josh stan
204 posts
Posted in OldCP Comedy Series! [TV] • 15th August 2014, 11:31 PM

Damen, I would like to be an actor plz.

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Riddles • 14th August 2014, 08:24 PM

Hello everyone,

Due to OldCP being re-programed, I am going to create a game to past the time. This is a simple, yet complicated contest. I will be giving out a few riddles and the user who has the most correct answers at the end, wins 10 Gold. Also, you may edit your answers at any time, but give a notice that you have changed it, or else you might be disqualified. Note - some of these questions were found from the internet and some not.

1. I am gentle enough to soothe your skin, light enough to fly in the sky, strong enough to crack rocks. What am I?

2. I have a face but no eyes, hands but no arms. What am I?

3. You pay the price for me, but I can be fixed. What am I?

4. Someone can give, receive, break, and build me. What am I?

5. This is wanted and needed. No one can live without it, but It can break bonds if it is taken out of control due to a big obsession. What is it?

6. I grow from darkness and later on, shine with a pale light. Very round I am, and always a lady's delight. What am I?

7. I am a very important element needed when telling a secret. And if a group does not have this, their friendship might fall apart. What am I?

That is all for now and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask. I might add more later, but good luck for now!


2. Clock
6. Pearl
7. Trust

That's it... Lol, I'm not very good at riddles.. :p

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Riddles • 14th August 2014, 08:10 PM

Hello everyone,

Due to OldCP being re-programed, I am going to create a game to past the time. This is a simple, yet complicated contest. I will be giving out a few riddles and the user who has the most correct answers at the end, wins 10 Gold. Also, you may edit your answers at any time, but give a notice that you have changed it, or else you might be disqualified. Note - some of these questions were found from the internet and some not.

1. I am gentle enough to soothe your skin, light enough to fly in the sky, strong enough to crack rocks. What am I?

2. I have a face but no eyes, hands but no arms. What am I?

3. You pay the price for me, but I can be fixed. What am I?

4. Someone can give, receive, break, and build me. What am I?

5. This is wanted and needed. No one can live without it, but It can break bonds if it is taken out of control due to a big obsession. What is it?

6. I grow from darkness and later on, shine with a pale light. Very round I am, and always a lady's delight. What am I?

7. I am a very important element needed when telling a secret. And if a group does not have this, their friendship might fall apart. What am I?

That is all for now and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask. I might add more later, but good luck for now!


2. Clock
7. Pearl
8. Trust

That's it... Lol, I'm not very good at riddles.. :p

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Oldcp Tutorial • 14th August 2014, 08:31 AM

Hey everyone! Today i'm gonna make a tutorial for new users of Oldcp and Forums. I hope this can help some users with this tutorial.

A little welcome to oldcp

First I just wanted to say welcome to Oldcp & DSHQ. This is a very fun website in my opinion. I bet you will have a lot of fun here on oldcp. In this post i'm gonna share a little information so it's a little easier to play, not that it's too hard in the first place. :)


In this game there are commands. These commands will get you different clothes, and outfits. Some commands only moderators/admins can use. If you'd like a different type of hair you can use the command- /newcp head 1039. 1039 is an example of a clothing id. There are many club penguin items. If you google your item name ex.- If you the blue hoodie you can look on google. Blue Hoodie Id number. You can also visit this website Another thing you should know about commands on oldcp is that most commands have a slash at the beginning of a command. Another command you can see if a user is online or where they are

for exapmle- if you say..

/goto (username) you will go to where that user is.

/online (username) it will tell if that user is online.

/lastonline (username) it will tell you when a user was last online.

Also if you want to know if a user is banned or not say /isbanned (username)


Outfits are another type of command. You can make and wear different outfits. If you dress a way you like you can say /save [put an outfit name here] and if you want a password say [put a password here] if you want to wear an outfit say /outfit [outfit name] if it has a password put the password there too.


There are different ranks on oldcp too.

Rank 1- a normal user.

Rank 2- mediator

Rank 3- moderator

Rank 4- Administrator

if you want a higher rank you can earn it by making an application on forums or competing in mod comps


Mods and admins are people who are very important users in the community. You know they are a mod if they there name in blue and have a title saying moderator You know if they are an admin if they have their name in red and have a title saying administrator Please do not ask to be a moderator it may lower your chances. You can earn it though!

Jr rooms

jr rooms are another command in oldcp. They bring you to really cool rooms. You could even throw a party at one ;) To get to a jr room say /jr (jr room name)

Examples of jr rooms-

/jr candy

/jr gamer

/jr part213

There are a ton more. They are very fun! ;)
Well now you know a bit more about Oldcp. I hope this helped some users. :)

*~Sarah~* :)

This is an amazing tutorial! Great job. :) +1


josh stan
204 posts
Posted in GF- Season 2 • 14th August 2014, 07:45 AM

Omg. This is amazing. I LOVE GRAVITY FALLS!!!!!!!! <3
And btw I already watched those videos. (Im a decoder :P)

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Maybe why Town isn't loading • 13th August 2014, 11:37 PM

The Mine is my new room :3

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Strange.. • 13th August 2014, 03:43 PM

I also came up with a back up and did that. IT WAS SO SCARY!! Snipers were pointing at me.!

Same! :O

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Strange.. • 13th August 2014, 03:14 PM

Hi people of forums! Today i went on oldcp and was hanging out with my friends. Everything was as usual then this thunder sound happens. I didn't hear it,but bakon did. And many others too. We all got scared. Bakon was concerned about this and said to go to the office. But it wasn't working. I saw someone say "I went to jr hashirnest and it took me to the office". I didn't see who because there were A LOT of people in the town. It felt likes deathtrap to me. I remember sting going some where and coming back saying "I almost got shot!" Most of us panicked. Then sting said "I went to jr hashirnest and there were snipers pointing lasers at me". We all freaked out. Some of us went and came back yelling "ITS TRUE!" I was afraid. Not gonna lie,it was scary. I wanted to check it out so i went on a backup account named Triangle. I went to jr hashirnest and it was just me. You spawn with lasers pointing at you. That scared me. So i was like "Um...BYE". I calmed down and tried again. I went back and it was the same. I looked around and it looked like jr hashir but the top floor was pitch black. You hear thunder and you can see a hawk on the top floor,it had a purple border around it. I took a picture with my phone. I disappointed that i didn't take a screenshot. I started talking and there was no response. I was scared. I went to the stair case and walked up two steps. One of them stopped pointing a laser at me. Then started again. I got scared and ran back down. I left after that. Then told my friends about what happened. They said that the same thing happened to them as well. I went to refresh because i was lagging and the server crashed. Once it was back,i tried to go back to jr hashirnest and it sent me to the office. Now you can't enter jr hashirnest. Strange right. Well! I hope you enjoyed this! If you did,leave a like! And comment below if you think that was strange. I think it was,i don't know about you. It was nice talking to you. Bye! Xoxo

OMG! I went to hashirnest and I got trapped... >.<
Just read my mood..

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in IP Banned from my Brother • 12th August 2014, 07:07 PM

Hi everyone. QuinnFabray here! Earlier, my brother was on his account and said bad words and got banned on it. So, he was on Xat and said A LOT of bad words on it. Then, I tried to get on Old CP and then it said.... Banned

You are IP banned from

Appeal on DSGHQ Forums. :( :( :( :( :( :(

Please un-IP ban me. :( :( :( :(


I want to believe you're telling the truth, but there is no way to tell for sure :c. Unless, like many of the people above said, you DO have proof, in which case you should show to someone who will be able to un-ip ban you :).

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Ratings update • 12th August 2014, 06:55 PM

Great idea! I was thinking about this, too. :)


josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Go Pink for Brayden • 12th August 2014, 05:54 PM

Hello everyone.

Its so very unfortunate that our dear friend Brayden has cancer :(

I say we all go pink for all people with cancer, including our friend Brayden!

One day Ill have cancer too, so Im growing strong hoping Ill get lucky to not get it.


Ok, I'll wear pink :). My grandfathers both had cancer too... Its so terrible! These people have done nothing to get such a terrible disease... I wish cancer didn't exist.

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Im gonna have school. • 11th August 2014, 07:59 AM

I start school on Sept 4. :)

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in I lost my best friend • 11th August 2014, 07:39 AM

Ik were friends now its just. I dont feel too happy like i was before.

And that's my fault?..
Listen I don't want to cause drama lets just stop before anything bad happens.

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in I lost my best friend • 8th August 2014, 06:34 PM

Alyssa can you please stop I never did that...
Just stop saying things about me on your forums that aren't true, okay?
Ty, Open :)

[jesus christ this is so cRINGEY WHY DID I USED TO DO THIS HAHAHA]

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Mod • 8th August 2014, 06:31 PM

Alyssa, i never said that... Don't make up lies about me okay?
Ty, Open :)