Posted in
The Hawk At Forest
3rd July 2014, 09:59 PM
According too all the clues the balckhawks will be attacking in 24 hours At the ski hill first!
Posted in
3rd July 2014, 09:43 PM
Me and Zeternal were just looking at the destruction. We have found what the black hawks want from us. Did you notice that all the trees are pointing to the hawk?? Those trees represent us. So what the black hawks want from us is everything! They want to rule Oldcp. More news coming,
Credit: Zeternal Imperial Knight
Credit: Zeternal Imperial Knight
Posted in
3rd July 2014, 09:37 PM
Blackhawks again??!?!?!
We dont need them back!
Well I know that Im not a free hawk or star hawks or anything like that. I'm just an ordinary penguin. But I really want to help. I hate the blackhawks and I think we should get rid of them once and for all. Please reply if you can think of a way I can help.
We dont need them back!
Well I know that Im not a free hawk or star hawks or anything like that. I'm just an ordinary penguin. But I really want to help. I hate the blackhawks and I think we should get rid of them once and for all. Please reply if you can think of a way I can help.
Posted in
dont ban maggie
3rd July 2014, 09:29 PM
i know she is nice she shouldnt be banned thats why i made this post cause she wants to be banned
WHAT?!?!?! Maggie wants to be banned?!?!? Why would a good and nice person be bad the get banned?!?!?!?
Please dont ban her! Sometimes she is kinda of mean but COMON. She is a 8 year old girl. Take pity!
Posted in
Pictures in Signature
2nd July 2014, 10:42 PM
Hi penguins!
I just need some help on how to put an image in your signature. I tried copying and pasting but thats not working. Please help!
I just need some help on how to put an image in your signature. I tried copying and pasting but thats not working. Please help!
Posted in
Penguin not found?
2nd July 2014, 10:38 PM
Actually it has happened to me too. Just don't go on Oldcp for about an hour or 2.
Hope that helps!
Hope that helps!
Posted in
Guess the User!
2nd July 2014, 10:34 PM
The only knight I have ever seen on Oldcp which user starts with a J is Jesse. If its not then i have never seen it.