application, well thought out! It's probably better than my one for OldCP, I made one for in-game yesterday.

P.S: Your birthday is one day before mine...
Whoops I didn't put the right day, It's the 23rd sorry haha

538 posts
Posted in Moderator Application: MrLion • 16th April 2014, 01:19 PM

Hello everyone, MrLion here!
I've decided It is time to make an in-game moderator application. Here it is:

Penguin Name: MrLion
Age: 18 on the 23nd of April 2014

Why don't I start out by telling you all a bit about myself!

I am currently a freshman in college and am earning my basics(Almost done with my first semester!!). I am an outdoors-y type. I go camping during the Spring Breaks and such quite often. :) I am actually currently planning a National Geographic Expedition, in which I'll spend an entire 2 weeks on the National Buffalo River in Northern Arkansas with just a camera and basic necessities.
I am generally easy going, and am slow to anger. In other words, you have to try really hard to make me angry!
I'd like to say I am humble, and most call me "too nice", but I take this as a compliment!
I am a HUGE JRR Tolkien fan...I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy every year ^-^ And watch the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings every chance I get (even on my phone) haha I'm a Middle Earth nerd, but whats wrong with that?!
I am the Music Director at my church and play in the church band (keyboard/drums) every Sunday:)
Sunwolf is my current girlfriend! Love you sunny!!!
(inside joke) and my husband has returned: Animal!
Anything else you'd like to know about the way of the Lion, ask! :D

My current job here on DamenSpike is News Anchor on #oldcpnews I have a GREAT time talking in front of the camera, and I love the fact that you all support my news!

My Goals here on OldCP:

~Earn respect of users in-game
~Get over 30 subscribers on #oldcpnews
Not yet!
~Earn Master on Forums
Not yet!
~Earn Moderator (oldcp/forums)
Not yet!
~Possibly earn Administrator (got to keep a positive attitude!)
Not yet!

That's it!

I think everyone would make a great moderator if you put your mind to it!
But, I think I am especially cut out for this job, Why you ask? Well I'll tell you:

~I am on for AT LEAST 5-6 hours a day.
~I am constantly on forums 24/7
~I am an active helper in any situation that I am able.
~I am EXTREMELY friendly and always try to be the first friend new users have :)
~I work well with others and under pressure ( in fact I work BEST with groups rather than on my own)
~I have a high tolerance for stress, and can work just fine in stressful situations
~I have NO trouble taking charge in a situation that requires authority
~I don't get angry very often, but if I do I usually don't show it.
~People respect my decisions
~I am very loyal, 100%

New Moderator requirements:(pasted directly from Cyberwolf's post on the matter.. )

1. have a forum acc
2. have over 100 posts
3. have popularity of 500 profile views
4. must have no sibling that plays OldCP
5. must be the age 12-19
6. must have been a member of OldCP for more than 7 months
7. must have been a member of DSGHQ for more than 5 months
I think this is a check!
8. must type with good grammar and must have correct spelling.
9. must be intelligent and mature for their age
I'd like to think so, but that's up to Damen!

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! This community is something VERY special. I wouldn't be who I am today if it were not for this game. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a wonderful rest of the evening!!


538 posts
Posted in Poor Luke • 15th April 2014, 10:17 PM

Today as you all know sir Luke the X Prince was shot. Now as the CPPS didn't record the shootings of all users who was dead. So the data was erased for ever. Now I just want to say sorry Luke. Your virtual life has been going up and down. You came this far just to be nocked down again. You virtual life has been ruined and I am sorry sir Luke. You didn't deserve this and at the end of the day things like the happen. I with you the best in the future


Bill and iTom
How about sorry to ALL who lost their accounts..

538 posts
Posted in Breaking News: Penguins Dead • 15th April 2014, 08:48 PM

This is a sad time in Oldcp history.

I am truly troubled by what happened and am very sorry to those who have lost their usernames:

We WILL rise from these ashes! Oldcp will NOT BE brought down by such a heinous crime...

For now, this is Oldcp News for Tuesday,

538 posts
Posted in an Aspect of My Life • 14th April 2014, 02:41 PM

Hey everyone, MrLion here!

This is a sort of "test" for my audio and video
Plus, I wanted to show you another aspect of my life. I am a HUGE JRR Tolkien fan, and have been studying his works for about 3 1/2 years or so.
I thought in order for you guys to understand who I am in more depth, you need to know about what my interests are.

Here is a "short" clip: TIP OF THE ICEBERG of the world of Middle Earth

Here is a better video with better quality:

Yes, this is still a focal point in my life. And, I still study major works of Tolkien.

If you want more, tell me about it! I might just show the first part of the first appendices: Showing the castings, Peter Jackson and the search to make this trilogy into a major film franchise. always, stay beautiful Oldcp!

538 posts
Posted in About me -MrLion • 14th April 2014, 12:02 PM

My god...your making me cry....That's what happend to me...just a little different...

My best friend...she was killed...she was the one who was there for me, defending me from bullies...I could never forget her.

You are my idol...having a loss like you and me, it's really tough to get over.

Telling people this takes courage. I wanna to thank you for having the courage to overcome this. You are more than and idol, your a god.

These words are so touching I'm tearing up replying to you.

GodBless you
Thank you for the kind words...but I am no god. I am simply playing with the cards I have been given.

538 posts
Posted in Busy • 13th April 2014, 10:27 PM

Hello, guys.

Just letting you know it, I can't be online in tomorrow. I have very busy and also school too for 2 days. I maybe will come online on Tuesday, I was having in Spring break, But I had very busy with stuffs in tomorrow. If I wasn't online on Tomorrow, It means I have very busy! :( If this is shorter post, I can't remember it about anything.
We all get busy at times, I understand. We'll be ready to party when you get back!! ;)

538 posts
Posted in Dance Party! • 13th April 2014, 05:56 PM

Hey everyone, MrLion here!

I decided to celebrate after I had reached 300 rep on Forums!!
Let the party BEGIN!

Thanks everyone!
....and as always, stay beautiful Oldcp!


538 posts
Posted in Members Earning Gold • 13th April 2014, 02:30 PM

Or the ones who spam could lose the privilege of earning gold by making posts.
This would work, but it just takes MORE time out of Damen's busy schedule to determine if the user if doing this or not