740 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 3 Final • 15th November 2020, 11:12 AM

I have absolutely no ideas on what to write and most of those pictures are difficult to understand meanings to.
so ummmm, yeah.

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 2 - Zen • 14th November 2020, 03:15 PM

iistoleyourbigmac wrote on 14th November 2020, 12:16 PM:
Adorable, what happened to this Zenny? I want to meet her.


740 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 2 - Zen • 11th November 2020, 11:59 AM

I'm sorry in advance.

3 days later...

Age: 9

Age: 9

Age: 9

Age: 9

Age: 9

Age: 9

Age: 9

Age: 9

Age: 9

I think that's enough.

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 2 • 11th November 2020, 10:20 AM

oh god.

i was 8 back when i made my account and 8 year old zen was a whole different species.

..oh god.

740 posts
Posted in i have no ideas for a title • 9th November 2020, 02:21 PM


i dont know you but you seem cool

so hello

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Series 6 Stage 1 • 7th November 2020, 03:58 PM

tmw the song u want as ur profile music has just one cuss and no clean variation


740 posts
Posted in My story and goodbye. • 3rd November 2020, 11:24 PM

ily. plz still snap me ur abt ur crazy days. also i love ur puppy

740 posts
Posted in why the community failed • 2nd November 2020, 10:57 AM

I honestly agree with many of the things you've pointed out here and I do believe that some of the values should be adjusted.
I also agree with your point of a group being formed of people who want to speak up on issues in the community. Sadly, though, another admin would have to take over leadership of that seeing as Chelsey resigned a bit ago.
Overall nice post. Really well-worded.

740 posts
Posted in OldCP Masked Ball & iOldCP October 2020 POTM • 30th October 2020, 09:07 PM

i do believe one image from cinema needs an explanation from me:

If I remember right, that's Mal beside me and her and I were goofing off as usual. I believe I did the frown emote because of something she said. I don't remember what it was though seeing as I was either 9 or 10 there. 5 years is a long time to remember.

good report jenna<3

740 posts
Posted in Sceal an lae bfheidir • 28th October 2020, 11:30 AM

Comhghairdeas. Táim chomh bródúil as tú. Tá grá agam duit.

740 posts
Posted in Lord of the Rings • 27th October 2020, 07:34 PM

skylinr1 wrote on 27th October 2020, 02:32 PM:
Haloween1000 wrote on 27th October 2020, 02:26 PM:
disliked bc u copy/pasted. smh akkar ?
Haloween1000 wrote on 27th October 2020, 02:26 PM:
disliked bc u copy/pasted. smh akkar ?
SecurityGuy wrote on 27th October 2020, 12:55 PM:
Nice copy and pasting the wiki lore
Saber574 wrote on 27th October 2020, 11:12 AM:
he rlly copy and pasted the whole wiki
I just did it for the badge stop disliking you're ruining my rep

um, its gonna be disliked because its plagiarism. which is actually illegal if the plagiarized information is copyrighted. if you had done this in my state for a school assignment you could've been suspended, if not expelled.
i plagiarized something here in the past and i faced far greater backlash than you did. 7 dislikes isnt gonna do that big of damage to your reputation, atleast you havent got 27 like I got back then.

740 posts
Posted in Mega Awesome Profile Tutorial • 26th October 2020, 06:13 PM

turquito10 wrote on 26th October 2020, 06:07 PM:
we know

some people dont

740 posts
Posted in Mega Awesome Profile Tutorial • 26th October 2020, 05:24 PM

Majority of you understand how to update your profile since you've been here for a long while. But the newcomers most likely don't. I've noticed some people asking questions regarding how to make a profile look a certain way and I just thought it'd be simpler to make a guide explaining how everything works. So for those of you who understand, okay, great, that's fabulous. You don't have to read this if you don't want to. But for those of you who don't, this is for you.

I - BB Coding

As soon as you enter your profile you see a peculiar little bar that looks a little like this.

What is this? These are things that have the ability to give your text flair. You have as follows:

- Bolding. Causes text to appear bold. You may use this to show important phrases or words, or to emphasize something.

- Italics. Causes text to appear slanted slightly. You may use this to show thoughts, quotes or definitions.

- Underlining. Underlines text. You may use this to show subtitles, headings, important information, etc.

- Strikethrough. This puts a line through text. You may use this when editing; its a more preferred method of erasing.

Here's when things start to get a little difficult. Say for example, you want to be more detailed with your profile and want to use more than one of the tools stated above. What do you do?

- Bold and Italics. Still has the same meaning as above.

- Bold, Italics and Underline. Still has the same meaning as above.

- Bold, Italics, Underline and Strikethrough. Still has the same meaning as above.

You've got the basic stuff out of the way. But what do the rest of the tools stand for? What do they do?

The left option - Puts text on the left side of your screen.

The center option - Centers text.

The right option - Puts text on the right side of your screen.

The three tools stated above:

The imaging tool - Allows you to post an image, OR a gif.


The video tool - Allows you to link a video.

- Allows you to incorporate a link into your text. You can also make text into a link by saying [url=(link)](text)
You can view my profile here

the quote tool - Allows you to incorporate a quote into your text.
lifes a lemon

[size=(number)][/size] - Allows you to change the size of text.

[color=#(hex)][/color] - Allows you to apply color to text.

Or you can do this.

You can do individual characters

I don't recommend you change the color of every character in the text as its not only time consuming but extreme. Then again, you can do whatever.

The list option - Allows you to add a list to your text.
  • test

That's over now. Moving on!

II - Profile Things

To be honest I really didn't know how to title this section. I don't know how to describe them but when you enter your profile you see 3 options before the 'About Me':

• Profile Picture
• Nickname
• Title

Here's how I do mine:

For the profile picture I tend to chose a color aesthetic for my profile. Instead of copying a link from the internet I either save/copy the picture and paste it into discord, rightclick the link and paste it in the area for picture url.

For nickname I just title it as what I go by; Zen. Since you aren't me I don't expect to see you guys going around with 'Zen' so instead you should title yourself as YOUR nickname, or preferred name.

And for title I just have it as something that describes my mood, like, 24/7... oh.

If you've done it correctly, you'll see this on your posts:

Again, you aren't me so I don't expect it to look identical to that image; style it however you want, its YOUR profile.

III - Social Media Links

I don't have any of the social medias mentioned apart from youtube and discord but I don't give them out. Then again, its your profile. If you're comfortable giving your our social media then you can feel free to fill this section in. I only give out my discord, but even then I have it marked as 'ask.'

IV - Addons

Be warned; not every addon is for profiles so be sure to read before you buy. The following addons I have for my profile are:

• Profile Background
• Profile Music
• See Through Profiles
• Q & A

My profile background and see through profile don't work so I can't really show it but it basically allows you to have a custom background on your profile and the see-through allows you to actually see it without having that gray square in the way.

For profile music I just have it as my favorite song but ENSURE ITS A CLEAN SONG WITH NO CUSSING. My profile music is currently Brightside - Arrested Youth.

And Q & A basically allows for others to ask you questions that you can showcase on your profile. Rules apply to this.

And, well... There you have it. Hopefully this answers any questions people have. There'll be a Spanish version later with Lou's help, I just need to take a break right now.

740 posts
Posted in Thank you Cristal • 26th October 2020, 03:41 PM

we love cristal

740 posts
Posted in Pop eyes chicken • 25th October 2020, 12:48 PM

i dont like popeyes.. oops