14th August 2020

Power of Positive Thinking

Made by TerryDJ in Wisdom

3,713 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
14th August 2020, 08:15 PM

This is probably similar to Skylinr’s post, but I want to explain behind the power of positive thinking. His post inspired me to make this, so credits to him.

I’ve been always a huge fan of being positive because I learned that if you think positively, you’re more likely to experience good things. It works for the opposite whereas if you think negatively, you’re more likely to experience bad things. I’ll provide some examples of them;

Positive Thinking
Good example is Baffed, she’s so easily lovable and friendly because she’s like always positive.
Other example is probably me, as I rarely experienced bad things due to similar reasons as Baffed.
Negative Thinking
An example is me which I admit to doing so in past as I worried about my demotion from admin and it came true once I made mistakes.
Good example is some ppl with negative reputation greater than positive one, likely because of what they did.

So what I’m trying to say is that your constant thoughts can reflect or influence your actions, like what you experience or do could be based off your thoughts, positively or negatively. Now you might think, “But other people were rude to me, and I did nothing to them”. Well I’m not exactly sure, but it’s possible that when you have negative energy, people with negative energy are drawn towards you. It works for the opposite whereas people with positive energy are drawn towards you when you have positive energy. Here’s the quotation that I read, “Like attracts like”.

In the conclusion, if you've been thinking negatively, it’s never too late to change the way you think for the better. I genuinely believe that positive thinking could be beneficial for this community. Your choice to think the way you want, I personally would prefer to think positively. Thanks for reading! <3

P.S. if this post is in incorrect category, feel free to relocate this.

+1 by Tommo, gurlplayy, Ras, Akkar and 18 others

941 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
14th August 2020, 08:28 PM

You and Baffed are the GOATS?. I appreciate you both for being great people everyday.

+1 by TerryDJ, Frogs, Cristal, Baffed and 9 others

2,814 posts
Seen 24th May 2023
15th August 2020, 09:21 AM

my virtual dad, everyone!

+1 by TerryDJ and gurlplayy

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
15th August 2020, 08:58 PM

I agree, thinking optimistically is always beneficial. I have and always will be a huge support when it comes to trying to be positive. Personally, I've been lacking in that particular department, but I'm going to continue to try at least. ^_^

+1 by TerryDJ
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

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22 posts
Seen 5th June 2022
2nd September 2020, 12:17 PM

The Power of Positive THinking is not something you can just convery in a post it is a state of mind a choice of being a epiphany like NO other.

-1 by sel, nnnnn4r4, Oopacus, officialbattyboy and 2 others
sometimes when i say "Im okay" i want someone to look me in the eyes and say "I know you arent".

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