
Change History of Wiki:Habsolo

19TH OCTOBER 2022 BY HABSOLO , BODY: 6A78711C833EFA9DEC89BD4D6FE57FB0 , PROPS: C42475200862D8844C8B53E9F074012F [RESTORE]


array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Habsolo" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(0) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Habs" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(8) "Turncoat" [1]=> string(23) "King of the Jungle 2019" [2]=> string(22) "won game of mods once?" } ["related"]=> array(16) { [0]=> string(9) "Jacobg627" [1]=> string(5) "Fable" [2]=> string(5) "Milan" [3]=> string(5) "Orbay" [4]=> string(5) "BAKON" [5]=> string(7) "Mikey97" [6]=> string(6) "Tennis" [7]=> string(6) "Soxfan" [8]=> string(7) "Preston" [9]=> string(5) "perla" [10]=> string(5) "Jenna" [11]=> string(5) "Sugar" [12]=> string(5) "Jdutr" [13]=> string(6) "Skippy" [14]=> string(5) "Frogs" [15]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(4) "snow" ["location"]=> string(13) "United States" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(17) "Too many to count" ["birthday"]=> int(1090296000) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(4) "Habs" }

Joining the Oldcp

Bored of Disney's lame parties Habsolo went out on the lookout for and Old Club Penguin. He'd tried plenty of cpps' but none were the same as the old Club Penguin he remembered. But within 5 minutes he found a video, and went to the description and typed in the link. Once the page loaded in his excitement was already above his head. He clicked play, and realized he had to create a penguin. So he went into the "Create A Penguin" accepted the rules and requirements and picked out a nice Green Penguin (Green Being his favourite color. Then came the name choice. He pondered and pondered on it until he finally decided on the name Hansolo (Han Solo being his favorite Star Wars Character)! But of course his finger missed the N and hit the B. Hence the name Habsolo arrived. At first he was mad but the realized he liked this name "Habsolo". Henceforth Habsolo joined Oldcp!

First days of adventure on Oldcp

Habsolo Loved this new game he had joined! The first command he was told, by Terry91 was /addall. He loved exploring with all the old items, but then he saw everyone else with new cool clothing, so he discussed this matter With Jacobg627, who he thought was a weird guy with a beard, Jacob explained, and told Habsolo that the beard was off the command /wise. And then Habsolo "sprouted" a wise beard, and a knack for becoming a wise one. Habsolo also started wearing a variety of clothing. His first days on Oldcp were a blast.

Sibling invitation

Habsolo is a child of a large family, and one of his brothers and his sister enjoyed Club Penguin, but didn't like Disney's version, so Habsolo told them about this. They joined under the usernames of "Chewybacca" and "Umbird". Both immediately fell in love with the game, but they only played for about a month before they got into Roblox and quit. Occasionally Habsolo's brother and his sister visit with him.

Joining DSGHQ Forums

After a while Habsolo started to look up to mods. He enjoyed watching them crawl along the walls and Ban inappropriate users. Habsolo admired their power, so one day he asked "How do you become a Mod?" (but with bad grammar) the mod responded:" Make an application on Forums, of course!" Habsolo asked about the forums, got the link, and joined under the username habsolo (the 'h' was not capitol.)

Becoming a well-ish known user.

Right after he joined Habsolo was ready to jump into the mix! Habsolo made a mod application, and received the advice to gain experience before he applied again. So Habsolo made a couple posts, and finally (after around a month or to of being on forums) became a member! It was such an accomplishment Habsolo vowed to be more active! But School life kept him very busy, so he had to leave the community. Or so he thought.


Habsolo was so very busy with his school life he only found time to go onto DSGHQ forums around twice a week. Then it became once a week. Then he lost all his time going onto DSGHQ to play Roblox. This did have its upsides though, during his time playing he adapted to using less acronyms and typing like a real person not a 4 year old Toddler.

The Return!

Finally! Spring Break at last! During his Spring Break Habsolo looked back on his most visted websites and DSGHQ forums was on there. And he finally rejoined the forums! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Becoming a higher level user.

When Habsolo came back he noticed levels. So he was of course determined to be the best, he tried to make at least 2 posts everyday and level up at least 3 times every month. It failed. So Habsolo became a normal user. On Oldcp his life was when suddenly the oldway opened up. Habsolo explored down there and died in the process. He returned under the Account HabS, expecting to be known as Hab S, but better known as Habs. At first he was mad about this being called habs, but he learned to like it. When investigating with Detective Sergeant Bob, they discovered Bot's ghost. Habsolo kept up the normal checking in. Until July 2015 when everything changed..

Habsolo and the War Of the Djinns

Habsolo, not being here for any other war or combat none the less was overly excited when War Knights rolled in. He knew this war was a great chance for him to prove himself. After being encouraged by Abusheakaus and Terry91, both war knights, Habsolo decided to apply for the rank. After getting little feedback on his Application he decided, to go under the way of pacifism and took down his application.

Following the Crimezone

Habsolo became extremely interested in everything crimezone. He followed any lead, and checked /activity every three seconds. He followed the knights and patrolled with them. Until the Blackhawks took the Plaza. Habsolo waited anxiously with the rest of the users at the forts as Gamer returned and brought the news. But a split second later, the Blackhawks exploded out of the spawn Guns blazing and swords swinging. Habsolo died within seconds. But realized his account Habsolo was alive again! He had been revived! Habsolo was himself again.

Marriage to Poolpie

In the weeks after the War of the Djinns ended, Habsolo fell in love with Poolpie. After a long month and an even longer wedding they were finally married by the wise one Becky1028. Along with Poolpie, becoming one of his best friends Poolpie, also introduced Habsolo to Sugar and Cristal. Habsolo, Poolpie, Sugar, and Cristal had a blast for the rest of the summer. These three became life long friends to Habsolo

Wise Tests

After becoming very good friends with Jacobg the Grand Most Wise, Habsolo decided to take the wise test. He took it and answered the questions heartily. He didn't become wise. He retook it again, and didn't become wise (again).

Notable accomplishments

"None really, I just tended to let everyone down"
(Mod, Det sgt, Lannister prince, knight of skill that was known to be terrible, failed gray jedi, sith, ect ect)

The Twilight Years of Habsolo

In the continuing years (the shut down and subsequent relaunch of the DSGHQ forum) Habsolo just sorta floated, become a well known degenerate and time waster. Despite his constant failures and seemingly absent care for the individuals who expressed the same care for him, he still managed to become mod and some other stuff.

Continuing his DSGHQ life.

Habsolo plays Oldcp regularly and goes on the forums a lot. He is a well known player, who can be seen always wearing his wise beard, never to take it off. He may never achieve his dream rank but until then, he will never stop trying.

The Update of 2022

After a visiting and going off into the great adventure of real life, the dear protagonist of this wiki article, Habsolo, came onto forums and posted the mood "someone update my wiki". This event took place on 10/15/22. Habsolo will always hold a dear place in his heart for this community and for all the life lessons gifted to him. This community fostered the young individual and left him with innumerable friends, impressions, opinions, ideas and creativity, the same creativity he attempts to maintain in his life going forward.
19TH OCTOBER 2022 BY HABSOLO , BODY: 6A78711C833EFA9DEC89BD4D6FE57FB0 , PROPS: 07A8753A259DA28521AE24B64C22A241 [RESTORE]

updated info

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Habsolo" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(0) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Habs" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(8) "Turncoat" [1]=> string(23) "King of the Jungle 2019" [2]=> string(22) "won game of mods once?" } ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "Jacobg627" [1]=> string(5) "Fable" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(4) "snow" ["location"]=> string(13) "United States" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(17) "Too many to count" ["birthday"]=> int(1090296000) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(4) "Habs" }

Joining the Oldcp

Bored of Disney's lame parties Habsolo went out on the lookout for and Old Club Penguin. He'd tried plenty of cpps' but none were the same as the old Club Penguin he remembered. But within 5 minutes he found a video, and went to the description and typed in the link. Once the page loaded in his excitement was already above his head. He clicked play, and realized he had to create a penguin. So he went into the "Create A Penguin" accepted the rules and requirements and picked out a nice Green Penguin (Green Being his favourite color. Then came the name choice. He pondered and pondered on it until he finally decided on the name Hansolo (Han Solo being his favorite Star Wars Character)! But of course his finger missed the N and hit the B. Hence the name Habsolo arrived. At first he was mad but the realized he liked this name "Habsolo". Henceforth Habsolo joined Oldcp!

First days of adventure on Oldcp

Habsolo Loved this new game he had joined! The first command he was told, by Terry91 was /addall. He loved exploring with all the old items, but then he saw everyone else with new cool clothing, so he discussed this matter With Jacobg627, who he thought was a weird guy with a beard, Jacob explained, and told Habsolo that the beard was off the command /wise. And then Habsolo "sprouted" a wise beard, and a knack for becoming a wise one. Habsolo also started wearing a variety of clothing. His first days on Oldcp were a blast.

Sibling invitation

Habsolo is a child of a large family, and one of his brothers and his sister enjoyed Club Penguin, but didn't like Disney's version, so Habsolo told them about this. They joined under the usernames of "Chewybacca" and "Umbird". Both immediately fell in love with the game, but they only played for about a month before they got into Roblox and quit. Occasionally Habsolo's brother and his sister visit with him.

Joining DSGHQ Forums

After a while Habsolo started to look up to mods. He enjoyed watching them crawl along the walls and Ban inappropriate users. Habsolo admired their power, so one day he asked "How do you become a Mod?" (but with bad grammar) the mod responded:" Make an application on Forums, of course!" Habsolo asked about the forums, got the link, and joined under the username habsolo (the 'h' was not capitol.)

Becoming a well-ish known user.

Right after he joined Habsolo was ready to jump into the mix! Habsolo made a mod application, and received the advice to gain experience before he applied again. So Habsolo made a couple posts, and finally (after around a month or to of being on forums) became a member! It was such an accomplishment Habsolo vowed to be more active! But School life kept him very busy, so he had to leave the community. Or so he thought.


Habsolo was so very busy with his school life he only found time to go onto DSGHQ forums around twice a week. Then it became once a week. Then he lost all his time going onto DSGHQ to play Roblox. This did have its upsides though, during his time playing he adapted to using less acronyms and typing like a real person not a 4 year old Toddler.

The Return!

Finally! Spring Break at last! During his Spring Break Habsolo looked back on his most visted websites and DSGHQ forums was on there. And he finally rejoined the forums! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Becoming a higher level user.

When Habsolo came back he noticed levels. So he was of course determined to be the best, he tried to make at least 2 posts everyday and level up at least 3 times every month. It failed. So Habsolo became a normal user. On Oldcp his life was when suddenly the oldway opened up. Habsolo explored down there and died in the process. He returned under the Account HabS, expecting to be known as Hab S, but better known as Habs. At first he was mad about this being called habs, but he learned to like it. When investigating with Detective Sergeant Bob, they discovered Bot's ghost. Habsolo kept up the normal checking in. Until July 2015 when everything changed..

Habsolo and the War Of the Djinns

Habsolo, not being here for any other war or combat none the less was overly excited when War Knights rolled in. He knew this war was a great chance for him to prove himself. After being encouraged by Abusheakaus and Terry91, both war knights, Habsolo decided to apply for the rank. After getting little feedback on his Application he decided, to go under the way of pacifism and took down his application.

Following the Crimezone

Habsolo became extremely interested in everything crimezone. He followed any lead, and checked /activity every three seconds. He followed the knights and patrolled with them. Until the Blackhawks took the Plaza. Habsolo waited anxiously with the rest of the users at the forts as Gamer returned and brought the news. But a split second later, the Blackhawks exploded out of the spawn Guns blazing and swords swinging. Habsolo died within seconds. But realized his account Habsolo was alive again! He had been revived! Habsolo was himself again.

Marriage to Poolpie

In the weeks after the War of the Djinns ended, Habsolo fell in love with Poolpie. After a long month and an even longer wedding they were finally married by the wise one Becky1028. Along with Poolpie, becoming one of his best friends Poolpie, also introduced Habsolo to Sugar and Cristal. Habsolo, Poolpie, Sugar, and Cristal had a blast for the rest of the summer. These three became life long friends to Habsolo

Wise Tests

After becoming very good friends with Jacobg the Grand Most Wise, Habsolo decided to take the wise test. He took it and answered the questions heartily. He didn't become wise. He retook it again, and didn't become wise (again).

Notable accomplishments

"None really, I just tended to let everyone down"
(Mod, Det sgt, Lannister prince, knight of skill that was known to be terrible, failed gray jedi, sith, ect ect)

The Twilight Years of Habsolo

In the continuing years (the shut down and subsequent relaunch of the DSGHQ forum) Habsolo just sorta floated, become a well known degenerate and time waster. Despite his constant failures and seemingly absent care for the individuals who expressed the same care for him, he still managed to become mod and some other stuff.

Continuing his DSGHQ life.

Habsolo plays Oldcp regularly and goes on the forums a lot. He is a well known player, who can be seen always wearing his wise beard, never to take it off. He may never achieve his dream rank but until then, he will never stop trying.

The Update of 2022

After a visiting and going off into the great adventure of real life, the dear protagonist of this wiki article, Habsolo, came onto forums and posted the mood "someone update my wiki". This event took place on 10/15/22. Habsolo will always hold a dear place in his heart for this community and for all the life lessons gifted to him. This community fostered the young individual and left him with innumerable friends, impressions, opinions, ideas and creativity, the same creativity he attempts to maintain in his life going forward.

The Great Update

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Habsolo" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(0) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Habs" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "Jacobg627" [1]=> string(5) "Fable" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(4) "Wolf" ["location"]=> string(13) "United States" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(74) "Death in The Oldway, Death during Battle Of The Snowforts; War with Mickey" ["birthday"]=> int(1090296000) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(4) "Habs" }

Joining the Oldcp

Bored of Disney's lame parties Habsolo went out on the lookout for and Old Club Penguin. He'd tried plenty of cpps' but none were the same as the old Club Penguin he remembered. But within 5 minutes he found a video, and went to the description and typed in the link. Once the page loaded in his excitement was already above his head. He clicked play, and realized he had to create a penguin. So he went into the "Create A Penguin" accepted the rules and requirements and picked out a nice Green Penguin (Green Being his favourite color. Then came the name choice. He pondered and pondered on it until he finally decided on the name Hansolo (Han Solo being his favorite Star Wars Character)! But of course his finger missed the N and hit the B. Hence the name Habsolo arrived. At first he was mad but the realized he liked this name "Habsolo". Henceforth Habsolo joined Oldcp!

First days of adventure on Oldcp

Habsolo Loved this new game he had joined! The first command he was told, by Terry91 was /addall. He loved exploring with all the old items, but then he saw everyone else with new cool clothing, so he discussed this matter With Jacobg627, who he thought was a weird guy with a beard, Jacob explained, and told Habsolo that the beard was off the command /wise. And then Habsolo "sprouted" a wise beard, and a knack for becoming a wise one. Habsolo also started wearing a variety of clothing. His first days on Oldcp were a blast.

Sibling invitation

Habsolo is a child of a large family, and one of his brothers and his sister enjoyed Club Penguin, but didn't like Disney's version, so Habsolo told them about this. They joined under the usernames of "Chewybacca" and "Umbird". Both immediately fell in love with the game, but they only played for about a month before they got into Roblox and quit. Occasionally Habsolo's brother and his sister visit with him.

Joining DSGHQ Forums

After a while Habsolo started to look up to mods. He enjoyed watching them crawl along the walls and Ban inappropriate users. Habsolo admired their power, so one day he asked "How do you become a Mod?" (but with bad grammar) the mod responded:" Make an application on Forums, of course!" Habsolo asked about the forums, got the link, and joined under the username habsolo (the 'h' was not capitol.)

Becoming a well-ish known user.

Right after he joined Habsolo was ready to jump into the mix! Habsolo made a mod application, and received the advice to gain experience before he applied again. So Habsolo made a couple posts, and finally (after around a month or to of being on forums) became a member! It was such an accomplishment Habsolo vowed to be more active! But School life kept him very busy, so he had to leave the community. Or so he thought.


Habsolo was so very busy with his school life he only found time to go onto DSGHQ forums around twice a week. Then it became once a week. Then he lost all his time going onto DSGHQ to play Roblox. This did have its upsides though, during his time playing he adapted to using less acronyms and typing like a real person not a 4 year old Toddler.

The Return!

Finally! Spring Break at last! During his Spring Break Habsolo looked back on his most visted websites and DSGHQ forums was on there. And he finally rejoined the forums! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Becoming a higher level user.

When Habsolo came back he noticed levels. So he was of course determined to be the best, he tried to make at least 2 posts everyday and level up at least 3 times every month. It failed. So Habsolo became a normal user. On Oldcp his life was when suddenly the oldway opened up. Habsolo explored down there and died in the process. He returned under the Account HabS, expecting to be known as Hab S, but better known as Habs. At first he was mad about this being called habs, but he learned to like it. When investigating with Detective Sergeant Bob, they discovered Bot's ghost. Habsolo kept up the normal checking in. Until July 2015 when everything changed..

Habsolo and the War Of the Djinns

Habsolo, not being here for any other war or combat none the less was overly excited when War Knights rolled in. He knew this war was a great chance for him to prove himself. After being encouraged by Abusheakaus and Terry91, both war knights, Habsolo decided to apply for the rank. After getting little feedback on his Application he decided, to go under the way of pacifism and took down his application.

Following the Crimezone

Habsolo became extremely interested in everything crimezone. He followed any lead, and checked /activity every three seconds. He followed the knights and patrolled with them. Until the Blackhawks took the Plaza. Habsolo waited anxiously with the rest of the users at the forts as Gamer returned and brought the news. But a split second later, the Blackhawks exploded out of the spawn Guns blazing and swords swinging. Habsolo died within seconds. But realized his account Habsolo was alive again! He had been revived! Habsolo was himself again.

Marriage to Poolpie

In the weeks after the War of the Djinns ended, Habsolo fell in love with Poolpie. After a long month and an even longer wedding they were finally married by the wise one Becky1028. Along with Poolpie, becoming one of his best friends Poolpie, also introduced Habsolo to Sugar and Cristal. Habsolo, Poolpie, Sugar, and Cristal had a blast for the rest of the summer. These three became life long friends to Habsolo

Wise Tests

After becoming very good friends with Jacobg the Grand Most Wise, Habsolo decided to take the wise test. He took it and answered the questions heartily. He didn't become wise. He retook it again, and didn't become wise (again).

Continuing his DSGHQ life.

Habsolo plays Oldcp regularly and goes on the forums a lot. He is a well known player, who can be seen always wearing his wise beard, never to take it off. He may never achieve his dream rank but until then, he will never stop trying.

The Update of 2022

After a visiting and going off into the great adventure of real life, the dear protagonist of this wiki article, Habsolo, came onto forums and posted the mood "someone update my wiki". This event took place on 10/15/22.
23RD NOVEMBER 2020 BY JENNA , BODY: CEC5659825662B4E72838CE543F3C634 , PROPS: D51EBF3FD132EB3CCA3C02BB16851FFE [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Habsolo" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(0) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Habs" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "Jacobg627" [1]=> string(5) "Fable" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(4) "Wolf" ["location"]=> string(13) "United States" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(74) "Death in The Oldway, Death during Battle Of The Snowforts; War with Mickey" ["birthday"]=> int(1090296000) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(4) "Habs" }

Joining the Oldcp

Bored of Disney's lame parties Habsolo went out on the lookout for and Old Club Penguin. He'd tried plenty of cpps' but none were the same as the old Club Penguin he remembered. But within 5 minutes he found a video, and went to the description and typed in the link. Once the page loaded in his excitement was already above his head. He clicked play, and realized he had to create a penguin. So he went into the "Create A Penguin" accepted the rules and requirements and picked out a nice Green Penguin (Green Being his favourite color. Then came the name choice. He pondered and pondered on it until he finally decided on the name Hansolo (Han Solo being his favorite Star Wars Character)! But of course his finger missed the N and hit the B. Hence the name Habsolo arrived. At first he was mad but the realized he liked this name "Habsolo". Henceforth Habsolo joined Oldcp!

First days of adventure on Oldcp

Habsolo Loved this new game he had joined! The first command he was told, by Terry91 was /addall. He loved exploring with all the old items, but then he saw everyone else with new cool clothing, so he discussed this matter With Jacobg627, who he thought was a weird guy with a beard, Jacob explained, and told Habsolo that the beard was off the command /wise. And then Habsolo "sprouted" a wise beard, and a knack for becoming a wise one. Habsolo also started wearing a variety of clothing. His first days on Oldcp were a blast.

Sibling invitation

Habsolo is a child of a large family, and one of his brothers and his sister enjoyed Club Penguin, but didn't like Disney's version, so Habsolo told them about this. They joined under the usernames of "Chewybacca" and "Umbird". Both immediately fell in love with the game, but they only played for about a month before they got into Roblox and quit. Occasionally Habsolo's brother and his sister visit with him.

Joining DSGHQ Forums

After a while Habsolo started to look up to mods. He enjoyed watching them crawl along the walls and Ban inappropriate users. Habsolo admired their power, so one day he asked "How do you become a Mod?" (but with bad grammar) the mod responded:" Make an application on Forums, of course!" Habsolo asked about the forums, got the link, and joined under the username habsolo (the 'h' was not capitol.)

Becoming a well-ish known user.

Right after he joined Habsolo was ready to jump into the mix! Habsolo made a mod application, and received the advice to gain experience before he applied again. So Habsolo made a couple posts, and finally (after around a month or to of being on forums) became a member! It was such an accomplishment Habsolo vowed to be more active! But School life kept him very busy, so he had to leave the community. Or so he thought.


Habsolo was so very busy with his school life he only found time to go onto DSGHQ forums around twice a week. Then it became once a week. Then he lost all his time going onto DSGHQ to play Roblox. This did have its upsides though, during his time playing he adapted to using less acronyms and typing like a real person not a 4 year old Toddler.

The Return!

Finally! Spring Break at last! During his Spring Break Habsolo looked back on his most visted websites and DSGHQ forums was on there. And he finally rejoined the forums! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Becoming a higher level user.

When Habsolo came back he noticed levels. So he was of course determined to be the best, he tried to make at least 2 posts everyday and level up at least 3 times every month. It failed. So Habsolo became a normal user. On Oldcp his life was when suddenly the oldway opened up. Habsolo explored down there and died in the process. He returned under the Account HabS, expecting to be known as Hab S, but better known as Habs. At first he was mad about this being called habs, but he learned to like it. When investigating with Detective Sergeant Bob, they discovered Bot's ghost. Habsolo kept up the normal checking in. Until July 2015 when everything changed..

Habsolo and the War Of the Djinns

Habsolo, not being here for any other war or combat none the less was overly excited when War Knights rolled in. He knew this war was a great chance for him to prove himself. After being encouraged by Abusheakaus and Terry91, both war knights, Habsolo decided to apply for the rank. After getting little feedback on his Application he decided, to go under the way of pacifism and took down his application.

Following the Crimezone

Habsolo became extremely interested in everything crimezone. He followed any lead, and checked /activity every three seconds. He followed the knights and patrolled with them. Until the Blackhawks took the Plaza. Habsolo waited anxiously with the rest of the users at the forts as Gamer returned and brought the news. But a split second later, the Blackhawks exploded out of the spawn Guns blazing and swords swinging. Habsolo died within seconds. But realized his account Habsolo was alive again! He had been revived! Habsolo was himself again.

Marriage to Poolpie

In the weeks after the War of the Djinns ended, Habsolo fell in love with Poolpie. After a long month and an even longer wedding they were finally married by the wise one Becky1028. Along with Poolpie, becoming one of his best friends Poolpie, also introduced Habsolo to Sugar and Cristal. Habsolo, Poolpie, Sugar, and Cristal had a blast for the rest of the summer. These three became life long friends to Habsolo

Wise Tests

After becoming very good friends with Jacobg the Grand Most Wise, Habsolo decided to take the wise test. He took it and answered the questions heartily. He didn't become wise. He retook it again, and didn't become wise (again).

Continuing his DSGHQ life.

Habsolo plays Oldcp regularly and goes on the forums a lot. He is a well known player, who can be seen always wearing his wise beard, never to take it off. He may never achieve his dream rank but until then, he will never stop trying.
25TH JANUARY 2016 BY HABSOLO , BODY: CEC5659825662B4E72838CE543F3C634 , PROPS: ED713C887FA154D5FF2138B28E55D61C [RESTORE]

fixed some errors

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Habsolo" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "http://i.imgur.com/1KA2MFC.png" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Habs" } ["titles"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "Jacobg627" [1]=> string(5) "Fable" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(4) "Wolf" ["location"]=> string(13) "United States" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(74) "Death in The Oldway, Death during Battle Of The Snowforts; War with Mickey" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(4) "Habs" }

Joining the Oldcp

Bored of Disney's lame parties Habsolo went out on the lookout for and Old Club Penguin. He'd tried plenty of cpps' but none were the same as the old Club Penguin he remembered. But within 5 minutes he found a video, and went to the description and typed in the link. Once the page loaded in his excitement was already above his head. He clicked play, and realized he had to create a penguin. So he went into the "Create A Penguin" accepted the rules and requirements and picked out a nice Green Penguin (Green Being his favourite color. Then came the name choice. He pondered and pondered on it until he finally decided on the name Hansolo (Han Solo being his favorite Star Wars Character)! But of course his finger missed the N and hit the B. Hence the name Habsolo arrived. At first he was mad but the realized he liked this name "Habsolo". Henceforth Habsolo joined Oldcp!

First days of adventure on Oldcp

Habsolo Loved this new game he had joined! The first command he was told, by Terry91 was /addall. He loved exploring with all the old items, but then he saw everyone else with new cool clothing, so he discussed this matter With Jacobg627, who he thought was a weird guy with a beard, Jacob explained, and told Habsolo that the beard was off the command /wise. And then Habsolo "sprouted" a wise beard, and a knack for becoming a wise one. Habsolo also started wearing a variety of clothing. His first days on Oldcp were a blast.

Sibling invitation

Habsolo is a child of a large family, and one of his brothers and his sister enjoyed Club Penguin, but didn't like Disney's version, so Habsolo told them about this. They joined under the usernames of "Chewybacca" and "Umbird". Both immediately fell in love with the game, but they only played for about a month before they got into Roblox and quit. Occasionally Habsolo's brother and his sister visit with him.

Joining DSGHQ Forums

After a while Habsolo started to look up to mods. He enjoyed watching them crawl along the walls and Ban inappropriate users. Habsolo admired their power, so one day he asked "How do you become a Mod?" (but with bad grammar) the mod responded:" Make an application on Forums, of course!" Habsolo asked about the forums, got the link, and joined under the username habsolo (the 'h' was not capitol.)

Becoming a well-ish known user.

Right after he joined Habsolo was ready to jump into the mix! Habsolo made a mod application, and received the advice to gain experience before he applied again. So Habsolo made a couple posts, and finally (after around a month or to of being on forums) became a member! It was such an accomplishment Habsolo vowed to be more active! But School life kept him very busy, so he had to leave the community. Or so he thought.


Habsolo was so very busy with his school life he only found time to go onto DSGHQ forums around twice a week. Then it became once a week. Then he lost all his time going onto DSGHQ to play Roblox. This did have its upsides though, during his time playing he adapted to using less acronyms and typing like a real person not a 4 year old Toddler.

The Return!

Finally! Spring Break at last! During his Spring Break Habsolo looked back on his most visted websites and DSGHQ forums was on there. And he finally rejoined the forums! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Becoming a higher level user.

When Habsolo came back he noticed levels. So he was of course determined to be the best, he tried to make at least 2 posts everyday and level up at least 3 times every month. It failed. So Habsolo became a normal user. On Oldcp his life was when suddenly the oldway opened up. Habsolo explored down there and died in the process. He returned under the Account HabS, expecting to be known as Hab S, but better known as Habs. At first he was mad about this being called habs, but he learned to like it. When investigating with Detective Sergeant Bob, they discovered Bot's ghost. Habsolo kept up the normal checking in. Until July 2015 when everything changed..

Habsolo and the War Of the Djinns

Habsolo, not being here for any other war or combat none the less was overly excited when War Knights rolled in. He knew this war was a great chance for him to prove himself. After being encouraged by Abusheakaus and Terry91, both war knights, Habsolo decided to apply for the rank. After getting little feedback on his Application he decided, to go under the way of pacifism and took down his application.

Following the Crimezone

Habsolo became extremely interested in everything crimezone. He followed any lead, and checked /activity every three seconds. He followed the knights and patrolled with them. Until the Blackhawks took the Plaza. Habsolo waited anxiously with the rest of the users at the forts as Gamer returned and brought the news. But a split second later, the Blackhawks exploded out of the spawn Guns blazing and swords swinging. Habsolo died within seconds. But realized his account Habsolo was alive again! He had been revived! Habsolo was himself again.

Marriage to Poolpie

In the weeks after the War of the Djinns ended, Habsolo fell in love with Poolpie. After a long month and an even longer wedding they were finally married by the wise one Becky1028. Along with Poolpie, becoming one of his best friends Poolpie, also introduced Habsolo to Sugar and Cristal. Habsolo, Poolpie, Sugar, and Cristal had a blast for the rest of the summer. These three became life long friends to Habsolo

Wise Tests

After becoming very good friends with Jacobg the Grand Most Wise, Habsolo decided to take the wise test. He took it and answered the questions heartily. He didn't become wise. He retook it again, and didn't become wise (again).

Continuing his DSGHQ life.

Habsolo plays Oldcp regularly and goes on the forums a lot. He is a well known player, who can be seen always wearing his wise beard, never to take it off. He may never achieve his dream rank but until then, he will never stop trying.
25TH JANUARY 2016 BY HABSOLO , BODY: 40B12DDFA0C397169983D68E6DF3579E , PROPS: ED713C887FA154D5FF2138B28E55D61C [RESTORE]

I added Sugar and Cristal and explained how I met them

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Habsolo" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "http://i.imgur.com/1KA2MFC.png" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Habs" } ["titles"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "Jacobg627" [1]=> string(5) "Fable" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(4) "Wolf" ["location"]=> string(13) "United States" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(74) "Death in The Oldway, Death during Battle Of The Snowforts; War with Mickey" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(4) "Habs" }

Joining the Oldcp

Bored of Disney's lame parties Habsolo went out on the lookout for and Old Club Penguin. He'd tried plenty of cpps' but none were the same as the old Club Penguin he remembered. But within 5 minutes he found a video, and went to the description and typed in the link. Once the page loaded in his excitement was already above his head. He clicked play, and realized he had to create a penguin. So he went into the "Create A Penguin" accepted the rules and requirements and picked out a nice Green Penguin (Green Being his favourite color. Then came the name choice. He pondered and pondered on it until he finally decided on the name Hansolo (Han Solo being his favorite Star Wars Character)! But of course his finger missed the N and hit the B. Hence the name Habsolo arrived. At first he was mad but the realized he liked this name "Habsolo". Henceforth Habsolo joined Oldcp!

First days of adventure on Oldcp

Habsolo Loved this new game he had joined! The first command he was told, by Terry91 was /addall. He loved exploring with all the old items, but then he saw everyone else with new cool clothing, so he discussed this matter With Jacobg, who he thought was a weird guy with a beard, Jacobg explained, and told Habsolo that the beard was off the command /wise. And then Habsolo "sprouted" a wise beard, and a knack for becoming a wise one. Habsolo also started wearing a variety of clothing. His first days on Oldcp were a blast.

Sibling invitation

Habsolo is a child of a large family, and one of his brothers and his sister enjoyed Club Penguin, but didn't like Disney's version, so Habsolo told them about this. They joined under the usernames of "Chewybacca" and "Umbird". Both immediately fell in love with the game, but they only played for about a month before they got into Roblox and quit. Occasionally Habsolo's brother and his sister visit with him.

Joining DSGHQ Forums

After a while Habsolo started to look up to mods. He enjoyed watching them crawl along the walls and Ban inappropriate users. Habsolo admired their power, so one day he asked "How do you become a Mod?" (but with bad grammar) the mod responded:" Make an application on Forums, of course!" Habsolo asked about the forums, got the link, and joined under the username habsolo (the 'h' was not capitol.)

Becoming a well-ish known user.

Right after he joined Habsolo was ready to jump into the mix! Habsolo made a mod application, and received the advice to gain experience before he applied again. So Habsolo made a couple posts, and finally (after around a month or to of being on forums) became a member! It was such an accomplishment Habsolo vowed to be more active! But School life kept him very busy, so he had to leave the community. Or so he thought.


Habsolo was so very busy with his school life he only found time to go onto DSGHQ forums around twice a week. Then it became once a week. Then he lost all his time going onto DSGHQ to play Roblox. This did have its upsides though, during his time playing he adapted to using less acronyms and typing like a real person not a 4 year old Toddler.

The Return!

Finally! Spring Break at last! During his Spring Break Habsolo looked back on his most visted websites and DSGHQ forums was on there. And he finally rejoined the forums! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Becoming a higher level user.

When Habsolo came back he noticed levels. So he was of course determined to be the best, he tried to make at least 2 posts everyday and level up at least 3 times every month. It failed. So Habsolo became a normal user. On Oldcp his life was when suddenly the oldway opened up. Habsolo explored down there and died in the process. He returned under the Account HabS, expecting to be known as Hab S, but better known as Habs. At first he was mad about this being called habs, but he learned to like it. When investigating with Detective Sergeant Bob, they discovered Bot's ghost. Habsolo kept up the normal checking in. Until July 2015 when everything changed..

Habsolo and the War Of the Djinns

Habsolo, not being here for any other war or combat none the less was overly excited when War Knights rolled in. He knew this war was a great chance for him to prove himself. After being encouraged by Abusheakaus and Terry91, both war knights, Habsolo decided to apply for the rank. After getting little feedback on his Application he decided, to go under the way of pacifism and took down his application.

Following the Crimezone

Habsolo became extremely interested in everything crimezone. He followed any lead, and checked /activity every three seconds. He followed the knights and patrolled with them. Until the Blackhawks took the Plaza. Habsolo waited anxiously with the rest of the users at the forts as Gamer returned and brought the news. But a split second later, the Blackhawks exploded out of the spawn Guns blazing and swords swinging. Habsolo died within seconds. But realized his account Habsolo was alive again! He had been revived! Habsolo was himself again.

Marriage to Poolpie

In the weeks after the War of the Djinns ended, Habsolo fell in love with Poolpie. After a long month and an even longer wedding they were finally married by the wise one Becky1028. Along with Poolpie, becoming one of his best friends Poolpie, also introduced Habsolo to Sugar and Cristal. Habsolo, Poolpie, Sugar, and Cristal had a blast for the rest of the summer. These three became life long friends to Habsolo

Wise Tests

After becoming very good friends with Jacobg the Grand Most Wise, Habsolo decided to take the wise test. He took it and answered the questions heartily. He didn't become wise. He retook it again, and didn't become wise (again).

Continuing his DSGHQ life.

Habsolo plays Oldcp regularly and goes on the forums a lot. He is a well known player, who can be seen always wearing his wise beard, never to take it off. He may never achive his dream rank but until then, he never stop trying.
25TH JANUARY 2016 BY HABSOLO , BODY: C2A1095920051C5BA018B9660DA6B7F0 , PROPS: ED713C887FA154D5FF2138B28E55D61C [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Habsolo" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "http://i.imgur.com/1KA2MFC.png" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Habs" } ["titles"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "Jacobg627" [1]=> string(5) "Fable" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(4) "Wolf" ["location"]=> string(13) "United States" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(74) "Death in The Oldway, Death during Battle Of The Snowforts; War with Mickey" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(4) "Habs" }

Joining the Oldcp

Bored of Disney's lame parties Habsolo went out on the lookout for and Old Club Penguin. He'd tried plenty of cpps' but none were the same as the old Club Penguin he remembered. But within 5 minutes he found a video, and went to the description and typed in the link. Once the page loaded in his excitement was already above his head. He clicked play, and realized he had to create a penguin. So he went into the "Create A Penguin" accepted the rules and requirements and picked out a nice Green Penguin (Green Being his favourite color. Then came the name choice. He pondered and pondered on it until he finally decided on the name Hansolo (Han Solo being his favorite Star Wars Character)! But of course his finger missed the N and hit the B. Hence the name Habsolo arrived. At first he was mad but the realized he liked this name "Habsolo". Henceforth Habsolo joined Oldcp!

First days of adventure on Oldcp

Habsolo Loved this new game he had joined! The first command he was told, by Terry91 was /addall. He loved exploring with all the old items, but then he saw everyone else with new cool clothing, so he discussed this matter With Jacobg, who he thought was a weird guy with a beard, Jacobg explained, and told Habsolo that the beard was off the command /wise. And then Habsolo "sprouted" a wise beard, and a knack for becoming a wise one. Habsolo also started wearing a variety of clothing. His first days on Oldcp were a blast.

Sibling invitation

Habsolo is a child of a large family, and one of his brothers and his sister enjoyed Club Penguin, but didn't like Disney's version, so Habsolo told them about this. They joined under the usernames of "Chewybacca" and "Umbird". Both immediately fell in love with the game, but they only played for about a month before they got into Roblox and quit. Occasionally Habsolo's brother and his sister visit with him.

Joining DSGHQ Forums

After a while Habsolo started to look up to mods. He enjoyed watching them crawl along the walls and Ban inappropriate users. Habsolo admired their power, so one day he asked "How do you become a Mod?" (but with bad grammar) the mod responded:" Make an application on Forums, of course!" Habsolo asked about the forums, got the link, and joined under the username habsolo (the 'h' was not capitol.)

Becoming a well-ish known user.

Right after he joined Habsolo was ready to jump into the mix! Habsolo made a mod application, and received the advice to gain experience before he applied again. So Habsolo made a couple posts, and finally (after around a month or to of being on forums) became a member! It was such an accomplishment Habsolo vowed to be more active! But School life kept him very busy, so he had to leave the community. Or so he thought.


Habsolo was so very busy with his school life he only found time to go onto DSGHQ forums around twice a week. Then it became once a week. Then he lost all his time going onto DSGHQ to play Roblox. This did have its upsides though, during his time playing he adapted to using less acronyms and typing like a real person not a 4 year old Toddler.

The Return!

Finally! Spring Break at last! During his Spring Break Habsolo looked back on his most visted websites and DSGHQ forums was on there. And he finally rejoined the forums! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Becoming a higher level user.

When Habsolo came back he noticed levels. So he was of course determined to be the best, he tried to make at least 2 posts everyday and level up at least 3 times every month. It failed. So Habsolo became a normal user. On Oldcp his life was when suddenly the oldway opened up. Habsolo explored down there and died in the process. He returned under the Account HabS, expecting to be known as Hab S, but better known as Habs. At first he was mad about this being called habs, but he learned to like it. When investigating with Detective Sergeant Bob, they discovered Bot's ghost. Habsolo kept up the normal checking in. Until July 2015 when everything changed..

Habsolo and the War Of the Djinns

Habsolo, not being here for any other war or combat none the less was overly excited when War Knights rolled in. He knew this war was a great chance for him to prove himself. After being encouraged by Abusheakaus and Terry91, both war knights, Habsolo decided to apply for the rank. After getting little feedback on his Application he decided, to go under the way of pacifism and took down his application.

Following the Crimezone

Habsolo became extremely interested in everything crimezone. He followed any lead, and checked /activity every three seconds. He followed the knights and patrolled with them. Until the Blackhawks took the Plaza. Habsolo waited anxiously with the rest of the users at the forts as Gamer returned and brought the news. But a split second later, the Blackhawks exploded out of the spawn Guns blazing and swords swinging. Habsolo died within seconds. But realized his account Habsolo was alive again! He had been revived! Habsolo was himself again.

Marriage to Poolpie

In the weeks after the War of the Djinns ended, Habsolo fell in love with Poolpie. After a long month and an even longer wedding they were finally married by the wise one Becky1028

Wise Tests

After becoming very good friends with Jacobg the Grand Most Wise, Habsolo decided to take the wise test. He took it and answered the questions heartily. He didn't become wise. He retook it again, and didn't become wise (again).

Continuing his DSGHQ life.

Habsolo plays Oldcp regularly and goes on the forums a lot. He is a well known player, who can be seen always wearing his wise beard, never to take it off. He may never achive his dream rank but until then, he never stop trying.