143 posts
Posted in Please Read :'( • 2nd December 2014, 06:59 PM

You guys are all right. But the thing is that I can't download Lightshot. I have a Chromebook and it does not support those types of files. I will try though.

143 posts
Posted in Please Read :'( • 1st December 2014, 11:36 PM

I know. But I just can't help it. These are 7, 8, and 9 year olds I am talking about. If I didn't have any morals, then I would show no empathy. Even though I'm an atheist, I still do have morals and I still care for others like family.

143 posts
Posted in Please Read :'( • 1st December 2014, 11:28 PM

I am saddened by the amount of people who break the rules. Today Gangster J said that I have problems, need to get a life, he was trolling, and he was being gross. It makes me feel miserable thinking that kids are learning these stuff and it makes me feel ashamed that I can't do anything. I am crying in real life right now because of this. I don't have lightshot but I do have witnesses. Canadian and AlexandraCP saw it. There are many young children playing and it makes me feel sad that I can't protect them. Please help because I feel so ashamed and grim.

143 posts
Posted in Did this happen to you to? • 1st December 2014, 11:12 PM

Clear your cache first. This can help speed up your computer, because the script won't be as long. And don't click on multiple things at a time. You must be patient.

143 posts
Posted in Inspiration! • 1st December 2014, 11:05 PM

Thank you everyone. This was the theme of my 5th grade graduation, Aspire Ever Higher. It means to reach for the stars and to try your best and achieving goals in life.

143 posts
Posted in Snaildom Moderator Application • 1st December 2014, 09:30 PM

Okie dokie May :3 I do know that Master could greatly increase your chances, but I think it is only necessary for forums moderator. I think that being a master for Snaildom (I was about to say Naildom) moderator is optional, but recommended.

143 posts
Posted in Snaildom Moderator Application • 1st December 2014, 09:07 PM

I'm REALLY active, but I usually log on during the night, which is why most of you don't see me. I log on from 7-9 o' clock pm on weekdays (usually), and 8 am-12 pm on weekends (except Sunday but I usually log on that much during Saturday and immediately after school on Friday. I am CRAZY active, and you'll always expect to see me during the night. I live in the PST time zone, so EST is 3 hours ahead and GMT is 8 hours ahead. So yeah, you get the idea :P

143 posts
Posted in I am back! ~IndigoPalace • 1st December 2014, 08:34 PM

Everyone is glad that you are back, including me. You were the first moderator I saw when I created my Old CP account :P Keep on watching those anime movies! :3

143 posts
Posted in Inspiration! • 1st December 2014, 08:23 PM

As most of us know, people tend to quit after attempting something many times. This is the opposite of diligence, determination, perseverance, and commitment. Nothing can be accomplished if you don't give it a try, as P!nk said (You gotta get up and try, try, try.) If you believe in yourself and set your mind to it, you can achieve amazing things. You must aspire to accomplish those goals in life, or else it will get you nowhere. People denied Galileo Galilei's theory of the planets not orbiting us, but we are orbiting them. He worked as hard as possible, and even got arrested JUST to prove that he was correct. You can fulfill a feat as amazing as his if you work for it. The same thing applies for becoming a moderator. You must work hard, and earn it.

I hope you enjoyed this post and it helped motivate you. Please leave a reply if you would like me to do more inspirational posts, and I surely will. Thanks for reading!

143 posts
Posted in Snaildom Moderator Application • 1st December 2014, 08:12 PM

I think Ellie is right. I believe that most of you are assuming I am applying for Forums Moderator, but I am actually applying for Snaildom Moderator. I think I recall that there were no forums requirements for becoming a Snaildom Moderator. But I do agree with May. Becoming trusted first is the key to becoming a moderator.

143 posts
Posted in I am back! ~IndigoPalace • 1st December 2014, 12:37 AM

Welcome back Indigo! I was starting to think you were dead O_O

143 posts
Posted in I am back! ~IndigoPalace • 1st December 2014, 12:33 AM

Welcome back Indigo! I was starting to think you were dead O_O

143 posts
Posted in I am back! ~IndigoPalace • 1st December 2014, 12:33 AM

Welcome back Indigo! I was starting to think you were dead O_O

143 posts
Posted in Snaildom Moderator Application • 30th November 2014, 11:52 PM

Thank you very much May.

143 posts
Posted in OMG PLEASE CLICK • 30th November 2014, 11:38 PM

It was actually real. He admitted it and he literally put the zip code and everything. He said "I'm not afraid if you hunt me down, go ahead," so I blocked him. The zip code he put actually was in the state he said, so I believe it was not fake.