143 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 15th December 2014, 08:20 PM

Try earning master first. It is crucial that you have the rank master before becoming a forums moderator. You qualify for master (500 posts and 300 reputation), so I highly suggest applying. Other than that, it was an excellent application. I hope you get the job because you deserve it.

143 posts
Posted in Malvon • 14th December 2014, 01:52 PM

How did Malvon even GET the ability to kill people? Why did Damen start this war in the first place? Why is the war happening? So many questions to be answered!

143 posts
Posted in Old CP Moderator Application • 14th December 2014, 01:03 PM

Getting the job means everything to me. I want to protect Old CP as efficiently as I can, and prevent little kids from learning bad things. I want to make a change for once, stand up, and do something helpful in society. Please, can a moderator or administrator read this? I want to actually HAVE a voice and stand up. I hope that some more people read this.

<3 <3 Thanks <3 <3

143 posts
Posted in Story I wrote when I was 4 • 13th December 2014, 06:48 PM

What you are about to see is a story when I wrote when I was about 4 years of age. Spelling errors are included to show you the true story I wrote! DO NOT DISLIKE BECAUSE OF GRAMMAR, I WILL TRANSLATE IT!

I love crismase

Age: 4

once thar was a little boy named johny he hated cresmes. but thar were only 5 days inteel crismas. that day at scool he mad crismas trees mad out of paper. jony sed i hate crismas the next day he was walking in the park then he so crismas carilers jony sed i hate crismas. the next day thar was only one day till crismos so he went toto by presents but on the way out he saw santa jony sed i hate crismas so bad. the next day was crismas johny got lots of presents. he got a rifle and video games. he sed i love christmas

That was full of pure cuteness. I loved it so much. It is realistic to how a little kid would act, they only like Christmas for the presents.

+1 to you :)!

143 posts
Posted in Old CP Moderator Application • 13th December 2014, 06:38 PM

Thank you Ellie! I feel so loved :) <3 I hope that I'll get the job eventually, but no staff has read it yet.

143 posts
Posted in Old CP Moderator Application • 13th December 2014, 05:11 PM

I want to thank everyone for being so positive and believing in me. I hope that I'll get the job :)

143 posts
Posted in Old CP Moderator Application • 13th December 2014, 03:39 PM

I wish that Damen could read this :3

143 posts
Posted in Knight application! • 13th December 2014, 02:38 PM

Wonderful application, though you could use a little more writing and put things into categories. Other than that, you were very true abut the responsibilities of a knight. I wish you good luck on your journey to becoming a knight. Remember, have patience and you'll get the job in almost no time!

143 posts
Posted in Old CP Moderator Application • 13th December 2014, 02:35 PM

Thank you everyone! It is nice being appreciated :)

143 posts
Posted in Old CP Moderator Application • 13th December 2014, 01:37 PM

Hello! This is my application for Old CP moderator, and I hope you enjoy it!



Rank I'm Applying For
I am applying for Old CP moderator, just in case you didn't know.

Why I'd Make A Good Moderator
I believe that we need more help protecting Old CP, especially at night. I will be one of those moderators who work their hardest, and I will be very active. We need more night moderators and those who aren't afk often. I have never been banned or kicked on any website before, and I hope to keep it that way. I think that I am trustworthy, and that I will be able to handle the job. I do not get frustrated easily and it will be EXTREMELY hard to get on my nerves. I am polite and kind, and I can help others when they need it (especially new people). I know many things that people are and aren't allowed to say, which is why I'd ban people for a good and fair reason. I am aware that being a moderator is a very frustrating job and I will have lots of drama and conflict, but that's completely fine with me. As long as I know I am contributing to society and doing something for the good, I will be happy.

Will I Ever Abuse My Powers?
I would never! The powers that you earn are a privilege, and must be used responsibly. I know that if I ever abuse my powers, I will be demoted. If I ever DO get demoted, I will know that it was for a good cause and I will handle it in a mature way.

Do You Know The Ban Order?
Yes indeed. 3 kicks--->3 bans--->1 IP ban. I plan on using it correctly and I can keep track of things like this.

Well, I have earned member on forums. I know how to help others and be nice, plus I have asked many people for proof of bad people before and have told the moderators. If there are no moderators, I make a post on forums. I can help moderators find suspects that my friends and I have witnessed. I don't know if this counts as experience, but at least it counts as helping !

Time Zone
I live in the PST time zone, so I am online until EST midnight and GMT 4 am. It technically can make me a day and night moderator, which is really handy and helpful.

I am online for usually at least 1 hour on weekdays (I have so much homework), and I am online for usually at least 6 hours on weekends. You may not see me very often on weekdays, which is because I am in a different time zone than most people.

Will I Ever Lie?
I will not! I cannot tell a lie, no matter how serious. I am a very honest person and I will never do anything to hurt anyone's feelings. I will not say "Oh she did this," or "He did that!" I am not a tattletale and I don't tell on people for no reason. Although I will tell on people if they break the rules.

Are You A Fair Person?
Indeed I am. I am capable of deciding a fair punishment for the people that break the rules. Swearing is an immediate ban, spamming is a kick, being rude is a warning and a talk with the person, being inappropriate is an immediate ban, and bullying is a ban (or warning because it depends how serious).

Are You A Mature Person?
Well, I do love to be playful and fun with my friends. But when it comes to handling a big responsibility, I will be very mature about it. It usually depends on what I am feeling or doing. If I am playing around with my friends, then I'll possibly be the TEENSIEST immature. I am very mature at most times though.

Are You Kind?
I am very kind. I love to help others in need and I am warm and welcoming to new people (and I give them a tour if needed). I do not neglect others based on their social hierarchy. Discrimination is not fair, nor is prejudice,

Do You Have Good Grammar And Spelling?
Yes I do. I can spell things from 'cat' all the way to 'pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis' (I did not copy and paste that, plus it is a real word). I have the best spelling, grammar, and grade in my English class. My English teacher calls me a very talented student. I am very smart (or clever as you British people say it). I have an Outstanding Academic Excellence award from the President (gold medal) and I have attended and received a trophy for the Math Olympiad.

Well, that brings an end to my application. It took me about 1 hour to make, so I hope you liked it. Thank you for reading, and I hope you accept me.

Nice application, good luck.

Thank you very much Lloyd!

143 posts
Posted in Old CP Moderator Application • 13th December 2014, 01:28 PM

Hello! This is my application for Old CP moderator, and I hope you enjoy it!



Rank I'm Applying For
I am applying for Old CP moderator, just in case you didn't know.

Why I'd Make A Good Moderator
I believe that we need more help protecting Old CP, especially at night. I will be one of those moderators who work their hardest, and I will be very active. We need more night moderators and those who aren't afk often. I have never been banned or kicked on any website before, and I hope to keep it that way. I think that I am trustworthy, and that I will be able to handle the job. I do not get frustrated easily and it will be EXTREMELY hard to get on my nerves. I am polite and kind, and I can help others when they need it (especially new people). I know many things that people are and aren't allowed to say, which is why I'd ban people for a good and fair reason. I am aware that being a moderator is a very frustrating job and I will have lots of drama and conflict, but that's completely fine with me. As long as I know I am contributing to society and doing something for the good, I will be happy.

Will I Ever Abuse My Powers?
I would never! The powers that you earn are a privilege, and must be used responsibly. I know that if I ever abuse my powers, I will be demoted. If I ever DO get demoted, I will know that it was for a good cause and I will handle it in a mature way.

Do You Know The Ban Order?
Yes indeed. 3 kicks--->3 bans--->1 IP ban. I plan on using it correctly and I can keep track of things like this.

Well, I have earned member on forums. I know how to help others and be nice, plus I have asked many people for proof of bad people before and have told the moderators. If there are no moderators, I make a post on forums. I can help moderators find suspects that my friends and I have witnessed. I don't know if this counts as experience, but at least it counts as helping :)!

Time Zone
I live in the PST time zone, so I am online until EST midnight and GMT 4 am. It technically can make me a day and night moderator, which is really handy and helpful.

I am online for usually at least 1 hour on weekdays (I have so much homework), and I am online for usually at least 6 hours on weekends. You may not see me very often on weekdays, which is because I am in a different time zone than most people.

Will I Ever Lie?
I will not! I cannot tell a lie, no matter how serious. I am a very honest person and I will never do anything to hurt anyone's feelings. I will not say "Oh she did this," or "He did that!" I am not a tattletale and I don't tell on people for no reason. Although I will tell on people if they break the rules.

Are You A Fair Person?
Indeed I am. I am capable of deciding a fair punishment for the people that break the rules. Swearing is an immediate ban, spamming is a kick, being rude is a warning and a talk with the person, being inappropriate is an immediate ban, and bullying is a ban (or warning because it depends how serious).

Are You A Mature Person?
Well, I do love to be playful and fun with my friends. But when it comes to handling a big responsibility, I will be very mature about it. It usually depends on what I am feeling or doing. If I am playing around with my friends, then I'll possibly be the TEENSIEST immature. I am very mature at most times though.

Are You Kind?
I am very kind. I love to help others in need and I am warm and welcoming to new people (and I give them a tour if needed). I do not neglect others based on their social hierarchy. Discrimination is not fair, nor is prejudice,

Do You Have Good Grammar And Spelling?
Yes I do. I can spell things from 'cat' all the way to 'pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis' (I did not copy and paste that, plus it is a real word). I have the best spelling, grammar, and grade in my English class. My English teacher calls me a very talented student. I am very smart (or clever as you British people say it). I have an Outstanding Academic Excellence award from the President (gold medal) and I have attended and received a trophy for the Math Olympiad.

Well, that brings an end to my application. It took me about 1 hour to make, so I hope you liked it. Thank you for reading, and I hope you accept me.

143 posts
Posted in mod app • 11th December 2014, 08:44 PM

since you have just joined, you do not have the requirements for moderator. First earn member- 50 posts and 30 rep. Then I highly suggest earning Master- 500 posts and 300 rep. Experience is needed for the Job of Moderator. Also remember applications are not to be taken lightly, a mature, well written application is necessary.

Good luck,

~ May23

Indeed, May. You must use the best grammar as possible and act sincere and mature. An application for a very big job is not Jo be taken lightly. Damen might be reading this, so I highly suggest earning member first and to improve on you application.

I hope this will help you know what you need to work on, and I wish you good luck on your journey. Don't give up just yet ;)

143 posts
Posted in Please moderators! • 11th December 2014, 08:05 PM

please do not ask for a rank such as moderator. It can, and will lower your chances. Maybe wait a while before applying, just to achieve a few more things and the requirements. Until then, I wish you luck on your journey to becoming a moderator If you have any questions about applications and such feel free to contact me via pm

She was not asking for moderator though. She had wanted to be promoted to member by a staff member. Although you do make a point, I suggest reading more carefully next time :P

143 posts
Posted in Impersonating me • 3rd December 2014, 07:47 PM

I don't even know why people bother with this stuff. I mean, seriously? Why would you do these cruel actions to innocent people? This must be stopped somehow. Maybe they should add a new feature where you could permanently mark someone as fake and is impersonating you. This always happens everyone under different circumstances. People are always acting like administrators, moderators, and popular users. If you are reading and you have done something like this, I am warning you to please stop. I hope that people understand why it makes other people get it trouble and become furious.

People always try to get others in trouble, even if they did not do anything. They do this in different ways. Hacking, impersonating, and making up stories are examples. I hope that when people read this they will learn how to follow the Golden Rule (treat others as how you'd like to be treated). If somebody got you banned, would you be happy? No, so please stop.

Thank you all for reading and I hope that you will also feel the same as me. We all have to contribute to this problem somehow.

143 posts
Posted in We Need A Better Staff • 2nd December 2014, 11:45 PM

Lately I have seen people with ranks that were acting like the opposite of their actual rank. It saddens me sometimes when I see a user such as a Knight for example act like a Mod and start bossing everyone around. Sometimes I see Mods not even doing anything, they are online but for 90% of the time they are afk, so while people are swearing in front of the Mod he/she won't even be paying attention. I think that this should be put to a stop. People need to start using their ranks to their full ability and not just say it's no big deal. I think that Mods should start acting like Mods, I think that Masters need to start acting like Masters, I just think that people should take their rank seriously, even if you don't have a rank still atleast try to earn one. We need to help fix this problem. I mean half the Masters haven't came on in atleast a month, one of the reasons why I came back was to help out in this community, and by helping it out I want to start helping Damen put the right users in the right place. Demote the users that don't take their rank seriously, and promote the ones who would take their rank seriously.

What I have seen Masters doing.
I have seen Masters doing the exact OPPOSITE of their jobs. Their jobs are to report anything important to Moderators & to be role models for the lower ranks in this community, there has only been a select few who have done that. What I have seen most Masters doing have been: Goofing off, getting in trouble with the Mods, being inactive, and much more. Most of the current Master list don't even deserve Master. Hopefully those users are soon demoted from the rank they truly don't deserve. But Masters aren't the only rank that has been acting like it's no big deal, others too.

What I have seen Moderators doing.

Moderators similar to Masters. They're jobs are to be role models, to enforce the law of the DSGHQ, they are one of the highest ranks up there. Sadly some of the staff members are doing a poor job right now too. They goof off a lot more then back in the v6 days of OldCP, and yes mods can still have fun but they are taking the "We can still have a little fun." A little too far. In my opinion if you are a mod and if you are not on either the forums or Snaildom (depending upon if your a mod for the forums or Snaildom) for 8 days, you should be demoted. It's as simple as that. But that isn't the case, Mods have been getting away with going inactive for weeks, even months but still haven't been demoted. We've got to even up the staff a little bit more. If we can keep a healthy, active staff then we can make the DSGHQ a much better place. We just need a place to start. This might sound crazy but I think that starting a new staff would be wise. I think we should find a time to clear the entire staff our and get a new one. Yes, a few of the staff members will keep their position, but for the most part I think we should get a new staff.

Anyways, you heard my opinion about some of the ranks and what we should do about it to help make sure that the staff doesn't get worse and worse. And that we should do something instead of having an inactive staff list with only 2 or 3 mods that are on for a decent amount of time.



This is true indeed. Once I had seen someone cussing and being rude, but the moderator (I will not tell you who it is because they will be humiliated) was afk and didn't do anything. Everyone started yelling out the moderator's name in caps, yet they did not respond. Damen should go undercover (like use an account that no one knows is ACTUALLY Damen) and view the moderators. If they are doing a good job, then they deserve to stay. If not, what's the point?

This is an excellent post.
1+ to you.