DamenSpike Games HQ Wiki
KNIGHTS Military
The Beginning
KNIGHTS Military was purchased by Jesse on June 3rd, 2017. It was purchased with illegal and exploited gold, without the Empire knowing.
Military Arsenal
One of the unique things about KNIGHTS is that they were in fact the first military to all legally wield lightsabers. However, these lightsabers they had were not common, they were very rare at the time and were strictly for KNIGHTS only. They were dark coloured lightsabers, known as Dark Sabers.
One of the great things KNIGHTS is known for was the opportunity it gave to users. KNIGHTS was known to hire newer users so they would be able to experience how it is like to be in a Military, and how to handle weapons. Most Military would not even consider adding newer users, but KNIGHTS was more considerate, yet careful with its selection of soldiers.

Although KNIGHTS is commonly known as being a memorable Military, it is no secret that KNIGHTS has been involved in serious exploits. Because of gold exploits, KNIGHTS was once the richest Military in history, reaching over 30,000,000 gold, which would mostly be donated to users.