DamenSpike Games HQ Wiki
The Beginning
Brit joined OldCp in January 24, 2018 under the name of Sweetie. As her name suggested, many people perceived her to have a sweet personality. She quickly gained popularity among the users and became a well respected member of the community.

The Road to Greatness
The first rank Brit ever obtained was Detective. So she waddled around the island with an Orange name color for about two months before she obtained her next rank.
Penguin Watch Captain
As a Penguin Watch Captain, Brit learned more about OldCp and moderation skills. She was a great asset to the Penguin Watch and was well respected by her fellow captains who only had nice things to say about her. Being a Penguin Watch Captain made Brit even more well known than she already was.
Soon after Brit had been a Penguin Watch Captain, she participated in the Summer 2018 Game of Mods. During Game of Mods she showed that she had the qualities to become a moderator, yet she was not chosen to win this competition but was promoted along with the winner anyway. As a moderator, Brit really shined. She shared her unique sense of humor with the community and became widely known for it.
Becoming Royalty
Lady of the Bank
Brit's road to glory would not stop with Moderator. The next rank she would obtain just a few months after obtaining Moderator was Lady of the Bank, which she still serves as today. In her role of Lady of the Bank, she proved how trustworthy she really is by handling the Empires funds without scandal, a job which she still performs to this day.
Queen of Das
Eventually Brit's aspirations would reach higher from being Lady of the Bank and she decided to run for Queen of Das when the islands ruler came up for election. She won this race with ease as her popularity was now so high. As Queen of Das, she would build up the island knights for the land to make it better protected in case of invasion.
Queen of the North
Brit would eventually take an offer made by Randy, who was the King of the North, to trade island rules. He was tired of being the King of the North and wanted to try ruling a different island and Brit agreed to the exchange. As Queen of the North, Brit has added a few rooms for House Solaris, a house which she owns, and revamped a few of the other rooms by making new SWFs for them on her own.
Emperor Helper
In October of 2019, Brit would be chosen to take Gamer's place as Emperor Helper when he was facing other difficulties irl that made him unable to be on OldCp. By achieving this rank, Brit has completed her path to the top by finally becoming an Administrator on OldCp. Emperor Damen himself has even given her high praise on her performance of this rank.

Stepping Down
Eventually, 2020 would roll around and Brit decided that she did not want to be OldCp's most loyal Emperor Helper anymore. To the shock and sadness of much of the players on the game, Brit stepped down from Emperor Helper. She promised that she was not quitting and would stick around the game, she just did not feel she could best serve the game as that rank anymore.
Upwards and Onward
Wizard and Wise Healer
Brit remained rankless for a short amount of time after stepping down from Emperor Helper. Many people thought that she should at the very least be a Moderator or take back her old title of Lady of the Bank. Brit did neither of these though and went for the humble rank of Wizard.
Brit became a purple wizard until the rank was removed from the game. Then she became a Wise Healer which was the new name for the Wizard rank.
Eventually, a growing number of people were turning against the CPPP, which had come into the control of many lands and they even killed Emperor Wilfred. Due to their assassination on the Emperor, DRAKE was ordered to fight the CPPP and remove them all of their leaders from the Islands they ruled. Brit used this as an opportunity to declare war on the North so that she could be the next Queen after President Achilles was removed.

Brit fought hard to reclaim the land that had been hers up until she became Emperor Helper and she was victorious!

So here Brit stands, back on top after having started all over from the bottom. A Queen, once again.
World Champion
While Queen of the North, Brit competed in the 2020 Spring World Championship competition. She defeated all of her competitors with ease and claimed another title for herself, World Champion, making her one of the few ladies to have claimed the title.
Eventually, Brit would end her rule of the North and pass it down to iBlue, another member of House Solaris. She remained rankless for awhile afterwards.A Great Crime
One day Brit would become a criminal. She attacked and murdered the Courtney, who was the Player of the Month. This lead to one of the biggest trials in OldCp history with several people who were very respected and at one point very high ranked being on trial with her for conspiracy. Brit said she attacked Courtney because she suspected Courtney of cheating in POTM by using an autoclicker. She apologized for her actions and was sentenced to execution on the Mountain.

As expected, Brit did not stay down for long. She worked to once again make her way to the top. She became a Wise Healer for a time and then won North Warlord under iBlue.

Fighting Uphill
Eventually, she would lose North Warlord after iBlue resigned from King of the North and then she became an imperial knight. She was noted for her great fighting abilities and quickly gained Free Fighter. She even gained Co-Knight Captain since she is such a seasoned fighter and because she gives great input and great ideas.
Back on Top
When the Royal Union of Islands was established, Knight Captain Randy became Lord Commander, which left the Knight Captain spot open. Due to Brit's status of Co-Knight Captain, she was able to easily become the full on Knight Captain for the Southern Knights.
Empress Helper
After the demotion of Sled, the spot of Empress Helper was now open. Damen and Raindrop decided together that Brit would be the new Empress Helper.Brit
Empress Helper

Aliases | Brit, Sweetie |
Titles | Detective, Penguin Watch Captain, Moderator, Lady of the Bank, War Knight, Lady of Solaris, Queen of Das, Queen of the North, Emperor Helper, Empress Regent, DRAKE Supreme Commander, Wizard, Wise Healer, World Champion Spring 2020, Free Fighter, Knight Captain |
Gender | Female |
Birthday | 7th September 2003 |
House | Solaris |
Related | Macy, Rila, Loki, Sid, Randy |