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Posted in Joking about serious things • 8th October 2015, 10:45 PM

Blackhawks are part of a game, and it's a roleplay thing, so it isn't serious.

As for depression, claiming you're depressed on the internet and joking about depression aren't really the same thing. When users claim they're depressed (usually without even understanding the concept of depression), it's typically not so much a joke as it is a cry for the attention of strangers for whatever reason, which is annoying and doesn't make sense whatsoever.

Joking about depression is the attempt to create a humerous situation out of depression. It SOUNDS horrible, but it actually helps people who are happy to stay happy and not become like the depressed person. Many people who joke about that feel bad for people with depression and hope everything gets better, and even try their best to help them, but at the same time, they don't want to be all sad like them, so they joke about it as a way of enlightening themselves and others while doing everything they can. They don't want to allow themselves to let a depressed person affect THEIR mental health as well.

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Posted in Apparent life-changing quotes • 8th October 2015, 07:28 PM

(Everything said in this threed is for fun purposes)

Quotes that are potential life-changers, according to the site.

Normalness leads to sadness
I have another quote:
They have ahccents. So anything they say will change your life. I don't undastund their fans.
I can't remember what stupid, discouraging person said that though.

Oh right, Ace, of course. 1. According to Phan trash...people, accents don't matter, that's repeatedly been established. 2. You understand nothing but Seth Rollins and Onision videos. 6. There's no such thing as NOT finding them adorable, so don't pretend to not be a fangirl. More failed logic.
Who let this guy in? Like, for real. Do I need to call security?

Life-changing, indeed. Life-ENDING to be exact if a doubtful killer watches this video. Props to you.

Some other quote that can encourage doubtful killers.

Some other quote that can encourage doubtful killers.

Some other quote that can encourage doubtful killers.

Yeah, yeah, I make no sense, I know. :/

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Posted in INTERVIEW WITH SADIE?!?!?!?! • 8th October 2015, 05:43 PM


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Posted in what determines your gender • 7th October 2015, 07:37 PM

You're absolutely right. With that being said, call me Female Ace.


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Posted in Ace's Extremely Failed "Logic" • 7th October 2015, 07:25 PM

(Everything said in this threed is for fun purposes)

I'm somewhat known for being "logical". Yes, I am so logical, right? :D

Here are a few examples of the failed logic of Ace.

The purpose of life is for these two to start dating. Get these two togetha, let's go, let's go!
Ace, as always, trying and failing to be funny, apparently, making fun of people who obsess over youtubers. Ok, it's not like Ace has an obvious unhealthy addiction to Onision or anything. Got it. Yeah, feel free to shut your filthy self up any time.

Ace makes his profile picture "under construction", meaning he's working on a profile picture. Can't wait to see what he's working on!

Or not. Right back to the exact Onision picture he had before. Wow, I admire your work.

Common sense, what's that?

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Posted in Being friendly online • 7th October 2015, 04:17 PM

*Insert my daily speech about how it's much harder to change bullies than it is to change your reaction to it and laugh it off here*

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Posted in Make It Up! • 6th October 2015, 11:26 PM

I got banned for being annoying wait

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Posted in Compliment Yourselves • 6th October 2015, 10:20 PM

There's quite a lot of negativity I notice, not today. Today, you're going to be positive. Say something about yourself you love. There is ALWAYS something amazing about yourself. I don't do negativity. I'll start, I can say something about myself I love in less than three seconds.

I love umm...


Y'know what, forget it. Your turn. What do you love about yourself? And remember: stay positive!

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Posted in Moderator Application -Emmie • 6th October 2015, 08:40 PM

You don't yet have enough experience for this rank. Perhaps in the upcoming months, you'll have a better chance. Correct me if I'm incorrect.

Also, you mentioned that you're mature. I'm not saying you're entirely immature, but when people dislike a post of yours, you typically get upset, and you must understand that that simply means they disagreed. Nothing more. It doesn't mean they're bullying you. It doesn't mean they want you to feel upset. A major quality of having maturity is respecting opinions that differ from yours. Other than that, yes, you are indeed mature for your age, from what I know.

And also, don't think of it as a job or priority. And I don't recommend dedicating that much time to it although it's ultimately your decision. Instead, I advice you to think of it has a fun oppurtunity, but you remain a normal user at the same time. Not a job though.

The rest of this application is pretty good. But yeah, experience is key.

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Posted in Boring Gaming World: DBZ • 6th October 2015, 07:15 PM

Hey guys, welcome to Gaming World, my series where I bore you to tears talking about video games and such. A lot of you guys like Anime, myself included, so this episode, I'm going to talk about a game based off of an Anime. Dragon Ball Z: Bootikai Tenkaichi 3.

So this is the game. How exciting. *Yawn*

Here's another screenshot of the game. Here we see Goku fighting a monkey while pooping out an appealing red sausage.

Not even veGEETA is a match fo him! What in the world is going on?
It's basically a fat sack of creepy-looking gum. All you have to do is chew it up and spit it out. That's literally it. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, neither do I.

I give this 7 fat sacks of gum/10. Good gameplay, but the storylines are almost the exact same as last game. New/better features, more characters, and better graphics are pretty much the only differences.

Yyyyyeah, I'm not a very good game reviewer.

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Posted in The Problem With Punishing • 6th October 2015, 05:15 PM

Lloyd wrote on 6th October 2015 05:08 PM:
We punish people because they have to leanr a lesson, it's not like to say "I'm higher than you", punishments exist to give people lessons, like how the french people say, *insert French I can't understand here* when people make wrong decisions, even life will give you a lesson.
She understands that. She's not saying that punishment shouldn't exist, she's saying that people are punished harshly while others are punished not as harshly or even not at all for doing the exact same thing.
Skits wrote on 6th October 2015 04:55 PM:
Hey everyone, I am Skittles. I'm only here to bring a topic based on punishing users that have violated rules, or have done something that has disgusted a Staff member.

Before you read:
Look, this is my opinion. You shouldn't hate me because of something I'm finding unfair to some of these users who've had something done to them by a Staff member. I'm going to be honest with you, so no hate, okay? Alright then.

So you might be wondering what I'm trying to say, and what I'm seeing is that people get different punishments for an action that users whom moderate say " I disapprove."

Some ban a user for cussing, others give a suspension. Some ban a user for bullying, others recurve a suspension or demotion.

I'll give you a real example that has happened on here:

Incident 1
A user put two male humans that famously go by the names of Dean Winchester and Castiel puckering each other as its profile picture. No action was taken, although many viewed that profile and found it disgusting.

Incident #2 / 2 weeks later (2 days ago)

A friend of mine set up two male users puckering as well on here profile picture. She made a mood about it. After two minutes, the picture was removed from her profile picture, and she was given a warning. Seems unfair.

Another friend of mine did the same thing with her profile picture.

I'm not saying that the community is bad at punishing users, but it is a bit crazy to see users that've done bad actions to have different punishments. If a user has constantly did it, that's a different story, but if it's like, a user who had done it once, that's kind of unreasonable. Like you hate them. So can we like stick with one punishment? That's my question.

please reply now that you've read this.

Okay now byeeee...
I agree. This has happened many times.

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Posted in Gaming World: Uncharted (3) • 5th October 2015, 11:04 PM

Damen Drake wrote on 5th October 2015 10:20 PM:
The best bit was when Sully called Elena a houre.
I laughed at this too hard.

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Posted in Gaming World: Uncharted (3) • 5th October 2015, 09:20 PM

This game is off the CHARTS! "Off the charts" as in exceedingly good. "CHARTS" as in UnCHARTed! XD
Hahaha. Bad joke as always.


Welcome to Gaming World; my series where I summarize a small portion of games and make stupid comments about them. The last time I did one of these, I was some creepily weird, mood-swinging sponge.

Sorry about that, guys. I haven't changed a bit, but at the same time, I've changed so much.

Anywah, today, I'm going to review Damen's apparent favorite game: Uncharted 3.

The game starts off with Nathan Drake speaking some French or something while walking around. All I had on my mind was "where's the part where I get to shoot people? Must be any second now! :D "

"Or not".

When we finally get to fighting, Nathan Drake randomly starts falcon punching everyone. And he's doing it in a suit, which is something that's pretty difficult to do. I'm glad that I'm as cool as that guy. Oh yeah, I'm not.

Anywah, I give this game 8 1/2 out of 10 dudes in suits. Great game, although I liked the last game better due to it being more challenging, in my opinion. Looking forward to the 4th installment coming March 18, 2016.


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Posted in Phan is the BEEST!! • 5th October 2015, 06:57 PM

Hello, everyone in DSGHQ! By "everyone in DSGHQ", I mean "few people reading this who are wondering why they're reading this".

These guys are amazing. I love them! Oh my gosh, oh my gooooosh, I love them! Golling golly gosh, I love thenm. They need to start dating. That is the purpose of life. For them to start dating.

Whenever I watch one of their videos, it makes me so emotional! I just start crying!

And it's not just about the accents, they have a puhsunality too.