Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Rookies can't do anything • 24th March 2015, 08:48 PM

Hold up!
i know what ur thinking i was a rookie too once i was a rookie for a long long time
the reason who rookies cannot pm is because u need to earn ur features we cannot trust rookies that quickly since there are stitions that go around (sorry if misspelled)
but donot worry work hard on forums and then u can earn member but remember
every thing has a meaning
and patience is the key to this honour of becoming a member

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in TSA Updates • 24th March 2015, 03:44 PM

So you may be surprised i am making a post about TSA I am here to prove TSA does not cause trouble for those who still look at old posts i know u may think TSA is some doodle but it helps people how? it brings them together it isnt SUPPOSED to be an agency but since "the director" thought it should be better he made it an agency

So yes we host missions practices mostly and at times fun missions and one day we hope to stop a real hacker

i have coded before, i am not good at it but i have before i am trying to learn and need help so i would appreciate some if u r involved i would appreciate

Some Protagonists that aren't agents? let me list them
All Phoenix

IceHoppers (the worse of all cute but ferocious when unleashed)

my conclusion this is my evidence TSA Doesn't Cause Drama and wasn't supposed to be an agency

Now the true meaning of this Post

The Reason why i am trying to get better at coding is because "the director" wants to make a game for TSA to stay in a new completely new game

it will include every kind of animals

and if u r given the rank and honour "Legend" u can shape ship into rare ancient creatures

and of course i can finally rest in peace
users must be active in order to keep their accounts cause we will delete them and u can only make 3 accounts minimum

as for admins and mods they can have unlimited and mods 10

thats pretty much it i hope i can find help thnx for reading
~Delta/ Agent OCH

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in DSGHQ Forum Suggestion • 15th March 2015, 11:07 AM

This would be very convenient indeed it would be a quicker way to get the users profile
This is a well thought out suggestion

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Suggestion For Vids • 15th March 2015, 11:06 AM

Hello Everyone glad if u r reading this today I have thought of a suggestion that I feel will make this forum the bomb!!

The Suggestion Itself:-
Well the suggestion is this, Video Uploaders, you can upload videos on your device 5 minutes or less so you can share ideas with all ur friends
So say u made a video "animated" and don't have a YouTube channel , well click the upload video thing and it will upload it for u
However it won't be like a drag around photo it would be in some type of its own thing such as list of posts it would show lists of recently uploaded videos and would have info at the bottom

For say there will be comments allowed to it and at the same time the video can have likes in it as well

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed my first suggestion post in a long while

~OldCPHelper The ColeDude

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Damen Spike talks about OldCP: Please watch!!! • 10th March 2015, 07:12 PM

It is nice the video did show some good thought :)

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Wise Application (Delta) • 6th March 2015, 07:46 PM

Freddy wrote on 6th March 2015 07:43 PM:
Wow, I'm impressed. This post is very meaningful. By the way, When you say ''u' It's "You". Good luck on Wise, It's sultable for you.
Yes indeed
I just did that since I am in a hurry but either way I could edit that if I am allowed to

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Wise Application (Delta) • 6th March 2015, 07:29 PM


Hello fellow staff today I apply for a job that I think we'll suits me it has my favourite things and indeed I feel that today I want to make a wise application because as I said it suits me
U know I like to write poems wise sayings and give out advise


I have the requirements to become a wise on forums and on OldCP my account on Oldcp is OldCPHelper , my forum name is OldCPHelper and my nickname on forums is Delta
The requirements are listed below

Are You Active:-in average I am very active if I am inactive I am either experiencing computer issues or busy which isn't too likely

Achievements:- I have Achieved Master Member and Prestigious Reputation

Experience:- I have been on oldcp for a long time now since v.2 and have learned a lot about oldcp since I did use some time to help other users

Why do u want to be wise? To me being wise means I finally get to be a bit more free
I don't care whether it is higher or lower than master but this position best suites me I would rather have this position a bit longer than the position of being mod
Hence the fact I already explained I love to do some things that wise people like to do
If I get to be a wise person it would rather help me even more with learning more about wisdom day by day u know that at times I do pause at a lot of right times for wise sayings
If u haven't heard my say them then u didn't really see me at times I liked to do them

I am currently 14 right now I have faced a lot of consequences with patience such as the time I was framed by Lsland a person who had hacked island this may suite one case actually patience is the best key to success although I didn't earn mod before I would rather wait for a much better time where I am more better for the job

Why did I come to OldCp?
If u had read my application u would have known that I really had missed the old days this website was what brought back so many memories so this here is quite much my type of way of doing things

Grammar and Spelling Levels:-
I am very aware of this I after a while u may know am a fast Typer or prefer typing fast now I am typing at a bit more moderate paste and also I have improved much , much grammar and spelling

Do you respect the rules?

If people do see me break a rule they should be aware I don't know the rule , I respect the rules quite well I hadn't broke any In a long time now , the forum rules were actually the ones I broke on mistake) I have had atleast 2 warnings for posting on an old post, I wasn't there at the time it was announced now I know much more and am very well aware of this , yes I respect the rules.

Why do u want to be a wise again..

I am sure u may question why since u know my main goals to reduce some bullying on OldCP but being wise u can give a tip to those who r bullying and are being bullied, u know this is unwise so why do u do it? Remember there is never and I mean never a person who hasn't faced consequences for his/her actions except there is one thing that can heal them, forgiveness
Making a bully a friend is the power of being wise
And that my friend is one power that is very difficult to get that is why I want to be a wise

Thankyou Sincerely for reading my Application ~Delta

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in What Had Happened • 6th March 2015, 06:29 PM

For those who had just started joining my story I am sure u are deeply confused about who I wasn't on for the past 2 weeks or so
My computer had issued a virus or hacker
Now as u know hacking would be easy, but with no computer it wouldn't work out
So I had been on another account named as OldCPHelperCole
The account of course is no longer needed but was useful to still communicate
Now that I'm back I've decided to change my name to wait for it......
This name teaches us one lesson, life is like the flow of a river u will have rocks (in this case bullies) who try to stop u u pass them until u fall down a water fall and begin a new Journey
There are times when I try to leave but I never can
I have unfinished business dreams etc
I never realized what I had until I lost it
And more importantly , what I did
I am sorry staff and forum members if I have ever done u wrong forgive me I ask for ur hands so I can show u my way of doing things i shall try my best to be the best me I can
U know I will not be absent anymore I am attached to this website because of u all u all have healed my simmering spirits
I am forever greatful
And of course u gotta love ma name!
Lol, but anyways my points are to say this
Thankyou,forgive me, I will try harder, friendship
And remember if u ever need my help I am just as pleased to help u as u r pleased to get assistance
Thankyou for reading

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in The True Purpose Of Things • 17th February 2015, 03:28 PM

Oh You who believe in life,do not believe in the false world of life and remember your mission
oh you
you have questions
i am opened to answer them to you
Why Am I Alive?
there are many theories of why u r alive and many answers to it
by the ways of 1) Christianity this relates to the 3 most common and most similar religions
i to be honest do not want to say what religion i follow but 3 very similar religions that sadly play politics against each other are
these religions have well explanations
all religions however are not as similar
this similarity between the 3 is very suspicious
as if it is all from the same source

The Conclusion from every religion is that we are here to live have a life be a kind person and spend every second wisely and to never abuse anything this life is not permanent it is temporary
however most believe after we die we will have our reward The Fire Or Paradise

simply life is also like a path where u see new signs and remember it
we learn new things everyday to sustain our knowledge and grow more eager to know more about life and science
however technology has impacted this

so what we can do on technology?
we can be kind to those all around the world
but mainly
we must donate to charity
help the poor and needy
support all
and the more patient u are, the more u learn and improve
remember be good to even your enemies
no matter what they do
u don't have to give your enemy a billion dollars, but those trillions u can give them and yourself
is forgive them
Always Forgive

Key Words:- Forgive,Donate,Kind,Patience and Temporary
i hope this was a gain to your knowledge
hope this does to you young ones
~OldCPHelper The ColeDude

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in i have returned • 17th February 2015, 03:15 PM

Glad your back, your name was meta wasn't it? Anyways welcome back so far u missed
oldcp being recreated
u missed snaildom
u missed a few updates
u also missed wiki
thats all i got
hope this helps
~OldCPHelper The ColeDude

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in OLDCPHELPER OFFCIAl MY 1st BRO • 16th February 2015, 06:21 PM

look whos talking its me old brother :)
can u lower cabs on ur titles i was a bit nervous when i saw it
glad u are back

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in WTH (What the hell) Is ths • 16th February 2015, 05:37 PM

Sherlock What Matters Is Those Who Care
this person is just joking
trust me,
if u focus on negative
whats the point of talking about positive

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Helper rank - OldCP • 14th February 2015, 10:57 AM

u copied me...
i think u made this much better than my post for this

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Help Me • 9th February 2015, 09:00 AM

Ah I see you need help
first thing you do you quote a video link on youtube as the circled one below (note this will not work unless it is an actual youtube video

then you write down
[ video ] (The Link Goes Here) [ / video ]
i hope this helps
last on the dial before i go
~OldCPHelper The ColeDude