josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Guess The /jr! • 26th August 2014, 11:41 PM

I think I know..

1. /jr Afros
2. /jr aftermath
3. /jr school
4. /jr iceberg
5. /jr petshop

Fun game! I enjoyed doing this :D

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Hi • 26th August 2014, 08:54 PM

Hello, Gugu! Welcome to the community! It's nice to meet you :D.

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Dress Damen - Out Now! • 26th August 2014, 12:19 PM

:O Can meh have a link? ^-^

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Dress Damen - Out Now! • 26th August 2014, 12:18 PM

:O Can meh have the link? :3

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Code Red Report! • 26th August 2014, 03:35 AM

Oh my goodness congrats on mod!! :D You deserve it :)

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Sad Story :( • 26th August 2014, 03:26 AM

There was once a mother and 2 children 1 child named Lily (girl) the other child named Chris (boy) and their mother Lily asked to Chris "Chris can we play kingdom?" Chris groaned and said "Lily you can be my slave!" Lily was about to cry "No!! I don't want to be your slave" *Lily cries* *Mother comes with such angerness* "CHRIS!" *Mother hits Chris on the shin and arm* "M-m-mummy I'm s-s-s-sorry" *Mother kicks him again* *Mother walks away* *Next morning Mother goes to work* "If I clean the house and do the clothes Mummy will love me :)" Chris did the clothes and cleaned the house and the Mother came home but then.. "You brat! What have you done to the house! You have ruined it!" Chris was very sad "But Mummy aren't you happy?" The mother groans "OF COURSE NOT!! YOU RUINED THE HOUSE!! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!" *Mother kicks him in the face Chris bleeds then he goes to hospital* "No CHRIS NO NO I WILL BE YOUR SLAVE PLEASE DON'T GO!!" Lily was crying so much "L-l-lily I am s-s-s-scared what is gonna h-h-h-happen" Lily cries even more "Y-y-your gonna be in heaven away from me :(" Chris is worried and scared "S-s-so I am gonna die.." Chris is starting to cry "L-l-lily I love you" *Chris dies* Lily and the Mother cry "What have I done I killed my own son!" *Mother reaches in her pocket and finds a letter and it says* "I love you mummy! From Chris" *They all cry and cry and that was the end that was the end of their family :("

Thanks for reading :)

That was.. Oh my gosh I'm crying irl XD
+1 for making me cry lol

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Sad Story :( • 26th August 2014, 03:07 AM

There was once a mother and 2 children 1 child named Lily (girl) the other child named Chris (boy) and their mother Lily asked to Chris "Chris can we play kingdom?" Chris groaned and said "Lily you can be my slave!" Lily was about to cry "No!! I don't want to be your slave" *Lily cries* *Mother comes with such angerness* "CHRIS!" *Mother hits Chris on the shin and arm* "M-m-mummy I'm s-s-s-sorry" *Mother kicks him again* *Mother walks away* *Next morning Mother goes to work* "If I clean the house and do the clothes Mummy will love me :)" Chris did the clothes and cleaned the house and the Mother came home but then.. "You brat! What have you done to the house! You have ruined it!" Chris was very sad "But Mummy aren't you happy?" The mother groans "OF COURSE NOT!! YOU RUINED THE HOUSE!! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!" *Mother kicks him in the face Chris bleeds then he goes to hospital* "No CHRIS NO NO I WILL BE YOUR SLAVE PLEASE DON'T GO!!" Lily was crying so much "L-l-lily I am s-s-s-scared what is gonna h-h-h-happen" Lily cries even more "Y-y-your gonna be in heaven away from me :(" Chris is worried and scared "S-s-so I am gonna die.." Chris is starting to cry "L-l-lily I love you" *Chris dies* Lily and the Mother cry "What have I done I killed my own son!" *Mother reaches in her pocket and finds a letter and it says* "I love you mummy! From Chris" *They all cry and cry and that was the end that was the end of their family :("

Thanks for reading :)

That was.. Oh my gosh I'm crying irl XD
+1 for making me cry lol

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in A Sad Story • 26th August 2014, 02:56 AM

Thanks for making me tear up.. Rip my dear lily D:
But +1 for making me cry tho :3

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Website glitch • 26th August 2014, 02:09 AM

There is a new glitch that is really bugging me. It does not happen in game it happens when I try to get on the website. It will say something like "You have reach the maximum amount of times using this website." But after a couple of tries it will work so I am just wondering, if it can be fixed because it wasn't doing that before the update.

Yes that happens to me too! I thought it was just my computer but at least now I know I'm not alone XD. By any chance, are you using a chromebook? Because I am, and this happens to me (in case that wasn't clear lol :p)

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Stop the Drama • 26th August 2014, 02:06 AM

Hello DSGHQ Forums!

On this night of 8/2514, there has been lots of drama. I ask you to please stop this drama at once! The forums moderators and other users do NOT enjoy it! It would be very nice if you stopped, we are all friends right?

~Adawg-Champion of Oldcp

I completely agree :)

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in REAAAAAAAAAAAAAD • 21st August 2014, 10:01 PM

I saw it.. And no need to spam those letters, thanks

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in New OldCP Servers • 17th August 2014, 07:37 PM

Great job, Damen! Thanks sooo much! His was a great idea; if one server is down, the others are still up! This will also probably help spread out penguins and prevent lag. Can't wait to check out the new servers!

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Bullying in OldCp • 17th August 2014, 10:58 AM

Recently, a lot of people (not mentioning names) have been saying they are being bullied on OldCp. I find this very, very sad because OldCp is a place to have fun with friends, not to be bullied. However, people are taking these insults very seriously and personally. Even though OldCp is just a game, it is online and virtual, and anything mean said or done on it is 1. Considered cyber bullying, (which is ILLEGAL, and 2. Should not be taken personally. Here is some advice on what to do:


1. Tell the bully to stop:
This is probably the most important step. The bully may not even know they are offending you! The next time the bully starts to bother you, simply ask them to stop and let them know that what they are doing is offending you! Be sure not to cause drama while doing this though. Even if they don't stop, it was worth a try.

2. Tell a trusted moderator:
If Step 1 fails, the best thing out can do is tell a moderator. Telling a moderator that you trust will not only make you feel better, but the moderator may be able to help by banning the bully. Who knows? Maybe the moderator will be able to give you some good advice on how to handle the situation!

3. Ignore the bully:
If you don't want anything to do with the bully, add them to your ignore list! Say /ignore (username), or click on their player card and hit the 'ignore' button!

4. Take a break from the game.
If bullying on OldCp is effecting you in real life, I recommend taking a break from the game. This may help you clear your mind, focus on something else, and may help you think of a solution. The break may be as long as you think is neccesary; This could be a week, a month, or however long you wish. Maybe while you were gone, the problem resolved itself!

4. If all else fails, talk to a parent, a trusted adult, older sibling, guidance councillor, or someone who you believe will have helpful advice.
You will be surprised how much talking will help. They can give you further guidance on how to control the situation. They also may be able to report the cyber bully, or get them to stop.

REMEMBER: OldCp is just a game! It is a PENGUIN GAME, and if you feel threatened by it,
or the people on it, talk to an adult. If it is effecting your everyday life, it is important to seek help. Having suicidal thoughts or being depressed over a game is silly, and it is important to get the bully(s) to stop.


1. Realizing you are bullying:
Many people bully, and some people do it without even realizing it! Did you tell at someone the other day, or say something that was intended to be a joke, but might have been taken personally? Well, go and apologize to that person right away! They may have taken this personally, and you may have been hurting someone's feelings without realizing it.

2. Realize what you are doing is wrong:
Bullying is very, very wrong. People come on OldCp to have fun, not to be bullied! How would you feel if someone was constantly hurting your feelings, that's for sure. Bullying is wrong for so many reasons. You can emotionally hurt someone. The person may end up killing themselves, or going into depression. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be the cause of somebody's sadness! Do you want to be remembered for your meanness? I thought not.

3. Identify the problem:
Many bullies bully people because their is something wrong in their life. Now, I'm not saying this HAS to be the reason, because that is not always the case, but if it is, do NOT take it out on other people. Id there is something going on in your life, rather that taking it out on others, talk it out with your family. You may want to see a guidance councillor for help, if needed. If you are bullying someone because they have been mean to you, stop right now. Be the bigger person! Don't sink down to their level. Simply tell them that what they did made you upset. Don't be immature and be rude back! What is that going to solve? Being mean back will only cause more drama.

4. Apologize.
This is THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP. Apologize to the person you bullied. This will let them know that you are sorry, and even if they don't accept your apology, you will feel much better, trust me. If they do, you might even make a new friend!

REMEMBER: Bullying is really bad, and may get you banned from OldCp. Identifying that you are a bully and apologizing is the best thing you can do.


1. Take a screenshot.
If you see someone bullying, take a screenshot immediately. If there are no moderators around, you will need them to use as proof! I recommend lightshot. It's free and easy; just search lightshot on your web browser and you will find it.

2. Tell the bully to stop.
Simply approach the bully and tell them to stop. Do not be mean and bully them back, that is never the right solution! Ask them politely to stop, and if they don't, firmly tell them to stop, or else you will tell a moderator, who can ban them.

3. Tell a moderator.
If the bully continues even after you ask them to stop, tell a moderator right away. Moderator have the power to ban and kick the bully, so it is important to let them know! If there are no moderators around, remember that screenshot you took? Well, here's where it comes in handy: when a mod does come on, tell them about what happened, and tell them you have proof.

REMEMBER: You don't have to be a moderator to get bullies to stop! Anyone can make a difference by standing up for the victim. However, don't make the issue bigger by interfering, and don't jump to conclusions; the situation could be more, at lack of a better word, involved than you might think.

Remember, together we can STOP CYBER BULLYING ON OLDCP!!!

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in How to be a good user • 17th August 2014, 08:39 AM

How to be a good user

The effect

How does being a good user affect my status as of now or in the future??

Good question. Being a good user affects your rank in the future. Just by helping a fellow user out now could bring your chances of being a moderator up by at least 5%. That may not sound like a lot, but when you think about it, we have only explored 3% of the ocean, so that sorta gives you a perspective. Just by calling a user out his or her name could bring your chances down drastically. Good users also tend to have higher rep.

The discussions

How does making good discussions get me any further in the future?? Can't I just make a short post and the same effect would happen??

Again, another great question. While making short, under-detailed, dense posts are much easier than making a long,detailed,organized post, it's best to go with the second option. Why you ask?? These discussions tend to get more likes, which easily affects you as a DSGHQ Forums user as a whole. Likes = reputation, and users with a high reputation are usually more trusted,experienced, and have higher chances of becoming mod/any other form of high ranking. Even though short posts are allowed, it doesn't mean they are advised.

And finally, attitude

How does having a good attitude affect me?

Oh, here's a big one. Maintaining a positive attitude is essential to any high-aiming user. I know it's hard sometimes to keep this attitude, but you must know when to have it and when to not in certain situations. It's okay to not have a positive attitude 24/7, just please don't have an attitude that's bad 24/7. Things will always look up, trust me. Last year, my family had to go through a lot of things, things I don't wanna discuss. Yes, I was on the forums at this time. My family had to move several times because of this, and I had some times when I got worried, but in time, eventually, everything got much better and I maintained an attitude that was very positive.Things don't stay the same, because this is life and in life the goals we have may eventually be obtained but for now all we can do is hope. Time is real and relative, so in that time we should be happy and continue forth with our lives, and not look to the future nor look in the past, because eventually everything will fall into place for you. Your destiny is already set, but it's up to you how you choose to fulfill it.

Please take every letter, every vowel, every word to heart and fulfill them to their best extent. Thank you for reading from the very bottom of my heart.



Great job, Polar! Great discussion! +1

josh stan
204 posts
Posted in Talent show! • 16th August 2014, 11:43 PM

Awe I wish I could have went I love your talent shows. But I'm at the beach c;