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44 posts
Posted in Throwbacks! Including GOM 2014 • 5th October 2015, 07:45 PM

Awesome :D sarabareille was me :3, last picture is of Cyberwolf's former CPPS doe.

44 posts
Posted in GOM Speech • 5th October 2015, 04:01 PM

Frozo wrote on 4th October 2015 10:20 PM:
wait who won did you win what is even happening help
Read the discussion my dear Frozo. :3
Tent Stags wrote on 4th October 2015 11:20 PM:
Congratulations Sadie! You deserve it.
creamyyy wrote on 5th October 2015 07:02 AM:
you're are one of the best moderators yet. i am super happy you got this
Allison Riddle wrote on 5th October 2015 07:14 AM:
Amazing speech Sadie! By the way, congratulations on winning! You will be a great mod!
Anna wrote on 5th October 2015 12:51 PM:
congrats Sadie!
You deserve it. (:
Thank you guys <3

44 posts
Posted in Make Cars and More for LeoRPG • 5th October 2015, 03:58 PM

In school I have a class called "CAD" and its (Computer Aided Design) you make drawings with the computer... its quite interesting. :) I can't wait to get designing!

44 posts
Posted in Master Application • 4th October 2015, 11:17 PM

Swell application, good luck!

44 posts
Posted in GOM Speech • 4th October 2015, 10:03 PM

Jesse wrote on 4th October 2015 09:53 PM:
I'm really proud of you Sadie. Nice job everyone who competed in the GOM!
I'm proud of you too, and thank you!
Halloween wrote on 4th October 2015 09:56 PM:
ily!I'm super duper glad you got Moderator back.I hope you do better this time.I know you will make a great moderator.

I love you too <3 thanks for your amazing words.
Frozo wrote on 4th October 2015 09:58 PM:
*makes damen's name red to make post look fancy and official*
Right. ;)

44 posts
Posted in GOM Speech • 4th October 2015, 09:45 PM


So as many of you know the GOM Autumn had ended. It was a very long three days, many teams rose and fell. One even conquered the GOM for a second season! Many users had been recognized this year as finalists, and all of them competed with ease. This season was quite interesting, and in my case most shocking.

The winning team this season was the fabulous team Kacket, lead by the one and only Kara [Kacket]. This team did fantastic honestly and smashed so many tasks. The teammates on this team were nonetheless in sync. The team fell the second day but took back on the finals. I was able to be on this amazing team and I can easily say that this team works hard, they train ahead of schedule... its makes me awestruck. Therefore well done to this team and everyone whom was on it. Kara congratulations on your team, our team winning yet again another GOM season.

As the finalist were chosen I found myself in a place as a finalist, I was personally shocked. All finalist went through interviews (credits to Hashir for giving me questions) and all did extraordinary from what I heard. Lastly came the longest, most taunting task ever... the pizza parlor task. This is where some users fell, some succeeded, and some users had been recognized for the first time. However when called back to the office Damen gave his words to the finalists, he did that with the most truthful & positive words. Then alas' the hesitation came.. Damen said his final line, before giving the winners name he paused (such a scary time for the finalists) finally he said a name, this name was close to me... it was me, Sadie. I seriously was in awe, my emotions had been everywhere at this point... why me? What did I do that somebody didn't do? I kept asking myself multiple questions such as that. I'm truthfully honored though and I will not let the DSGHQ down or the users.

Now since I won and I was moderator in the past obviously some users weren't all that happy and I do get that, I too would be rather lost. However you see I wasn't the only one with that golden NC, I wasn't the only one in the task. In fact there were more than the usual number of finalists! All of them did extraordinary I mean they inspired me. I ask for those who are angry for me winning to understand the choice isn't mine, the GOM winner wasn't leaked or even predicted. It was out of luck, a change in luck at that. If you didn't win this time try again. Never give up and though I may very well say this so many times to you, you can't give up. Apply, compete, and contribute. It may take years... it may take longer than expected but I can assure one day, one day you too will witness what I witness but in an entirely different way. Just stay faithful.

Thanks for reading this rather long speech, I hope you see where I'm coming from. All of you did extraordinary and I wish you the best. I believe all of you are capable of this rank, even those who weren't made a finalist. Never give up hope, faith, passion just never ever give up. Don't ring the bell my friend, I didn't.

Thank you,

44 posts
Posted in Sherlock Quiz & its pretty gr8 • 3rd October 2015, 10:41 PM

1. Benedict Cumberbatch
2. Martin Freeman
3. Andrew Scott
4. Una, I forgot her last name. It starts with an 'S' I do believe.
5. It's raining, it's pouring, Sherlock is boringI'm laughing, I'm crying, Sherlock is dying.
6. A silverish' gray, its metallic though.
7. 3
8. Phillip
9. There's three seasons overall; they each have separate episodes obviously...
Season One:
- A Study in Pink
- The Blind Banker
- The Great Game

Season Two:
- A Scandal in Belgravia
- The Reichenbach Fall
- I know I'm missing one.

Season Three:
- Many Happy Returns [Damen titles a YouTube video this; introducing the return of OldCP]
- The Empty Hearse
- The Sign of Three
- His Last Vow

10. Mark, something.
11. Yes.
12. Redbeard *cue emotions*
13. All I recall is Sherlock noticing her reactions; and facial expressions.
14. Arthur Conan Doyle
15. Iraq

You're welcome,

44 posts
Posted in Changing Teams • 3rd October 2015, 09:29 PM

Lloyd wrote on 3rd October 2015 09:16 PM:
Judge Judy said on 3rd October 2015 09:07 PM:
Lloyd said on 3rd October 2015 05:45 PM:
Interesting post, I totally agree! +1

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it Lloyd!

No problem!
Posts like yours are hard to find.
I'm not so sure of that. Everyone has a unique ability whistles they construct a discussion. ;)

44 posts
Posted in Changing Teams • 3rd October 2015, 09:07 PM

Lloyd wrote on 3rd October 2015 05:45 PM:
Interesting post, I totally agree! +1
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it Lloyd!

44 posts
Posted in Changing Teams • 3rd October 2015, 04:54 PM

Greetings Friends,

Recently I've noticed this small issue, and personally it does bug me. Not sure why but I just believe its entirely wrong of some people. This issue is of users from teams swapping out their original team for a "winning" team. This particularly bugs me for multiple reasons. It also shows me a lot about the character of that user whom left. So I just want to preach my pure emotions about this topic.

You join a team, day one of the GOM. This team is super excited that you joined, you're excited too. First task comes about and everyone on your team is pumped to compete. Sadly you don't pull through properly and lose the task. You automatically see another team in the lead, your mouth begins to get slobbery because you see them conquering. You too want to conquer.
Hours after the competition all your team is wrapped up, some may be doubtful and others happy. However you then check 'general classifications' you see the winning team(s) 1-3. You automatically begin to say "hey they're winning, i'll join the team!" Next day you're on their team... you're super happy that "your team" is winning. So now you just left your original team in which you joined and vowed to cooperate with for another. A few minutes before the first task your original team asks where you went; where did you go to. The leader notices you on another team (he/she is outraged). You just told he/she yesterday that you'd vow to be helpful on the team and be loyal. Now you left it without giving he/her recognition.

How would you feel if your own team left you?
^ Answer in honesty below. ^

Now the moral of this discussion is simply this; you don't leave something just because you believe its going down, because you believe its falling. That's not the case. You should work harder to help out your team! Don't give up on something you were passionate about. This is your team, and you can go to the very end with them! Leaving them to go to another one does not show anything other than low sportsmanship. Stay connected with your team and never leave your team, ever. This team is like your family they will help you conquer and succeed just try.

Yes this discussion is a bit pushy but in all honesty when you're passionate about something you don't give up on it. You find more solutions to help your team. Recommend, suggest, etc. Never ever, ever give up on your team I'll leave you with this;

"Its the least expected that does the unexpected."


44 posts
Posted in What is, "REP?" • 2nd October 2015, 07:12 PM

Bailey wrote on 2nd October 2015 07:11 PM:
Welcome to the DSGHQ Forum, jAidanm! "Rep" is short for reputation. Reputation is how many "likes" you receive from posts you make. You earn more reputation points when people like your posts, but you lose reputation points when people dislike your posts. I hope this helped! Enjoy your stay.
Bailey took everything I was going to originally say, and made it better.

Welcome to the DSGHQ! :D


44 posts
Posted in GOM Autumn - Stage 1 • 2nd October 2015, 07:10 PM

Well done :) thanks for the classification!

44 posts
Posted in GOM Motivational Speech! • 2nd October 2015, 04:22 PM


Today marks a very interesting day, today is the first stage of the OldCP GOM. For those who don't know what a "GOM" is its simple a competition where users compete in multiple stages to earn this rank. The GOM is where everyone can compete too; and better yet show sportsmanship, motivation, and skills. Because this is a glorious day I'd like to say a few words. I suppose you could call it a speech. So without further ado I give you my GOM speech.

(Image Credits to Damen)

The GOM (Game of Mods) is a fantastic place to make a start, and make a successful ending into a new voyage. This particular event here on the DSGHQ is where you can either go big or go small. Those who actually try will find themselves being more successful. The GOM is judges by none other than our DSGHQ staff. The staff can give points to those they see working extra hard and giving recommendations to their team. The GOM is just that, a competition that tests your limits, sportsmanship, EP, leadership, and skills. From doing this you can find yourself with a new rank of moderator. So anyone can win its more or less anyone's game.

Tips to Help You do Your Best
-The following tips can entirely help you whistles competing.-

1. Stay keen, be focused on whats happening.
2. Listen to instructions (this includes instructions from your team captain(s).
3. Do not talk unless told so; or if you wish to share ideas.
4. Stay motivated and positive.
5. Don't give up.
6. Attend all stages; don't slack!
7. If at first you don't succeed try it again.
8. Communicate with your teammates.
9. Take suggestions (they can help you).
10. Respect those around you.

Things You Shouldn't Do
-The following are things you shouldn't do whistles competing.-

1. Argue with teammates of your team and other teams.
2. Ignore all instructions and orders.
3. Be ignorant
4. Be lazy
5. Dis other teams to make them feel bad.
6. Cheat
7. Miss the majority of the competition.
8. Complain about losing a task.
9. Be reductive
10. Think you're the ultimate choice.


As the game does near many of you may be nervous, and that's entirely ok. Being nervous is something that happens when you're about to do something big. However I assure if you just do what is asked to do you'll do completely fine. Listen to your team because they know best. Suggest things too; never sit around like a bee on honey.

Speak up and be heard. Let people hear your suggestions because maybe your suggestion will be a winning suggestion for a particular task. Just think what you'll feel like if you never suggested something, you may want to suggest it but now its too late. So never be afraid to say something because you truly have nothing to lose.

Stay positive >> :D << because being positive will not only help you stay focused but you may also even make some of your teammates want to be positive. A positive attitude is a good attitude. Stay well motivated, and guess what motivating others will help keep yourself motivated too. Never ever, ever give up. If moderator is a goal you want to obtain you should do anything to achieve it. This is your time and you should use it to the best of your ability. When you put your mind to something I promise you something great will come from doing that.

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company ... a church ... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude ... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you ... we are in charge of our Attitudes."

^ Remember this attitude quote while you compete, it may very well help you. ^

^ Former video of mine for a GOM competition. This video still contains true words I'd like to share with you. ^
If you can't see the video click this: https://youtu.be/KoZu5oIm5C8 :)


44 posts
Posted in Break • 1st October 2015, 09:19 PM

Welcome back Bella, stay.

44 posts
Posted in Team Nerds for Mod comp 2k15 • 1st October 2015, 05:10 PM

Team Nerds was a former GOM team. Lead by the one and only Thisismyname, she made the team way back in the beginning days of OldCP. I was part of the team for a long time actually. The team has not been competing recently for unknown reasons; probably because Thisismyname more or less moved on.

From that I recommend not making "Team Nerds" as necessarily its not the true team that began years ago. This also may cause controversy with former members of the team and you. This team is a memorable team honestly and its even a DSGHQ house. I personally believe it wouldn't be a good idea to take the name (even though they haven't competed in quite sometime).

However I can't control you obviously but taking the name may cause some schisms.
