538 posts
Posted in why i resigned • 24th February 2019, 09:18 AM

You've been administrator for as long as I can remember. I can only imagine what that responsibility comes with.
This makes me happy that I'm not the only one who wants the old game we had back. I recently posted about it.
Thanks for everything you've done for this community and our OldCP.

538 posts
Posted in Advanced Training • 22nd February 2019, 08:21 AM

Exceptional work. I think it's great that you're willing to take the time to show people what to do.

538 posts
Posted in hacker report • 22nd February 2019, 08:18 AM

I'm confused as to what the facts are here. I agree with Zelrus in this instance. Photo/video evidence would help tremendously when determining whose story is accurate.

538 posts
Posted in February 18-20 News • 21st February 2019, 05:36 PM

I love how your news posts flow. With the combination of visual writing and photos makes it seem like you didn't miss anything.
Thanks for the dedication!

538 posts
Posted in Freehawk Sign-Ups [GOM Winter 2019] • 21st February 2019, 05:35 PM

Co-leader TBA, eh? Hmm.

538 posts
Posted in Why Damen's feet are smelly • 21st February 2019, 05:33 PM

Just. Why.

538 posts
Posted in Art of Pablo 7 - The Weeknd • 21st February 2019, 05:31 PM

I keep trying to find better words than the last time I commented on your work and I can't find anything else. Its. just. amazing.

538 posts
Posted in new excuse for being allowed to break the rules • 21st February 2019, 08:46 AM

pretty sure this is a joke, but i guess this goes for excuses users make that can prevent a moderator from making the right decision when it comes punishing a user.
for example yknow a user using something bad happening in their personal life as an excuse for them to be able to break rules.

My point exactly. I agree

538 posts
Posted in Draconian Treaty Of Das • 21st February 2019, 07:45 AM

Will this truly be enough for the Dracs? Or will they thirst more now that they've tasted the cup of power?

538 posts
Posted in new excuse for being allowed to break the rules • 21st February 2019, 07:42 AM

my man this was a joke but true statement

My b. Lol but that's just how I feel if this were legit

538 posts
Posted in new excuse for being allowed to break the rules • 20th February 2019, 09:59 AM

Here's the thing...we're a community. We care for our own. With that said, because be care, when someone breaks the rules they should be punished the same as everyone else. Not only to deter that person from doing it again but also so everyone else (who follow the rules) has a pleasant experience.
Dont get me wrong, it is sad if this Make A Wish thing is true... and we will be there for that person as a community. But when you break the rules, regardless the situation, you should get the same kind of punishment everyone else receives.

538 posts
Posted in Imperial Vote • 20th February 2019, 08:49 AM

Oh sounds interesting! I'll try to be there

538 posts
Posted in Some sort of afterlfie in OldCP • 18th February 2019, 08:05 PM

This is super creative. It would be super interesting how the rooms would look. Maybe a glazed over look with fog?

538 posts
Posted in The Old OldCP • 18th February 2019, 07:56 PM

This has been on my mind for some time now.

The last time I posted a discussion on forums was back in 2015. Granted this forum has not been completely active during this span of time, I still can't believe that it's truly been 6+ years since I sat down at my computer and started to resent Disney and how they handled redisigning Club Penguin. I'm an extremely sentimental person when it comes to childhood happy memories. I remember staying up until midnight on the eve of certain parties, along with just the overall hype of holidays such as Halloween and Christmas, with so much anticipation. I remember back when a lot of my friends in real life were active in the game. So when Disney took over, it changed so much... and I left.
I found myself going back year to year to my favorite parties. They may not have been Rsnail's, but they at least were semi-nostalgic. After several years.. it was barely even Club Penguin anymore. I didn't really want to get on anymore.

That's when I found OldCP. I couldn't believe it! The old rooms and overall feel of my childhood was online! And I didn't even have to pay! I could sign in, earn credits, become the infamous mascots, make new friends, earn the always-mysterious moderator role. It was awesome to see Damen's work. Making rooms like the office with original Club Penguin objects, opening this forum as a way to expand, etc.

NOW with all of this said, I may hurt some feelings here. It's not my intention. This is just my opinion.
When Damen began implementing GOT, LOTR and various other fantasy lore, things became different again.

Suddenly OldCP didn't seem like the old game I used to play. Damen did what any game developer would do, he made it his own. Now please don't take this as I'm in opposition to Damen's new work. I love the new Crime Zone, all the new areas, new ranks and weapons. I also love how much more open he is with the community. Having the new create videos and letting people have a say in how their new weapons and such look. I love how he has a fresh new and much more involved roll in the game.

As to the point of this is my proposal. For most of us, we came here in hopes to find the game we once loved. As I did. Is it possible to create a seperate server to bring back OldCP v1? Not to take away from the existing game but just as a way to get new users? Way back when, there weren't many ranks. If memory serves me correct there was only moderator and administrator. There weren't queens, kings or employers. Most of us were just regular penguins doing what we pretty much did in the original game. New users didn't feel so left out. When they joined, they were pretty much like the rest of us. At least that's how I felt when I joined a server back in 2013. Plus now new users have to spend a good chunk of time having learn so much from the very begining. The number of users have dropped so dramatically.

Maybe implement parties on the holidays like the original? Dress up the island like they used to! I think it would be fun for everyone to dress up and party!

This isn't really a complete thought to be honest. It's meant to be expanded upon. And I wasn't quite sure when the right time was to present this to the community. But nonetheless... here it is. Either way, I LOVE the DSGHQ and the people in it. Some of you I have known now for more than half a decade. That's pretty awesome.

Well if you made it this far.. than I truly appreciate you taking the time to read this entire post. Means a lot to me; even if my opinion isn't the same as your's.


538 posts
Posted in Art of Pablo 6 - TLOU Piano • 17th February 2019, 01:17 PM

So glad to see another person who loves the piano as much as I do! This is so relaxing to listen to. Thanks Pablo!