Posted in
The Desolation
1st May 2014, 05:32 PM
When I first saw your post and your pictures I was in complete silence and complete shock. I hope you and your family can recover and have a great time!
Posted in
hobbit animation
1st May 2014, 05:16 PM
Cool. I find the Hobbit very interesting and very cool to watch ancient times.
Posted in
Snaildom Coding
1st May 2014, 05:04 PM
This game will be in ancient history because it is so cool and it will run smooth. Damen makes the best kind of games!!
Posted in
Sundaze Talk - Mod Comp Teams
30th April 2014, 04:59 PM
Today we will talk about teams on Oldcp. The team I lead is the Agents, Key123 leads the Freehawks, and adawg leads the Realhawks. People are making more teams too. If you have not joined a team, and you wish to participate I recommend joining a good team or make a good one. Bye!
Posted in
New Profile picture
30th April 2014, 04:55 PM
Maybe transformers, or like monster trucks??
Posted in
I need a team
30th April 2014, 04:51 PM
There are the Agents (which I lead), Freehawks, Realhawks, etc. +
Posted in
Just Stop It!
29th April 2014, 08:23 PM
They are confident . It is not considered advertising, it is just things people say to be confidential and pumped up!
Posted in
Tips how to make a good post
29th April 2014, 08:18 PM
This should go in the Help and Support section. Good post still basic though lol
Posted in
Agents Team Info
29th April 2014, 08:12 PM
Lol thanks guys I wish ya luck in the competition too! And yep Minty I was your rival before when I was on Gamers lol.
Posted in
TDAS! ep 9 sports times!
29th April 2014, 07:33 PM
I didn't get that all I was in complete silence, whatever going with it nice post .
Posted in
Agents Team Info
29th April 2014, 07:25 PM
This is about the Agents. The leader is me, the Co-leader is Chococow. We need more members to join comment below if you would like to join and see how it goes. Our team is very fair and we treat everyone equally nice! We don't mind if we see some other people voting for other teams because we understand but once in a while we like to see some supporters and cheer for us to do good and work as hard as we can...The Agents has been created in about V6 when my Sundaze was banned and I had Cpinspector, we get pretty far in the game we usually get down to the top 3 at the end but not always. We use great loyalty and teammwork. Check my Sundaze Talk for the times and days we meet together! We have fun together and we are nice to each other. It is great to have a team like this so trustworthy and who follows the directions. If you chose to join then I am sure you would do the same with your teammates that we love like family, lol. Please choose to join the team if you wish but if you don't it is okay. (Note: No application required) Feel free to comment!