163 posts
Posted in Welcome to Club Penguin! :D • 19th November 2014, 12:06 AM


Welcome to Club Penguin! A game where everything is for membership, a hangout for bullies, preps, antisocials and many more!

Here at Club Penguin, 90% of the things to do here is only for members, yes you've heard right, ONLY FOR MEMBERS! So buy membership or get out of here! You heard me right. GET OUT OF HERE!

The Start of a new game
Anyways before, Club Penguin had started out as a simple game, no membership or any of that "wonderful" stuff yet. Everyone who played in the beta times have either a beta hat or simple betan items, but don't worry! We have taken away their items and put them up for the members to get! Isn't that AWESOME?!?!?

The Penguins
Everyone on here was made equal, until some penguins decided to split into different groups! You might be thinking: "Aren't we all equal?" SHUT UPPPP!!! Everyone was supposed to be equal until we decided that we JUST DON'T CARE! Here are the different types of penguins on Club Penguin:

Preps: This is an image of preps:

Beautiful isn't it? Just look at all of them! Most of them Talk Like This which helps you know which person is a snooty prep or just someone random!

Antisocials: Those people who ban you when you talk to them!

Bullies: We love them, they regulate Club Penguin's population!

Roleplayers: Ban them, even when they don't do anything bad! We just hate them.

Pookies: They are adorable! Those little penguins prevent you from getting a puffle by making you lag or crowding the whole room. They come out of your stomach ,when usually, PENGUINS COME FROM EGGS!

Fake Club Penguin websites
Even though we don't want alot of players online, we DON'T want them coming near ONE fake Club Penguin website! Take Oldcp for example! We don't care if bullies come near on the real site , we just wanna ruin their safe havens!

Thank you for joining Club Penguin!

(Warning, this is only for a user's entertainment, please do not overreact.)


163 posts
Posted in Describe yourself! • 19th November 2014, 12:03 AM

Hai~~~~~~~~ Sabbeh here! Well this is how it works out:

Super Cool
A Good Student
Rock Star
I Like Sia
Never gives up

Can't wait to see yours!

163 posts
Posted in How to make Chicken Wings. • 18th November 2014, 11:57 AM

How to make chicken wings:
1. Make sure you're home alone.
2. Put on music.
3. Call a good company, And make sure u have money.
4. Order chicken wings.

163 posts
Posted in I'm stuck. XD • 17th November 2014, 11:40 AM

Hai! Sabbeh here.., I'm rlly stuck! Can you please explain to me how to play the Peava stickmen game? I Think it's really cool and idk how to play... XD

So here, on another window, I have the Prava stickmen game on, Waiting for comments. XD
Can't wait to play it!


163 posts
Posted in Le life of Sabbeh • 16th November 2014, 12:28 AM

I like this biography. +1

^.^ Thanks.. XD

163 posts
Posted in Le life of Sabbeh • 15th November 2014, 10:07 AM

I Even have no idea who thos ppl are.. usually they call me names, But hitting me?!
I Wanna move over to a new neighborhood..

Did you tell your parents?


Yes, They got mad...(not at me of course)

163 posts
Posted in Le life of Sabbeh • 15th November 2014, 10:05 AM

I Even have no idea who thos ppl are.. usually they call me names, But hitting me?!
I Wanna move over to a new neighborhood..

163 posts
Posted in Le life of Sabbeh • 15th November 2014, 10:02 AM

That's sad...
I hope your arm gets better though!


Thank you!

163 posts
Posted in Le life of Sabbeh • 15th November 2014, 09:58 AM

They are SO mean!

I hope you're okay!



163 posts
Posted in Le life of Sabbeh • 15th November 2014, 09:55 AM

Hai :(

Today i had many Bag things..

Well me and my cousin Were at the neighborhood Hanging out, And 2 kids around my age ( Probably older than me) Were walking around with this black plastic thing (rope shaped).
So, They started calling me names And hit me with that black thing... I Started cussing them and running home with my cousin Crying, Till now my left arm is Really red.. It burns... :'(

The only good thing:
I Went to the park with my mom and my friend.. So we made a picnic and Yea..

Well.. Bye :/


163 posts
Posted in What makes You unique? • 15th November 2014, 01:10 AM

I Think that the only thing that makes me Unique us my Talents.... :P
~Any other Sport

My Geeky side is shown:XD
~I Wear glasses -.- (hipster ones not nerdy ones XD)
~I Like to Do homework (cuz i hate screaming teachers XD)
~i love My hoodies XDD

163 posts
Posted in Hi (its my first post) • 15th November 2014, 12:46 AM

Hello everyone, I am Sophie Or Panda whatever anything works I am new to the forums, so, please help me if I am wrong. I am 11. Sorry I am to young, my brother says I am playing with older strangers but I really don't care. My dad always says I am mature so I think I can fit in. If you can be my friend, thanks that will help a lot I already know how to do everything mostly but just with all the BB code. This is a short posts and if it is a short post I think your supposed to put it in the moods idk I forgot btw is this like a Royal Forums? Because I think there is a player who is the Emperor. Sorry I need some help oh well please reply and goodbye for Now.

BTW, The Emperor Is DamenSpike, ( He Invented to whole DSGHQ game Company) And in DSGHQ We have many Servers and Cool games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


163 posts
Posted in Hi (its my first post) • 15th November 2014, 12:42 AM

Hello everyone, I am Sophie Or Panda whatever anything works I am new to the forums, so, please help me if I am wrong. I am 11. Sorry I am to young, my brother says I am playing with older strangers but I really don't care. My dad always says I am mature so I think I can fit in. If you can be my friend, thanks that will help a lot I already know how to do everything mostly but just with all the BB code. This is a short posts and if it is a short post I think your supposed to put it in the moods idk I forgot btw is this like a Royal Forums? Because I think there is a player who is the Emperor. Sorry I need some help oh well please reply and goodbye for Now.

Hai!!!!! Welcome to Forums! I Hope you will Enjoy the Forums, It's really fun..!!
My name is iSabrina, But call me Sabrina/Sab.
btw, To get EVEN MORE Friends you can Play DSGHQ Games!
in Snaildom My user's iSabrina, I Will like to be your friend! :3
Enjoy the forums, We're happy to have another Family Member!


163 posts
Posted in DON'T DRINK COKE AND IK WHY • 13th November 2014, 10:09 AM

How people can drink coke if it's so bad and disgusting. Now I'm trying to stop my dad of drinking coke. If your unhealthy your gonna have a horrible life in the future. I never drank coke. Is Diet Coke good or bad because my sister drinks em' sometimes. Also Wend, she's just saying come is bad for your health. You can drink coke but only 1 cup each week. Now stop hating her. Be healthy and just drink come for a little bit. I so agree with this post


I Usually drink Coke like once in half a year XDDDD It's not like i do it on Purpouse, Each time i like go to a wedding, i Drink 2 wittle cups of coke, The rest is fruit flavored juice and water..
Well XP Yeah.. I Used to like Coke so Much... Now, i see coke at a party/or a place, I Walk away.

163 posts
Posted in DON'T DRINK COKE AND IK WHY • 12th November 2014, 03:16 AM

Hello. Yesturday, In sience class, We learned what coke does to our bones.

All of those Stuff like Coke, Fanta, Sprite, ect, Is the most Dangerous thing for your bones.

The Most Worst thing is that COKE Can melt your bones. Not litteraly, Like, It's so unhealthy for your bones, You can die. With bad bones, i don't wanna know what can happen.

And also, Teeth. No one wanna smile with Totes black teeth. Teeth counts as Bones, And they can get Blacker than the Dark.

Another thing, The Mentos and coca Cola challenge. Please, for your own good and health, Dont , But PLEASE Don't pt a Mentos in your mouth then drink cola. When you swallow it, Well Clue:

When we put mentos in a coke BOTTLE, It explodes. We all don't wanna know what it can do to our stomach.

Well, all of this came from my Sience teacher!

Stay healthy,