Redds's moods

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8th October 2015
dear DSGHQ users, i have decided to quit due to the fact everyones causing drama about me and sparks crime, i can't handle this drama! everyones being so rude, instead of facing all this i would like to quit, either way i was gonna be ip banned, i bet your all happy huh? don't think i don't read your moods saying i should be ip banned and say mean stuff to me, my decision is final. today will be my last day here and i wish sparka luck, no i will not be on forums anymore, if you have anything to tell me, pm me. goodbye and you guys really helped in the early 2015 when i had depression, i wish you all luck. bye <3
8th October 2015
I love how banshee comments on every mood XD
8th October 2015
I'm the only one online on forums that doesn't have a rank XD
7th October 2015
i hate you puffin. so very much (i talking about the app not a person)
7th October 2015
err damen, it says I'm banned on my iPad when i go on forums but on my laptop it says I'm not banned, is this a glitch? oh and ignore my mood from my backup
7th October 2015
Star vs forces of evil is so gonna replace gravity falls and steven universe
7th October 2015
I got a new mac book air yesterday! But i came home at 8:30 so i pretended to be sick this morning so i can just play on my laptop
5th October 2015
"Does it sniff them or what?" - Damen Game Of Mods 2015
4th October 2015
"Does it sniff them or what?"
4th October 2015
Is it weird how i think damen is actually chelsey in another account? Shes always just standing at the spawn...
3rd October 2015
Who likes my profile music?
3rd October 2015
Whenever i join blizzard it says: unable to connect to server. Is it just me?
3rd October 2015
Can someone PLEASE put this photo for my wiki? Whenever i put it, it never works! And my old photo is also an imugr link:
3rd October 2015
Am i the only one who wakes up early on weekends? :c
2nd October 2015
If you see a user named lzzy, THAT ISNT ME! (Its lzzy with an L) how i know shes impostering me? She was wearing outfit izzy555, witnesses: wildkitty and mrjakecola
1st October 2015
ITS OFFICIAL! Ive gone crazy with PicCollage, i mean look at this:
1st October 2015
Just got new profile music, Thanks maniac!
1st October 2015
That moment you download picCOLLAGE and you cant stop making templates o-o
30th September 2015
OMG lol i was reading chelseys post and i wanted to change my name to my GOM name and i wrote Redds Kacket instead of Redds Topaz