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Change History of Wiki:Yavanna
22ND APRIL 2022 BY
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No reason given
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string(18) "Queen of the Valar"
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string(4) "Aule"
string(4) "Vana"
string(7) "Yavanna"
Yavanna is the Ainur who is responsible for the growth of all growing things on Arda. She is the wife of Aule and the sister of Vana.
During the weaving of the music of the Ainur before Nameless One, Yavanna sang about great trees with branches that would receive rain from Ulmo. She also sang with Manwe for the arrival of great eagles.
Yavanna in the Spring of Arda.
With the Spring of Arda having been brought to an end, Yavanna and the rest of the Ainur would leave middle-earth for the land of Aman, where they created a place known as Valinor.
The two trees of Valinor.
Then Yavanna made all the plants and animals left on middle-earth go dormant for a time and she would often leave Aman to try to heal some of the damage that Morgoth had done to the land. During this time, Yavanna pushed for the Ainur to wage war on Morgoth before the awakening of the elves.
Yavanna is the older sister of Vana. Yavanna and Vana would work together on many things as they both had great love for and influence over both plant and animal life. In fact, it was with dews from the Two Trees of Valinor that Vana would water her gardens with.
Yavanna and her husband, Aule.
Currently, it is unknown where Yavanna is or what she is doing. Aule spoke of her fondly though when he was asked if he was married. It is implied that Yavanna is still living.
Yavanna is the Ainur who is responsible for the growth of all growing things on Arda. She is the wife of Aule and the sister of Vana.
Beginning of Arda
During the weaving of the music of the Ainur before Nameless One, Yavanna sang about great trees with branches that would receive rain from Ulmo. She also sang with Manwe for the arrival of great eagles.
Spring of Arda
Yavanna is credited with growing the first trees and plants to have ever sprouted on Arda. Arda would come into a great peaceful era where the plants grew and prospered and the lamps burned bright and beautifully, this time was named the Spring of Arda. During the Spring of Arda, everything was beautiful.Yavanna in the Spring of Arda.
End of Spring
The Spring of Arda would come to an end when Morgoth sent poison into the veins of the world, destroying many of the the creations of Yavanna. Morgoth also destroyed the Two Lamps that had been created, sending the world into a constant dusk.Years of the Trees
With the Spring of Arda having been brought to an end, Yavanna and the rest of the Ainur would leave middle-earth for the land of Aman, where they created a place known as Valinor.
In Valinor Yavanna sang a great song while the other Ainur listened. Through Yavanna's song, and with the aid of Nienna's tears, Yavanna created the Two Trees of Valinor, which gave light to the lands. These trees were called Laurelin, which was gold in color, and Telperion, which was silver in color. The Two Trees are thought to be Yavanna's greatest creation.The two trees of Valinor.
Then Yavanna made all the plants and animals left on middle-earth go dormant for a time and she would often leave Aman to try to heal some of the damage that Morgoth had done to the land. During this time, Yavanna pushed for the Ainur to wage war on Morgoth before the awakening of the elves.
The two trees that Yavanna created would be destroyed by Morgoth and Ungoliant. When the trees were destroyed, Yavanna thought that she could heal them if she could use the Silmarils that Feanor had created from their lights. Feanor refused and so Yavanna and Nienna worked together once again on the trees. Together, they managed to bring forth a silver flower from the tree Telperion and a golden fruit from the tree of Laurelin. Yavanna gave these both to her husband Aule, and with them he made two vessels which became the moon and the sun.Family
Yavanna is the older sister of Vana. Yavanna and Vana would work together on many things as they both had great love for and influence over both plant and animal life. In fact, it was with dews from the Two Trees of Valinor that Vana would water her gardens with.
Yavanna would marry Aule very early on in the days of Arda. They made a very beautiful couple, though Yavanna once got annoyed after Aule created the race of dwarves as she feared that the dwarves would cut down and destroy all of her creations. Due to this, the Ent race was created.Yavanna and her husband, Aule.
Recent Times
Currently, it is unknown where Yavanna is or what she is doing. Aule spoke of her fondly though when he was asked if he was married. It is implied that Yavanna is still living.
29TH MARCH 2022 BY
, BODY: 3DDA6145B65D35A968F91836BA3FEF1C , PROPS: E9BF881E6D11D74DFF83E2AD032D008E
No reason given
array(3) {
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string(7) "Yavanna"
string(18) "Queen of the Earth"
string(91) "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/910022267256324116/958157386890223686/IMG_3197.png"
array(2) {
string(10) "Kementári"
string(9) "Palúrien"
array(3) {
string(18) "Queen of the Earth"
string(15) "Giver of Fruits"
string(18) "Queen of the Valar"
string(1) "2"
string(0) ""
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string(4) "Aule"
string(4) "Vana"
string(7) "Yavanna"
Yavanna is the Ainur who is responsible for the growth of all growing things on Arda. She is the wife of Aule and the sister of Vana.
During the weaving of the music of the Ainur before Nameless One, Yavanna sang about great trees with branches that would receive rain from Ulmo. She also sang with Manwe for the arrival of great eagles.
Yavanna in the Spring of Arda.
With the Spring of Arda having been brought to an end, Yavanna and the rest of the Ainur would leave middle-earth for the land of Aman, where they created a place known as Valinor.
The two trees of Valinor.
Then Yavanna made all the plants and animals left on middle-earth go dormant for a time and she would often leave Aman to try to heal some of the damage that Morgoth had done to the land. During this time, Yavanna pushed for the Ainur to wage war on Morgoth before the awakening of the elves.
Yavanna is the older sister of Vana. Yavanna and Vana would work together on many things as they both had great love for and influence over both plant and animal life. In fact, it was with dews from the Two Trees of Valinor that Vana would water her gardens with.
Yavanna and her husband, Aule.
Currently, it is unknown where Yavanna is or what she is doing. Aule spoke of her fondly though when he was asked if he was married. It is implied that Yavanna is still living.
Beginning of Arda
During the weaving of the music of the Ainur before Nameless One, Yavanna sang about great trees with branches that would receive rain from Ulmo. She also sang with Manwe for the arrival of great eagles.
Spring of Arda
Yavanna is credited with growing the first trees and plants to have ever sprouted on Arda. Arda would come into a great peaceful era where the plants grew and prospered and the lamps burned bright and beautifully, this time was named the Spring of Arda. During the Spring of Arda, everything was beautiful.Yavanna in the Spring of Arda.
End of Spring
The Spring of Arda would come to an end when Morgoth sent poison into the veins of the world, destroying many of the the creations of Yavanna. Morgoth also destroyed the Two Lamps that had been created, sending the world into a constant dusk.Years of the Trees
With the Spring of Arda having been brought to an end, Yavanna and the rest of the Ainur would leave middle-earth for the land of Aman, where they created a place known as Valinor.
In Valinor Yavanna sang a great song while the other Ainur listened. Through Yavanna's song, and with the aid of Nienna's tears, Yavanna created the Two Trees of Valinor, which gave light to the lands. These trees were called Laurelin, which was gold in color, and Telperion, which was silver in color. The Two Trees are thought to be Yavanna's greatest creation.The two trees of Valinor.
Then Yavanna made all the plants and animals left on middle-earth go dormant for a time and she would often leave Aman to try to heal some of the damage that Morgoth had done to the land. During this time, Yavanna pushed for the Ainur to wage war on Morgoth before the awakening of the elves.
The two trees that Yavanna created would be destroyed by Morgoth and Ungoliant. When the trees were destroyed, Yavanna thought that she could heal them if she could use the Silmarils that Feanor had created from their lights. Feanor refused and so Yavanna and Nienna worked together once again on the trees. Together, they managed to bring forth a silver flower from the tree Telperion and a golden fruit from the tree of Laurelin. Yavanna gave these both to her husband Aule, and with them he made two vessels which became the moon and the sun.Family
Yavanna is the older sister of Vana. Yavanna and Vana would work together on many things as they both had great love for and influence over both plant and animal life. In fact, it was with dews from the Two Trees of Valinor that Vana would water her gardens with.
Yavanna would marry Aule very early on in the days of Arda. They made a very beautiful couple, though Yavanna once got annoyed after Aule created the race of dwarves as she feared that the dwarves would cut down and destroy all of her creations. Due to this, the Ent race was created.Yavanna and her husband, Aule.
Recent Times
Currently, it is unknown where Yavanna is or what she is doing. Aule spoke of her fondly though when he was asked if he was married. It is implied that Yavanna is still living.
29TH MARCH 2022 BY
, BODY: C2498D0215E63349DAA9913A46F737F1 , PROPS: E9BF881E6D11D74DFF83E2AD032D008E
No reason given
array(3) {
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array(2) {
string(10) "Kementári"
string(9) "Palúrien"
array(3) {
string(18) "Queen of the Earth"
string(15) "Giver of Fruits"
string(18) "Queen of the Valar"
string(1) "2"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
array(2) {
string(4) "Aule"
string(4) "Vana"
string(7) "Yavanna"
Yavanna is the Ainur who is responsible for the growth of all growing things on Arda. She is the wife of Aule and the sister of Vana.
During the weaving of the music of the Ainur before Nameless One, Yavanna sang about great trees with branches that would receive rain from Ulmo. She also sang with Manwe for the arrival of great eagles.
Yavanna in the Spring of Arda.
With the Spring of Arda having been brought to an end, Yavanna and the rest of the Ainur would leave middle-earth for the land of Aman, where they created a place known as Valinor.
The two trees of Valinor.
Then Yavanna made all the plants and animals left on middle-earth go dormant for a time and she would often leave Aman to try to heal some of the damage that Morgoth had done to the land. During this time, Yavanna pushed for the Ainur to wage war on Morgoth before the awakening of the elves.
Yavanna is the older sister of Vana. Yavanna and Vana would work together on many things as they both had great love for and influence over both plant and animal life. In fact, it was with dews from the Two Trees of Valinor that Vana would water her gardens with.
Yavanna and her husband, Aule.
Currently, it is unknown where Yavanna is or what she is doing. Aule spoke of her fondly though when he was asked if he was married. It is implied that Yavanna is still living.
Beginning of Arda
During the weaving of the music of the Ainur before Nameless One, Yavanna sang about great trees with branches that would receive rain from Ulmo. She also sang with Manwe for the arrival of great eagles.
Spring of Arda
Yavanna is credited with growing the first trees and plants to have ever sprouted on Arda. Arda would come into a great peaceful era where the plants grew and prospered and the lamps burned bright and beautifully, this time was named the Spring of Arda. During the Spring of Arda, everything was beautiful.Yavanna in the Spring of Arda.
End of Spring
The Spring of Arda would come to an end when Morgoth sent poison into the veins of the world, destroying many of the the creations of Yavanna. Morgoth also destroyed the Two Lamps that had been created, sending the world into a constant dusk.Years of the Trees
With the Spring of Arda having been brought to an end, Yavanna and the rest of the Ainur would leave middle-earth for the land of Aman, where they created a place known as Valinor.
Creation of the Two Trees
In Valinor Yavanna sang a great song while the other Ainur listened. Through Yavanna's song, and with the aid of Nienna's tears, Yavanna created the Two Trees of Valinor, which gave light to the lands. The Two Trees are thought to be Yavanna's greatest creation.The two trees of Valinor.
Then Yavanna made all the plants and animals left on middle-earth go dormant for a time and she would often leave Aman to try to heal some of the damage that Morgoth had done to the land. During this time, Yavanna pushed for the Ainur to wage war on Morgoth before the awakening of the elves.
Destruction of the Two Trees
The two trees that Yavanna created would be destroyed by Morgoth and Ungoliant. When the trees were destroyed, Yavanna thought that she could heal them if she could use the Silmarils that Feanor had created from their lights. Feanor refused and so Yavanna and Nienna worked together once again on the trees. Together, they managed to bring forth a silver flower from the tree Telperion and a golden fruit from the tree of Laurelin. Yavanna gave these both to her husband Aule, and with them he made two vessels which became the moon and the sun.Family
Yavanna is the older sister of Vana. Yavanna and Vana would work together on many things as they both had great love for and influence over both plant and animal life. In fact, it was with dews from the Two Trees of Valinor that Vana would water her gardens with.
Yavanna would marry Aule very early on in the days of Arda. They made a very beautiful couple, though Yavanna once got annoyed after Aule created the race of dwarves as she feared that the dwarves would cut down and destroy all of her creations. Due to this, the Ent race was created.Yavanna and her husband, Aule.
Recent Times
Currently, it is unknown where Yavanna is or what she is doing. Aule spoke of her fondly though when he was asked if he was married. It is implied that Yavanna is still living.
29TH MARCH 2022 BY
, BODY: 4950ABCA7B64CCA193D51370706F593E , PROPS: E9BF881E6D11D74DFF83E2AD032D008E
No reason given
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array(2) {
string(10) "Kementári"
string(9) "Palúrien"
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string(18) "Queen of the Earth"
string(15) "Giver of Fruits"
string(18) "Queen of the Valar"
string(1) "2"
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array(2) {
string(4) "Aule"
string(4) "Vana"
string(7) "Yavanna"
Yavanna is the Ainur who is responsible for the growth of all growing things on Arda. She is the wife of Aule and the sister of Vana.
During the weaving of the music of the Ainur before Nameless One, Yavanna sang about great trees with branches that would receive rain from Ulmo. She also sang with Manwe for the arrival of great eagles.
Yavanna in the Spring of Arda.
With the Spring of Arda having been brought to an end, Yavanna and the rest of the Ainur would leave middle-earth for the land of Aman, where they created a place known as Valinor.
The two trees of Valinor.
Then Yavanna made all the plants and animals left on middle-earth go dormant for a time and she would often leave Aman to try to heal some of the damage that Morgoth had done to the land. During this time, Yavanna pushed for the Ainur to wage war on Morgoth before the awakening of the elves.
Yavanna is the older sister of Vana. Yavanna and Vana would work together on many things as they both had great love for and influence over both plant and animal life. In fact, it was with dews from the Two Trees of Valinor that Vana would water her gardens with.
Yavanna and her husband, Aule.
Currently, it is unknown where Yavanna is or what she is doing. Aule spoke of her fondly though when he was asked if he was married. It is implied that Yavanna is still living.
Beginning of Arda
During the weaving of the music of the Ainur before Nameless One, Yavanna sang about great trees with branches that would receive rain from Ulmo. She also sang with Manwe for the arrival of great eagles.
Spring of Arda
Yavanna is credited with growing the first trees and plants to have ever sprouted on Arda. Arda would come into a great peaceful era where the plants grew and prospered and the lamps burned bright and beautifully, this time was named the Spring of Arda. During the Spring of Arda, everything was beautiful.Yavanna in the Spring of Arda.
End of Spring
The Spring of Arda would come to an end when Morgoth sent poison into the veins of the world, destroying many of the the creations of Yavanna. Morgoth also destroyed the Two Lamps that had been created, sending the world into a constant dusk.Years of the Trees
With the Spring of Arda having been brought to an end, Yavanna and the rest of the Ainur would leave middle-earth for the land of Aman, where they created a place known as Valinor.
Creation of the Two Trees
In Valinor Yavanna sang a great song while the other Ainur listened. Through Yavanna's song, and with the aid of Nienna's tears, Yavanna created the Two Trees of Valinor, which gave light to the lands. The Two Trees are thought to be Yavanna's greatest creation.The two trees of Valinor.
Then Yavanna made all the plants and animals left on middle-earth go dormant for a time and she would often leave Aman to try to heal some of the damage that Morgoth had done to the land. During this time, Yavanna pushed for the Ainur to wage war on Morgoth before the awakening of the elves.
Destruction of the Two Trees
The two trees that Yavanna created would be destroyed by Morgoth and Ungoliant. When the trees were destroyed, Yavanna thought that she could heal them if she could use the Silmarils that Feanor had created from their lights. Feanor refused and so Yavanna and Nienna worked together once again on the trees. Together, they managed to bring forth a silver flower from the tree Telperion and a golden fruit from the tree of Laurelin. Yavanna gave these both to her husband Aule, and with them he made two vessels which became the moon and the sun.Family
Yavanna is the older sister of Vana. Yavanna and Vana would work together on many things as they both had great love for and influence over both plant and animal life. In fact, it was with dews from the Two Trees of Valinor that Vana would water her gardens with.
Yavanna would marry Aule very early on in the days of Arda. They made a very beautiful couple, though Yavanna once got annoyed after Aule created the race of dwarves as she feared that the dwarves would cut down and destroy all of her creations. Due to this, the Ent race was created.Yavanna and her husband, Aule.
Recent Times
Currently, it is unknown where Yavanna is or what she is doing. Aule spoke of her fondly though when he was asked if he was married. It is implied that Yavanna is still living.
29TH MARCH 2022 BY
, BODY: 6BDB0E9425F78C046ABE97CBC8B29D57 , PROPS: E9BF881E6D11D74DFF83E2AD032D008E
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string(91) "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/910022267256324116/958157386890223686/IMG_3197.png"
array(2) {
string(10) "Kementári"
string(9) "Palúrien"
array(3) {
string(18) "Queen of the Earth"
string(15) "Giver of Fruits"
string(18) "Queen of the Valar"
string(1) "2"
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string(4) "Aule"
string(4) "Vana"
string(7) "Yavanna"
Yavanna is the Ainur who is responsible for the growth of all growing things on Arda. She is the wife of Aule and the sister of Vana.
During the weaving of the music of the Ainur before Nameless One, Yavanna sang about great trees with branches that would receive rain from Ulmo. She also sang with Manwe for the arrival of great eagles.
Yavanna in the Spring of Arda.
With the Spring of Arda having been brought to an end, Yavanna and the rest of the Ainur would leave middle-earth for the land of Aman, where they created a place known as Valinor.
The two trees of Valinor.
Then Yavanna made all the plants and animals left on middle-earth go dormant for a time and she would often leave Aman to try to heal some of the damage that Morgoth had done to the land. During this time, Yavanna pushed for the Ainur to wage war on Morgoth before the awakening of the elves.
Yavanna is the older sister of Vana. Yavanna and Vana would work together on many things as they both had great love for and influence over both plant and animal life. In fact, it was with dews from the Two Trees of Valinor that Vana would water her gardens with.
Yavanna and her husband, Aule.
Currently, it is unknown where Yavanna is or what she is doing. Aule spoke of her fondly though when he was asked if he was married. It is implied that Yavanna is still living.
Beginning of Arda
During the weaving of the music of the Ainur before Nameless One, Yavanna sang about great trees with branches that would receive rain from Ulmo. She also sang with Manwe for the arrival of great eagles.
Spring of Arda
Yavanna is credited with growing the first trees and plants to have ever sprouted on Arda. Arda would come into a great peaceful era where the plants grew and prospered and the lamps burned bright and beautifully, this time was named the Spring of Arda. During the Spring of Arda, everything was beautiful.Yavanna in the Spring of Arda.
End of Spring
The Spring of Arda would come to an end when Morgoth sent poison into the veins of the world, destroying many of the the creations of Yavanna. Morgoth also destroyed the Two Lamps that had been created, sending the world into a constant dusk.Years of the Trees
With the Spring of Arda having been brought to an end, Yavanna and the rest of the Ainur would leave middle-earth for the land of Aman, where they created a place known as Valinor.
Creation of the Two Trees
In Valinor Yavanna sang a great song while the other Ainur listened. Through Yavanna's song, and with the aid of Nienna's tears, Yavanna created the Two Trees of Valinor, which gave light to the lands. The Two Trees are thought to be Yavanna's greatest creation.The two trees of Valinor.
Then Yavanna made all the plants and animals left on middle-earth go dormant for a time and she would often leave Aman to try to heal some of the damage that Morgoth had done to the land. During this time, Yavanna pushed for the Ainur to wage war on Morgoth before the awakening of the elves.
Destruction of the Two Trees
The two trees that Yavanna created would be destroyed by Morgoth and Ungoliant. When the trees were destroyed, Yavanna thought that she could heal them if she could use the Silmarils that Feanor had created from their lights. Feanor refused and so Yavanna and Nienna worked together once again on the trees. Together, they managed to bring forth a silver flower from the tree Telperion and a golden fruit from the tree of Laurelin. Yavanna gave these both to her husband Aule, and with them he made two vessels which became the moon and the sun.Family
Yavanna is the older sister of Vana. Yavanna and Vana would work together on many things as they both had great love for and influence over both plant and animal life. In fact, it was with dews from the Two Trees of Valinor that Vana would water her gardens with.
Yavanna would marry Aule very early on in the days of Arda. They made a very beautiful couple, though Yavanna once got annoyed after Aule created the race of dwarves as she feared that the dwarves would cut down and destroy all of her creations. Due to this, the Ent race was created.Yavanna and her husband, Aule.
Recent Times
Currently, it is unknown where Yavanna is or what she is doing. Aule spoke of her fondly though when he was asked if he was married. It is implied that Yavanna is still living.
29TH MARCH 2022 BY
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array(3) {
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string(91) "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/910022267256324116/958157386890223686/IMG_3197.png"
array(2) {
string(10) "Kementári"
string(9) "Palúrien"
array(3) {
string(18) "Queen of the Earth"
string(15) "Giver of Fruits"
string(18) "Queen of the Valar"
string(1) "2"
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string(4) "Aule"
string(4) "Vana"
string(7) "Yavanna"
Yavanna is the Ainur who is responsible for the growth of all growing things on Arda. She is the wife of Aule and the sister of Vana.
During the weaving of the music of the Ainur before Nameless One, Yavanna sang about great trees with branches that would receive rain from Ulmo. She also sang with Manwe for the arrival of great eagles.
Yavanna in the Spring of Arda.
With the Spring of Arda having been brought to an end, Yavanna and the rest of the Ainur would leave middle-earth for the land of Aman, where they created a place known as Valinor.
The two trees of Valinor.
Then Yavanna made all the plants and animals left on middle-earth go dormant for a time and she would often leave Aman to try to heal some of the damage that Morgoth had done to the land. During this time, Yavanna pushed for the Ainur to wage war on Morgoth before the awakening of the elves.
When the trees were destroyed, Yavanna thought that she could heal them if she could use the Silmarils that Feanor had created from their lights. Feanor refused and so Yavanna and Nienna worked together once again on the trees. Together, they managed to bring forth a silver flower from the tree Telperion and a golden fruit from the tree of Laurelin. Yavanna gave these both to her husband Aule, and with them he made two vessels which became the moon and the sun.
Yavanna is the older sister of Vana. Yavanna and Vana would work together on many things as they both had great love for and influence over both plant and animal life. In fact, it was with dews from the Two Trees of Valinor that Vana would water her gardens with.
Yavanna and her husband, Aule.
Currently, it is unknown where Yavanna is or what she is doing. Aule spoke of her fondly though when he was asked if he was married. It is implied that Yavanna is still living.
Beginning of Arda
During the weaving of the music of the Ainur before Nameless One, Yavanna sang about great trees with branches that would receive rain from Ulmo. She also sang with Manwe for the arrival of great eagles.
Spring of Arda
Yavanna is credited with growing the first trees and plants to have ever sprouted on Arda. Arda would come into a great peaceful era where the plants grew and prospered and the lamps burned bright and beautifully, this time was named the Spring of Arda. During the Spring of Arda, everything was beautiful.Yavanna in the Spring of Arda.
End of Spring
The Spring of Arda would come to an end when Morgoth sent poison into the veins of the world, destroying many of the the creations of Yavanna. Morgoth also destroyed the Two Lamps that had been created, sending the world into a constant dusk.Years of the Trees
With the Spring of Arda having been brought to an end, Yavanna and the rest of the Ainur would leave middle-earth for the land of Aman, where they created a place known as Valinor.
Creation of the Two Trees
In Valinor Yavanna sang a great song while the other Ainur listened. Through Yavanna's song, and with the aid of Nienna's tears, Yavanna created the Two Trees of Valinor, which gave light to the lands. The Two Trees are thought to be Yavanna's greatest creation.The two trees of Valinor.
Then Yavanna made all the plants and animals left on middle-earth go dormant for a time and she would often leave Aman to try to heal some of the damage that Morgoth had done to the land. During this time, Yavanna pushed for the Ainur to wage war on Morgoth before the awakening of the elves.
Destruction of the Two Trees
The two trees that Yavanna created would be destroyed by Morgoth and Ungoliant.When the trees were destroyed, Yavanna thought that she could heal them if she could use the Silmarils that Feanor had created from their lights. Feanor refused and so Yavanna and Nienna worked together once again on the trees. Together, they managed to bring forth a silver flower from the tree Telperion and a golden fruit from the tree of Laurelin. Yavanna gave these both to her husband Aule, and with them he made two vessels which became the moon and the sun.
Yavanna is the older sister of Vana. Yavanna and Vana would work together on many things as they both had great love for and influence over both plant and animal life. In fact, it was with dews from the Two Trees of Valinor that Vana would water her gardens with.
Yavanna would marry Aule very early on in the days of Arda. They made a very beautiful couple, though Yavanna once got annoyed after Aule created the race of dwarves as she feared that the dwarves would cut down and destroy all of her creations. Due to this, the Ent race was created.Yavanna and her husband, Aule.
Recent Times
Currently, it is unknown where Yavanna is or what she is doing. Aule spoke of her fondly though when he was asked if he was married. It is implied that Yavanna is still living.