58 posts
Posted in Bill Cipher Wheel • 27th October 2014, 08:08 PM


Fez symbol: Stanford
Question mark: Soos
Bag of ice: Wendy
Glasses: Stanley
Crossed out heart: Robbie
Shooting star: Mabel
Llama: Manly Dan
Star: Gideon
Six fingers: Old Man McGucket
Pine tree: Dipper
I think the llama is really Pacifica because Mabel has a llama sweater as well but facing the wrong direction. That means the opposite or enemies.

58 posts
Posted in Bill Cipher Wheel • 27th October 2014, 10:14 AM

Ok, I've been running out of ideas after I posted Jack's Diary II. So, I decided to make a discussion about Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls. He is a dream demon summoned by Gideon. But, the reason I made this is because I want to talk about the circle that surrounds Bill. There are symbols there. Each symbol represents a character from the show. Here they are... The claw is Stan, the question mark is Soos, the shooting star is Mabel, the star is Lil' Gideon, the pine tree is Dipper, the heart is Robbie. Here are a few more characters... The lama is Pacifica, the ice is Wendy and the glasses is Stanley.

58 posts
Posted in Jack's Diary II: Fear of Santa • 26th October 2014, 07:29 PM

Dear Diary,
Octuary 40th...
It was 6:00pm and I said "It's almost time for Christmas!". Then, my 3 year old sister, Andrea, asked me "What's Christmas?". I replied "Christmas is an event when you get presents for being a good person." "Who gives those presents?" "A guy named Santa Claus. He's a guy who knows when we're asleep or awake. And you know what the best thing is?" "What? What is it?" Andrea asked. "He's coming here to our house on the 25th of December!" (Andrea runs away) "Wait! Andrea!" I think she's afraid of Claus... Of course she would because she's just 3 years old. So, I went to her in the other room. "Sis, Santa C. is a good guy. Even animals get presents!" (I just said that so she wouldn't get scared) "Oh yeah?" she replied. "Yep." I said. "Are you still scared, little sister?" "Maybe a little... nervous to see him..." she said. "You're not gonna see because he only comes when all of us are asleep." "Ok, I'm not scared..." (I smile) Goodbye, diary. I will write again soon. Real soon..

58 posts
Posted in Jack's Diary - Dogs Vs Cats • 26th October 2014, 06:43 AM

REMINDER: This thing happened in the future. I made that date up.

58 posts
Posted in Jack's Diary - Dogs Vs Cats • 26th October 2014, 06:16 AM

Dear Diary,
Octember 34rd...
It was 12:00 when I was heading home from school when I heard about 20 people shouting "ANIMAL FIGHT!" over and over again. I decided to look what's going on. And what did I see? A dog and a cat FIGHTING! And now I started saying "ANIMAL FIGHT!". I thought it would be more fun if I watch it whenever I want so, I ran home and grabbed a camera. I ran back to the place where the fight was going on. I turned the camera on and turned it to video mode. It's been like 6 minutes already and they're still fighting. My arms got tired of holding the camera so I just ended the video. And turned off the camera. I went home and put the camera in my drawer next to my bed. That way, I can watch it any time I want. It has been a GREAT day! Ok, bye, diary! I will write again soon...

58 posts
Posted in I Hate You - Barney Song • 26th October 2014, 05:28 AM

I hate you, you hate me. Let's go out and kill Barney! With a big shotgun then, BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG! No more friendly dinosaur.

58 posts
Posted in I Miss Old CP • 25th October 2014, 02:01 AM

I totally miss Old CP and I heard it is shut down. I also miss my friends there. Going to different rooms, fake bans, different clothes, friendly moderators, I miss all of them. Ok, one more thing. Plz reply if you know why it's been shut down or who shut it down cause I'm gonna punch him in the face.

58 posts
Posted in Can't Create A Channel • 28th September 2014, 03:12 AM

Can you give me an example? Type one plz.

58 posts
Posted in Can't Create A Channel • 28th September 2014, 03:06 AM

What is a URL? Is it Ultimate Realistic Lunch?

58 posts
Posted in Can't Create A Channel • 28th September 2014, 02:58 AM

WHY CAN'T I CREATE A CHANNEL HERE IN DSGHQ? IT ALWAYS SAYS "Channel photo doesn't work. Try a new one."! If any of you know any background I can use, PLEASE REPLY!

58 posts
Posted in Avoid Getting Banned • 28th September 2014, 12:00 AM

Hi ho, everyone! Ok, before I say anything, I just want you to know that I freaking love the OldCP game! I don't have many friends but add me anyways. My username is Random96. If you find me, remember to ask me to friend you. Anyways, this is all I know. To avoid getting banned (also in the Club Penguin game), don't start an argument. You will possibly get reported by any player even your buddy. Be nice to other players (also moderators/mascots). Don't fight them or hurt them personally. Don't swear. Report only a player when needed (or just ignore them). Thank you for reading this post, goodbye. :)

58 posts
Posted in YouTube Surfing • 27th September 2014, 01:07 AM

Hello, everybody! I was not online for a while because I was watching like A LOT of videos in YouTube. Like funny videos, stevecash83's videos, lightsaber duels, science videos, Animal Planet videos and Nat Geo Wild, and Stick lightsaber duels. Ok, bye!

58 posts
Posted in I love playing OldCP • 26th September 2014, 10:52 PM

I wish puffles were real.