143 posts
Posted in Stage 1 - Winter Mod Comp • 26th December 2014, 09:29 PM

I sadly had to go to the doctor to get 3 shots, and I left after Task #1 ended. I sincerely apologize to my team, the Warriors, for abandoning them, and I hope you understand. Other than that, congratulations to the other teams!

143 posts
Posted in Misty Versus Gamer • 19th December 2014, 01:25 PM

Gamer, I had said that you DIDN'T abuse your powers or use them, which is a good thing. You refused to kick or ban her, and decided to give her another chance.

143 posts
Posted in Misty Versus Gamer • 19th December 2014, 12:10 PM

Recently, MistyWolf has been throwing burgers at Gamer. We have both warned her repeatedly to stop, but she refused to obey him. Gamer has become so frustrated, but he's trying not to abuse his powers. I have asked Misty to stop, but she has said no. She said, "Ok fine I'll stop," then said "JK" and kept throwing burgers. Summer8cp was her partner in committing this nuisance. Gamer is trying his best to remain calm, which makes me feel sad for him. If you could help solve this issue, it would mean a worthwhile to us. Even though Gamer is the victim, it is also upsetting me.

143 posts
Posted in When mods are not on • 18th December 2014, 10:29 PM

This is very true. Moderators all from the same timezone is not efficient in protecting our community. Rather than taking shifts, it is possible to instead promote trustworthy people from different timezones. I believe that we could test it out for a day and see what happens. If this system does not work, then we're doomed XD. There are 10 year old moderators that stay up all night to play on their computer, and their parents are completely fine with it. Seems legit XD. But I mean seriously, we cannot have people staying up all night and getting in trouble! The only way we can do this is to promote moderators from around the world. During EST night, there could be people from UTC morning! It could be sort of like shifts. If you agree, feel free to leave a like. If you disagree, feel free to leave a dislike.

143 posts
Posted in My Ballet Injury :'( • 18th December 2014, 12:19 AM

Today I injured my elbow in ballet. I think I had extended my arm too quickly and it caused the tendon to become injured. It feels like a stabbing pain inside your elbow, and at first I though I fractured it. Please excuse me if I complain or type slow on Old CP or Snaildom. IT IS SO PAINFUL TYPING THIS!!! I cannot bend my arm neither can I touch my elbow! My ballet teacher had always said, "Becoming a ballerina must have some pain in the process." Ballet is SUPER painful and tiring. I tied an ice pack to my elbow following these steps:

1. Get an ice pack from the freezer.

2. Wrap it up it tissues (to prevent frostbite and such)

3. Take a dental or coughing mask for immune purposes (the one that surgeons wear on their mouth) and attach it to your arm vertically.

4. Slide the icepack within the mask

5. Tie the middle with a hair band.

And now you've got yourself an ugly but efficient ice pack healing thing-a-ma-bob! Enjoy!

I will post some pictures below of things relating to this.


143 posts
Posted in Old CP Moderator Application • 17th December 2014, 07:36 PM

All of your faith in me is so nice! I'm smiling irl right now! I just earned the Trusted Badge thanks to all of your contributions. Thank you! :D

143 posts
Posted in Old CP Moderator Application • 17th December 2014, 10:33 AM

Thank you so much guys for being so supportive!

143 posts
Posted in Old CP Moderator Application • 16th December 2014, 09:51 PM

i have seen you on oldcp a lots of time and you a really nice penguin i think would be a great mod so good luck i hope you get to be an mod

Thank you :3 I like being kind and helping others :)

143 posts
Posted in Try to make me laugh -Contest • 16th December 2014, 09:36 PM






143 posts
Posted in Old CP Moderator Application • 16th December 2014, 09:02 PM

That 1 hour was worth it, beautiful application. I hope you get mod, Good luck!

Thank you! It took time and effort to create this application.

143 posts
Posted in Old CP Moderator Application • 16th December 2014, 08:46 PM

Hello! This is my application for Old CP moderator, and I hope you enjoy it! I made quite a few changes to my most recent one, which is why it may seem quite familiar to you.


I am currently 11. Although I am young, I am as mature as an adult and I believe that I will be able to perform the job.

Rank I'm Applying For
I am applying for Old CP moderator, just in case you didn't know.

Why I'd Make A Good Moderator
I believe that we need more help protecting Old CP, especially at night. I will be one of those moderators who work their hardest, and I will be very active. We need more night moderators and those who aren't afk often. I have never been banned or kicked on any website before, and I hope to keep it that way. I think that I am trustworthy, and that I will be able to handle the job. I do not get frustrated easily and it will be EXTREMELY hard to get on my nerves. I am polite and kind, and I can help others when they need it (especially new people). I know many things that people are and aren't allowed to say, which is why I'd ban people for a good and fair reason. I am aware that being a moderator is a very frustrating job and I will have lots of drama and conflict, but that's completely fine with me. As long as I know I am contributing to society and doing something for the good, I will be happy. I think that if I was given the opportunity to become a moderator for a day, I would perform my job excellently and to the best of my ability. I believe that I am responsible enough to handle the job, which is why I am applying.

Will I Ever Abuse My Powers?
I would never! The powers that you earn are a privilege, and must be used responsibly. I know that if I ever abuse my powers, I will be demoted. If I ever DO get demoted, I will know that it was for a good cause and I will handle it in a mature way. You do not get your powers to abuse them and act like your better than anyone else. We are all equals and I would never abuse my powers only for my sake. I would only use them for a good reason that everyone agrees I should take action on,

Do You Know The Ban Order?
Yes indeed. 3 kicks--->3 bans--->1 IP ban. I plan on using it correctly and I can keep track of things like this.

Well, I have earned member on forums. I know how to help others and be nice, plus I have asked many people for proof of bad people before and have told the moderators. If there are no moderators, I make a post on forums. I can help moderators find suspects that my friends and I have witnessed. I don't know if this counts as experience, but at least it counts as helping :)!

Time Zone
I live in the PST time zone, so I am online until EST midnight and GMT 4 am. It technically can make me a day and night moderator, which is really handy and helpful.

I am online for usually at least 1 hour on weekdays (I have so much homework), and I am online for usually at least 6 hours on weekends. You may not see me very often on weekdays, which is because I am in a different time zone than most people. I go on as MUCH as possible, right after I finish my homework.

Will I Ever Lie?
I will not! I cannot tell a lie, no matter how serious. I am a very honest person and I will never do anything to hurt anyone's feelings. I will not say "Oh she did this," or "He did that!" I am not a tattletale and I don't tell on people for no reason. Although I will tell on people if they break the rules.

Are You A Fair Person?
Indeed I am. I am capable of deciding a fair punishment for the people that break the rules. Swearing is an immediate ban, spamming is a kick, being rude is a warning and a talk with the person, being inappropriate is an immediate ban, and bullying is a ban (or warning because it depends how serious). I am fair and honest, and will never ban anyone for no reason.

Are You A Mature Person?
Well, I do love to be playful and fun with my friends. But when it comes to handling a big responsibility, I will be very mature about it. It usually depends on what I am feeling or doing. If I am playing around with my friends, then I'll possibly be the TEENSIEST immature. I am very mature at most times though.

Are You Kind?
I am very kind. I love to help others in need and I am warm and welcoming to new people (and I give them a tour if needed). I do not neglect others based on their social hierarchy. Discrimination is not fair, nor is prejudice,

Do You Have Good Grammar And Spelling?
Yes I do. I can spell things from 'cat' all the way to 'pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis' (I did not copy and paste that, plus it is a real word). I have the best spelling, grammar, and grade in my English class. My English teacher calls me a very talented student. I am very smart (or clever as you British people say it). I have an Outstanding Academic Excellence award from the President (gold medal) and I have attended and received a trophy for the Math Olympiad.

Well, that brings an end to my application. It took me about 1 hour to make, so I hope you liked it. Thank you for reading, and I hope you accept me.

143 posts
Posted in Finals... Worst Week... • 16th December 2014, 08:25 PM

My finals was SUPER easy. We had multiple choice for History, Juno quiz (computer quiz I got an A) for Science, spelling and vocabulary for English (I'm the best speller in my grade), and we didn't have any math finals yet. I'm scared for my grades. I have a lot of missing assignments, because I have so much homework that I usually pass out.

143 posts
Posted in Finals... Worst Week... • 16th December 2014, 12:02 AM

I have finals too, but I'm not really nervous. I didn't really study because I got all of my previous individual chapter quizzes 100% correct, so I did not feel the need. The first semester ends on Friday, and our grades on Jupiter Ed refresh. I'm actually pretty nervous since the grades are going to be permanent. I feel the same as you XD.