Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in The Detectives: The Story So Far [Part 7] • 28th August 2015, 06:57 PM

Wow, I actually got to meet Nook, ya know... before he died AGAIN. This is so cool, can't wait for the next.

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in SnailsChat VIP Application||Cheep • 28th August 2015, 02:48 PM

Hey there, here is my application to become VIP on SnailsChat, a game I never got to enjoy but heard a lot about.

Username: Cheep

Timezone: EST

Experience: Well, I joined a year ago, and I just missed SnailsChat but I did hear and see a lot about it. I'm Lady of the Bank on OldCP, Forums moderator, and Queen Regent of Snaildom, before it shut down that is. I also was the commander of the OldCP Army, but I died so my position went to former Vice President Hashir. Now I hold the position of Vice Pres and Cyberwolf holds the high position of Commander. I've made my way around this community, I joined OldCP in march of 2014, and forums on April 17th. I believe I show the characteristics of VIP, but so do many others so this will be a long shot for me.

Why I'd like to be a VIP: Well I mean, it's quite different than OldCP, I really never got to experience the game and I'm in to multiplayer games and what not, so why not? I also think I'd make a great new addition to the game since I have played a similar snail game called Snaildom, which was very fun and I feel like this game could give me something more to do. I wouldn't have to be tied down to one game, I'd have a variety to choose.

Why I should get VIP: I believe I'm fit for VIP and that I could actually inform others about the game, I've even read the WHOLE wiki on SnailsChat (which isn't much lol) and I think I'm pretty fit for the role. Plus for a game that only took 3 months to design, it's pretty awesome.

Please consider me for VIP on SnailsChat, thank you.

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in Really? • 22nd August 2015, 10:14 PM

Honestly you will eventually get your account back if it does happen to cross paths with death. It's not really a big deal though because you can just go on different servers where the action isn't booming.

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in The Detectives: The Story So Far [Part 6] • 20th August 2015, 09:49 PM

TheAce wrote on 20th August 2015 05:56 PM:
I thought posts only get promoted if they're important.
There's a fine line between comical and just rude, Ace.

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in Apology • 20th August 2015, 07:46 PM


Dear users of the DSGHQ, I'm truly sorry that I, former commander of the oldcp army, couldn't fight off these stupid mouse men. I gave it my all, and I even died on 2 other accs trying to save the plaza from Mickey's wrath, but they kept pouring in by the tens. I've received a few people calling me out on it and making me feel bad, and I'll admit it, I actually believe you. Today I seriously let you guys down, and I'm sorry, very sorry. Hashir will do a great job as commander, I know he will. Good luck everyone, and please stop saying stuff to me and my army, it's not their fault. So if you want to keep being jerks, go ahead, see where it gets you.


Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in Can't Make Longer Titles With the Addon? • 20th August 2015, 12:08 AM

It's done this to me before. It's a small glitch.

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in Plaza Bomb- Secrets Exposed • 19th August 2015, 10:52 PM

I killed Mikoma earlier today.... AGAIN >.>. Thanks for the info but Mikoma already told us, as explained in Tennis' post.

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in WAR COMMANDO • 17th August 2015, 08:18 PM

With these weapons Mickey's army of mindless zombies don't stand a chance.

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in Mickey Imposter - Or Is He? • 17th August 2015, 07:52 PM

Crimezone characters usually don't say their evil plan right up front with you or I, they just kill.

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in Encounter with Mickey and more • 17th August 2015, 05:44 PM

Rawr wrote on 17th August 2015 05:42 PM:
You should've accepted, then when it was time, kill them all.
That wouldn't have worked since Mickey has Hound, Raegon, and so much more guys on his team and we have a very limited supply of armed users atm ;s.

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in Encounter with Mickey and more • 17th August 2015, 05:17 PM

Here's what went down today

First encounter

Well Orbay, myself and a few others were on the mountain when all of the sudden Mickey appeared. He looked very low quality and well, flat like an accordion. I then proceeded to shoot at him while Sled started to hit him with his sword, after that Mickey ran off into the ski village.

Second encounter

I was sitting in the throne room with the users just to be safe and all of the sudden Mickey comes out with this evil mickey head on. He then told everyone to meet him at the Dojo on OldCP, which is where I went. He wanted to speak with me so I said ok, and what he asked me was a very dumb question. "Do you accept to help us get the Jiniri Crown" meaning he wanted us, the oldcp userbase to help him control the djinns and take over OldCP... How dumb, of course everyone exclaimed NO, but I simply said "no, I do not accept.". This infuriated him and he called war upon OldCP and chanted "I WILL KILL DAMEN AND CHEEP". After that I didn't see him again for a few minutes.

Third encounter

I did /goto Mickey and I ended up in the plaza with a lot of other "users". Little did I know when Mickey chanted "attack" they all started shooting, but I managed to kill three of the 15 people.

Fourth encounter

I was back at the Dojo and Mickey appeared once again, but this time he had a bunch of people with him, so before they could attack I shot them all. It was stupid on his part because he had them lined up in an orderly fashion so all I had to do was click them each once. Also, we did end up finding Mickey's helper and I killed him also, but he did try to convince us to accept Mickey's offer.

CanadaRules brave sacrifice

Sadly, Canadarules a fellow forestboy was killed by me today, but for a very very good reason. Canadarules claimed that if we sacrificed her she's be able to heal Hashir, so we did. Suprisingly Hashir was healed and very tiny!!


Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in Allie • 16th August 2015, 10:40 PM

Clark wrote on 16th August 2015 10:23 PM:
TheAce said on 16th August 2015 05:47 PM:
Clark said on 16th August 2015 05:44 PM:
TheAce said on 16th August 2015 04:37 PM:
Fist of all, she said that she hasn't been feeling bad about that and these things make her feel awkward. Second of all, nobody has said any hateful things about it. People have said she was trying to win the WCI, which she was. I say "was" and not "is" because I don't know if it's still going on or not. And it's not bad trying to win which means it's not bad pointing out that she's been doing that.

Pista said on 16th August 2015 04:31 PM:
If you are talking about my mood, I was congratulating her. Btw, nice post. Allie deserves respect. Allie, despite the haters, there are friends out there.

CPManiac said on 16th August 2015 04:24 PM:
Heyyy there. I appreciate that you took the time to make this post, as it will give her joy to know that so many care for her. As of the terrible comments, we cannot take everything literally. As of previous discussions and moods, I believe the disucssions/moods made were either congratulations or confusion, for I don't think many people in the DSGHQ would single out anyone without reason. I'm not saying they didn't say anything rude, but I think there were more 'save allie posts' than there were of hurtful ones. Other than those I think it was confusion on why she had gotten so many levels or for whatever reason I'm leaving out. My point is I believe this thing should be settled quickly, because I feel there is no need to keep arguing about it. Allie is an exquisite person with multiple talents. If anyone did single out on her, which I believe no one in all honesty meant to, they should at least apologize for what they might have done. I feel even if they did hurt her feelings, it was by accident basically saying you could interpret the comment in multiple ways. Lets agree to disagree, shall we?

Maniac, I understand but it could have been confusion or not the mean comments were making allie sad, but yes I understand, Pista you didn't do anything wrong lol. Ace, these comments are no long going on, however I just found out and I made this post to just inform people that it's not right with anyone. I like making wise posts. Plus it was making her feel awkward or sad either one it's not cool. Like maniac said lets all agree to disagree. Have a good day guys.

The comments aren't making her feel awkward, posts like these and the saveallie channel make her feel awkward. And this isn't wise to be honest.

You honestly don't have to get onto me for trying to help a friend. I didn't know they made her feel awkward so.
Take it to PM. Everyone deserves respect on the DSGHQ, we make a whole, let's not narrow it down to one individual.

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in Roberto • 16th August 2015, 08:39 PM

Just goes to show you to never promote someone as cocky as he is. He probably still had the walk on walls ability but wasn't supposed to walk on the walls, but he did, just as any other ego crazed maniac would >.>.

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Posted in The Trial of Sherlock120 • 14th August 2015, 12:41 AM

We all know how trials work, witnesses show their proof and we go on with our day. It's nothing new, but that's just repulsive.

He doesn't even know the people he meets on the internet in the real world yet he has the nerve to expose his private parts to young kids.

In reality he'd be looked at as a pedophile, and where are his parents at? I will surely add him to my prayers tonight.