Posted in
Fail at a 3D picture
29th April 2014, 06:22 PM
It's not so bad, in my opinion I think it is really good!!
Posted in
Sundaze Talk STHA Studios
29th April 2014, 06:02 PM
The newest members of the Agents team I am leading for moderator competition are apart of the STHA Studios. If you would like to sign up then do it in the comments! Check out Minty's way how to troll people in his album it's getting to be a hit and it is pretty good. When we meet it is the same as the moderator competition except some people that aren't doing the moderator competition are attached to the team if they comment. Monday 5:30 P.M. EST USA, 10:30 P.M. UK, Wednesday 6:15 P.M. USA EST, 11:15 P.M. UK, Saturday 2:00 P.M. USA EST, 7:00 P.M. UK. Feel free to comment!
Posted in
Horrid- Ep. 1 Animal Testing
27th April 2014, 08:33 PM
I just got home and saw a rabbit in my yard, he was blind.
Posted in
Sundaze Talk
27th April 2014, 08:25 PM
This is the new Sundaze Talk!! So first the moderator competition starts May 2nd, people are making teams around this time. I have made team Agents when I was Cpinspector or well had that account while I was banned. If you want to join just message me and I will let you join! Second, the ice ghosts and ice lords have been coming. They freeze people too so watch out for them, they also have a extra that they can buy for 2000 gold. So you can check it out. There are new updates on the calendar check em' out!! I hope you enjoyed, feel free to comment!
Posted in
Moderator Competiton - Agents
26th April 2014, 07:50 PM
Yeah, I accidently clicked the wrong thing.
Posted in
Moderator Competiton - Agents
26th April 2014, 07:40 PM
Hey everyone, I know that you probably remember the Agents. Well I am bringing them back and it will be very fun, it will still be lead by me. The time for the moderator competition days is 5PM EST so if you could make it when we see each other. We will meet some days! Monday - 6:30 PM EST 11:30PM UK, Wednesday - 5:30 PM EST, 10:30 PM UK, Saturday - 2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM UK, so we will meet those days. Some days it will be canceled by I will give heads up!! Comment on my mood to join if you would like to join, thanks!! ☺
Posted in
Sundaze Talk - Bad news....
26th April 2014, 07:18 PM
lf you made the post how do you get your internet??
My phone service is not the same internet as my computer service so if you use the phone you can get the forums to work.
Posted in
Sundaze Talk - Bad news....
24th April 2014, 08:28 PM
My internet has not been working at all, except for this phone. My phone is not the same internet as the computer's. So, Oldcp does not work on my phone and only this forum. The problem is I've been looking everywhere for a box for my internet to connect with but I have not found one! So I will be on as soon as I can!!! Bye.
Posted in
I am thankful for...
23rd April 2014, 08:27 PM
I am thankful for Terry because I have known him for a while, we have played and have had fun together, and I am grateful I have met him! __________ I am thankful for happyfeetjer because he is like a virtual brother to me, I have known him for a long time we even met irl, he is funny, cool, and a CRaZY friend!!! ___________ I am also thankful for Dice because I was just playing and I saw a new player Dice I met him and he is awesome. He respects lots of people and helps as much as he can!
Posted in
Gonna see the new movie?
23rd April 2014, 08:18 PM
Yeah I saw Bears the movie advertisements on Disney channel, TeenNick, and in movie theaters. It looks pretty interesting, I myself might actually like it and I am a 12 year old boy.
Posted in
STHA Studios
23rd April 2014, 07:26 PM
Okay you can be co-leader and we meet Monday, Wednesday, and the Saturday's after I pay you at 5:30 P.M. USA est 10:30 P.M. UK
Posted in
STHA Studios
23rd April 2014, 07:12 PM
I am proud to announce STHA Studios is back up and ready for business. We meet at /jr fizz I will be assigning jobs so you may sign up I promise to give out gold every Saturday for the pay's. It depends how much time you are on and how much work you will do. ________Leader Sundaze : Leader of group, creator and commander. ________(Slot Open) Co-Leader Second In Command: Take job; Co leader of group, half commander, in group, assistant of leader. ________Mascot; much help of group, gets people to join, tells people what this group does, etc. (Mascot Open) (Servant of group open); Helps make decisions of what to do in meetings, and posts. Makes group good. S- Sundaze/Sir T- Talk H- Helping A- Association, you can join if you want you do not have to do it. No applications, or begging to join included. Group members may contact me for....... Skype @ Legitboy7321 Here on forum @ Sir.