Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in My Farewells • 27th April 2015, 09:57 PM

Zeternal wrote on 27th April 2015 09:55 PM:
It'd be a really sad thing for you to go, Helper. If you go, then the TSA Vid Foundation will fall to the ground, and my channel might be forgotten. Also, the LEAD agency in preperation missions would shut down when you go.. I can't run it and I have not seen Poptropica in a while. So yeah. However, I hope there'll be a successor.
my cousin was once the tsa director

i can give him my computer and he could lead it

u met him once as tellmont

he did like u pop and sherlock a lot

though he didnt like that guy with the green hair who wore that green coat with the clown bowtie in it

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in My Farewells • 27th April 2015, 09:55 PM

FieryRebecca wrote on 27th April 2015 09:43 PM:
We won't sit back smiling about a nice guy leaving the community. I don't know what kind of harm you've done, but like we all know, we all make mistakes. And you've shown that you're on an ocean. And there's a wave of learning and positivity that comes, and you get taken into it. And that's something that's amazing about you. We love you. I'm really sorry about the mistreatment. I know how that feels, it hurts very much. It's terrible to know that there are people that have another type of wade inside of them: a wave made out of darkness and rain. A wave that has negativity. But more of us have that other wave inside of us, that good one, and we're willing help you with whatever you're in need of help about. And we don't know each other that well, but I've recognized you, you just don't know it. I've seen your personality, I've seen your posts, and I've noticed that positivity is what forms your heart, and I love that about you.
god i cant leave u
maybe we will meet eachother another time
until then perhaps i will pm u said zete etc etc etc about some forum we could all connect on
and if sherlock is on him to
Milkshake9 wrote on 27th April 2015 09:50 PM:
OldCPHelper said on 27th April 2015 09:47 PM:
Milkshake9 said on 27th April 2015 09:40 PM:
OMG you are going to make me cry!NOOOO!!!I am begging you Please don't leave I love you so much!I am your friend and many other people are too!I am begging you just please don't leave you are a very special person!You are OldCp's helper!Don't you remember?You were brought to OldCp for a reason Don't let other people let you down and make you stop playing!!I really would love if you stayed !I love every user including you! I really hope you can stay.If not I am very very regretful and disappointed to say farewell and sorry I failed you! (Please stay)

no u didnt fail me

u just helped me at the time i needed it most

Because you are an awesome friend You shouldn't leave because of other people I really would love if you would stay!
i wish i could PM u the link of the forum
Breakable wrote on 27th April 2015 09:44 PM:
No plz don't leave!!!!!!!!
What about everyone one DSGHQ who doesn't want you to leave???
What about your virtual brother, Sherlock.
I doubt he knows!
Plz don't leave DSGHQ!!!
he doesnt need me
he might not even want me anymore
i dont even know what he feels

maybe he was tricked by frostfang when frost was on my account that once

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in My Farewells • 27th April 2015, 09:47 PM

Milkshake9 wrote on 27th April 2015 09:40 PM:
OMG you are going to make me cry!NOOOO!!!I am begging you Please don't leave I love you so much!I am your friend and many other people are too!I am begging you just please don't leave you are a very special person!You are OldCp's helper!Don't you remember?You were brought to OldCp for a reason Don't let other people let you down and make you stop playing!!I really would love if you stayed !I love every user including you! I really hope you can stay.If not I am very very regretful and disappointed to say farewell and sorry I failed you! (Please stay)
no u didnt fail me

u just helped me at the time i needed it most

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in My Farewells • 27th April 2015, 09:42 PM

Polo Stag wrote on 27th April 2015 09:38 PM:
Just because Happyfeetjer is quiting, doesn't mean you have to as well.
that was an example i made on his post
i ment to do this a long time ago
i had learned but gotten scarred at the highest from the game
but i have my legacy completed
what else could i ask for?

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in My Farewells • 27th April 2015, 09:40 PM

Sadie wrote on 27th April 2015 09:37 PM:
Don't ring the bell Helper, just stop. Look around you, look around you. You have done a ton here and leaving will make your legacy incomplete. It'll be sad seeing you leave but farewell.

you completed my legacy when u taught me and supported me the time i needed it most
i am in debt to u sadie
and i will not leave u though

i will see u again :)

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in My Farewells • 27th April 2015, 09:30 PM

I Would Like To Say Farewell Temporarily
in a gianormous inactivity i will be on

so farewell my friends for a long time
(srry for short post)

1) I have done enough harm to this community and the users

2)No One Appreciates My Hard Work Anymore

3)Everyone Is Furious at me because of me

4)I feel like i am going through a depression

5)I've Lost Over 11 Friends On This Game This Year

6) I was not too welcomed here to begin with

7) I was not able to achieve half of my goals

8)My Goal Was To be recognized

9)I Have Been Humiliated 3 times on OldCP abruptly

10)i feel like i dont belong here some how as if i just have more

i love this game
and love so many users in it
but everyones gotta go
now its my turn

ive tried leaving this game so many times because of the mistreatment other users have given me

and i came back for some reason

which makes it hard to leave every smiling face

11)i got banned once 1 time unnecessarily by a user who i have held a grudge on

12)its not like i am needed anyways

i have completed my task

but i feel broken still
so now i will find another dream and see if i can fill it out

i've lost so many things on here for the past 3 months
that i cant take it anymore

i've revealed things now these days as a hint

TSA will be lead by Another Agent Perhaps Zeternal or Poptropica10
or will be shut down

the phoenix have descended and defeated the frosters now

everyone is fine
except for 1 user that u may not know

and kindhawks well
arent we all kindhawks?
a kindhawks goal is to help a user in need
though i guess the first kindhawk never helped himself

the idea is that i see somehow nobody seems to level me to the level of other users who r given so many chances
and yet for me it is a different story

the first thing i dont want is drama
i've made up my mind
i may leave for long i may not
but i wont be on for a large period of time
and if u can expect less
not really
i might not even come back

a lot of people take me seriously

and donot like me

they insulted me etc

u saw lots of drama the "Picked" people did to me as well

the rude comments so on and so forth

if i hear 1 negative comment on here like :( or so
dont plz
all i want to see is the smiling faces i've seen out of many of u

but i will get even worse faces from some "picked users"
i gave my pledge

My Best Wishes To All Of U Wonderful Courageous Kind Loveable Users

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Good Bye Everyone • 27th April 2015, 09:18 PM

i am considering the same if u leave
come on!
dont leave plz

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in My Confession. -Freddy • 27th April 2015, 07:47 PM

if i made a confession (if i tried to leak info or so and so) i wouldnt get mercy at any chance at all
and just get banned

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Freddy Innocent! • 27th April 2015, 08:15 AM

Yes This Is Agreed! +1

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Freddey • 27th April 2015, 07:29 AM

Freddy Has been acting strange lately i agree but

he has also had a lot of power
so u never know

i feel like he isnt acting like himself
we will see
or maybe he has a hard day
or maybe the accusers hacked him
or maybe they accused him and lied

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in [FUN_FACT]: Herobrine can't be removed! • 26th April 2015, 08:12 PM

I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT! :D thnx a bunch
i knew he was real!

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Help With Formus • 26th April 2015, 12:19 PM

XdBabyari wrote on 26th April 2015 12:18 PM:
ill help you with forums guys

Kay so like when your doing your profile and you wanna make your words bigger then do this :

put [Size=(Number) (Writing) [/size] the numbers only go up to 7 the lowest number is 1 but when your doing it don't put the ( things but the number has to be in with the size then you close it off with the [/size] at the end. Example ill use all the numbers for sizes look :

[/size=7] WOOO [/size] size 7 <

[/size=6] WOOO [/size] size 6 <

WOOO Size 5 <

WOOO Size 4 <

WOOO Size 3 <

[Size=2 WOOO [/size] Size 2 <

[Size=1 WOOO [/size] Size 1 <

sorry if this was long if you need more help plz pm me! or ask on old cp.
This Is A Nice Post Its A Lot Like My Forums Guide

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in My Heart Is Crying • 26th April 2015, 11:52 AM

Lullaby wrote on 26th April 2015 11:27 AM:
OldCPHelper said on 26th April 2015 11:22 AM:
dont worry

atleast the cat will go to heaven
u know my father abandonned me in the desert when i was 2-4 months old

Well it didn't go to Heaven yet, because someone else adopted it, but I'm sure it will when the time comes. He did? Did someone find you or are you making it up?
its actually true i had to face a harder childhood than u think

but my mom saved me
ever since my father has been trying to get me back
and i will never forgive him