Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in Cyber Bullying -Kat • 19th October 2015, 05:02 PM

Cyber Bullying
First of all, Cyber bullying is not a good thing to do.
Cyber Bullying is basically bullying, but on the internet.
When you cyber bully, you might send a mean message saying some of the following "I Hate You!" "Go Die In A Hole" "You Are Never Meant To Live!"
I would never say anything like this, these are just examples. Anyway, I will list ways of cyber bullying.
Saying mean things on the internet, sending rude or innopropiate pictures, sending an ad (I will explain why), and talk in caps (I will explain why).
Sending an ad is Cyber bullying because if it is an ad u need to download something with, the computer can get a virus, and it is spam.
Spam is instant messaging. An example is when somebody keeps sending u messages from someone u don't know. Al lot of spam messages involve ads, which can cause ur computer a virus. People who spam get payed for people downloading what they spam to you.
Using caps is considered cyber bullying because when u say something very harmful or rude in caps u are yelling that to the person u are talking to thru a computer. Now if you are talking in caps because u are excited about something, that is fine. Try to remember that there is a person behind a screen of a computer with feelings, and when u post something rude on the internet it stays forever, and it hurts the person's feelings.
Cyber bullying isn't cool. But try to remember the word HURT.
H- Harmful on purpouse
U- Use of power
R- Repeated
T- Technology staying
Thank you for reading!

Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in Icecream sundaes OR cookies? • 18th October 2015, 08:32 PM

I don't really like ice cream or cookies there I said it u may kill me now.

Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in Favorite Songs • 18th October 2015, 07:22 PM

My favorite song is currently Stiches by Shawn Mendes
It makes me feel that I am confident and free :3

Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in Role Model of the Day 2 • 16th October 2015, 10:45 AM

Design4real wrote on 16th October 2015 10:31 AM:
Just Sparka said on 16th October 2015 09:15 AM:
Design4real said on 16th October 2015 09:08 AM:
Hi guys! Welcome to Role Model of the Day (RMD). I had a awesome idea last night. I could do Mentor of the Week. Only those who won Role Model of the Day, are eligible for Mentor of the Week. And, Mentor of the Week has a sweet prize! A role model is some one you look up to. A mentor is a studying guide on your favorite lesson. The Mentor can teach you stuff that teacher at school can't teach you. So, I can only pick one person per week to be eligible for MW that has not been RMD Before. The Role Model of the Day is... WAIT! A picture is worth a thousand words, right?

IT' s PEGGY! (aka Sparka).
I asked her some questions, (not knowingly), And here is her answers:
"My favorite color is blue and red, wait, mostly red. The first penguin welcome me was Fluffehb.
My favorite book is Queenie, even though I read a lot. What inspired my username for Sparka, is I love Sparta, so I thought, why not? And for peggy, I really like pebbles?"

I hope you got to know her more! Congrats on Role Model of the Day!

you got the best picture of me

You deserved it! For tomorrow's RMD It's gonna be a girl! And the only hint I'm giving out is... She's from House Kacket
Gonna Guess Kara.

Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in Halloween Guideline! - Kat • 16th October 2015, 10:37 AM

This is a guideline to Halloween :3
1. Make sure you're outfit is something you want to be for sure, or you won't like halloween.
2. If you aren't going Trick Or Treating this year and passing out candy, make sure to pass out candy everyone will enjoy!
3. If you are going Trick or treating be polite when people give you ur candy and say thank you!
4. Go Trick Or Treating with ur friends, its fun! If you can't then have some fun when Trick Or Treating in ur own way!
5. Bake Halloween treats and give them to ur neighbors you know to spread some kindness to ur community during Halloween!
5. EAT ALL UR CANDY. Eat it all before it gets old because candy is lyfe. If you don't like a sort of candy deliver it to ur neighbors or to a hospital to be a good person! (make sure it isn't spoiled before delivering)
Hope you enjoyed this Halloween Guideline!

Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in BB Code Guide! • 16th October 2015, 10:24 AM

I'm gonna try now. Hi Did I do it? Lets see... YESSSSS! I DID IT! THANK CHU MY LOVE! Lets try slanted. Cats. lets see if I did it... YESSSSS

Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in BB Code Guide! • 16th October 2015, 10:22 AM


Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in New Friend! • 16th October 2015, 10:18 AM

Yay I made a new friend yesterday! Her name is Vionna. (if you can't say the name its Ve-o-nna)
I met her at Dance yesterday and she was new and she is very shy but she is nice :). Maybe I can talk her into making a forums account so u guys can possibly meet her. She is only 8 though so I will explain the rules to her and all that because she is emotional sometimes. She wanted me to make this post for u guys so u guys will kinda get a good advantage to know her personality a bit. She says hi as well :3. One more thing I wanted to talk to you guys about was talking to me. I am a person that wants to make a lot of friends and want to be a friend of the world! So if you ever want to make friends with me just message me on Forums or if you are a rookie go on Oldcp and find me! My user name is Katie0427 but I may be on different accounts such as Kat0427 or Kathryn0427. So just look for those names and thats me :3. Maybe YOU will be one of my best friends! Anyway, that's all I wanted to talk about in this post! Bye!

You're new friend?,

Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in Forums Moderator App ~Lily • 16th October 2015, 10:03 AM

Omg Lily I love it. LILY4MOD LILY4KNIGHT. Hehehehehehehhe anyway good luck.

Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in The Flame will Tell • 15th October 2015, 11:44 PM

Well, you have done some things in the past, but letting you're anger out on other people is just hurtful for me, yes I get you were sad about it, but think before you do. I am nice enough to forgive you, but if you pull one more bad thing, I take my forgivness back.

Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in Master app - tornado • 15th October 2015, 11:17 PM

Well, you're one of the most ranked people I've seen so far, wow, you deserve this. Thats all I have to say, I'm in shock.

Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in Oldcp Blackhawk • 15th October 2015, 11:13 PM

Scary Goldenone wrote on 15th October 2015 10:18 PM:
Wow That is very Interseting!
It isn't real proof sorry, on whiteout you can be on a team, and you can name you're team, so somebody must have named their team "Blackhawk" just to scare you.

Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in KATRULES... THE TRUTH? • 15th October 2015, 11:05 PM

Awh, I never got to talk to her before because she was never online. She will always be in my memories. Oh and also when you said Kat I thought you where talking about me :P

Smile :)
363 posts
Posted in Weekend Inactivity - Kat • 15th October 2015, 11:01 PM

I would just like to inform you guys that I will be inactive for the past 3 maybe 4 days for multiple reasons.
My grandma and grandpa are going to Boston Friday - Monday so they will be gone 4 nights, and I have to watch there dogs, Jack and Jaws for those 4 days, so the dogs will be at my house. My Mom works night shift tomorrow and since my grandma usually watches my and my brother overnight, and she won't be there to watch us so we have to stay at my friend Emily's house for the night and Emily's grandpa died October 8th and I haven't seen her since September so I haven't been there to give her a hug and I want to spend time with her (Yes I called her) so I won't be online even though she has a computer. And also, on Saturday I have a Halloween Party at my friend Allison's house and I have to go to dance and babysit my brother while my Mom is at work because he is only 5, and I am sleeping over at Allison's party ONLY because my friend Mackenzie is going to be there and it is her first time sleeping over at somebody else's house so I want to be there for her. So I won't be online that day. One more reason is because I have a Football game to go to for cheering them on because I am a cheerleader, and the game is the playoffs so I have to go! (Go Navy!) I also have dance practice that day too and we are going out for dinner so I might not be online that night. Thank you for reading I will miss you all! Bye!