Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Users Bullying me • 28th March 2015, 10:41 AM

I Have Locked The Disscussion Reason:- Case Was Dealt With

wait i cant lock it the button is removed

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in hey • 28th March 2015, 10:00 AM

Dont leave me :( im turning 15 in may

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Users Bullying me • 28th March 2015, 09:56 AM

Tommen lannister wrote on 28th March 2015 09:52 AM:
I feel sorry for u Oldcphelper I see your the "master of fire" funny!
as a make fun of me thing or as a lol funny but coolish kind of thing?

either way i am not master of fire duh!
i am "Elemental Master Of The Flames" XD my thought all i know have elements inside of them that wants to get out me i have a fire rage but a warming thought as well
sherlock120 is master of force u can guess how i thought of that
Bashy is master of nature he loves nature and the true beauty of it

and zeternal is master of light he taught us all something

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Users Bullying me • 28th March 2015, 09:44 AM

Okay.... so today i was in jr tsa with lark giving him a welcome back special mission so then these five users come in jr tsa

the silver person wearing brown hair at the bottom is Lark he just wanted to help
so we said
sorry guys we need to use jr tsa right now
so one of them used the A word and cussed so i called bailey
they wouldn't listen so bailey left
so after that we kept on asking them
then lark shouted out saying

So again the same person name called us cussed at us and called us all of the above
except the a word and f word

so then we asked them why they were here
they said they wanted to speak there about some kind of meeting
so we asked them to go to a similar room called jr epf
they called us losers and said they were gonna call mod on us even though we should have called mod on them!
of course we tempted to and like i said already called bailey but failed
so i told them that this should have been...
of course the same person stopped us

so i had an idea and i want to jr tsa resistance

i came back and said sorry for the inconvenience just so that they could feel guilt and we could leave this behind us
they said nothing

me and lark finally had a chance to do the mission in jr resistance

and to our surprise

They were following us now!

and again i asked them to leave

the same guy swearing at all of us

so then i quit the mission


bann these users please now they all cussed and taunted me and lark and i showed u part of the proof


BryanBro (main cusser)
DestyBesty (taunted me and lark)
Polkadot (did taunt us a little but apologized at the end)
Lilamar (bullied and cussed once)
Plz bann them

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 27th March 2015, 07:24 AM

Twixie wrote on 27th March 2015 06:46 AM:
Hello everyone! I am here to apply for the rank Moderator. Yep, I know its a big responsibility but I think I am ready for this job and would love to have it. I also have lots of experience. So here's my application! Hope you like it, if you do, then leave a +1 and if you didn't, you can leave a -1 Do suggest if I need to add something else ok. So here we go.

This application is for the rank Moderator on Oldcp and not on forums.

Name on oldcp: Trixie1234

Name on forums: Twixie

Age: 11, I am young but mature enough for this job.

How is your grammar?

It is great. It is very good for my age, and I am good at spellings and other stuff as well. At least I can be understood You can have proof for that by taking a look at the grammar I am going to use in this application.

Are you active?

I am very active. You can also take a look at the stats, I am on there as well. I am only a lot during holidays, during school days it may be 3-5 hours. And during exams and tests it may be limited to 2 hours.

Are you mature and won't fool around?

Yes, I won't. I am mature and a responsible user. I will have fun, but I will also keep a look out of anyone acting inappropriate and help users as well. I won't ignore anyone and will enjoy my job as well as be serious when I need to do. If I do slack off, I bet the users will notice and I will get demoted. But I am not going to do so.

Do you know your responsibility as a Moderator?

Yep, as a moderator I need to make sure no bad things and hurtful or dramatic things happen, such as bullying, impostering someone, cussing, or other such things. I will also punish the user according to what they have done and deserve. I will always ask for proof or witnesses if someone else comes and tells me about something happening and I didn't notice it. Also, I will follow the order which is-

3 warnings= 1 kick
3 kicks= 1 ban
3 bans= Ipban

I also know the commands such as-


Will you abuse your powers?

Nope! I never will. I will only use the Moderator commands if I need to. Otherwise I wont, and I promise. If I do abuse, I will be ready to take any punishment. But i'll make sure I don't do so.

Do you have experience?

I have lots of experience on oldcp as well as forums. I know literally everything now, as I had joined in like 2012 or 2013. So I am an old user and have lots of experience. I had also solved a case along with jilly, which resulted in both of us becoming detectives. I was a detective on oldcp for a few months, and a detective apprentice on snaildom as well. I have also had wonderful experiences in crimezone, such as being to take part in all the wars such as war of clubs and damen's day war, as well as other invasions. I had also been trusted by glarthir and the forest boys, or you can say icechildren. I have seen many visions and the future a few times as well, and helped the detectives by this. I have also died once, though I didn't lose my account because I instead got reborn and became an icechild for a short period of time. Now I am not a detective and a normal user, as the crimezone got removed and hence, now I have a new goal which is to be a moderator of Oldcp. In the starting, I was also very good at helping users with codes, I was like a code helper. I have also resolved a lot of problems at times, and I approach things positively as well as strictly if I need to. I am also skilled with forums and have good reputation on here. I have also been suggested for sword training.

Are you loyal?

Yes, I am loyal to the whole DSGHQ and always will be.

Are you trusted enough?

Yes, I am trusted a lot. Both by staff members as well as users. Most people are my friends and I have a good reputation on here

Will you respect staff and users and treat them equally?

Yes, I will respect everyone and treat them the way I would like to be treated. I will be kind and sweet to everyone. But just note that I won't keep tolerating bad behavior always, so I can be little rude at times, but not a lot.


So this was my application for the rank Moderator on oldcp, Hope you think my application was adequate enough so that I would be considered. Also, thanks to all my friends for supporting me as well! Thanks for reading, Have a good day ahead .

this is an astounding application for a member however.....

you should earn master first and then apply for mod for mod i suggest u should have the requirements:-

Been on OldCP for 7 months,
A Master on DSGHQ Forums,
Rep 1100
and 1200 Posts

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Mod App InGame OldCPHelper • 27th March 2015, 07:22 AM

Alyssa20156 wrote on 26th March 2015 08:58 PM:
Nice application OldcpHelper. Really good and i see you put the effort on this. +1
thnx i wanted to make this the best application i could

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Mod App InGame OldCPHelper • 26th March 2015, 08:31 PM

Lemonade5 wrote on 26th March 2015 07:38 PM:
Awesome application, Though what Hashir said is reasonable. Starting with a small rank is a good idea.
I wish you luck.

again, i feel like i have gotten a high prestige and rep and want to take a new step to see how i do

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Mod App InGame OldCPHelper • 26th March 2015, 06:43 PM

Lylance the Fallen wrote on 26th March 2015 05:13 PM:
This App seems over extrordinary. Great work on the Detail and the length.
thnx this means a lot to me
PhantomGoldy wrote on 26th March 2015 05:08 PM:
Outstanding App! I really do like it OldcpHelper
Thnx :D
MyNameisStella wrote on 26th March 2015 05:20 PM:
Wow...just wow.I was scrolling down the page and my mouth dropped.It is SO long! Well done! I hope you become a mod. +1
Lol mouth dropped im glad u liked it thankyou :)
Bailey wrote on 26th March 2015 05:48 PM:
You still need to work on your grammar, spelling, and organizing your posts a little better so it's more appealing and we will want to read it more. I also suggest going for a smaller rank rather than jumping right to Moderator. Good luck.
XD Awwwwhhh come on!!!!!!!! more grammar mistakes...
i will proof read it but since i typed this on my iPad now on mac i guess its easy to make typos i'll check thanks for informing me
and also i like ur suggestion i was aiming for wise but i really dont think i have that kind of future i feel my protection on others could help me realize who i really was ment to be

my responsibilities are what i want to see are required
thnx Everyone!

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Mod App InGame OldCPHelper • 26th March 2015, 05:04 PM

poptropica10 wrote on 26th March 2015 04:55 PM:
Very good application indeed, I wish you best of luck. If you don't become a mod, try applying as a knight. I think that will suit you.
thnx pop u always have my back

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Mod App InGame OldCPHelper • 26th March 2015, 04:11 PM

Hashir wrote on 26th March 2015 04:09 PM:
Did you copy some parts from your previous application? It looks quite similar. Nonetheless, good work. Though I believe you should start off with a small rank instead of taking a jump from user to mod
like i said this is an improved application of my old ones so it may look a bit similar

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Mod App InGame OldCPHelper • 26th March 2015, 04:03 PM

(See Also #OldCPHelper4mod )
Welcome to my Moderator application (unlike any other one I respect this,other ones I make often arent well)
well indeed I today know this is big after knowing I have 2 warnings for doing the same mistake well Hashir and Damen u two may know well from this I apologize and take a new lead on the forums and try to become more aware of the rules as I keep trying to remember them I have improved
And remember everyone makes mistakes and its good to learn from them thats how u achieve more in your life

now then to the main part.
Its Been A Long Time Since I Applied well here is why I applied know:-
I am becoming more active and aware
I have also decided to look back and achieve what i have tried to so long ago but with a new lead for the one reason i didn't remember my name for
To Develop the community and help users respect one another,we are all lucky to be here in this very community today I am sure u know me My Online Name Is Cole I don't reveal my real name so i consider u call me cole but if I am becoming a mod i must open more info i don't live in the Uk Or USA for the fact
my real name is A_a_
it was the name of the first man
next of all this application is also to help myself so I can value responsibility more that way I become more aware of respect for real mods
I never thought how hard and how much responsibility it would be nowI should know
as a 14 I know this is my time after admitting I was 13 and not 21 since then
I am trustworthy to many.
In my beginning I wasn't to much
after time i myself have grown up and learned from these mistakes
I am the TSA director u should all know by now but of course I don't consider myself him anymore and will let open my family member him as he was for many times know
u should also know that I can be wanting sometimes like wanting to achieve while not achieving things and trying to live with it has also benefited me
The Real "Onsy"
My First Thing Of Info:
Name On Forums And Other DSGHQ: my name is OldCPHelper
Age:My Age Is 14 And a 1/2
Experience:I have been a mod on many CPPS'es even an admin on a CPPS I have been a leader on many things and scenarios I have been a master experienced and lost my own thought for power and missions
I now know its better to ask permission no matter what even for a kick if no one is online I will observe the user to see what he/she deserves I am more likely sorry for everything
this is most because I know what its like to be banned (by Lsland and Nintendo)
but of course Nintendo is my friend cause he didn't know
I know what it feels like to be left out or not included
most of all I know what its like to value another user and see something you don't see
a full heart
I have wise sayings Etc.
Why Did I Come To OldCP?
by the looks of this picture u can tell exactly why i came

I indeed missed the old days greatly but when I came I thought I might be able to finally do something and there then created my account
as promised I will be there to help the new ones I admit I was into becoming someone in front of some of those who made me encouraged to have a name to represent the word:Stream Of Live.
it was a fun experience i'll tell you that!
What Does Being Mod Mean To You
Moderator means being honest
doing what your supposed to do
respect others and make others finally respect each other
do something that you always wanted to do:become someone special
Grammar and Spelling Levels:-
I have written and written and now if your wondering why I can make typos its because I am a fast typer trust me in 1/2 a second i can write down "Image" now i have improved and now always check my writing I am a faster typer and checker nowadays and in a scale I would say
100/100 is my level i feel fully confident without regret grade myself because I don't feel to sure to just say it that way now, but since i have done practice for i will be fully capable of grammar and writing
I think this is a checkmark!
What Does It Take To Be A Moderator?
Ah I see though mods sounds interesting it isn't that easy rookies and members!
being mod (which is already mentioned) means being responsible for your actions
it also means having to have a lot of people look up to you
it means to help people to respect the rules
it means to help those who matter to us
to stop hackers
to stop bullies
people moderator isn't a game it is something that creates many things in your thoughts
Moderator isn't just (from what i understand) just Banning people and thats it KAPOOF!
No it isn't,it means trust friendship and loyalty
Activeness: I am very active on a day i spend 1-5 hours literally on weekdays I will spend my time on
Achievements: Trust worthy rep, Prestigious Rep,Rookie,Member,Master
I have posted 1000 posts and above and I am ready to take the responsibility and restore something
I have been on OldCP for 1 3/4 years so far (December 2012)
and been called OldCPHelper since 2013 Summer
I currently have no siblings but cousins
which obviously are held close to our family
I am a very experienced user and joined OldCP in Dec 2012 Specific mostly somewhere between Dec 20-21st
Being A Moderator means you need experience on DSGHQ
i have been on dsghq for a year now and know a lot about its official game OldCP
like i said i joined oldcp in 2012
but started helping oldcp in 2013
now i have achieved the following ranks:-
3)Mediator (on oldcp i bought mediator and visited /jr adults and never abused)
now u see i havent achieved some ranks u think i would have
since i dont have a good chance on DSGHQ
but the time ive spent on oldcp is much more than a lot of moderators
i met bailey when he was new
i met angi when she was new
basically ive met many mods as new members and
i have seen each of my friends achieved moderator
the reason i want to be a moderator is to see how much i can achieve
i want to better the community i have gotten tired of hackers spamming when no mod is there
i am very active on OldCP sometimes i am on it for a whole whole whole day
sometimes at midnight
so i have a lot of experience on OldCP,DSGHQ Forums,snailschat,snaildom
i have played the snaildrop app on iPad
and i have played "fake it sherlock"
Yes Experience is one big Checkmark
i have been quite good at forums and made many posts about how to use it on my forums guide

How Do I Act On OldCP?
i am well mannered and proper on OldCP
(the following will include subtitles to follow How Do I Act On OldCP?
I have never broken a rule on OldCP and have been patient with all bully's
the truth is i have tolerated many people to this point
nowadays it was better then a few months ago but i still tolerate CyberBullying
Common Sense?
i use that to,for instance i don't do dumb things on OldCP (you know i had 1 or 2 mistakes when i was new at a time)
but everyone should remember that everyone makes mistakes
sure i like hosting missions is that wrong?
everyone deserves Equality and thats one reason i want to apply
i think this is a CheckMark!
Why Do I Want To Become A Mod
Aha! so u r suspicious why i want it?
i am not giving u a logic oh who cares?!
i will tell u why
u see i at first never had dreams
i met friends they became mod and i was left all alone
a helper
no one special
i could never reveal my true identity
i treat situations much different than just any mod!
i should know
so if u can tell i just want to join my friends on OldCP
i wanted to become mod as mentioned to get rid of some ridiculous
things such as rudeness (depending),Bullying,Hacking etc
i have honestly gotten fed up with this drama that was created by a random user
u can make an agency have your fun mind your business
i am fine with that
but using it on users who u hate and trying to cause hostage on people who aren't in your custom
is a bit different
if u want to do it for fun (depending) i will understand
doing it to bully No way your dead! and i wont ban right away i will have see witnesses
i can easily tell truth or honesty
i have the skills many mods have
and i dont ban for no reason DONE!

This Is My Application Thank you For Spending Your Time To Read This

~Sincerely OldCPHelper Also Currently Known As Delta

(This is an Improved Version of all my applications so it may seem a bit familiar to my applications)

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Freddy Vs The Mountain • 25th March 2015, 08:02 PM

woah that was intense....
But I
not honour
I Fight To Protect Those In Need!!!!!
Honour Is One Thing
But Riches full with trophies are empty

I Fight For Justice!!!!!!

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Sherlock120 banned? • 25th March 2015, 07:50 PM

Yoyo The Royal Cat wrote on 24th March 2015 05:24 PM:
Hello. I am doing this for Sherlock to spread out kindness.

Sherlock did not follow the rules, he caused drama, he was mean to people. But he was nice to me. I tried being nice to him, and he was very respectful to me. I was the only one left who would treat him like he wanted to be treated. He never asked me to call him emperor, or his king. He broke the rules, because people were being mean to him. His response was to stand up. He never should have been yelled at, no matter how many times you told him to stop. If you follow me, he will be your friend. Do not believe me? Well be nice. It worked for me.
I AGREE!!!!!
sherlock was very kind to me for sure he helped me a lot actually and he is a true friend

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Rookies can't do anything • 25th March 2015, 03:26 PM

Wend Grimes wrote on 24th March 2015 11:31 PM:
Delta said on 24th March 2015 08:48 PM:
Hold up!
i know what ur thinking i was a rookie too once i was a rookie for a long long time
the reason who rookies cannot pm is because u need to earn ur features we cannot trust rookies that quickly since there are stitions that go around (sorry if misspelled)
but donot worry work hard on forums and then u can earn member but remember
every thing has a meaning
and patience is the key to this honour of becoming a member

Honor of being a member? You make it sound like such a big deal. It's just a forums site.
i just said it as encouragement

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Rookies can't do anything • 24th March 2015, 08:49 PM

Lemonade5 wrote on 24th March 2015 08:46 PM:
But if you don't have time to post everyday, Just simply comment on other discussions. I mean like give compliments or anything you want (not spamming.) Once you get 50 posts and 30 rep (which you get when you make mods.) Then ask a mod to update your rank.

Good luck getting the rank Member!


u cannot exactly ask a mod (sorry if this looks like a spam)
but when u have reached ur requirements make sure u have extra because u never know one of ur posts might not be a good post or may have been a on mistake spam

but u should earn it
and at a time u can even make an application (which staff might see)