740 posts
Posted in Abu's Year in Review • 3rd January 2021, 11:26 AM

how has it been nearly 6 years since i met you wh-
im glad you've had some fun last year, it was kinda hectic but oh well.

740 posts
Posted in CBARS: Cyber Bullying Abuse Reporting System • 2nd January 2021, 09:56 PM

julianhak wrote on 2nd January 2021, 09:43 PM:
why is quitting against the rules

i think it means if a person has been bullied into quitting or has been threatened, not that a person quitting isn't allowed. i think its just a precaution to ensure nothing bad has lead them to it.

740 posts
Posted in in a week, i will be eighteen • 1st January 2021, 11:43 PM

While I don't know you personally since I joined in, like, 2015, I've heard quite alot about you from other people and you seem like a genuinely cool person. I'm so glad that you're gonna be meeting one of your friends from here, I've wanted to meet mine for ages. Happy early birthday as well (if the title is correct, which I'm assuming it is..) Honestly I've made so many friends on this community and I wouldn't know what my life would be like had I never joined that night in 2015.

Hope you have a good year.

740 posts
Posted in Major's 2020 SHOUTOUTS • 31st December 2020, 09:33 PM



740 posts
Posted in POTM Results: Multi-Platform • 31st December 2020, 09:29 PM

(...thanks damen)


Fifth Place: Majorhalo
Time: 21 hours 50 minutes and 33 seconds

Fourth Place: EivenIV
Time: 2 days 8 hours and 35 minutes

Third Place: Warth
Time: 2 days 15 hours and 40 minutes

Second Place: Little
Time: 2 days 23 hours and 50 minutes

First Place: Dice
Time: 4 days 6 hours 52 minutes 17 seconds

''POTM is epic and this is my 3rd win so expect me in February or something.'' - Dice

Warth was not present. Pic pretended to be him.


Fifth Place: Rookie
Time: 2 days 6 hours 31 minutes and 44 seconds
Prize: 25,000 gold

Fourth Place: Mami
Time: 2d 13h 30m 19s
Prize: 40,000 gold

Third Place: Orlock
Time: 3d 4h 2m 25s
Prize: 50,000 gold

Second Place: Pic
Time: 3 days 8 hours 47 minutes and 17 seconds
Prize: 80,000 gold

First Place: Terry
Time: 3 days 15 hours 49 minutes and 22 seconds
Prize: 100,000 gold


Fifth Place: Turqnmatu
Time: 3 days 21 hours 7 minutes and 9 seconds

Fourth Place: KeplerTH
Time: 6 days 4 hours 50 minutes and 43 seconds

Third Place: suplenxd
Time: 10 days 17 hours 39 minutes and 47 seconds

Second Place: Alonsop10
Time: 11 days 17 hours 59 minutes and 25 seconds

First Place: Little
Time: 15 days 23 hours 55 minutes and 27 seconds

“Long live patos and tamales” - Little

Forums POTM results coming soon.

Happy New Year guys. This year sucked. Hopefully next will be better. thanks dice and sg for the ioldcp + p3d bits : )

740 posts
Posted in OldCP POTM 2020 • 31st December 2020, 05:25 PM

i do be making a report but it wont be done til later cuz im abt to go somewhere

740 posts
Posted in Leave POTM in 2020 • 29th December 2020, 11:31 AM

honestly i just keep a tab up and refresh every few hours and check back periodically, i tend to sit at my desk and draw or talk with my friends on discord or watch youtube

but i see your point, POTM has been something i've never understood and it makes me sad to see people spend 20 days on a virtual game. because thats damaging. its damaging to the eyes, its damaging to the brain and its damaging to your health. the longest you can go without sleep is 11 days. that's nearly 2 weeks but there's nothing that tells when the side effects begin to kick in. one of the side effects are hallucinations which can be genuinely terrifying because the brain has gone into overtime and will make you envision things you're terrified of.

but anyways, yeah. really nice post. i hope people understand how dangerous POTM can be. I've never understood why POTM involves activity when it should take into account the actions of the person and their helpfulness.

740 posts
Posted in Your name • 29th December 2020, 11:22 AM

oh boy.

Zendaya2408 - I was 6. Zendaya was one of my role-models. 2408 was my favorite number.
ZendayaII-IIII - I died 4 times. I did not understand Roman Numerals.
Rootbeer55 - For some reason I was obsessed with Rootbeer. 55 has no meaning.
Roots - ''I'm going back to my roots''
Rootss - Roots 2.0
Zenny - Nickname
Zenn - Nickname
Zen10 - Someone made a joke about Ben10 but put my name in it
Zennyisdead - I died once again LOOL

Now onto some of my unknown aliases

Cascata - Italian for 'Waterfall'
Hazelnut - My favorite kind of nut
Willow - My best friend's middle name. Tribute to her.

740 posts
Posted in Winter Wisdom • 28th December 2020, 04:02 PM

this was a great post, loki. i love winter, its one of my favorite seasons second to spring.

740 posts
Posted in Habsolo • 27th December 2020, 10:56 AM

hope you've been doing good
good to see you again

740 posts
Posted in New global forum background • 26th December 2020, 10:03 AM

i narrowed mine down to 4


740 posts
Posted in Fighting Toxicness: RESPECT, AVOID, REPORT • 23rd December 2020, 12:26 PM

For 5 years I've witnessed toxicity, I've witnessed people be bullied outrageously for how they act, for things out of their control. In the past I've been continuously aggravated just to get a reaction enough for punishment. I've witnessed staff participate in bullying or sit by and ignore when its their friends that do it.

I remember in 2015 when bullying meant you'd be banned.
But if one person appeared to be rude then people would use it against them and use their emotions to justify their actions. 'They were rude first so I shouldn't be punished!'
I remember when, in 2016, I made a post calling out the harassment of Mal. I got 20 dislikes, told to stay out of it and eventually the post was deleted. She was diagnosed with Aspergers, a neurodevelopment disability which affects the ability to interact and communicate with people. One of the symptoms? Aggressive behavior. People here decided she was lying when they didn't know the truth. She couldn't control herself and people used that to harass her.
I remember when, in 2017, I witnessed people begin to leave due to harassment. I remember when hatred began rising against others.
I remember when, in 2018, I was struggling with my emotions mentally and was violent. Rather than trying to calm me down, staff used my age was against me, talked about me behind my back, fought back at me. I vaguely remember a staff member calling me retarded. I remember, on December 4th, 2018, I was being bullied while all I did was sit there minding my own business. No mods stepped in. I took actions into my own hands rather than doing the logical thing and logging off. I never got a chance to explain what happened.
I remember when, in 2018, I attempted to report a staff member only to be told by an Administrator 'I cannot do anything as it was on discord. I'll give them a warning since they're my friend.' I'm pretty sure death threats don't deserve just warnings.
I remember when, in 2019, the game was dead. The game was dead and yet people found a way to be rude.
And now, in 2020, nearly 2021, rudeness can now be played off as jokes. Shock humor, as some say. And it makes me sad.

I was 8 years old when I joined this community and I was forced to grow up before I was ready because of my defense towards my friends. Because to the toxic people of this community, you become a target if you stand up for those you care about. And it's honestly really upsetting since this community is meant to be a place where people can come to in order to escape the horrors in their lives. And while some people have had the luxury of not witnessing the toxicity firsthand, others of us have not been so lucky. This post is well-worded and it's been needed for an extremely long time. Too many people have left from the toxicity others have shown them and that shouldn't happen. People should feel safe. They shouldn't feel the need to leave because of the disrespect of others.

im sorry LOOL i went off on a vent, i just have been waiting to say all this for so long

740 posts
Posted in a drawing of blackberry cookie • 13th December 2020, 07:59 PM

please i clicked this expecting a cookie bye-

740 posts
Posted in let's chat ! • 11th December 2020, 06:18 PM


you're incredible, girlie.

keep being you