740 posts
Posted in Satire; a lesson in shut up. • 11th December 2020, 02:36 PM

I don't mean to be unkind but half of what you say is rude and far from joking. Satire is defined as:

the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
mockery · ridicule · derision · scorn · caricature · irony · sarcasm

''I am not Misogynistic, I make jokes like that which are funny with context.''

You say you were joking? The way you word this posts makes it seem like you're attempting to justify what you did with what others do, which is not and never has and never will be acceptable. 'Satire - a lesson in shut up'? Really? 'Takin' a joke is like taking a compliment. shut up and take it'. This is not a joke. And even if it is, you're disgusting for thinking its humorous. Jokes are things that make people laugh, not things that hurt people. Did you stop to acknowledge how she could've felt from this? Stop thinking its funny when it isn't. Just stop. Alright? Just stop. Stop being rude to Loki. Stop being rude to others. Kindness isn't difficult to comprehend.

740 posts
Posted in Making History - GOM • 4th December 2020, 07:32 PM

zes wrote on 4th December 2020, 07:31 PM:
idk how yall reporters do these crazy ass formats man good job

you learn how to organize after a while, i started with reports in the end of 2016 and they were all over the place. honestly you just plan as you go on, you format with what you think looks nice and go from there. i used to center everything and now i dont LOL

740 posts
Posted in Making History - GOM • 4th December 2020, 07:30 PM

sarabareille wrote on 4th December 2020, 07:28 PM:
Hi love,
Another amazing report, per usual!
Honestly, I was happy to have tagged along. I didn't plan on competing, but I'm glad I did for the fun of it. And hey, I won the first task. Honestly, GOMs are pretty amazing. I remember when I would go to every single one of them. I have been on both ends of them, I was competing and I was judging. Regardless, they're always a blast. I will never forget the feelings that went through my entire body when I won the GOM Autumn 2015!
P.S. the ending of my speech ends as such: "if you're ever met with an obstacle just say this to yourself if it is to be, it is up to me!"
Once again fantastic report!

i remember when you won that gom. honestly judging is so much fun but old gom with the 7 stages and lots of people was fun too, the lag was not.
and thank you scott : )

740 posts
Posted in Making History - GOM • 4th December 2020, 07:22 PM

I bet you're wondering...what's so special about this GOM that made it different from any before? With only 20 users and 2 small teams, Damen decided this GOM would consist of only one stage with no teams. This would be an individual GOM, a competition against each-other.

Task One: Make your own motivational speech.

Life has it's ups and downs, we can all agree. Many of you may be going through downs right now. But that's okay. It's easy to treat those times in your life as transition periods. Living like you're waiting for your "real life" to begin. "Once I get a job, once I get married, once I get a house, etc." Don't do that! Embrace each and every moment you have, and absorb the richness that is your life! Appreciate where you are now and know good is coming if you. If live with love for yourself and your surroundings, then you will find your best path.

Happiness is found in everything. Whether it comes to you through your favorite song, a television show or from a person you hold close, it'll always find you when you need it. Every person is capable of being happy, it's a human emotion. You should never be afraid to be who you want to be; Nobody can make that decision for you. Being unique is what makes life enjoyable. Should everyone be identical, life would be dull. It would be boring. There would be nothing fun about it. True happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to others. You are your own person. Don't let anyone change that but you.

We have been stuck in our houses nearly a year. What've we done in this time? Bangah things. Damen made 3000 P3D updates which made the game awesome. I haven't gone anywhere but I've done things and you can too. You can learn things while stuck in your house.

I'll try to make this short- As you can see we're working in smaller numbers. To be honest, this shows that even in tough times, we can still come together and accomplish things. Look around for a moment. Take a moment to learn from one another. Nothing is impossible when we come together. Even during difficult times, all of you are capable of amazing things. I mean, look even Damen was on time today. That alone is inspiring. As we all grow older, never forget the lessons here today. Everything you know today came from an amazing person of the past. We take in information, and we give it off. Never station yourself by limitations. Be diverse, be courageous and continue to prosper. If you're ever met with an obstacle if it is to be, it is up to me!

Most people will say that temporary things are useless. I have to say this is WRONG. We are temporary, there is no way WE ARE USELESS. We are MAN AND WOMAN, we are imperfect. We are evil and also good. The world is evil only if the evil shines. The world can be made good, but only if we are less careless. We still wont be perfect, however we will be better people. And feeling like a better person is the cure for anything. Depression would be gone. Sadness wouldn't be real and bad times would just not be good times. Only the person that finds themselves careless would be deepest in the pit.

Beauty can come in different forms. What is beauty? Its having characteristics that define you like none else. I know I may not be appealing in appearance but I'm amazing if you get to know me. Maybe you'd see something besides ugly. I wont let anyone else's opinions on myself stop me from loving me. You are beautiful in and out

Task One Winner: Scott

Task Two: Dress as sharks and eat fishies.

With a special guest appearance...

Task Winner: ????

Final Task: Work at the Coffee Shop.

I got a coffee burn.......

Task Winner: ????


Koolness1 is first.
Jenna asks her how active she is.
Kool replies that she can be pretty active although life gets in the way. But she tries to be active as best as she can.

George is next.
Orbay asks him how active he is.
George replies that he is usually active on here. School has gotten in the way lately but he remains committed to the game.
Orbay also asks him if he carries bias on his friends. And if so, are you willing to cast it aside to do your job?
George replies that yes he would cast away all bias to do his job.

Warth is third.
Dice asks him what his values are as a moderator
Warth replies with moderating, ez.

Scott was fourth.
Loki asked him how active he can be.
Scott replies with, if chosen, he will take this more seriously. He can be more active as the semester is nearing its end and he has a proper work schedule now thats more lenient on him.
Loki asks what his course of action would be if Orbay abused.
Scott says that obviously he'd follow chain of command. Head Moderator would be alerted and depending on the severity of the abused, the admins would be told.

I (Zen) was interviewed next.
I (Zen) was interviewed by Zes. Did not copy down what was asked.

Akkar was interviewed sixth.
Chis asked how would you moderate effectively while still having fun
Akkar says he'd sit on the roof and would swing the ban hammer on a rule breaker
Chis asks what he'd do if a friend abused weapons
Akkar says as a mod he would do his job by being observant (?) and moderating the game. He'd be serious if he needed to. He'd also be nice and try to make the game for fun, like terry jr.

Kace was interviewed seventh.
Terry asked how experienced he is as moderator
Kace says he's been mod on nearly every platform and has been mod in the past. He says he's very experienced with moderator
Terry asks what he'd do as a moderator
Kace says he'd warn or arrest depending on the severity of the action

EnochX (Falcon) was interviewed next.
Saber asked him what his strengths as a person are that would assist him in doing his job as a moderator. Essentially, what are his best qualities?
Enoch would take action.
Saber asked him if he'd be more active if he got moderator
Enoch said most of the time he has to do homework, he would try to spend time in oldcp though

After many moments of talking with mods, Damen decided upon a winner. Due to his gut feeling, the fact that the winner is actually active and from the interview, Damen decided upon Warth. Koolness1 came second. Good job to both of them.

In other news....

- Forums Mods are being announced soon.

- This GOM might've been the final one.

- Chis would like to know if bank should make a comeback. See his post here.

okay bye.

740 posts
Posted in What is Fortnite? • 3rd December 2020, 02:34 PM


740 posts
Posted in im back? • 2nd December 2020, 07:04 PM

hi i dont know if i remember u or not but hi

740 posts
Posted in New Category: Fornite • 2nd December 2020, 04:22 PM

ok but me in 2018 spending hours w my sister and her ex killing hundreds of zombies...

740 posts
Posted in Bailey and Mental Health • 2nd December 2020, 01:42 PM

I could tell he wasn't himself by how jumbled his text was. I hope he's okay. Good on you for alerting his mother on his mood change.
Love y'all.

740 posts
Posted in POTM Podium November 2020 • 30th November 2020, 02:24 PM


740 posts
Posted in hi guy,s • 28th November 2020, 11:47 PM

i love you

740 posts
Posted in Joust of Greats - RECAP • 27th November 2020, 05:58 PM

This joust was different than any that've occurred before. Rather than the prizes being ranks, weapons or titles, this prize was 10 USD that could’ve been used to buy a create item, an item from a different game or used for real-life purposes.


- Kace10
- George
- Julian10USD
- warthfites
- akkar
- ZphealJOUST
- Trevorr
- Ez10dollar
- Borges123
- OrlockJOUST
- appleboy123

Kutya gave wisdom. She told the fighters just to do their best.

Teigan was in charge of the countdown, which was from 10.

The first to die was Ezdollar10, who was teamed on.

Second was borges123 who died outside of the ring, don't know why they were fighting there but you do you, i guess?

Next was appleboy123 who was also victim of teaming.

Their death was followed by georgeiiii.

Akkar was next to meet his demise in the middle of the ring.

Appearing to be frozen in place, Orlock's stillness was taken advantage of and finished him off.

Trevorr was the next to fall victim to teaming, with Julian10usd and Hour following shortly after under similar circumstances.

The remaining 3, Kace, Warth and CPBiter spent a while attacking eachother, only for Kace to appear to leave the room.

Warth died just seconds later, leaving CPBiter as the winner.

He decided to use his prize money to buy a fortnite skin (i think?)


Kutya: ''Could wisdom could be removed from jousts since some people dislike listening to it. They're in more of a hurry to fight so whats the purpose?''
Damen: ''Removing wisdom would be like removing the stars off the American flag.''
(A vote was held to see how many people listened to the wisdom and majority said they did)

Saber: ''Will GOM will be sometime soon, like the first week of december maybe?''
Damen: ''The Fall gom will technically happen in winter. But it might be cancelled due to covid.''

Boshi: ''Could tamales and bikes be added to P3D?''
Damen: ''I'd love to add bikes.''
(No word on tamales. #addtamalestop3d)


- The next P3D update will be PG-13 due to graphic violence.

- Forum mod applications will close any day now. You can apply here.

- Help Terry gain information on what time you're available for an event. You can vote here.

okay thats all, bye

740 posts
Posted in MY DAY IS RUINED HELP OMG • 24th November 2020, 03:58 PM

i feel bad for laughing at your description of the gatekeeper
hope u get revived though

740 posts
Posted in Royal Executioner App. • 23rd November 2020, 03:58 PM

i laughed so hard reading this

740 posts
Posted in messing with people because i can • 17th November 2020, 04:16 PM


740 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 3 - Zen | Adventures of Aeon • 16th November 2020, 02:46 PM

''Prepare for descent on the surface.''

Pure and utter chaos were the only words that could describe the antics of the crew, who were scurrying about anxiously as they collected their belongings. Everything seemed normal- except for the pig sitting in a special container in the corner of the small, compact ship. Even more peculiar was what the pig was wearing; a helmet encased its head and snout, and a miniature space suit complete with hoof covers hid its body. What'll shock you even more is.... I'm the one whose talking. Yep, me! Who am I? I'm Aeon, a pig sent by NASA to see if animals can survive on the moon. It may seem a bit extreme but it's okay- I'm proud to do it. From what I've overheard we've been in space for about 4 days now and we're just passing the Sea of Tranquility. That's on the moon. Basically its just a rocky landscape. We've just exited Lunar Orbit a day ago and now the Eagle (thats the name of our module) is about 10,000 ft from the landing site. My heart begins to race as I'm scooped up into the arms of a crewmate. Am I anxious? Well... yes. Earth is so far away and there's so many things that can go wrong. But right now, everyone is laying down on their backs as they prepare for the free-fall like descent. 8,000 ft. 5,000 ft. 2,000 ft. to go.

We're held in place by the zero-gravity of space as we soar through the atmosphere. Uncomforting, absolutely, but secure nonetheless. 200 ft. from the ground, Commander Collins slows the module to a hover, steering as if operating a helicopter as we prepare for touchdown. I listen as the module's probes extend and make contact with the moon's surface, dropping the final 3 ft. as it lands upright in the soft, gray dirt. Shockwave. I flinch as the cartridges in each leg compress and snap, absorbing the impact of the landing. Everyone around me cheers and I can't help but give a small smile. They did it! And so did I.

Neil Armstrong clutches me tightly in his arms as he prepares to make history. The module decompresses and the latch opens. My eyes widen; Despite the fact I can't talk, there's not enough words that can explain the view before us; my eyes shine as I gaze out into the vast, blank canvas of space, Earth shining brilliantly nearby. Nothing visible for miles on end. Armstrong makes his way down the ladder and steps off, his boots landing on the soft dirt with a barely-audible thud.

''That's one small step for a man,'' he proclaims to the billions of people watching back home. Though invisible through his helmet, he grins and then launches himself up into the air. ''And one giant leap for mankind.''

He sets me down, a harnessed leash connecting me to the module to keep me from floating away. The extraterrestrial dirt crunches beneath my hooves as I walk around, the sulfur-like gunpowdery scent of space latching onto my suit. This is so exciting! Sitting down on my rear I watch as the men before me thrust an American flag deep into the ground. Armstrong snaps one of the legs of the module and, after great difficulty, attaches on it a plaque which reads; 'Here men and animal from planet Earth first set foot upon the surface of the moon. Dated July 1969. We come in peace for all mankind.'

Admittedly, its a bit boring for me because my mission was completed the moment we arrived. I do nothing but watch as the humans explore and interact with one another, hardly a glance is passed my way. I sigh. I knew it was too good to last. We stay on the moon for only 24 hours, collecting samples and images to take back home. I reminisce sadly of my home, of my friends back at the farm. Of my parents and of the slop. And the mud. There's none of that here... only 'nutritious' air-dried garbage. And that moment comes all too soon. I can't help but feel happy as the crew gather back on the module before rejoining the Commander in the main ship.

Mission complete. Time to go home.


Sorry about the quality of this. I didn't really know how else to write it.