

Jilly's name is Valentina, and she was born on 6th August 2003. She lives in Australia, and her ethnicity is Serbian. Jilly is currently 16 years old. Jilly joined OldCP in 2013. She found it by roaming around the internet looking for Old Club Penguin sites. She joined the community and interacted with other members in 2014. Ever since then, she has been gaining experiences and skills to improve herself as a person and contributing to the community. Throughout the years, she has been making friends, earning and ranks, and having fun in general. For the last couple of years, she has been inactive, but the coronavirus pandemic made her come back for the last time.


For seven years of gameplay, Jilly has earned:
• Detective (2x)
• Imperial Knight (2x)
OldCP Moderator (2x)
• GOM Winner Series 15
• Jailor
• Boss of OldCP
Das Knight
Dorval Knight
Penguin Watch Captain
• Banker

Jilly is a kind, honest user who loves making friends and connecting with everyone. As for the last return she has made, she wants to make her final moments in this community a special one. DSGHQ community has watched her grow and grew with her, and she wants to continue with that in the future.



Titles Detective, Boss of OldCP, Moderator, Banker, Imperial Knight, Das Knight, Dorval Knight, Penguin Watch Captain, GOM Winner, Jailor
Gender Female
Birthday 6th August 2003
House Cortana
Death N/A
Related Sriram