23 posts
Posted in Are you Bored? • 12th June 2015, 01:55 PM

Yay thanks, but I just spent 6 hours throwing cards without any breaks D:

23 posts
Posted in Minecraft story • 6th October 2014, 01:42 PM

Once upon a time there was a guy called Notch. He enjoyed school however he was a bit of a gamer. When he was 7 years old he though "Hmm I could make a game" So he coded on his computer and made his first game when he was 8. When he finished university in 2009 he though "I could make a game called cavegame" And so he did. But he added more stuff and called it "Minecraft" And now that game got very famous and now Notch is very well known. "What a rewarding job" "I love everyone who plays" thought Notch. But one day a Troll told the gaming people to shut down Minecraft and so they did. But the bad thing was everyone was FEEDING the Troll. But one day a guy said to not feed the Troll and he will starve to death. And so he did. And then Minecraft got reopened and everything was back to normal.

The End : Written by Magicrabbit

Motto: Don't feed the trolls. Hoped you enjoyed. Peace out.

23 posts
Posted in Story: The dog and the hand • 5th October 2014, 02:35 PM

Once upon a time there was a dog and a evil hand. One day the dog was walking "Woof" said the dog. But the hand started STRANGLING the dog "ROAR" Shouted the hand "Woof" cried the dog. But the dog back-flipped and kicked the hand in the hand. But the hand came back and started strangling the dog again "ROAR" shouted the hand. BUT the dog jumped and started flying and kicked the dog to space and was never seen again. The dog also got really rich because the hand was wanted for 1 billion pounds. The dog lived happily ever after.

The End: Written by Magicrabbit. I hope you liked it. Peace out

23 posts
Posted in Snaildom mod application • 5th October 2014, 11:34 AM

Hello, my name is Magicrabbit and this is is my mod app. I am 9 years old and my grammar is alright. I have got more mature and I am kind to ALL and I mean ALL users. I think I would make a good Snaildom mod because I can trust people and know who not to trust. I know to do kicks before bans (duh) and to only ipban if someone done something REALLY bad. I follow the rules and have NEVER been banned, jailed or even kicked. I like making new friends and being a mod gives me a opportunity to make lots of new friends. Even if I don't make it I don't mind because someone else could become a mod and probably be better than me. I think I can be funny at times but VERY rarely I can be quite serious. I think just because your not so old it doesn't mean you can't accomplish things. That is why I'm doing this! It is my dream to become a mod. I will probably be on daily. I can also explain things to people like the rules and how to earn a mod. Thank you and goodbye *wave*

23 posts
Posted in May be Leaving • 17th September 2014, 03:09 AM

Awww. If you do leave alot of us will miss you. Bye (if your leaving) WAIT. I DON'T KNOW YOU

23 posts
Posted in Mod application • 12th September 2014, 03:04 PM

I know. I couldn't think of much. I might make a new one soon.

23 posts
Posted in Mod application • 12th September 2014, 02:56 PM

Name: Magicrbbit[/b



Hello everyone. I'm Magicrabbit2 and I have been playing for a long time. I started off as a small unbrave rabbit, but I broke out of the nerve bubble and I am doing a mod application. I know it is very unlikely I will sucseed but I am gonna give it a shot anyways. I am respectful and kind to other penguins/rabbits/anything else. I am on in the morning because the early bird doesn't get a full server. I am on at least a few mins everyday. Most of the time over an hour. I really love the game and I really want to be part of it. I like making new friends on the game. My grammar might not be the best but I am working on it ☻ . The times which I'm probably not on are 8:00 (Or 8:30) Till 7:00 (Or 8:00 approx). I might not be the most mature but at least I'm better than some people. I will give some credit to Mico because he inspired me to do this. I really want to help people if they are being bullied or if people are being innapropriate, etc, etc (sorry for my spelling). Well, thats it for now, Cheerio my friends.

23 posts
Posted in I forgot my password • 7th September 2014, 10:31 AM

Hey everyone. Its me magicrabbit. I have forgotten my password on my first account so i got an account called "magicrabbit2". If you was on my friend list please add me again. Bye ☻