Spike Angmar

Change History of Wiki:Spike

5TH OCTOBER 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 53B0F0C326344C206D874836EE29098A , PROPS: 4A04F070888388804C4728B52C54B8F4 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Spike Angmar" ["title"]=> string(18) "Son of Amir & Loki" ["photo"]=> string(91) "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/910022267256324116/1022282353604833350/unknown.png" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "BIRDBEAST" [1]=> string(7) "Joffrey" } ["titles"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(18) "King of Black City" [1]=> string(9) "Dark Lord" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(1661486400) ["house"]=> string(6) "Angmar" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(4) "Loki" [2]=> string(5) "Raven" } } ["title"]=> string(12) "Spike Angmar" }


Before Birth

When Spike was in the womb, he had a twin brother. It was said that one of the twins was more powerful and more evil than the other, but they both had very high hate genes. They were also cursed by Azeb while they were in the womb, and while Amir reversed the curse for his wife, some of the effects still lingered. The twins grew to be very large. It was said the twins would explode out of Loki if she did not get an operation.

Dark Beginning


Finally, the day would come for Loki to give birth. Silence brought her to the Monk Monastery and performed the operation. After much pain, Loki gave birth to twins. At first, they were called BIRDBEAST and BirdSon.

Loki renamed BIRDBEAST to Spike. Sadly, Spike vanquished BirdSon before he could be named and even ate his brother's corpse. Spike was thus the only son remaining.


Shortly after his birth, Spike was kidnapped by Doom. Doom said that he was going to train the boy and that he would be more able to handle his training than his mother. Doom promised to return him when he was trained and ready to liberate Baraddur from the rule of T10.


Spike was thus trained by Doom for a time. Doom taught him how to fight and how to use his hatred for strength. Eventually Doom was fired from his job and Amir began to train his son. Amir is very proud of the evilness and power of his son.

Liberating Evils

As prophecised by Doom, Nook, and Glarthir, Spike did liberate Baraddur from the rule of T10 and became the King of Black City. He was successful in his very first war at only eight years old!

After taking back the Black City, Spike would declare war on Providence. He won the land and made Miromeski his Top Dogg regent of the land.

Chosen One

Spike is the chosen one of the evils and possesses more power than anyone else. He is so powerful in the force that he even has the ability of fly. Where this power came from would eventually come into question after The Son made his debut on September 13th, 2022.

Son of The Son?

After the events on Malacoth on September 13th, 2022, a man named Rift would start to speak with Spike. He tried to convince Spike that he is not Amir's son, rather that he is actually the son of 'The Son' and that he was implanted into his mother's womb. Loki told Spike not to believe these things as they are ridiculous.

Later, Veriscolor (a warlord from Wild Space) and Nook would also start confirmed what Rift had told Spike, that he was indeed implanted into his mother's womb by The Son. They said that that is why Spike is so powerful.

While his mother continued to refuse to believe these claims, Spike started to believe them. He saw many differences between himself and his father, Amir. He noticed the massive power difference between them and he also realized that when he closes his eyes, he sees red nebulae.

Leaving Arda

Spike, being very full of himself and his power, warred several islands. While he would gain one land, he would forget about one war and outright lose another. He also talked about Pythas and called him a poor excuse of a dark lord. These failed wars and comments would anger some powerful evils.

The Need to go into Hiding

Due to Spike's conceited behaviour, Azeb, Ungoliant, and Doom would plot to have the boy vanquished. Their plan was to have a goblin, Miromeski, take up the Grond and use it to end Spike permanently. Spike's mother knew of these plans and urged her son to go into hiding. Spike refused at first, but he would become convinced and another being would call to him to leave the galaxy entirely.

Calls from his Godfather

While Loki plead with Spike to go into hiding, his "godfather" (The Rift/The Son) started calling to him and invited him to go to Wild Space. Spike accepted this invitation and had his mother fly him to Saturn. A portal opened there for Spike and closed after he entered into it.
22ND SEPTEMBER 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 4D7C05D3B950B782F1A3F3AB6B0CFB62 , PROPS: 4A04F070888388804C4728B52C54B8F4 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Spike Angmar" ["title"]=> string(18) "Son of Amir & Loki" ["photo"]=> string(91) "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/910022267256324116/1022282353604833350/unknown.png" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "BIRDBEAST" [1]=> string(7) "Joffrey" } ["titles"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(18) "King of Black City" [1]=> string(9) "Dark Lord" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(1661486400) ["house"]=> string(6) "Angmar" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(4) "Loki" [2]=> string(5) "Raven" } } ["title"]=> string(12) "Spike Angmar" }


Before Birth

When Spike was in the womb, he had a twin brother. It was said that one of the twins was more powerful and more evil than the other, but they both had very high hate genes. They were also cursed by Azeb while they were in the womb, and while Amir reversed the curse for his wife, some of the effects still lingered. The twins grew to be very large. It was said the twins would explode out of Loki if she did not get an operation.

Dark Beginning


Finally, the day would come for Loki to give birth. Silence brought her to the Monk Monastery and performed the operation. After much pain, Loki gave birth to twins. At first, they were called BIRDBEAST and BirdSon.

Loki renamed BIRDBEAST to Spike. Sadly, Spike vanquished BirdSon before he could be named and even ate his brother's corpse. Spike was thus the only son remaining.


Shortly after his birth, Spike was kidnapped by Doom. Doom said that he was going to train the boy and that he would be more able to handle his training than his mother. Doom promised to return him when he was trained and ready to liberate Baraddur from the rule of T10.


Spike was thus trained by Doom for a time. Doom taught him how to fight and how to use his hatred for strength. Eventually Doom was fired from his job and Amir began to train his son. Amir is very proud of the evilness and power of his son.

Liberating Evils

As prophecised by Doom, Nook, and Glarthir, Spike did liberate Baraddur from the rule of T10 and became the King of Black City. He was successful in his very first war at only eight years old!

After taking back the Black City, Spike would declare war on Providence. He won the land and made Miromeski his Top Dogg regent of the land.

Chosen One

Spike is the chosen one of the evils and possesses more power than anyone else. He is so powerful in the force that he even has the ability of fly. Where this power came from would eventually come into question after The Son made his debut on September 13th, 2022.

Son of The Son?

After the events on Malacoth on September 13th, 2022, a man named Rift would start to speak with Spike. He tried to convince Spike that he is not Amir's son, rather that he is actually the son of 'The Son' and that he was implanted into his mother's womb. Loki told Spike not to believe these things as they are ridiculous.

Later, Veriscolor (a warlord from Wild Space) and Nook would also start confirmed what Rift had told Spike, that he was indeed implanted into his mother's womb by The Son. They said that that is why Spike is so powerful.

While his mother continued to refuse to believe these claims, Spike started to believe them. He saw many differences between himself and his father, Amir. He noticed the massive power difference between them and he also realized that when he closes his eyes, he sees red nebulae.
22ND SEPTEMBER 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 4D7C05D3B950B782F1A3F3AB6B0CFB62 , PROPS: FD8C22EF6B225B82E58BC64C1F81187E [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Spike Angmar" ["title"]=> string(18) "Son of Amir & Loki" ["photo"]=> string(91) "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/910022267256324116/1022282353604833350/unknown.png" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "BIRDBEAST" [1]=> string(7) "Joffrey" } ["titles"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(18) "King of Black City" [1]=> string(9) "Dark Lord" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(1661486400) ["house"]=> string(6) "Angmar" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(4) "Loki" } } ["title"]=> string(12) "Spike Angmar" }


Before Birth

When Spike was in the womb, he had a twin brother. It was said that one of the twins was more powerful and more evil than the other, but they both had very high hate genes. They were also cursed by Azeb while they were in the womb, and while Amir reversed the curse for his wife, some of the effects still lingered. The twins grew to be very large. It was said the twins would explode out of Loki if she did not get an operation.

Dark Beginning


Finally, the day would come for Loki to give birth. Silence brought her to the Monk Monastery and performed the operation. After much pain, Loki gave birth to twins. At first, they were called BIRDBEAST and BirdSon.

Loki renamed BIRDBEAST to Spike. Sadly, Spike vanquished BirdSon before he could be named and even ate his brother's corpse. Spike was thus the only son remaining.


Shortly after his birth, Spike was kidnapped by Doom. Doom said that he was going to train the boy and that he would be more able to handle his training than his mother. Doom promised to return him when he was trained and ready to liberate Baraddur from the rule of T10.


Spike was thus trained by Doom for a time. Doom taught him how to fight and how to use his hatred for strength. Eventually Doom was fired from his job and Amir began to train his son. Amir is very proud of the evilness and power of his son.

Liberating Evils

As prophecised by Doom, Nook, and Glarthir, Spike did liberate Baraddur from the rule of T10 and became the King of Black City. He was successful in his very first war at only eight years old!

After taking back the Black City, Spike would declare war on Providence. He won the land and made Miromeski his Top Dogg regent of the land.

Chosen One

Spike is the chosen one of the evils and possesses more power than anyone else. He is so powerful in the force that he even has the ability of fly. Where this power came from would eventually come into question after The Son made his debut on September 13th, 2022.

Son of The Son?

After the events on Malacoth on September 13th, 2022, a man named Rift would start to speak with Spike. He tried to convince Spike that he is not Amir's son, rather that he is actually the son of 'The Son' and that he was implanted into his mother's womb. Loki told Spike not to believe these things as they are ridiculous.

Later, Veriscolor (a warlord from Wild Space) and Nook would also start confirmed what Rift had told Spike, that he was indeed implanted into his mother's womb by The Son. They said that that is why Spike is so powerful.

While his mother continued to refuse to believe these claims, Spike started to believe them. He saw many differences between himself and his father, Amir. He noticed the massive power difference between them and he also realized that when he closes his eyes, he sees red nebulae.