
Change History of Wiki:House_Fairytales

27TH JUNE 2020 BY KAT , BODY: 5E0D9E9863915C54083211F8E7AC3B9F , PROPS: A3C93D8259E286F9C0E300A2FD237BA0 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(16) "House Fairytales" }


House Fairytales

”With wings, you can fly high.”

Founded Game Of Moderators in 2017
Lady of Fairytales Katrules and Rachel
Co-Founder Pic
Fairytales is a house on OldCP founded by Katrules, Pickleslover and Rachel. This team has put effort and hard work into Game Of Moderators overtime.

Origin of House Fairytales

Fairytales, the name was inspired by the anime “Fairytail”. The anime often shows how the “guild” that the main characters are in mean a lot to them, and that they aren’t just friends, they are family. Katrules had just finished her second Game of Moderators with Pic on Team Bunnies, in which Katrules felt she wanted to have her own team and house and asked Pic. Pic agreed to co-lead the team with Katrules. Many users like Rachel, Perla and Jenna worked and helped as assistants. In Series 16, they participated but didn’t do very well. But in the new year, Katrules and Pic led their team in the Game of Moderators, Series 17 in January of 2017.

What Fairytales Represents

Fairytales isn’t a house for weapons and armies. It is a house where people support one another. It is a space where everyone can feel comfortable to speak their mind, feel safe, and have people to rely on. Also, Fairytales is there to help no matter the case and put you on the right path. They will help you achieve your goal in any way possible. Fairytales make champions in the household. The wings represent a sense of security and freedom, and innocence. In addition it means friendship, positivity and success.

Ladies of Fairytales

Katrules Fairytales

**Drawing made from scratch by Baffed overnight, amazing work.**

Rachel Fairytales

*Also a drawing made by Baffed from scratch.*

Pic Fairytales

*An edit made by gurlplay, great work.*

Beginning of Fairytales

Successful Users in Fairytales

Katrules (PWC, won GOM Series 17)
Pic (PWC, News Reporter)
Rachel (Lady of the Bank, Moderator, PWC)
Perla ( Moderator, PWC)
Hamilhelp ( Moderator, PWC)
Joseph (Head Moderator, PWC,GMW, etc.)
Jenna (won GOM series 19, and has achieved more)
Kensey (NK, Moderator)
Rilakkuma (PWC, Moderator)
Paradise (PWC)
McKinlee (Moderator, POTM won many times)


Throughout the time that Fairytales have participated in Game of Moderators, they had truly one once. That was in January, 2017. Game Of Moderators Series 17. Where they won the whole competition along with Ignite.

Return Of Fairytales

In the year 2020, during the pandemic, Katrules and Rachel returned and were inspired to return Fairytales and make the house alive once again.

Return of Fairytales post: https://forums.damenspike.com/discussion/60657

Member of the House? Subscribe to the Fairytales channel here: https://forums.damenspike.com/channel/Fairytales

*Made by Mari*