
Change History of Wiki:Ahriman

30TH NOVEMBER 2022 BY MIRRIKH , BODY: B163997DF83120D6E7942BB8614F7052 , PROPS: 6D3CB2DFDB2385EAF5286E7B63B2A0F7 [RESTORE]

Grammatical fixes, sentences not being complete or making sense

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Ahriman" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(76) "https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b7/7d/69/b77d698e29b85f0abe0eea7946ab1dde.jpg" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(5) "Malak" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(15) "Dark Apprentice" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } } ["title"]=> string(7) "Ahriman" }

[sidebar]Ahriman was a stone who got manipulated by the darkness and became evil.[/sidebar]


Ahriman was a child who born on October 8th. He would be abandoned and left in Stone Isle by unknown parents. Ahriman found the arts of evil and he eventually joined but he decided to be different.


Ahriman who was known as "Azure". He sold his soul to Pythas blinded by the rage that he felt when his parents left him alone. He served the evil for many months until a war left him without energy and he fell asleep for many years. Until one day he had awoken.


Ahriman woke up and saw a man called "Isaiah" (now known as Messiah) who taught him the combat and the sea, he became wonderful at fighting and he felt more calm and decided to become what his family was, a Dune.

Peace into Pain

Ahriman was peaceful until one day when a man called "Ben Stray" Went to prison, he said to Ahriman that if he released him Ben would give him power. Ahriman didn't pay attention to him but he released Ben from the prison because he felt that he wasn't guilty. He went to Myfort with Mirrikh to see who was really Ben but he felt a pain in his head who cause the changing of mind, Ahriman felt pain and anger in his veins. He felt a thirst for power which made him like Ben, so he decided to change his name from Azure to Malak. And Ben said to him that he will be his new apprentice. Ahriman agreed and the training started...

Evil Arts

Ahriman went to a cave called Dead Man Guts. He learned how to control rage as a power so he can become more and more powerful, then, as he learned more about power and darkness he made a big VanadiumShield around his body. But he noticed a big flame behind the statue who disappears in his face.
He keeps training and training but Malak (Ahriman) knows that his body wont resist the training so he decides to do a ritual with a boy named "Ahrimanth".

The Change

Malak completed the ritual with the boy Ahrimanth, changing bodies he put in pain at the boy son of the pure fire, making his worst nightmare. Ahriman starts his new journey for revenge.
