Global Change History
, BODY: C505AEF153697FDBE1817363DC834009 , PROPS: C85701B7B3EBB2C6194BD062F895F72F
Minor Edit: "Pablo from team Freehawks won Series 25." I (Pablo) did not lead Team FreeHawks to a victory in GOM (changed it to team Knights)
array(4) {
array(12) {
string(12) "Game of Mods"
string(11) "Competition"
string(32) ""
string(23) "June 2013 - Present day"
string(11) "Damen Spike"
string(0) ""
string(26) "OldCP, Snaildom, Penguin3D"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
array(4) {
string(30) ""
string(30) ""
string(30) ""
string(30) ""
string(2) "13"
string(1) "1"
string(5) "event"
string(12) "Game of Mods"
The Game of Mods, or the Moderator Competition, is a 3-day long rank competition where all participants compete in a war of tasks to become the next new Moderator.
The Game of Mods has been played on all the DSGHQ virtual worlds, but is mostly played on
It was also played on Snaildom and briefly on Penguin Isles.
As of DSGHQ's main game switching to Penguin3D, it has moved to there as well.
The first task was to form a team. The biggest team would win the task.
Key123 made Team Black Hoodies and Journey made Team Freehawk. There were about 17 people on the Black Hoodies so they won the task. Everybody thought that Key123 had won the entire competition right there.
Suddenly, people started claiming that the winner was somebody else, but iLily, Journey, Poas and two other Black Hoodies helped out and said that Key123 was (which he ended up being).
The second task was the run the Coffee Shop, Freehawks & Black Hoodies both won.
After the stage ended, Key123 and Journey were speaking. He had decided to quit the Black Hoodies and give the leader role to iLily, who had tied with Journey during the Stage.
The rule was that whoever lasted the longest as a Moderator, would officially win the competition. Later, iLily was demoted for abusing her rank, so Journey won.
Although before the second series, Journey disappeared and didn't return for a long time.

There are no records on this series other than Poas won and Nintendo became the runner-up of the competition on his first attempt.
The third task was to teach pookies a lesson. Since the Game of Moderators was less serious, this sort of thing happened for real...
Before the fourth task, a historical event occurred with the betrayal of the OldCP Agents lead by Rover. The birth of the Blackhawks and the end of Scarlet Myers positive reputation. All the Moderators and Damen were banned by the Agents. Not long after, Damen fixed the problem and everything went back to normal. It resulted in this outline, which did not prove to be entirely so.
In the fourth task, users helped out at the Coffee Shop. After that, the winners for the stage were revealed. The Blue Sparkles, and the Freehawks won the Stage.
Task 4 was to act like a dog or a cat and "sniff some animal butts". Task 5 was to tell staff why you should be a Moderator.
Task 6 was to train ninjas and fight their own teams. The Nerds won the Stage, despite only winning two tasks. The possible reason that the Nerds won was because they had preformed well in the last task.
In Task 1, the Nerds did a great job and won the task. The second task resulted the same way as the Nerds won again. Task 3 could not be judged, everyone did so well. In Task 4, both the Blue Sparkles and Nerds won, but the Agents were no longer part of the contest and were fired.
Task 5 was to form a band. The Blue Sparkles shocked the audience with disappointment, but the Nerds were confident, and thus the Blue Sparkles were fired from the competition.
After task 5, the finalists were revealed for Stage 4.
Task 5 was to make teams. Then the final three were revealed. Key123, Thisismyname, and Nintendo went on to Task 6 with the other non-finalists. They opened a Pizza Parlor and Nintendo was the delivery head. Then came the final results. Key123 came in third, Thisismyname was the runner-up, and Nintendo was the winner of the series.


Big Dippers

Team Brndav
The second task was to create a movie. It was won by Freehawks.
The third task was to do various comedy performances at the Lighthouse. Team Nerds did not preform very professionally, whilst team Freehawks did exceptional since they were very well organised. Thus, team Freehawks won 1st place and team Nerds were in 2nd.
The first task was to have one Sensei in your team that would teach Grasshoppers Ninja skills. The main art that the Senseis taught was mortal combat. After a lot of fighting at the Dojo, Team Powers were placed 1st, with Freehawks in a close 2nd!
The second task was to rescue penguins from drowning at the tipping Iceberg. (/jr iceberg) The Powers won the task. Task three, users had to create their own band and perform, Team Freehawks won the task.
The final task of Stage 2, Task four, was to have a fight at the Snow Forts. The Powers won the task again and Team Golden Alphas were fired.
In task two, you had to work at the Pet Shop. Some workers cared for the puffles and sold puffles to new owners. Others were cleaning the place to keep it nice and tidy. Others did not do anything at all, just sitting around, chatting about irrelevant topics. Team Freehawks took the win on that task.
For task three, they had numerous soccer tournaments. Team Frogs was against Team Hoodies and Team Freehawks was against Team Powers. In Frogs VS. Hoodies, Frogs won. In Freehawks VS. Powers, Freehawks won.
For the fourth and final task, you had to mine for rare treasures. Bailey found diamond studded ruby slippers, a golden statue of Damen, and found the three Pyramids of Giza and King Tutankhamen with Hashir. For that, Team Powers, Nerds, and Frogs were fired, leaving Team Freehawks and Hoodies.

CP Team Army
Team Emily
Emily from Team Emily won Series Five!
Series 6 went by the name of Martius Mensis and was more difficult then any Moderator Competition prior due to the high demand for good Moderators.



The Freehawks won task three, but there is no records of what this task was.
Task four was a game of Simon Says, in which the teams found themselves running around the Island. Freehawks won the task.
The finalists were chosen and tested. Tikiliki proved victorious and won the series.
In the third task, each team was given a room and a king, a kingdom, the teams were instructed to battle other kingdoms and attempt to capture land for their own. The last task was to create a film. Team Knights won overall.
Task 4 was a debate between teams whether Summer or Winter were the best season. For the fifth task, each team created a dance routine. The final task was to create a Blacksmith shop and hold sword training classes. Overall the Freehawks won Stage 2. Key123 and Tikiliki won the rank of Imperial Knight.
Task 4 was to run around the Ice Rink. For task 5 each team held a marathon.
Teams were separated and finalists were chosen to compete in two tasks. Task 6 was separated into Rounds 1, 2, 3 and 4. Round 1 was to find the Pirate on the Poster, Round 2 the Soda Can, Round 3 the Green Cabinet and Round 4 a Gray Tree. The competition was tied so the candidates moved into a tiebreaker, where they had to locate the smallest Staircase on OldCP.
The final task was to run the Pizza Parlor. Key123, Bakon, and Bailey won the series.
This was the first and only series so far to take place on Snaildom. It took place mere days after public launch.
The first task was to design a quest, Crime Solvers won. Next each team had to design a team shell, and an optional head item to go with it. After a lot of hard work, Vikings won the task.
The final task was to run a Bakery. This task proved to be challenging but the Crime Solvers pushed forward and won the task, as well as the stage.
For Task 5, all teams had to work together to create a Game of Mods selfie. Leaders had to direct their teams and work together to make the perfect picture. Wizards and Vikings won. Knights were fired from the competition.

Task four was done in partners within teams. They interviewed each other, and were supposed to be professional. Crime Solvers won once again and the Wizards were eliminated. For the final team task, each team had to create a team application. Both teams did amazing and won the task.
Crime Solvers had won 7 tasks, and Vikings 4. Therefore, Crime Solvers were declared the Team Winner of Series 9.
Finalists were chosen and given the task of running the Inn, Sled won the series.
The next task was to host a live TV show and interview three people. Crime Solvers did the best job and won the task. The final task was to write a comedy skit and preform it in the lighthouse. The Freehawks won.
The Wizards, Crime Solvers and Freehawks won the stage.
The second task was to make a Forums post on how to write a good DSGHQ Wiki article. Warriors won. The next task was to start a war against another team, with archers, knights, wizards and one commander. Wizards won the task and Warriors were fired. Task four was to run a store, Freehawks did the best job and won. Wizards were fired.
The final team task was for each team was to create a set of questions and quiz the other team. Freehawks won making them the team winners of series 10. Next, users from Crime Solvers and Freehawks were given 30 second interviews by the Moderators, to determine which users would become finalists.

Individual Interview for Final
The finalists were: Dancebear, IndigoPalace, Freddy, Key123, Audrey, CoolLloyd, Amandapink30, Saber574, May23, Pinkhearts and Rasberry.
For the third task, the finalists came together to preform a Drama Llama trailer at the lighthouse. Next, each finalist had to prepare a one minute application that they presented to Damen.
The final task was to run the pizza parlor, each finalist had their own job. IndigoPalace was the Parlor Manager, May23 was the head chef and PinkHearts was the delivery manager.

Pizza Parlor Task
In the end, Damen was interested with 4 particular finalists during the final review, May23, IndigoPalace, DanceBear and PinkHearts. He remarked that PinkHearts had more to learn but he was interested in her. May23 and IndigoPalace were ideal yet Damen admired DanceBear's spirit during the Stages. DanceBear became the winner of the series.

Game of Mods Party
The first series to use the new points system.
A picture of most of the finalists before their individual interviews
Chex won her second Game of Mods.
Team Wizards, by far the largest and most experienced team, lead by Chex, tied Team Lecturers, by far the smallest and least experienced team, lead by Bashsmelly and Matthewvacc, for second place
Task 1 of Stage 2 was for the teams to name 4 main qualities that they believed a Moderator should have.
These are the qualities each team gave:
Team Glory: Kind, Understanding, Honest, Helpful.
Team Kacket: Reliability, Patience, Honesty, Kindness.
Team Fireworks: Respectful, Responsible, Helpful, Honest.
Team Topaz: Active, Loyal, Responsible, Kind.
Team Wolves: Loyalty, Honesty, Understanding, Helpfulness.
Team Topaz won this task, as they were the only team that mentioned activity, which is a quality that every Moderator must have.
After Task 1 took place, Kara was given a golden name for being the best leader. Points were now worth 200 instead of 100.
Task 2 was for teams to create a sports event somewhere on the island, and the sports event that was organized the best would win.
Team Topaz practiced some Kung-fu at the dojo.
Team Fireworks had a few Damenball games.
Team Kacket played some hockey at the Ice Rink.
Team Glory surfed at the Cove.
Team Wolves did not participate in this task.
Team Fireworks and Team Topaz were the joint winners of this task.
Task 3 was for teams to come up with a new category for the DSGHQ Forums.
Team Topaz won this task with their idea of a programming category, in which you'd be able to post tutorials, offer assistance and post sample code.
Task 4 was for teams to create a shape with their penguins.

Team Fireworks made an X shape at the Iceberg.

Team Topaz made a 'T' for Topaz at the Dojo.

Team Kacket made a heart shape.
Team Glory made an oval, but unfortunately did not manage to get a photo of their shape.
Team Wolves did not show up for this task.
The winner of Task 4 was Team Fireworks.
Damen also announced at the end of this task that Team Wolves were removed from the competition, and the remaining members were required to join Team Glory.
Task 5 was for teams to make a movie, and the movie that was organized the best would win.
Team Glory did a movie about a basketball game.
Team Kacket did a movie about a dysfunctional family.
Team Firework did a movie about two penguins getting stranded on an iceberg.
Team Topaz did a horror movie.
The joint winners of Task 5 were Team Topaz and Team Kacket.
Task 6 was for teams to create a Moderator training academy, and the best academy would be the winner.
Damen told us that you need to raise $1000. Each student pays $50 to go to the class, so in order to reach their goal, they'd need 20 students.
The winner of Task 6 was Team Topaz, by reaching their $1000 goal.
Team Topaz were the winners of Stage 2.
Series thirteen was competed by Team Lecturers of House Lecturers, Team Kacket of House Kacket, Team Crime Solvers of House Crimesolvers and Team Topaz. The winning team was Team Kacket and the series was won by Sadie of House Kacket. It was one of the most highly anticipated competitions and had more finalists than ever before.
The first task was a Moderator quiz. The winners were Kacket and Midnight. The second task required teams to create a GIF in a very short amount of time. Kacket, Crimesolvers and Topaz were the only ones able to complete this task, and Kacket ended up winning it. For the third task each team created an advertisement for an OldCP party.
Task 4: Each team ran a business with $1000 and sold something for a maximum of $10. Crime Solvers won this task. Crime Solvers also won task five, which was to prepare and preform a song. For the last task, each team had to memorize the Barbie theme song and sing it synchronized in front of all the judges. Crime Solvers won.
More information:
Task 1: In your teams create a shape out of your team mates and take a picture. Best team work and shape wins.
Task 2: In your teams make a movie. You need a director, actors and camera men. Best team work wins.
Task 1: In your teams make and practice a dance routine. Performances will be at the Night Club. Best dance wins.
Task 2: All teams must work together to organise a team damenball match. Remember to co operate and plan the matches together. Most organised team wins.
Task 3: Invent a new product in your teams. It can be anything! Include price and manufacturing cost.
The following users were finalists:
The first finalist task was the two minute individual interview with the Moderators and Administrators. The second and final finalist task was to run the Pizza Parlor. Sadie did the best and won the competition.
More information:
Tent from team Crime Solvers won Series 14 Game of Mods.
Cristal from team Sushi won Series 15.
Jilly from team Topaz won Series 16.
Katrules from teams Fairytales & Ignite won Series 17.
xcandy from House Knights won Series 18.
jemi12345 (Jenna) from Freehawks won Series 19.
Bloodrayne from house Sushi won Series 20.
TomDawg from House Koolaid won Series 21.
Koolness1 from House Koolaid won Series 22.
Sugar from House Topaz won Series 23.
Fox from team Felicity won Series 24.
Pablo from team Knights won Series 25.
Rouge11X from House Riki Tiki won Series 26.
HamilHelp from teams Negus & Noble won Series 27.
DanceBear from team Sonic won Series 28.
Pic from House Fairytales won Series 29.
Warth from team Greetings won Series 30.
After Penguin3D was instated as the main game of DSGHQ, GOM has moved there as well.
Series 30 marked the end of GOM on OldCP, unless the new owners reinstate it.
On Penguin3D, GOM changed in a better or worse way, with no finalists, only in 1 day, and there are no teams, with 5-8 tasks.

Sled’s Story: I was sitting alone and there were sounds above me on the second floor. So I started walking up the stairs and suddenly the door slams shut to the room up the stairs and a hand touched my back and grabbed me. It threw me downstairs. When I awoke, I was tied up and I saw the face of my captor.
MLGPenguin’s Story: This is based on a true story. It was Friday the 13th. I was with my family in a park and I heard footsteps behind me and felt someone tap on my back. I ran as fast as I could. I keep thinking of that.
Rouge’s Story: Deep behind the gates of Baraddur. A girl decided to explore. She was walking beyond and didn’t know where she was. Suddenly, she fell through a trapdoor. She looked around. She saw a door and opened it. All she could see was the dark. “Hello?” she asked. She starts hearing whispers. “Close closer…” they said. Suddenly, she can’t move and she is frozen. She runs. It’s like a labyrinth. But she sees the light up above and she reaches towards it. She climbs and almost grasps it. She is so close. A voice comes beside her and whispers “I got you.” She is pulled into the darkness, never to be seen again.
The winner of this task was MLGPenguin, due to Rouge's story being too long, making the suspense sort of die down.

Although it is impossible to record the flips done, you can feel the awe in this photo.
The winner of this task was Suplen, having the best and most unique flip into the water.

Most of the users competing crashed, and couldn't recover, besides Foxel. Although a Kace beat him (who was a Moderator), he was declared the winner since he was a non-mod.

Redboy123's Igloo, a single chair

Rouge's Igloo, containing a bed and a suspicious toilet next to it. According to her it was for emergencies.

Sled's Igloo, containing a nicely decorated interior

Suplen's Igloo, would've been the winner but this was made before the competition began
The winner of this task was Sled.

The winner of this task was Foxel7u7

The winner of this task was Alatar.

The winner of this task was NDAVID, due to his phenomenal guitar performance.

The winner of this task was KingArthur, winning the 2nd race, and beating Alatar by a suprising 2 seconds.

The winner of this task was Alatar

The winner of this task was Akkar, although it probably was a little unfair since Akkar was very OP.
This task likely decided the winner of GOM.

Again, there was no winner of this task, as staff likely reported to Damen of peoples grammar, and their behaviour, contributing to the Interview part.

Thank you to Dice for the photos.
Unfortunately, there currently are no pictures, unless somebody wants to add some.

The Game of Mods has been played on all the DSGHQ virtual worlds, but is mostly played on
It was also played on Snaildom and briefly on Penguin Isles.
As of DSGHQ's main game switching to Penguin3D, it has moved to there as well.
Series One
Stage 1
On July 14th at around 5:00 PM EST, Damen made the first ever announcement that there was going to be a Moderator Competition, there were about 30 users on at the time.The first task was to form a team. The biggest team would win the task.
Key123 made Team Black Hoodies and Journey made Team Freehawk. There were about 17 people on the Black Hoodies so they won the task. Everybody thought that Key123 had won the entire competition right there.
Suddenly, people started claiming that the winner was somebody else, but iLily, Journey, Poas and two other Black Hoodies helped out and said that Key123 was (which he ended up being).
The second task was the run the Coffee Shop, Freehawks & Black Hoodies both won.
After the stage ended, Key123 and Journey were speaking. He had decided to quit the Black Hoodies and give the leader role to iLily, who had tied with Journey during the Stage.
The rule was that whoever lasted the longest as a Moderator, would officially win the competition. Later, iLily was demoted for abusing her rank, so Journey won.
Although before the second series, Journey disappeared and didn't return for a long time.
Series Two

There are no records on this series other than Poas won and Nintendo became the runner-up of the competition on his first attempt.
Series Three
Stage 1
The second series of the Game of Moderators kicked off with a win from Team Freehawks in the first task. Task Two was to run the Pizza Parlor, which involved cleaning, cooking pizzas, and serving them to people.The third task was to teach pookies a lesson. Since the Game of Moderators was less serious, this sort of thing happened for real...
Before the fourth task, a historical event occurred with the betrayal of the OldCP Agents lead by Rover. The birth of the Blackhawks and the end of Scarlet Myers positive reputation. All the Moderators and Damen were banned by the Agents. Not long after, Damen fixed the problem and everything went back to normal. It resulted in this outline, which did not prove to be entirely so.
In the fourth task, users helped out at the Coffee Shop. After that, the winners for the stage were revealed. The Blue Sparkles, and the Freehawks won the Stage.
Stage 2
For Task 1, the Nerds won. Task 3 was to save the city from disaster, the Blue Sparkles and FBI raced to the rescue, and even arrested a couple of Moderators.Task 4 was to act like a dog or a cat and "sniff some animal butts". Task 5 was to tell staff why you should be a Moderator.
Task 6 was to train ninjas and fight their own teams. The Nerds won the Stage, despite only winning two tasks. The possible reason that the Nerds won was because they had preformed well in the last task.
Stage 3
Stage 3 was highly anticipated as a suspenseful semi-final. The Blue Sparkles, the Nerds (Youcasters), and the Agents all competed for the top spot in OldCP: the Moderator rank.In Task 1, the Nerds did a great job and won the task. The second task resulted the same way as the Nerds won again. Task 3 could not be judged, everyone did so well. In Task 4, both the Blue Sparkles and Nerds won, but the Agents were no longer part of the contest and were fired.
Task 5 was to form a band. The Blue Sparkles shocked the audience with disappointment, but the Nerds were confident, and thus the Blue Sparkles were fired from the competition.
After task 5, the finalists were revealed for Stage 4.
Stage 4
The Final. Task 1 was to make a teaching lesson based on "how to become Moderator". Task 2 was to throw a Dance Club party. YouTubeFan2 was fired, as she did not do much. Task 3 was to make an Office, but some mistook the task for a Coffee Shop instead. HipHop got fired.Task 5 was to make teams. Then the final three were revealed. Key123, Thisismyname, and Nintendo went on to Task 6 with the other non-finalists. They opened a Pizza Parlor and Nintendo was the delivery head. Then came the final results. Key123 came in third, Thisismyname was the runner-up, and Nintendo was the winner of the series.
Series Four

Big Dippers

Team Brndav
Stage 1
The first task was to think of an idea for a new room. Team Brndav won that round.The second task was to create a movie. It was won by Freehawks.
The third task was to do various comedy performances at the Lighthouse. Team Nerds did not preform very professionally, whilst team Freehawks did exceptional since they were very well organised. Thus, team Freehawks won 1st place and team Nerds were in 2nd.
Stage 2
Stage 2 involved no short amount of combat, rescuing, and rockin' out. Damen was late as usual, but it began anyway.The first task was to have one Sensei in your team that would teach Grasshoppers Ninja skills. The main art that the Senseis taught was mortal combat. After a lot of fighting at the Dojo, Team Powers were placed 1st, with Freehawks in a close 2nd!
The second task was to rescue penguins from drowning at the tipping Iceberg. (/jr iceberg) The Powers won the task. Task three, users had to create their own band and perform, Team Freehawks won the task.
The final task of Stage 2, Task four, was to have a fight at the Snow Forts. The Powers won the task again and Team Golden Alphas were fired.
Stage 3
In the first task, you had to work in the News Business. Writing many reports and publishing several stories. Unfortunately, too many people were writing about recent Moderator Competitions which the moderators felt were uninteresting and boring. For the Hoodies, they won that task with their incredible story. However, Team Lean Green Fighting Machines were fired.In task two, you had to work at the Pet Shop. Some workers cared for the puffles and sold puffles to new owners. Others were cleaning the place to keep it nice and tidy. Others did not do anything at all, just sitting around, chatting about irrelevant topics. Team Freehawks took the win on that task.
For task three, they had numerous soccer tournaments. Team Frogs was against Team Hoodies and Team Freehawks was against Team Powers. In Frogs VS. Hoodies, Frogs won. In Freehawks VS. Powers, Freehawks won.
For the fourth and final task, you had to mine for rare treasures. Bailey found diamond studded ruby slippers, a golden statue of Damen, and found the three Pyramids of Giza and King Tutankhamen with Hashir. For that, Team Powers, Nerds, and Frogs were fired, leaving Team Freehawks and Hoodies.
Stage 4
The Blackhoodies had made it to the Final with Team Freehawks. After a range of tests, the Final 5 were revealed. Pieguy went on to win the series.Series Five

CP Team Army
Team Emily
Emily from Team Emily won Series Five!
Series Six
Series 6 went by the name of Martius Mensis and was more difficult then any Moderator Competition prior due to the high demand for good Moderators.



Stage 1
The first and second tasks were won by the Bees, but there are no records of what these tasks were.The Freehawks won task three, but there is no records of what this task was.
Task four was a game of Simon Says, in which the teams found themselves running around the Island. Freehawks won the task.
Stage 2
There are no records of this stage, however team Betas were fired.Stage 3
The first task of Stage 3 was to assemble your team into a heart shape, the Freehawks won the task and the Betas were eliminated.The finalists were chosen and tested. Tikiliki proved victorious and won the series.
Series Seven
Stage 1
Task 1 was to run the Pizza Parlor, Coffee Shop, Book Store, or Clothes Shop. Next was a game of Simon Says in the Night Club, where players were supposed to only do a command when the command word was said.In the third task, each team was given a room and a king, a kingdom, the teams were instructed to battle other kingdoms and attempt to capture land for their own. The last task was to create a film. Team Knights won overall.
Stage 2
In the first task, each team founded a school where they taught students how to achieve a Moderator position. Task 2 was to run a radio station. Next, each team held a fashion contest.Task 4 was a debate between teams whether Summer or Winter were the best season. For the fifth task, each team created a dance routine. The final task was to create a Blacksmith shop and hold sword training classes. Overall the Freehawks won Stage 2. Key123 and Tikiliki won the rank of Imperial Knight.
Stage 3
The first task was to list the rules of OldCP. Task 2 was to grant Damen wisdom. For Task 3, everyone was instructed to be silent until told otherwise.Task 4 was to run around the Ice Rink. For task 5 each team held a marathon.
Teams were separated and finalists were chosen to compete in two tasks. Task 6 was separated into Rounds 1, 2, 3 and 4. Round 1 was to find the Pirate on the Poster, Round 2 the Soda Can, Round 3 the Green Cabinet and Round 4 a Gray Tree. The competition was tied so the candidates moved into a tiebreaker, where they had to locate the smallest Staircase on OldCP.
The final task was to run the Pizza Parlor. Key123, Bakon, and Bailey won the series.
Series Eight
Stage 1
Five teams competed: Freehawks, Nerds, Wizards, Realhawks and Glitz. There are no records of the tasks.Stage 2
All five teams competed once again, but by the end of the stage, Realhawks and Glitz were eliminated.Stage 3
After a few team tasks, the finalists were chosen. First, they created a Moderator Application and recited it to the judges. Then, the remaining finalists were given jobs at the Pizza Parlor. Chex performed the best and won the series.Series Nine
This was the first and only series so far to take place on Snaildom. It took place mere days after public launch.
Stage 1
Four teams competed: Vikings, Wizards, Crime Solvers, Knights.The first task was to design a quest, Crime Solvers won. Next each team had to design a team shell, and an optional head item to go with it. After a lot of hard work, Vikings won the task.
The final task was to run a Bakery. This task proved to be challenging but the Crime Solvers pushed forward and won the task, as well as the stage.
Stage 2
First, each team was instructed to create a guide to Moderating and present it to the judges, Crime Solvers had the best guide and won the task. Task 2 was to create a sport and play it, team Wizards created an excellent game and were the winners of the task. For task 3, each team had to run a store, the Inn, Blacksmith, Style Store or Bank. Crime Solvers and Wizards tied as the winners. Crime Solvers also won task 4.For Task 5, all teams had to work together to create a Game of Mods selfie. Leaders had to direct their teams and work together to make the perfect picture. Wizards and Vikings won. Knights were fired from the competition.

Stage 3
The first task was to create a three course meal for the staff, keeping in mind dietary restrictions. Since all teams were exceptional, there was no winner. For the second task, teams were posing as Moderators during an enemy attack, while the staff were the enemies. Vikings preformed the best and won the task. Next each team had to stage a live TV event and were judged on originality, organization and timelines. The Crime Solvers won.Task four was done in partners within teams. They interviewed each other, and were supposed to be professional. Crime Solvers won once again and the Wizards were eliminated. For the final team task, each team had to create a team application. Both teams did amazing and won the task.
Crime Solvers had won 7 tasks, and Vikings 4. Therefore, Crime Solvers were declared the Team Winner of Series 9.
Finalists were chosen and given the task of running the Inn, Sled won the series.
Series Ten
Stage 1
Five teams competed in the first stage, Freehawks, Warriors, Firebirds, Crimesolvers and Wizards. The task was to create a short list of the three most important things a Moderator should be. The Warriors and Wizards had the best list, and won the task. The second task, which lasted around an hour, was to create a business and record their profits. The Crime Solvers won because they had the most money in the end, but Freehawks and Wizards also won a point.The next task was to host a live TV show and interview three people. Crime Solvers did the best job and won the task. The final task was to write a comedy skit and preform it in the lighthouse. The Freehawks won.
The Wizards, Crime Solvers and Freehawks won the stage.
Stage 2
The first task was to create a shape with your team and present a picture, Freehawks won by making a heart.The second task was to make a Forums post on how to write a good DSGHQ Wiki article. Warriors won. The next task was to start a war against another team, with archers, knights, wizards and one commander. Wizards won the task and Warriors were fired. Task four was to run a store, Freehawks did the best job and won. Wizards were fired.
The final team task was for each team was to create a set of questions and quiz the other team. Freehawks won making them the team winners of series 10. Next, users from Crime Solvers and Freehawks were given 30 second interviews by the Moderators, to determine which users would become finalists.

Individual Interview for Final
The finalists were: Dancebear, IndigoPalace, Freddy, Key123, Audrey, CoolLloyd, Amandapink30, Saber574, May23, Pinkhearts and Rasberry.
Stage 3
The first task was for each finalist was paired with a Moderator. The Moderator asked the finalist about their skills and hobbies that would help them in becoming a Moderator. The next task was to create a sports product and present it to the staff.For the third task, the finalists came together to preform a Drama Llama trailer at the lighthouse. Next, each finalist had to prepare a one minute application that they presented to Damen.
The final task was to run the pizza parlor, each finalist had their own job. IndigoPalace was the Parlor Manager, May23 was the head chef and PinkHearts was the delivery manager.

Pizza Parlor Task
In the end, Damen was interested with 4 particular finalists during the final review, May23, IndigoPalace, DanceBear and PinkHearts. He remarked that PinkHearts had more to learn but he was interested in her. May23 and IndigoPalace were ideal yet Damen admired DanceBear's spirit during the Stages. DanceBear became the winner of the series.

Game of Mods Party
Series Eleven
The first series to use the new points system.
A picture of most of the finalists before their individual interviews
Stage 3
Chex won her second Game of Mods.
Team Wolf lead by Cyberwolf won first place during the series eleven Moderator Competition.Team Wizards, by far the largest and most experienced team, lead by Chex, tied Team Lecturers, by far the smallest and least experienced team, lead by Bashsmelly and Matthewvacc, for second place
Series Twelve
Stage 2
Task 1 of Stage 2 was for the teams to name 4 main qualities that they believed a Moderator should have.
These are the qualities each team gave:
Team Glory: Kind, Understanding, Honest, Helpful.
Team Kacket: Reliability, Patience, Honesty, Kindness.
Team Fireworks: Respectful, Responsible, Helpful, Honest.
Team Topaz: Active, Loyal, Responsible, Kind.
Team Wolves: Loyalty, Honesty, Understanding, Helpfulness.
Team Topaz won this task, as they were the only team that mentioned activity, which is a quality that every Moderator must have.
After Task 1 took place, Kara was given a golden name for being the best leader. Points were now worth 200 instead of 100.
Task 2 was for teams to create a sports event somewhere on the island, and the sports event that was organized the best would win.
Team Topaz practiced some Kung-fu at the dojo.
Team Fireworks had a few Damenball games.
Team Kacket played some hockey at the Ice Rink.
Team Glory surfed at the Cove.
Team Wolves did not participate in this task.
Team Fireworks and Team Topaz were the joint winners of this task.
Task 3 was for teams to come up with a new category for the DSGHQ Forums.
Team Topaz won this task with their idea of a programming category, in which you'd be able to post tutorials, offer assistance and post sample code.
Task 4 was for teams to create a shape with their penguins.

Team Fireworks made an X shape at the Iceberg.

Team Topaz made a 'T' for Topaz at the Dojo.

Team Kacket made a heart shape.
Team Glory made an oval, but unfortunately did not manage to get a photo of their shape.
Team Wolves did not show up for this task.
The winner of Task 4 was Team Fireworks.
Damen also announced at the end of this task that Team Wolves were removed from the competition, and the remaining members were required to join Team Glory.
Task 5 was for teams to make a movie, and the movie that was organized the best would win.
Team Glory did a movie about a basketball game.
Team Kacket did a movie about a dysfunctional family.
Team Firework did a movie about two penguins getting stranded on an iceberg.
Team Topaz did a horror movie.
The joint winners of Task 5 were Team Topaz and Team Kacket.
Task 6 was for teams to create a Moderator training academy, and the best academy would be the winner.
Damen told us that you need to raise $1000. Each student pays $50 to go to the class, so in order to reach their goal, they'd need 20 students.
The winner of Task 6 was Team Topaz, by reaching their $1000 goal.
Team Topaz were the winners of Stage 2.
Series Thirteen
Series thirteen was competed by Team Lecturers of House Lecturers, Team Kacket of House Kacket, Team Crime Solvers of House Crimesolvers and Team Topaz. The winning team was Team Kacket and the series was won by Sadie of House Kacket. It was one of the most highly anticipated competitions and had more finalists than ever before.
Stage 1
Five teams competed in this series, Kacket, Topaz, Midnight, Lecterers and Crime Solvers.The first task was a Moderator quiz. The winners were Kacket and Midnight. The second task required teams to create a GIF in a very short amount of time. Kacket, Crimesolvers and Topaz were the only ones able to complete this task, and Kacket ended up winning it. For the third task each team created an advertisement for an OldCP party.
Task 4: Each team ran a business with $1000 and sold something for a maximum of $10. Crime Solvers won this task. Crime Solvers also won task five, which was to prepare and preform a song. For the last task, each team had to memorize the Barbie theme song and sing it synchronized in front of all the judges. Crime Solvers won.
More information:
Stage 2
Kara, the leader of Team Kacket, was absent for this Stage. So Sadie and McKinlee took over their team. Crime Solvers, however, won the Stage, taking over Kacket on the general classification. Here are some of the tasks.Task 1: In your teams create a shape out of your team mates and take a picture. Best team work and shape wins.
Task 2: In your teams make a movie. You need a director, actors and camera men. Best team work wins.
Stage 3
Stage 3 the final stage of Series 13 was the second hardest, teams had to do good team work to win. Kacket was the winning team. Here was some of the tasks:Task 1: In your teams make and practice a dance routine. Performances will be at the Night Club. Best dance wins.
Task 2: All teams must work together to organise a team damenball match. Remember to co operate and plan the matches together. Most organised team wins.
Task 3: Invent a new product in your teams. It can be anything! Include price and manufacturing cost.
The following users were finalists:
Kara Kacket
Sadie Kacket
Heygirl Topaz
Sophia Topaz
Mckinlee Kacket
Mikey Crime Solver
Bailey Crimesolver
Bakon Crimesolver
Abushe Crimesolver
Mal Topaz
Boberator Crimesolver
Deenie Kacket
Audrey Topaz
The first finalist task was the two minute individual interview with the Moderators and Administrators. The second and final finalist task was to run the Pizza Parlor. Sadie did the best and won the competition.
More information:
Series 14
Tent from team Crime Solvers won Series 14 Game of Mods.
Series 15
Cristal from team Sushi won Series 15.
Series 16
Jilly from team Topaz won Series 16.
Series 17
Katrules from teams Fairytales & Ignite won Series 17.
Series 18
xcandy from House Knights won Series 18.
Series 19
jemi12345 (Jenna) from Freehawks won Series 19.
Series 20
Bloodrayne from house Sushi won Series 20.
Series 21
TomDawg from House Koolaid won Series 21.
Series 22
Koolness1 from House Koolaid won Series 22.
Series 23
Sugar from House Topaz won Series 23.
Series 24
Fox from team Felicity won Series 24.
Series 25
Pablo from team Knights won Series 25.
Series 26
Rouge11X from House Riki Tiki won Series 26.
Series 27
HamilHelp from teams Negus & Noble won Series 27.
Series 28
DanceBear from team Sonic won Series 28.
Series 29
Pic from House Fairytales won Series 29.
Series 30
Warth from team Greetings won Series 30.
After Penguin3D was instated as the main game of DSGHQ, GOM has moved there as well.
Series 30 marked the end of GOM on OldCP, unless the new owners reinstate it.
On Penguin3D, GOM changed in a better or worse way, with no finalists, only in 1 day, and there are no teams, with 5-8 tasks.
Series 1
Task 1
The goal of Task 1 was to tell the scariest story possible at The Cove, which the scariest of them would win the stage.
Sled’s Story: I was sitting alone and there were sounds above me on the second floor. So I started walking up the stairs and suddenly the door slams shut to the room up the stairs and a hand touched my back and grabbed me. It threw me downstairs. When I awoke, I was tied up and I saw the face of my captor.
MLGPenguin’s Story: This is based on a true story. It was Friday the 13th. I was with my family in a park and I heard footsteps behind me and felt someone tap on my back. I ran as fast as I could. I keep thinking of that.
Rouge’s Story: Deep behind the gates of Baraddur. A girl decided to explore. She was walking beyond and didn’t know where she was. Suddenly, she fell through a trapdoor. She looked around. She saw a door and opened it. All she could see was the dark. “Hello?” she asked. She starts hearing whispers. “Close closer…” they said. Suddenly, she can’t move and she is frozen. She runs. It’s like a labyrinth. But she sees the light up above and she reaches towards it. She climbs and almost grasps it. She is so close. A voice comes beside her and whispers “I got you.” She is pulled into the darkness, never to be seen again.
The winner of this task was MLGPenguin, due to Rouge's story being too long, making the suspense sort of die down.
Task 2
The goal of this task was to hide around Providence, being the biggest island in the game, while the Moderators and Damen searched on buggies. The last person found was the winner. After around 8 minutes, Sled, who hid in the water, was declared the winner of the Task.Task 3
The goal of this task was to have the best dive flip into the water at the Royal Spa.Although it is impossible to record the flips done, you can feel the awe in this photo.
The winner of this task was Suplen, having the best and most unique flip into the water.
Task 4
The fourth task, was a Ringo race around the island, from the landing strip behind the mountain and back again.Most of the users competing crashed, and couldn't recover, besides Foxel. Although a Kace beat him (who was a Moderator), he was declared the winner since he was a non-mod.
Task 5
The fifth task's goal was to decorate your igloo in 10 minutes, the best igloo would win. Each contestants igloo was reset for this competition, or done on alts.Redboy123's Igloo, a single chair
Rouge's Igloo, containing a bed and a suspicious toilet next to it. According to her it was for emergencies.
Sled's Igloo, containing a nicely decorated interior
Suplen's Igloo, would've been the winner but this was made before the competition began
The winner of this task was Sled.
Task 6
The goal of this task was to perform on the stage, with the best performance winning the competition.The winner of this task was Foxel7u7
Task 7
The final task was to run the Pizza Parlor, which is an icon in every single GOM. Although nobody won, it was likely held to see how the contestants ran with grammar.Winner
After careful review, and a quick chat with the staff, Damen declared the winner of the GOM to be Foxel.Series 2
Task 1
The goal of this task was to run the Pizza Parlor like an Irish pub, but didn't really work out well as many chaotic events happened like drinks spilling, and overall chaos in the kitchen.The winner of this task was Alatar.
Task 2
The goal of this task was to perform a musical utilizing instruments from in the game. You could either play with other people, or just play by yourself.The winner of this task was NDAVID, due to his phenomenal guitar performance.
Task 3
Ringo race from the Lighthouse to the Iceberg, unfortunately the race had to restart in the middle of everything due to unfortunate circumstances.The winner of this task was KingArthur, winning the 2nd race, and beating Alatar by a suprising 2 seconds.
Task 4
The goal of this task was to create your own farm on Cobia, was likely more of a task to judge peoples grammar and actions towards certain things, but overall was very goofy, with people coming up with random ideas all over the place.The winner of this task was Alatar
Task 5
The goal of this task was to make jokes at the lighthouse, with some being corny, but in the end Loki ended up being the winner due to Damen laughing at her joke.Task 6
We don't talk about Task 5.5, the goal of this task was to defeat Bashy in a battle, who was representing Mark Zuckerberg.The winner of this task was Akkar, although it probably was a little unfair since Akkar was very OP.
Task 7
Moderator interviews, pretty much self explanatory. Alatar, Arthur, Loki, Scubidupa and Danito were each interviewed by Damen, but Akkar who got arrested in the last task kept complaining about this, ruining the whole atmosphere.This task likely decided the winner of GOM.
Task 8
The final task was the most iconic one, Run the pizza parlor. This was basically already done as the first task, but due to it being so iconic, it had to be held a second time.
Again, there was no winner of this task, as staff likely reported to Damen of peoples grammar, and their behaviour, contributing to the Interview part.
The winner of the 2nd GOM series on Penguin3D was King Arthur, but was met with some controversy, as it always is.Thank you to Dice for the photos.
Series 3
Unfortunately, there currently are no pictures, unless somebody wants to add some.
Task 1
The first task was to collect as much fish as possible, and sell it to the moderators at the end. Each competitor was given about 10 minutes to catch fish. The most fish caught was 15 by Tasha, but the highest turnout of gold was by Chr1s, who managed to sway 3000 gold from Eiven.
Task 2
The 2nd task was a dress-up competition. Competitors dressed up as whatever they felt like, and walked up onto The Stage to be rated by the Moderators. The winner of this task was Chr1s, as he took on the style of Terry91, giving everybody some nostalgia.Task 3
The third task was a race from The Mountain, all the way to The Cove. Unfortunately, Zargoth the Dragon interrupted this, attacking several competitors and spectators, having everyone move to Cobia, which Zargoth also followed everyone to, but didnt attack until the Task was completed. Tasha was the winner of this task, although Kace nearly won as he had a head start, but his ringo got stuck in the mountainous terrain.
Task 4
The 4th task was held in Cobofort, due to Zargoth still chasing everybody after the events of the 3rd task. The 4th task was Moderator interviews, which included Chr1s, Kace, Tasha, Abaddon, Paulish, and Zeon. There was no winner of this task as it only was to decide the winner of GOM after the final task.Task 5
The 5th and final task was to run the Pizza Parlor, a task based to judge on peoples grammar skills. Damen and major were together at a table, Danito was at a table by himself, and Loki and Zes were together at a table as well. Each were served accordingly to the remaining contestants, as unfortunately Paulish and Tasha had to leave, and Abaddon no longer wanted to compete.Winner
The winner of the 3rd Official P3D GOM was Kace, being chosen due to his past experience.
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minor 2023 edits
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array(10) {
string(13) "Pablo Knights"
string(18) "Experienced Player"
string(88) ""
array(1) {
string(18) "Angelo (Real Name)"
array(2) {
string(13) "Forums Master"
string(16) "Forums Moderator"
string(1) "1"
string(7) "Knights"
string(33) "August 1, 2016 (shot by a pirate)"
array(3) {
string(5) "Jesse"
string(4) "Fizz"
string(7) "Lylance"
string(5) "Pablo"
Wiki Under Construction.....
Pablo joined OldCP on June 11th 2016 with ID#: 502. His first encounter with a user was in Town and the user's name was Gallaudet. Gallaudet told him various stories and ranted about OldCP's problems at the time. While taking note of this, Gallaudet was later arrested and he could not visit him in jail because he did not have enough gold to purchase the Jailor transform which was priced at 18,000 gold. He made the common mistake of typing commands with "!" instead of "/" and later encountered Jesse who was the first Moderator and staff member he befriended. Jesse helped guide him along the way.
Early Life
Pablo was born in Canada as the youngest in his family. He grew up having a passion for the arts and created several artworks in his childhood. Through playing the original Club Penguin, he was able to find OldCP and become a member of the DSGHQ Community on June 11th 2016. 6 days later, Pablo earned his first rank on June 17th 2016.
Pablo has achieved a total of 23 OldCP ranks/titles since 2016.
World Champion
On June 17th 2016, everyone was summoned for a session at thrones - at the session, Bri was promoted to a Moderator. Damen then announced that he was going to host The Series 8 DSGHQ WCI Competition. After scoring the most points in the Snowball Challenge on the Whiteout server, Pablo was paired up with CPManiac (DSGHQ's 2015 Winter World Champion) and both were duelling to be the WCI. After defeating CPManiac, this experience was his rise to fame in that beforehand, nobody even knew who he was.

Imperial Knight [3x]
On July 13th 2016, as the Emperor Helper, CoffeeCow/Loullipop hosted a session and near the end of it, she told everyone she had a promotion in mind. Pablo recalls getting a whisper from Jesse that read, "ur getting knight dont tell anyone - JesseII" a few seconds before and he was so excited. Imperial Knight was Pablo's 2nd rank. After the session, his title remained World Champion but his name colour was made grey.

Imperial Knight Captain [2x]
From August - September of 2016, the many users who still played had to overcome an instant shift in Emperor Reign and Staff Changes in that Charles, Spencer, Kathcal and his close friends took over OldCP. Due to this, all of the ranks were reset. Everyone was well equipped with various namecolours, firearms and were invincible. It was surely a chaotic era on OldCP. Both Pablo and Orbay were made into Knight Captains. Pablo spent most of his time with his friends like SecurityGuy and Pencil.

Detective [2x]
On December 16th 2016, Pablo was promoted to a Detective with Bakon as the Detective Inspector and Pencil as the Detective Sergeant. Pablo was also featured in several Christmas skit videos made by Cristal and Sugar.

Penguin Watch Captain [2x]
The New Year of 2017 arrived and Pablo was not done striving to be apart of the Staff Team. In January, Series 17 GOM began and with the assistance of Jesse, Pablo had formed a small team of 4, with Vasco/Terry91, Habsolo and Ash1415. The stakes were high but the chance of winning with only 4 members was extremely low. The team became larger each day and Bailey and Skippy joined it too. Damen himself even had doubts Team Knights was gonna make it far. However, as the underdogs they managed to do so starting at last with 0 points to finishing 2nd with 6 points. Pablo and Ash1415 were chosen as finalists from Team Knights while PWC Katrules from Team Fairytales, was made the winner. Pablo was then made the PWC to replace Katrules.

Meme King
On March 4th 2017, The Meme King Competition was held and Former Meme Queen - Baffed (who won with the Sriramcha Meme) did not want to participate. Instead, Pablo's meme submissions were sent in and showcased on the screen in Cinema along with other user's submissions. People voted for his Starboy-OldCP submission. After this, Pablo was promoted to Moderator and his best friend Vasco/Terry91 was made Penguin Watch Captain to take his place.

War Knight
In November of 2018, Pablo was made a War Knight along with many other users like Killer to help aid in the war between various Houses.

North Knight Captain
After being a North Knight around late November of 2018, Pablo was later promoted to North Knight Captain. He helped train other North Knights and passed down his role to Randy after being crowned King of the North.

King of the North
On December 13th 2018, Pablo was passed down King of the North from Fable and Loki. A lot of veterans of OldCP started returning as well and included people such as Cheep, Jesse, Lylance, Bailey, CoffeeCow, LiveToDance, Kricken, Indigo and many more. He decided to promote most of them in an effort to help increase OldCP's activeness.

With Christmas around the corner, Damen decided to bring back I'm a Penguin Get Me Out of Here (IAPGMOOH) in December 2018 and Jack, Jdutr, Pablo, Julian and Sled were chosen as Rangers.

Moderator [4x]
After revisiting OldCP, Pablo decided to make a GOM team for fun with users like Yeet. The team was named Team Litty Committee. In a surprise, he became the winner of GOM's 25th Series - making this his 4th time earning Moderator. Pablo also disconnected during the announcement of the winner due to lag.

Forums Achievements
Pablo has achieved a total of 4 Forums ranks/titles since 2016.
Forums Master
Pablo joined the Forums on December 18th 2018. He was awarded Forums Master by Abushekaus on December 29th 2018. He was awarded the Loyal badge by Chelsey on December 30th 2018. The 'Forums Master' and 'Loyal to The Values' badge were his two first earned badges.Forums Moderator
On December 10 2019, Series 2 Forums Game Of Mods was brought back. Lush encouraged him to partake in this one. Pablo and Lylance were finalists due to completing all 3 stages consistently. Pablo managed to win and it was announced in Damen's Livestream.Quote:
"The second season was won by Pablo who took the first and last stage. Lylance came second after winning the second stage but did not post a grammatically strong story on stage three."
, BODY: AA066D4D400B90AE88DDBF2640A9BFD6 , PROPS: F04583CEB94B03482FDD7C861284F340
minor 2023 edits
array(3) {
string(9) "character"
array(10) {
string(13) "Pablo Knights"
string(18) "Experienced Player"
string(88) ""
array(1) {
string(18) "Angelo (Real Name)"
array(2) {
string(13) "Forums Master"
string(16) "Forums Moderator"
string(1) "1"
string(7) "Knights"
string(33) "August 1, 2016 (shot by a pirate)"
array(3) {
string(5) "Jesse"
string(4) "Fizz"
string(7) "Lylance"
string(5) "Pablo"
Wiki Under Construction.....
Pablo joined OldCP on June 11th 2016 with ID#: 502. His first encounter with a user was in Town and the user's name was Gallaudet. Gallaudet told him various stories and ranted about OldCP's problems at the time. While taking note of this, Gallaudet was later arrested and he could not visit him in jail because he did not have enough gold to purchase the Jailor transform which was priced at 18,000 gold. He made the common mistake of typing commands with "!" instead of "/" and later encountered Jesse who was the first Moderator and staff member he befriended. Jesse helped guide him along the way.
Early Life
Pablo was born in Canada on October 9, 2000, the youngest of his family. He grew up having a passion for the arts and created several artworks in his childhood. Through playing the original Club Penguin, he was able to find OldCP and become a member of the DSGHQ Community on June 11th 2016. 6 days later, Pablo earned his first rank on June 17th 2016.
Pablo has achieved a total of 23 OldCP ranks/titles since 2016.
World Champion
On June 17th 2016, everyone was summoned for a session at thrones - at the session, Bri was promoted to a Moderator. Damen then announced that he was going to host The Series 8 DSGHQ WCI Competition. After scoring the most points in the Snowball Challenge on the Whiteout server, Pablo was paired up with CPManiac (DSGHQ's 2015 Winter World Champion) and both were duelling to be the WCI. After defeating CPManiac, this experience was his rise to fame in that beforehand, nobody even knew who he was.

Imperial Knight [3x]
On July 13th 2016, as the Emperor Helper, CoffeeCow/Loullipop hosted a session and near the end of it, she told everyone she had a promotion in mind. Pablo recalls getting a whisper from Jesse that read, "ur getting knight dont tell anyone - JesseII" a few seconds before and he was so excited. Imperial Knight was Pablo's 2nd rank. After the session, his title remained World Champion but his name colour was made grey.

Imperial Knight Captain [2x]
From August - September of 2016, the many users who still played had to overcome an instant shift in Emperor Reign and Staff Changes in that Charles, Spencer, Kathcal and his close friends took over OldCP. Due to this, all of the ranks were reset. Everyone was well equipped with various namecolours, firearms and were invincible. It was surely a chaotic era on OldCP. Both Pablo and Orbay were made into Knight Captains. Pablo spent most of his time with his friends like SecurityGuy and Pencil.

Detective [2x]
On December 16th 2016, Pablo was promoted to a Detective with Bakon as the Detective Inspector and Pencil as the Detective Sergeant. Pablo was also featured in several Christmas skit videos made by Cristal and Sugar.

Penguin Watch Captain [2x]
The New Year of 2017 arrived and Pablo was not done striving to be apart of the Staff Team. In January, Series 17 GOM began and with the assistance of Jesse, Pablo had formed a small team of 4, with Vasco/Terry91, Habsolo and Ash1415. The stakes were high but the chance of winning with only 4 members was extremely low. The team became larger each day and Bailey and Skippy joined it too. Damen himself even had doubts Team Knights was gonna make it far. However, as the underdogs they managed to do so starting at last with 0 points to finishing 2nd with 6 points. Pablo and Ash1415 were chosen as finalists from Team Knights while PWC Katrules from Team Fairytales, was made the winner. Pablo was then made the PWC to replace Katrules.

Meme King
On March 4th 2017, The Meme King Competition was held and Former Meme Queen - Baffed (who won with the Sriramcha Meme) did not want to participate. Instead, Pablo's meme submissions were sent in and showcased on the screen in Cinema along with other user's submissions. People voted for his Starboy-OldCP submission. After this, Pablo was promoted to Moderator and his best friend Vasco/Terry91 was made Penguin Watch Captain to take his place.

War Knight
In November of 2018, Pablo was made a War Knight along with many other users like Killer to help aid in the war between various Houses.

North Knight Captain
After being a North Knight around late November of 2018, Pablo was later promoted to North Knight Captain. He helped train other North Knights and passed down his role to Randy after being crowned King of the North.

King of the North
On December 13th 2018, Pablo was passed down King of the North from Fable and Loki. A lot of veterans of OldCP started returning as well and included people such as Cheep, Jesse, Lylance, Bailey, CoffeeCow, LiveToDance, Kricken, Indigo and many more. He decided to promote most of them in an effort to help increase OldCP's activeness.

With Christmas around the corner, Damen decided to bring back I'm a Penguin Get Me Out of Here (IAPGMOOH) in December 2018 and Jack, Jdutr, Pablo, Julian and Sled were chosen as Rangers.

Moderator [4x]
After revisiting OldCP, Pablo decided to make a GOM team for fun with users like Yeet. The team was named Team Litty Committee. In a surprise, he became the winner of GOM's 25th Series - making this his 4th time earning Moderator. Pablo also disconnected during the announcement of the winner due to lag.

Forums Achievements
Pablo has achieved a total of 4 Forums ranks/titles since 2016.
Forums Master
Pablo joined the Forums on December 18th 2018. He was awarded Forums Master by Abushekaus on December 29th 2018. He was awarded the Loyal badge by Chelsey on December 30th 2018. The 'Forums Master' and 'Loyal to The Values' badge were his two first earned badges.Forums Moderator
On December 10 2019, Series 2 Forums Game Of Mods was brought back. Lush encouraged him to partake in this one. Pablo and Lylance were finalists due to completing all 3 stages consistently. Pablo managed to win and it was announced in Damen's Livestream.Quote:
"The second season was won by Pablo who took the first and last stage. Lylance came second after winning the second stage but did not post a grammatically strong story on stage three."
, BODY: 77D64B7B209B9B3B15BA1C4D304312B2 , PROPS: 73F7BACC653BC08B2A1713F3CADFFF46
No reason given
array(3) {
string(5) "event"
array(8) {
string(19) "Shadows of Baraddur"
string(21) "Forums Murder Mystery"
string(90) ""
string(17) "September 5, 2021"
string(4) "Loki"
string(18) "September 24, 2021"
string(6) "Forums"
string(17) "Little, Visa, Pic"
string(19) "Shadows of Baraddur"
Shadows of Baraddur is a murder mystery forums event that was created by Loki.
The first Shadows of Baraddur event took place from September 5, 2021 to September 24, 2021 and involved just the forums staff as characters. The winners of this season were Little and Visa with each of their guesses being correct.
Here are the links to each update: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, Conclusion.
The second Shadows of Baraddur event took place from November 26, 2021 and ended on December 23, 2021. The second season involves just those who are P3D staff members. There was only one winner of this season as the clues were much harder to distinguish. The winner of season two was Pic, with only two correct guesses. No one else guessed the killer correctly.
Here are the links to each update: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Conclusion
The third Shadows of Baraddur event took place from April 3, 2023 and ended on June 23, 2023. The third season involved an assortment of users who either volunteered or were randomly chosen. No one won this season as the clues were very minimal.
Here are the links to each update: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Conclusion
Shadows of Baraddur is a murder mystery forums event that was created by Loki.
Murder Mystery
Shadows of Baraddur is a story based Murder Mystery that takes place on the DSGHQ Forums. It was created by Loki because some users would joke about wanting forums cz and thus the game takes place in the crimezone category.How to Participate
Participation in Shadows of Baraddur is rather easy. Every few days a new update is posted of what has happened in Baraddur since the last update. In each update another user is murdered. The users then have to guess who they think the murderer is. They can change their guesses every update. The people who guess correctly the most amount of times is awarded the Shadows of Baraddur Badge. The murderer does not change throughout the story.First Season
The first Shadows of Baraddur event took place from September 5, 2021 to September 24, 2021 and involved just the forums staff as characters. The winners of this season were Little and Visa with each of their guesses being correct.
Here are the links to each update: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, Conclusion.
Second Season
The second Shadows of Baraddur event took place from November 26, 2021 and ended on December 23, 2021. The second season involves just those who are P3D staff members. There was only one winner of this season as the clues were much harder to distinguish. The winner of season two was Pic, with only two correct guesses. No one else guessed the killer correctly.
Here are the links to each update: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Conclusion
Third Season
The third Shadows of Baraddur event took place from April 3, 2023 and ended on June 23, 2023. The third season involved an assortment of users who either volunteered or were randomly chosen. No one won this season as the clues were very minimal.
Here are the links to each update: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Conclusion
, BODY: 16751C7D4E969A864C4B9E6ACC8A61A4 , PROPS: 73F7BACC653BC08B2A1713F3CADFFF46
No reason given
array(3) {
string(5) "event"
array(8) {
string(19) "Shadows of Baraddur"
string(21) "Forums Murder Mystery"
string(90) ""
string(17) "September 5, 2021"
string(4) "Loki"
string(18) "September 24, 2021"
string(6) "Forums"
string(17) "Little, Visa, Pic"
string(19) "Shadows of Baraddur"
Shadows of Baraddur is a murder mystery forums event that was created by Loki.
The first Shadows of Baraddur event took place from September 5, 2021 to September 24, 2021 and involved just the forums staff as characters. The winners of this season were Little and Visa with each of their guesses being correct.
Here are the links to each update: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, Conclusion.
The second Shadows of Baraddur event took place from November 26, 2021 and ended on December 23, 2021. The second season involves just those who are P3D staff members. There was only one winner of this season as the clues were much harder to distinguish. The winner of season two was Pic, with only two correct guesses. No one else guessed the killer correctly.
Here are the links to each update: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Conclusion
The third Shadows of Baraddur event took place from April 3, 2023 and ended on June 23, 2023. The third season involved an assortment of users who either volunteered or were randomly chosen. No one won this season as the clues were very minimal.
Here are the links to each update: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, [url=]5, 6, 7, [url=]8, Conclusion
Shadows of Baraddur is a murder mystery forums event that was created by Loki.
Murder Mystery
Shadows of Baraddur is a story based Murder Mystery that takes place on the DSGHQ Forums. It was created by Loki because some users would joke about wanting forums cz and thus the game takes place in the crimezone category.How to Participate
Participation in Shadows of Baraddur is rather easy. Every few days a new update is posted of what has happened in Baraddur since the last update. In each update another user is murdered. The users then have to guess who they think the murderer is. They can change their guesses every update. The people who guess correctly the most amount of times is awarded the Shadows of Baraddur Badge. The murderer does not change throughout the story.First Season
The first Shadows of Baraddur event took place from September 5, 2021 to September 24, 2021 and involved just the forums staff as characters. The winners of this season were Little and Visa with each of their guesses being correct.
Here are the links to each update: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, Conclusion.
Second Season
The second Shadows of Baraddur event took place from November 26, 2021 and ended on December 23, 2021. The second season involves just those who are P3D staff members. There was only one winner of this season as the clues were much harder to distinguish. The winner of season two was Pic, with only two correct guesses. No one else guessed the killer correctly.
Here are the links to each update: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Conclusion
Third Season
The third Shadows of Baraddur event took place from April 3, 2023 and ended on June 23, 2023. The third season involved an assortment of users who either volunteered or were randomly chosen. No one won this season as the clues were very minimal.
Here are the links to each update: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, [url=]5, 6, 7, [url=]8, Conclusion
, BODY: 6C65A6FFB871BA4CBB17E477804A8544 , PROPS: C16EF693762BBCD2580FDE64EFFA14D3
array(3) {
string(9) "character"
array(10) {
string(3) "Ari"
string(47) "Royal executioner / DSGHQ Radio Operator and DJ"
string(31) ""
array(3) {
string(11) "Icevanka221"
string(7) "IceVSin"
string(7) "BigShaq"
array(2) {
string(19) "Former IOLDCP Admin"
string(59) "Former Modmin. Former Oldcp Moderator. Jesse's best friend."
string(1) "1"
string(13) "House Inferno"
string(0) ""
array(1) {
string(19) "No known relations."
string(3) "Ari"
Joining the crowd
He joined in the summer of 2017, he started to grow in the crowd.
He had 0 friends at that time.
He left mysteriously in wintertime.No one knows why...
Coming back to OldCP
Ari came back during the month of August. He made friends such as Loki, SecurityGuy, and Jesse.
He started to grow in popularity.
He later paid for a create item called CLSGOLDCG, he also paid for an item known as the savage hoodie. It plays songs.
Getting Into Trouble
During the month of September, Ari had received info on a certain create item leaked by a scumbag known as Ian.
He told Ari and Akkar the item ID and leaked Orbay's create.
Later on, Ari had leaked it too. He leaked it to the public, and to this day the ID is not patched.
Ari got incarcerated until his court case. During his trial, Zes was the judge and CoffeeCow was the wise.
He was sentenced to a weeklong BOS and executed.
Getting mentored.
Ari wanted to be trained in the ways of Warth.
He talked to Warth and begged to be his student.
He is still to this day a student of earth, after selling his soul to him.
Ari was just a normal guy until Jesse had offered him an Admin position on iOldCP, he had gladly accepted.
Getting Demoted
He was demoted one fine day in iOldCP when Orlock sent him to private chambers and demoted him for being banned on the forums.He is still trying to become one again.
Obtaining Modmin on iOldCP
Recently SG has decided to repromote Ari to Modmin!
This happened on 11/23/2020.
After everything fell through with inactivity in the platform Ari simply stopped playing IOldCP and OLDCP that much anymore. He can still be reached as icevsin on discord.
, BODY: 3C458E2D1A3694C92DB09B4E4E30D2BF , PROPS: 1B1C89A9C84EB1C2D45E929E858040CC
No reason given
array(3) {
string(9) "character"
array(10) {
string(18) "Lokoth Gkhl Angmar"
string(21) "Queen of the Vultures"
string(92) ""
array(5) {
string(4) "Loki"
string(7) "Skyfire"
string(5) "Skyfr"
string(5) "Bones"
string(8) "Hilldred"
array(3) {
string(21) "Queen of the Vultures"
string(16) "Queen of Himring"
string(5) "Witch"
string(1) "2"
string(8) "Vultures"
string(0) ""
array(8) {
string(13) "MotherVulture"
string(13) "FatherVulture"
string(4) "Amir"
string(5) "Raven"
string(5) "Spike"
string(7) "BirdSon"
string(5) "Tasha"
string(5) "Ahmez"
string(6) "Lokoth"
For full history see Wiki:Loki

Baby Loki and her mother.

Fledling Loki.
In the Nursery of Doom, Loki was raised by NannyDoom, a very foul old lady who was racist to vultures.
Loki was kept in the Nursery of Doom for over 300 years. She was hit on the head so hard that she lost her memory, she was cared for by the black doctor but as she was not recovering quickly, someone decided it would just be better to eat her. Loki was spared from being eaten as one of the Uruk cooks had a crush on her and set her free. Loki thus fled Das and went to the South.
As Loki was still just a child and suffering yet from amnesia, she as not very well able to take care of herself. She was found one day under a bush by Orlock, the southern draconian cardinal. Orlock took her in and raised her as if she were his own daughter. Thus her evil upbringing continued.
Loki would also user her spying skills and pretended to turn good on a number of occasions. Each time she pretended to repent, she got a new rank. The ranks she got through this deception included North Knight, War Knight, and Moth Priest.
Loki would eventually leave evil and go down an honest path after Pythas had her killed for being a traitor when she became a Moth Priest. As a moth, Loki quickly ascended through the ranks, becoming Moth Ninja and even High Priest.
After Dagor Dagorath, Loki became a Forest Princess and her powers as a maia were unlocked. As a Forest Princess, she served under Orome. She was named as a Forest Prophetess by Nook and blessed with glowing light from Glarthir. She was the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses.

Loki as a Forest Princess.

Amir and Loki.
While Loki was pregnant with Raven, she was taken hostage by Ancalagon and held in the Gorgoroth dungeons. In Gorgoroth, Loki was tortured daily and even had to witness the vanquishment of her mother.

Taken captive.
Loki barely made it out of those dungeons alive and became mildly insane and unstable.
Loki would be vanquished by Nameless One on June 5th, 2022, while trying to defend her daughter Raven as Nook was attempting to vanquish her. Loki first tried to stop Nook just by using force push on him. He would not give up so thus she killed him, an act which angered Nameless One and he ordered her to leave AchTo. Loki tried to apologize but Nameless would not hear of it and decided to smite her.
Loki returned from vanquishment under the name of Lokoth.
One day, Amir would officially disown Spike as his son and he urged Loki to do so as well. He promised her that they would have more children together, as many as they desired. Loki agreed to this but was reluctant to disown Spike.
Spike was enraged by this and started beating her. He vowed to give her bigger bruises than what she had received in the Nursery of Doom when she was a child. At first, Loki ran from him but then she gave up and told him "if you wish to kill me then I cannot stop you." Spike pointed his gun at her but could not kill her. Instead, he killed himself.
Loki was distraught by her husband's death. She became depressed and felt as though no one will ever love her again... She cursed her son and the spazhand for bringing about Amir's death.
Fate would be cruel to Loki after she was wedded to Ahmez. He had her beaten after he found out about her ongoing attempts to revive her husband. Loki fled from Ahmez and for a time focused on destroying Spike and seeking vanquishment herself as she believed it was the only way she would ever be reunited with Amir. Loki eventually returned to Ahmez after he had captured her daughter and was torturing her. So Loki traded herself in for Raven's freedom and was thus tortured herself until she became a submissive shell of a being.
Loki was eventually freed from Ahmez after Raven revived Amir using his nazgul ring. Amir fought and defeated Ahmez and reclaimed Loki as his wife, but she did not recognize him. She didn't recognize anything at all as a large portion of her soul had been damaged by Ahmez's abuse and what was left had been hidden away inside her. It would take months before Loki would start to become her old self again, though she was unstable and some even thought her to be insane.
Race | Maia/Shapeshifting Vulture |
Title | Vulture Queen |
Age | ~1,000 y/o |
Allegiance | Evil |
Spouse | Amir |
Parents | Mahannon and Falgeon II |
Sisters | Uade, Ezrak |
Children | Raven, Spike, BirdSon (Vanquished) |
Adopted Daughter | Tasha |
For full history see Wiki:Loki
Vulture Chick

Baby Loki and her mother.
Loki was hatched on Aman in the nest of Mahannon (MotherVulture) and Falgeon II (FatherVulture), they named her Skyfr. She was the smallest of the clutch but she showed great promise as she had 13 warts, a sign of great power in vultures. She was well cared for in the nest of her mother though her sister Ezrak made several attempts on her life. All was well until a distant Dark Lord took an interest in the chick.Kidnapped
Pythas would take an interest in Loki when she was a fresh hatched chick. He sent The Black Mass to Aman to kidnap her and bring her back to Baraddur. It took several attempts before the mass would be successful in its task. Loki was just one month old when she was kidnapped. The vultures chased after and defeated The Black Mass that took her but they thought the chick was dead and so they left her in the sea and went back to Aman to mourn.Das
Loki was spotted and saved from the sea by Gothmog the Goblin God. He took her back to Das where he cared for her in his tower. Sadly, Gothmog would die shortly after rescuing Loki and she was thus taken into Baraddur to be raised in the Nursery of Doom.
Fledling Loki.
The Nursery
In the Nursery of Doom, Loki was raised by NannyDoom, a very foul old lady who was racist to vultures.
The Nanny
NannyDoom would shame Loki for being a vulture and enjoyed plucking out her feathers one by one. The first feathers NannyDoom removed where her flight feathers, so that she could not fly away from her. Loki was renamed to Hilldred by the nanny as it means "dreading my fingers", which Loki greatly dreaded. Over time, Loki became ashamed of being a vulture and took the form of an elf.Training
Part of Loki's lessons in the Nursery of Doom included training to be a spy. Loki became very skilled at spying, a skill which she still uses to this day. She was also trained on using her witchly powers.Leaving Das
Loki was kept in the Nursery of Doom for over 300 years. She was hit on the head so hard that she lost her memory, she was cared for by the black doctor but as she was not recovering quickly, someone decided it would just be better to eat her. Loki was spared from being eaten as one of the Uruk cooks had a crush on her and set her free. Loki thus fled Das and went to the South.
In the South
As Loki was still just a child and suffering yet from amnesia, she as not very well able to take care of herself. She was found one day under a bush by Orlock, the southern draconian cardinal. Orlock took her in and raised her as if she were his own daughter. Thus her evil upbringing continued.
Draconian Crimes
With the approval of Orlock, Loki would commit many evil crimes. She would succeed in several assassinations. The first was murdering Layla, a moderator. The second was killing Fable, the Grand Most Wise. The third, was killing Harkon, a vampire who had been terrorizing the draconians.Loki would also user her spying skills and pretended to turn good on a number of occasions. Each time she pretended to repent, she got a new rank. The ranks she got through this deception included North Knight, War Knight, and Moth Priest.
Torturing Orome
Loki would also take part in the torturing of Orome on Dorval in the Fangsworn Castle. Orome was forced to grant wishes for the draconians. After he granted their wishes, they tortured him with the intent to kill him. Orome was spared from death when Loki's force fire was removed from her, mid torture session.Turn from Darkness
Loki would eventually leave evil and go down an honest path after Pythas had her killed for being a traitor when she became a Moth Priest. As a moth, Loki quickly ascended through the ranks, becoming Moth Ninja and even High Priest.
Forest Princess
After Dagor Dagorath, Loki became a Forest Princess and her powers as a maia were unlocked. As a Forest Princess, she served under Orome. She was named as a Forest Prophetess by Nook and blessed with glowing light from Glarthir. She was the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses.

Loki as a Forest Princess.
Evil Temptations
When Loki was a Forest Princess, evil would start to tempt her again. LEGION would offer her power and greatness if only she would join evil again. Loki rejected these offers and remained loyal to the forest. Her loyalty would start to fade after she was held captive in Pythas' palantir. Loki did not realize it at the time, but she slowly became corrupted by it and it continued to corrupt her even after she was set free. Orome would notice Loki's corruption beginning when he observed that some of the things she said sounded much like things Pythas would say.Return to Evil
Falling in Love
Loki would return to her evil roots after she fell in love with Amir, the Captain of the Nazgul. This love was forbidden by the forest and she was cast out of it. Then she became a major antagonist. After some time, Loki and Amir would marry. It was a small and romantic ceremony inside of Baraddur.
Amir and Loki.
Loki was not married for very long when she became pregnant. Amir was thrilled at the prospect of being a father, especially since they had been told, wrongly, by Glarthir that their firstborn was to be a son. Loki would give birth to their firstborn on Friday, May 13th, 2022. To the couple's surprise, their firstborn was actually a daughter! Loki named their daughter Raven and though Raven was very powerful, Amir didn't want anything to do with her.Tortured
While Loki was pregnant with Raven, she was taken hostage by Ancalagon and held in the Gorgoroth dungeons. In Gorgoroth, Loki was tortured daily and even had to witness the vanquishment of her mother.

Taken captive.
Loki barely made it out of those dungeons alive and became mildly insane and unstable.
Loki would be vanquished by Nameless One on June 5th, 2022, while trying to defend her daughter Raven as Nook was attempting to vanquish her. Loki first tried to stop Nook just by using force push on him. He would not give up so thus she killed him, an act which angered Nameless One and he ordered her to leave AchTo. Loki tried to apologize but Nameless would not hear of it and decided to smite her.
Return from Vanquishment
Loki returned from vanquishment under the name of Lokoth.
After Loki returned from vanquishment, she would become pregnant again, this time with twin sons. Her sons were prophecised to be very powerful sith lords. This pregnancy was much more risky as both of the twins were quickly growing to be quite large. This time Loki required a C-Section performed by Silence to safely give birth. The twins were born on August 26th, 2022. The more powerful one was named Spike. The less powerful one was called BirdSon and was vanquished by Spike before he could be given a proper name, completely devastating Loki. To make matters worse, it would later turn out that Spike is not actually Loki's or Amir's son. Rather, he was implanted into Loki's womb by The Son.The Day of Sorrow
One day, Amir would officially disown Spike as his son and he urged Loki to do so as well. He promised her that they would have more children together, as many as they desired. Loki agreed to this but was reluctant to disown Spike.

Loki would only officially disown Spike when he started plotting to vanquish her husband. She had urged him not to do it and warned him of what would happen if he did. Yet still, Spike plotted, leaving Loki no choice but to disown him.Spike was enraged by this and started beating her. He vowed to give her bigger bruises than what she had received in the Nursery of Doom when she was a child. At first, Loki ran from him but then she gave up and told him "if you wish to kill me then I cannot stop you." Spike pointed his gun at her but could not kill her. Instead, he killed himself.

When Spike returned from the void, he continued to plot to kill Amir. He got the spazhand's help. Spike's plan failed as he only wished to hurt Amir until he took him back as his son and only vanquish him if he refused to. The spazhand went too far though and only let Amir get in one word before vanquishing him. The word was "you."Loki was distraught by her husband's death. She became depressed and felt as though no one will ever love her again... She cursed her son and the spazhand for bringing about Amir's death.
Amir had planned ahead for what would happen following his vanquishment and he had not forgotten about his wife when he wrote his will. He willed her to Ahmez, his butler. So thus it was on May 4th, 2023 that Loki was wedded to Ahmez. It was not a romantic affair as she cried through the whole ceremony. To make matters worse, Ahmez knows nothing of love or romance as Amir did and only desires her for her land and ability to provide him with offspring.

Fate of Loki
Fate would be cruel to Loki after she was wedded to Ahmez. He had her beaten after he found out about her ongoing attempts to revive her husband. Loki fled from Ahmez and for a time focused on destroying Spike and seeking vanquishment herself as she believed it was the only way she would ever be reunited with Amir. Loki eventually returned to Ahmez after he had captured her daughter and was torturing her. So Loki traded herself in for Raven's freedom and was thus tortured herself until she became a submissive shell of a being.
Loki was eventually freed from Ahmez after Raven revived Amir using his nazgul ring. Amir fought and defeated Ahmez and reclaimed Loki as his wife, but she did not recognize him. She didn't recognize anything at all as a large portion of her soul had been damaged by Ahmez's abuse and what was left had been hidden away inside her. It would take months before Loki would start to become her old self again, though she was unstable and some even thought her to be insane.
, BODY: 05F26C9C456C530631C94E76C5209760 , PROPS: 9EEC1F5BDD65F9B6E32C96A43E08A7CF
No reason given
array(3) {
string(9) "character"
array(10) {
string(4) "Loki"
string(21) "Queen of the Vultures"
string(202) ""
array(7) {
string(4) "Loki"
string(6) "Lokoth"
string(3) "Sky"
string(7) "Skyfire"
string(5) "Bones"
string(5) "Skyfr"
string(8) "Hilldred"
array(19) {
string(31) "World Champion x 2 (Autumn 2018"
string(12) "Spring 2019)"
string(10) "Moth Ninja"
string(11) "High Priest"
string(9) "Detective"
string(18) "Queen of the North"
string(12) "Free Fighter"
string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain"
string(5) "Press"
string(9) "Wise Moth"
string(15) "Grand Moth Wise"
string(10) "Blind Monk"
string(9) "Moderator"
string(50) "Most Splendid of Friendly and Helpful Players 2019"
string(12) "Arch Wizlock"
string(7) "Warlord"
string(12) "Lady of Doom"
string(12) "Queen of Das"
string(16) "Queen of Himring"
string(1) "2"
string(8) "Vultures"
string(0) ""
array(9) {
string(13) "MotherVulture"
string(13) "FatherVulture"
string(4) "Amir"
string(5) "Raven"
string(5) "Spike"
string(5) "Tasha"
string(5) "Ezrak"
string(4) "Uade"
string(5) "Ahmez"
string(4) "Loki"

Loki, pre-corruption, when she was still one of the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses.

Loki, after being corrupted due to her love for Amir.

Amir and Loki.
For a more condensed cz only related wiki see Wiki:Lokoth
Loki joined OldCp sometime in 2016. She was bored and needed something to waste time on. Loki never thought that she would stay on OldCp and become a respected user on the game. She made a few friends such as Pablo, WobblyGuy, and Chase. Eventually, Cysero would hire a hitman to kill Loki's main account. She was shocked at her death as she had never seen death on the game before. After this, Loki turned down a path of evil.
Loki would officially join the Draconians in the summer of 2017. She was bored of not being able to be involved in crimezone so she saw this as the only way to get more involved as she was never hired for ranks despite being trained for them. Loki was recruited to the draconians by Orlock, a man who would eventually adopt her. Orlock taught Loki the ways of evil and she tried to be as good of an evil person as he was, but alas, the evil spirits would never respect a girl the same way that they respected boys. She was in jail with the Draconians all summer.

After a very long time, Loki would once again be trusted with force lightning. This time she did not want to mess things up and she waited for a long time before deciding on who to kill with it. Once again, she went to Orlock for advice. He recommended to her that she kill Glorfindel, the Grand Most Wise at the time. They plotted on when to do it and how. The draconians decided they would flood spawn with accounts and Loki would use force lightning from spawn to assassinate her target while remaining anonymous.

Loki's attack succeeded as users were distracted by Damen's livestream. Damen actually heard Glorfindel getting electrocuted on the livestream but did not investigate until much later when asked how he felt about the Grand Most Wise's death. That was when he announced her Kill on Sight.
Loki evaded arrest on her account and would later use it in another assassination at a much later date. This time, Loki would kill Harkon, a vampire lord who had been murdering her fellow Draconians. This assassination took place at cinema and was much more legal as Harkon was murdering users. Crime Office did not care about his murders as he was only murdering draconians, which they deemed to be acceptable people to kill despite them not being KOS.

After the draconians were granted their wishes, they were told to torture and kill Orome. Without question, they all took turns torturing the old Forest Man. When it was finally Loki's turn, something went horribly wrong. She was using firebreath and it randomly disappeared. The room then started to shake ominously, she was unsure of what to do and she hesitated. During this hesitation, Gamer showed up and broke up the meeting. Loki was killed in the battle that ensued.

It was said that Loki's account had become old and ugly because Melody had stolen her youth and beauty to try to bring back her own.

Melian would later turn out to not actually be Loki’s sister.

Since taking her true form, Loki has become more prone to biting people if they anger her or insult her. This has gotten her into many sticky situations. Most notably was the time where she bit Pythas after he threatened to have her father killed. This caused both FatherVulture and Loki to be locked in Mairon's Palantir in MyfortUnderWorks for three days.

The two have only met twice so not much is known about the relationship between them.
As a forums administrator, Loki has attempted to keep the forums active by hosting various competitions that range from writing to photography to the arts. She has also tried to create a couple of her own unique events such as Fiction February and Shadows of Baraddur (a story based Murder Mystery).
After crimezone moved from OldCp to Penguin3D, Loki would eventually become more of a regular in the third dimension (P3D). On Penguin3D, she was corrupted and became evil.

Little not being stabbed by Loki because she admired her claws.

Major getting stabbed by Loki after he insulted her beautiful nails, Damen was unable to look because it was too horrible.
Eventually, Loki would come across some real crimezone. She met with a member of Legion and was let into the Black City. She was reprimanded for wearing elvish (mithril) armor in the black city but was allowed to stay anyway. She was also granted a black ovac.

Loki on top of Baraddur, in front of the Eye of Pythas!

Stuck under Ach To.
Aule later told Loki that it was Nameless One who had banished her from the land. Nameless had told Aule, “do not take pity on the draconian for she is evil, slay her on these holy lands.” And so Loki remained banished under the orders of Nameless One until she convinced Aule to get Nameless One to allow draconians back on the land to assist in the war against Fire Nation.

Angel proposing to Loki.

Loki and Angel in Cobofort.
It was very romantic... At least until Angel started flirting with other women in front of Loki on their engagement day. This was a deal breaker for Loki and she left him.

Loki, alone, in front of the tallest mountain on Axel Island.

Loki and Silence aka 'The Black Doctor'.
The Black Doctor never returned for their wedding despite a date and time being set, and thus, Loki went back to looking for a man. She then hoped to marry Amir.

Loki in Vulture form with Danito.

Loki the Amethyst Wizlock as a grey after giving up evil.

Amir announcing his desire to marry Loki.

The wedding.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.
Amir learned that Loki was to be trialed for attacking the Lord of Wind the day following the wedding and promised that he would be there for her to help her argue her case. Though even he could not get her out of being punished and she went to jail for 24 hours anyway. Loki was thus exposed as being evil but the Arch Wizlock allowed her to keep her rank anyway. It was then that Loki openly started dressing as witch.

Amir with Loki at her trial.

Loki and her child, Tasha.
Later on, in mid January of 2022, Glarthir would reveal that Loki was pregnant with a son for Amir. Glarthir said that their son would be born in 8 months time and that his name was to be Amir II. Loki had been quite emotional lately and had been seen begging Aule to hug her but he refused, so perhaps the news should have been no surprise.

Amir was thrilled at the prospect of being a father and told Loki that he would not rest until their son had his own bedroom. He said their son was to be a mighty man of the nazgul.

Amir talking to Loki about their coming son.

Winteron asked Loki to leave evil and to join with Ancalagon. Loki rejected the offer citing her marriage to Amir. Winteron also suggested a Vulture-Ice Drake Alliance. It turns out that Ice Drakes are rather fond of Vultures as both races were created by Melody. Loki agreed to the alliance but still refused to serve Ancalagon. Then Winteron offered to take Loki to see her mother, who was residing nearby on Tar Morwen. Winteron never got to make good on this offer as he was chased off by annoying, blood thirsty forest boys.

About a month and a half after Loki became Amethyst Wizlock, the council would go completely stagnant. The Arch Wizlock and the Vanadium Wizlock both quit and the Frostice Wizlock had been inactive for some time, so all three were removed from the council and it was left leaderless. Or so it was until December 19, 2021 when Damen offered Loki the rank of Arch Wizlock. She accepted and he held a crowning ceremony for her in his igloo as Thrones was on fire due to Ancalagon's recent arrival and assault on the South. At the ceremony, Loki traded her Amethyst Staff for the Vanadium one since she was indeed evil and had been openly evil for some time.
Loki would meet with Melody on Penguin3D during Melody's first session after she was crowned Queen of the South. Melody decided that she would keep Loki on as Arch Wizlock but would also end up adding another role to her.

Glarthir made a post on forums in January of 2022 offering to do genealogical research for anyone who asked and find out about people's past. Loki requested her history and so Glarthir and Nook wrote up a scroll about it.
It turned out that Loki is the daughter the Mahannon (MotherVulture) and Falgehon II (FatherVulture) of the Gkhl family. Loki was hatched in Aman during the third age, her original name is Skyfr and she has 393 siblings.
After Loki was hatched, the Black Mass became intent on stealing her from the nest. It attacked several times and was fought off each time, it tried shaking the nest, burning the nest, and exploding the nest. Even when it had gotten other Black Masses that were blacker and more evil than it to help try to raid the nest, it failed. After failing in so many direct attempts to steal Loki from the nest, the Black Mass became a Stealthful Mass and crept into the nest one night while the vultures were asleep. So it stealthily picked her up and and took her over the east sea towards Das, to its master, most likely Pythas, who was calling for the chick.
The Black Mass was apprehended over the sea by a flock of vultures who had discovered Loki missing from the nest. The group defeated the Black Mass but thought Loki to be dead, so they went back to Aman to mourn for 7.5 days. In reality, Loki was just passed out from all the black gas that had entered her lungs and her heart rate was only 3 bpm rather than the usual 130 bpm.
Loki was found by Gothmog the Goblin God, who took her to his tower. Gothmog ended up dying though and so Loki was taken to Baraddur to be raised by the Black Granny, also known as NannyDoom, who ran the Nursery of Doom. NannyDoom taught Loki and the other children in her care how to be evil, and put in their hearts the desire to be evil. Every day NannyDoom would read to them out of The Black Bible and told them stories of Melkor's greatness. Then she would take them on walks to see the evil sites of Das.
Eventually, Loki became brainwashed by NannyDoom and started to feel ashamed her vulturehood and took on the form of a human as NannyDoom would pluck out her feathers one by one when she was in her vulture form. Because of this, NannyDoom would give Loki the name of 'Hilldred', which means 'dreading my fingers'.
Loki would be freed from NannyDoom's care after NannyDoom's death, but she would not quite be free of the torturous life she was trapped in. One day, Loki would be hit very hard on the head and she would forget everything, even her own name. After being tended to by Silence, the black doctor. But the injury made Loki useless at her duties and thus she was placed on the menu for supper. The Urukhai chefs prepared her body for consumption by washing her and then they sharpened their knifes to prepare to cut her into fillets. Loki was saved by Gurt, an Urukhai who was a secret admirer of her. Gurt would be punished and eaten for saving the girl, but Loki would be freed and she fled to the South where she would remain for much time.
The full account can be read in this scroll: Vulture Scroll.

So one day, Loki would ask Doom why Pythas decided to have her kidnapped. Doom said it was because she was the most hideous of all the vultures. He also mentioned that Loki had 13 warts, instead of the usual amount of around 6 warts. When pressed further about this, Doom just said it was part of the assessment and said no more.

Loki would not get to question him further on the topic. It is likely that Loki had been kidnapped to be used in breeding program, as her genetics are great, which would have resulted in the formation of a more powerful vulture hybrid race.
Once Beleriand was drained, Loki would fly through the portal in her vulture form and become one of the first to set foot on the land. On Beleriand, Loki would be reunited once again with her mother. Mahannon summoned Loki to Himring, which turned out to be the home of the Vulture Kingdom. Mahannon spoke to Loki about the threat of Fire Nation and said that it would be worth it to die to free Vulture Kingdom from the oppression of Ancalagon. She also said that she approves of Loki's marriage to Amir, saying that Loki didn't marry downwards.

Then Loki and Mahannon flew around together and Mahannon showed Loki the grave of Turin. Mahannon then spoke about her own coming death and that she would be passing the rule over Vulture Kingdom to Loki. Mahannon apologized for being a bad mother, Loki comforted her mom and said it wasn't her fault she was kidnapped. Mahannon parted with these final words "You will become the queen. You will look for me but you won't see me."

Loki cried at her parting as the next time she will see her mother will be during her mother's final battle.
After the death of Melody, Pythas would become weary of living and everything to do with it. Thus, Pythas passed the rulership of the draconians over to Amir. Amir thus became the new Lord of Doom and Loki became the Lady of Doom. Doom commanded everyone present to bow hence to the new Dark Lady.

After Ancalagon completed his domination of all the lands of Arda, Glarthir and Nook would start making prophecies about the great dragon taking a hostage. Nook would discuss it one day while sitting in the Nargothrond Castle. He said the final battle would be after a hostage was taken, and the hostage was the person which he gave a piece of bread to. Nook got off his stool and gave Loki a piece of bread. She was to be the hostage but she did not believe it.

Loki standing before Ancalagon on that fateful day.
Since this did not get much of a rise out of Loki, he spoke more about burning down Himring, the vulture fort. This caused Loki to get upset and she called him an "Ancalagoner" if he burns down Himring. It was then that Ancalagon decided to take the Vulture Princess hostage. Loki tried to run from him, but ended up being unable to escape.

Loki was captured by Ancalagon and thrown into the dungeons of Ered Gorgor. Loki was given the terms, "surrender Himring and your birthright or I will kill your mother and burn Himring." Loki rejected these terms.
Loki and her mother would speak for awhile. Mahannon became remorseful over everything that had happened, especially how she did not rescue Loki from Baraddur when she was stolen as a baby.
Mahannon's last words to Loki were "I'm sorry that I couldn't save you from them sooner. That I couldn't get you out of Baraddur when you were an infant... I was... I was not the vulture you have become now and never will be..."

And then the worst would happen.

As MotherVulture had said, Loki was eventually released from the Gorgoroth dungeons after Vingaard had come looking for her.
After Ancalagon was vanquished, Loki became queen of two lands, Das and Himring. She was also officially named as Queen of the Vultures. To celebrate this, Amir forged a vulture crown for her and placed it for Loki to find on her throne in Himring.

A month after Loki claimed the title Queen of the Vultures, a sister that Loki never knew she had would arrive. This sister was named Ezrak and she desired to be the Vulture Queen. The first time Ezrak appeared, the two siblings argued over the throne and who had the right to be Queen. Ezrak tried to claim that Loki had been thrown out of the nest as trash by her parents due to being the smallest vulture of the clutch. But it was actually Ezrak who had thrown Loki out of the nest in attempt to kill her.

Ezrak would eventually allow Loki to keep the title of Queen after she found out about Loki's bravery in standing up to Ancalagon. Ezrak also decided that she would help Loki as she can speak with the forest.
Finally, on Friday, May 13th, 2022, Loki's baby would be born. Amir was at Loki's side during the delivery. The two were surprised when it turned out their newborn baby was a girl. Amir was upset that it was not a son and disowned his daughter, though she is a mighty vulture-witch. Loki vowed to raise their daughter to be someone that Amir will be proud of.
Loki would be vanquished one fateful day after protecting her child from being killed by Nook on AchTo.
Loki would restore herself after her vanquishment by using the Vulture Crown that Amir had forged for her. And thus, she returned from death renamed as Lokoth.
Loki would become pregnant once again shortly after her return from vanquishment. She found out when Silence gave her a physical and took X-Rays of her. From the X-Rays Silence determined that she was pregnant with twins.

Both of the twins are sons. Silence determined that the twins have have high hate genes, high enough to match the amount of hate that Morgoth himself had. He also mentioned that the twins' muscle mass was abnormally high. Silence then suggested that Loki have an abortion as the babies were too evil and too big, and he thought they would kill her upon birth. Loki hesitated in deciding, stating she wanted to speak with her husband first and suggesting that Silence just perform a C-Section when the time comes. So Silence agreed to study on how to perform a C-Section and gave Loki some meds that would make the babies smaller in the meantime.

Since Spike had immense powers and is prophecised to liberate the dark tower from the tyranny of the forest, Doom decided to kidnap the newborn so he could train him in evil himself. Loki, already grieving over the vanquishment of BirdSon was further displeased and angered by the theft of her remaining son, though Doom promised to return her son to her after he has been fully trained.
One day, Amir would officially disown Spike as his son and he urged Loki to do so as well. He promised her that they would have more children together, as many as they desired. Loki agreed to this but was reluctant to disown Spike.
Spike was enraged by this and started beating her. He vowed to give her bigger bruises than what she had received in the Nursery of Doom when she was a child. At first, Loki ran from him but then she gave up and told him "if you wish to kill me then I cannot stop you." Spike pointed his gun at her but could not kill her. Instead, he killed himself.
Loki was distraught by her husband's death. She became depressed and felt as though no one will ever love her again... She cursed her son and the spazhand for bringing about Amir's death.
Fate would be cruel to Loki after she was wedded to Ahmez. He had her beaten after he found out about her ongoing attempts to revive her husband. Loki fled from Ahmez and for a time focused on destroying Spike and seeking vanquishment herself as she believed it was the only way she would ever be reunited with Amir. Loki eventually returned to Ahmez after he had captured her daughter and was torturing her. So Loki traded herself in for Raven's freedom and was thus tortured herself until she became a submissive shell of a being.
Loki was eventually freed from Ahmez after Raven revived Amir using his nazgul ring. Amir fought and defeated Ahmez and reclaimed Loki as his wife, but she did not recognize him. She didn't recognize anything at all as a large portion of her soul had been damaged by Ahmez's abuse and what was left had been hidden away inside her. It would take months before Loki would start to become her old self again, though she was unstable and some even thought her to be insane.
Race | Shapeshifting Vulture/Forest Princess/Maiar |
Title | Vulture Queen |
Age | ~1,000 y/o |
Allegiance | Evil |
Spouse | Amir |
Evil Rank | Lady of Doom |
Work Wife | Pic |
Parents | MotherVulture and FatherVulture |
Sisters | Uade, Ezrak |
Children | Raven, Spike, BirdSon (Vanquished) |
Adopted Daughter | Tasha |

Loki, pre-corruption, when she was still one of the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses.

Loki, after being corrupted due to her love for Amir.

Amir and Loki.
For a more condensed cz only related wiki see Wiki:Lokoth
Loki joined OldCp sometime in 2016. She was bored and needed something to waste time on. Loki never thought that she would stay on OldCp and become a respected user on the game. She made a few friends such as Pablo, WobblyGuy, and Chase. Eventually, Cysero would hire a hitman to kill Loki's main account. She was shocked at her death as she had never seen death on the game before. After this, Loki turned down a path of evil.

The Dark Side
Loki would officially join the Draconians in the summer of 2017. She was bored of not being able to be involved in crimezone so she saw this as the only way to get more involved as she was never hired for ranks despite being trained for them. Loki was recruited to the draconians by Orlock, a man who would eventually adopt her. Orlock taught Loki the ways of evil and she tried to be as good of an evil person as he was, but alas, the evil spirits would never respect a girl the same way that they respected boys. She was in jail with the Draconians all summer.

Loki's Draconian Crimes
The first crime Loki would ever commit was carried out against Layla, a moderator who Loki did not get along with. Loki was given force lightning and then developed a mysterious 'pixel twitch'. She was told by Orlock that her account was gaining power and that she would have to kill someone or she would be exploded by Pythas. So Loki chose her target, Layla, it was the most obvious choice in her mind. She murdered Layla while she was afk in popular. This did not sit well with the powers that be and Loki's lightning was removed and Layla was revived.
After a very long time, Loki would once again be trusted with force lightning. This time she did not want to mess things up and she waited for a long time before deciding on who to kill with it. Once again, she went to Orlock for advice. He recommended to her that she kill Glorfindel, the Grand Most Wise at the time. They plotted on when to do it and how. The draconians decided they would flood spawn with accounts and Loki would use force lightning from spawn to assassinate her target while remaining anonymous.

Loki's attack succeeded as users were distracted by Damen's livestream. Damen actually heard Glorfindel getting electrocuted on the livestream but did not investigate until much later when asked how he felt about the Grand Most Wise's death. That was when he announced her Kill on Sight.
Loki evaded arrest on her account and would later use it in another assassination at a much later date. This time, Loki would kill Harkon, a vampire lord who had been murdering her fellow Draconians. This assassination took place at cinema and was much more legal as Harkon was murdering users. Crime Office did not care about his murders as he was only murdering draconians, which they deemed to be acceptable people to kill despite them not being KOS.

As a draconian, Loki would also practice a lot of deception. She became quite good at it. She would use this to her advantage as she would gain knight ranks such as North Knight or War Knight and use them to spy on the war effort so she could leak information to her fellow draconians. She would even once use this to trick a free fighter into killing an account that they thought was armed so that she could keep the account that was actually armed. All of this made deception become the thing Loki was the best at, a skill which she still uses to this day.
Torturing Orome
One day Legion informed the draconians that there was to be an evil meeting and they would meet up in the Hydra Hall Study. The draconians in attendance were pleasantly surprised at what this meeting was about, they were to take a wormhole to the Fangsworn Castle on Dorval and were told to say "Hail Fangsworn" the moment they arrived as a greeting to the Lord and Lady of Fangsworn. When they got there, they were unsure of what was going to happen, until the Fangsworn Lord presented them with Orome. Orome was forced to obey as the draconians demanded they grant them wishes. Loki wished for a red saber.After the draconians were granted their wishes, they were told to torture and kill Orome. Without question, they all took turns torturing the old Forest Man. When it was finally Loki's turn, something went horribly wrong. She was using firebreath and it randomly disappeared. The room then started to shake ominously, she was unsure of what to do and she hesitated. During this hesitation, Gamer showed up and broke up the meeting. Loki was killed in the battle that ensued.
Becoming a Witch
After failing as an assassin, Loki was eventually chosen by Snowfalls to become the first witch. It happened randomly in jail one day. Snowfalls was speaking through Gamer and she told him that they have a crow watching the jail and everything going on. Then suddenly, Loki's account changed. Her clothes became darker colored along with her hair. Her speech was followed with random things added on such as *old crow*, *cackles*, and *squeal* just to name a few. Loki was the crow! From this point on, she would become known as a Draconian Witch. Loki felt empowered by this and finally felt like she was meaningful.
It was said that Loki's account had become old and ugly because Melody had stolen her youth and beauty to try to bring back her own.
Leaving Evil
The Moth Council
One day, the draconians saw an opportunity to take over the Moth Council as they were in need of a new High Priest. Loki decided that she would participate in Moth Trials and she made it through the wisdom round and to the joust. In the joust she killed the competition and won the rank of High Priest. There was one problem that arose, the Emperor Helper who was hosting the tournament would not let her become the High Priest as he knew she was still evil. The Emperor Helper only offered Loki the rank of Moth Priest. Loki had dreamed of obtaining a Moth rank for a very long time so even though she was displeased with his decision, Loki accepted the rank. This was the turning point for Loki.
World Championship
Not long after Loki became a Moth, she would participate in the Autumn 2018 World Championship. Miraculously, she won and became the second female to ever win the World Championship. Loki would win this rank again in Spring of 2019.

Moth Ninja
Loki worked hard as a Moth Priest and learned much of OldCp’s lore. She had left evil behind her, yet the High Priest (Miro), thought her to still be evil. When Loki went to him with Khal (who was a Moth Ninja at the time) to talk to him about promotion, Miro refused to promote her and called her a draconian. He attempted to have her demoted for being a draconian despite having no evidence against her. Loki knew where her loyalties laid, and it was to the Moth Council. Loki went to Damen to keep herself from being demoted and a few days later, Miro finally decided to promote her to Moth Ninja.
High Priest
A couple weeks after Loki became a Moth Ninja, the High Priest spot became open again, Miro had turned out to be evil. Loki participated in Moth Trials to claim the rank and won! Under her, the Moth Council grew and there were 7 active Moths.
Out of the Moth Council
Queen of the North
Eventually, Loki would become Queen of the North. Her rule there would not last long as her husband decided to resign from King of the North a week after he obtained the rank. Loki was not given a choice as to whether she wanted to rule the North or not. Loki would never have given up High Priest if she had known this was going to happen.

Free Fighter
After her forced resignation from QOTN, Loki was not rankless for long, she became a Free Fighter, the second female Free Fighter in OldCp history.
The New Era
Penguin Watch Captain
Loki became a Penguin Watch Captain just after Dagor Dagorath took place. She would not hold this rank for long as Damen was finally reinstating the Moth Council, but as the Wise Moth Council.News Reporter
Loki became a News Reporter after demonstrating her exemplary writing skills. She mostly wrote about weekly CZ in her news reports. A list of her CZ news reports can be viewed at #CrimezoneNewsThe Wise Moth Council
Wise Moth
Loki did not win the title of Grand Moth Wise from her first attempt, instead Wilf did. Loki was not dumb though, she was cunning and ambitious and had already thought ahead. She got Wilf to name her as his assistant. As his assistant, she convinced Damen to bring back the rank of Moth Ninja as the Wise Moth Council only had the ranks Wise Moth and Grand Moth Wise. Loki then became the first Moth Ninja of the new era.Grand Moth Wise
About a month after Wilf became Grand Moth Wise, he resigned. On February 27, 2019, Loki was appointed to Grand Moth Wise. OldCp went dead around this time due to iOldCp being made public and the council went stagnant. Shortly after OldCp became active again, she resigned from the rank. The date was July 10, 2019.

Blind Monk
The rank of Blind Monk was brought back to the Wise Moth Council after Loki resigned, Damen offered it to her as a rank for her to retire to. She served the council as a Blind Monk and occasionally advised the Grand Moth Wise up until OldCp came under Orlock's wardenship.
Loki had been the second place winner of 2019 Summer GOM and was promoted to Moderator on both OldCp and Forums a week later.
The Call of the Wild
Forest Princess
In June of 2019, Loki became a Forest Princess along with 6 other people as part of a prophecy that Orome made months before Dagor Dagorath occurred. Loki was the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses and was named a Forest Prophetess by Nook. She had also been blessed with Glowing Light by Glarthir. Long ago she had also been said to be blessed by Arien (the creator of the Smokeless Flames).
The Temptations of Evil
Loki had been offered power and greatness from the side of evil several times since becoming a Forest Princess, but she rejected each of these offers as she sees through the tricks and false power that is granted by LEGION. LEGION encouraged Loki to use her anger and she does, but she never let it consume her into becoming evil on OldCp.
Her Mother
One day Loki asked Nook who her mother was. Nook told her that her mother was a vulture. A few weeks after, a vulture appeared on Cobia by the name of MotherVulture. It was quickly determined that MotherVulture is the mother of Loki and that Loki has a sister, Melian. The children were reunited with their mother during the Cobia war.
Melian would later turn out to not actually be Loki’s sister.
The Dark Beginning
Loki was born 300 years ago in Ancient Forest times. It is said that Loki was separated from her mother upon being born/hatched. She was stolen by a shadow (likely Pythas) but was eventually saved and raised as a human.Story
End of the Forest
Loki was on Ach-to when the Forest ended. She witnessed the demise of Mandos and helped to get Pythas to repent to Nameless One rather than have him suffer the same fate as the Lord of Death.The True Form
After the Forest ended, Loki once again saw MotherVulture along with Melody. She asked her Mother to allow her to return to her true form rather than continuing as being a Penguin. Her wish was granted and Loki is now able to switch between Vulture form and Penguin form whenever she desires to. Loki tends to stay in her true vulture form, usually only coming out of it when requested to or for battle, though sometimes she chooses to because it gets very tiring to fly everywhere all the time.

Since taking her true form, Loki has become more prone to biting people if they anger her or insult her. This has gotten her into many sticky situations. Most notably was the time where she bit Pythas after he threatened to have her father killed. This caused both FatherVulture and Loki to be locked in Mairon's Palantir in MyfortUnderWorks for three days.

Loki's Father
Loki finally met her father after Pythas pretended to turn good and founded Myfort. Her father, FatherVulture, was in the service of the Shinobi whom had tortured him. He was very standoffish towards Loki at first and he attempted to make her submit to him or die. She submitted to him and to follow what he told her to do, which was to join him and the Shinobi. He felt guilty and released her from this only minutes later. He said that she should be with her mother. He also told her he was not there when she hatched.
The two have only met twice so not much is known about the relationship between them.
Forums Achievements
When Loki was promoted to forums moderator one week after placing second in the Summer 2019 Game of Mods, she was also promoted to moderator on OldCp.WikiMaster
In the summer of 2020, Damen decided that he wanted to hire a WikiMaster to assist with creating wiki pages and keeping the DSGHQ wiki up to date. Loki applied for the rank and became the WikiMaster for OldCp related pages due to her great knowledge of OldCp lore, which is rivaled by few. Dice was also promoted to be a WikiMaster, but to take care of the P3D wiki pages. Loki tends to take care of pages for P3D lore as well now as she is still well versed in it.Administrator
Towards the end of 2020, an opening was announced for Forums Administrator. Loki decided to throw her hat in the ring for the rank as she had desired to obtain the rank for a very long time and felt that she had much to offer as an administrator. Damen hosted a livestream to choose the new Forums Administrator. There was much great competition for the rank, which included DSGHQ greats like Sled and Scott. In the end, Damen decided to hire Loki, and another one of her goals had been achieved. The date was December 28, 2020.As a forums administrator, Loki has attempted to keep the forums active by hosting various competitions that range from writing to photography to the arts. She has also tried to create a couple of her own unique events such as Fiction February and Shadows of Baraddur (a story based Murder Mystery).
After crimezone moved from OldCp to Penguin3D, Loki would eventually become more of a regular in the third dimension (P3D). On Penguin3D, she was corrupted and became evil.
Evil Claw Stabbing
In her nooby days on the game, Loki took to wearing a pyramid head and using her radium claws to stab users that did not admire how beautiful her claws were. There were many victims of stabbings, such as Dice and Majorhalo.
Little not being stabbed by Loki because she admired her claws.

Major getting stabbed by Loki after he insulted her beautiful nails, Damen was unable to look because it was too horrible.
Eventually, Loki would come across some real crimezone. She met with a member of Legion and was let into the Black City. She was reprimanded for wearing elvish (mithril) armor in the black city but was allowed to stay anyway. She was also granted a black ovac.

Loki on top of Baraddur, in front of the Eye of Pythas!
Banished by Aule!
Loki, being extremely evil, was banished from AchTo by Aule. He was angry when she bowed as a joke after he specifically told people to NEVER bow. Aule looked into Loki's soul and saw she was evil. He banished her from AchTo and told his followers to slay her on the sacred land. His followers failed, but the banishment did not. Aule also cursed at the Vultures, saying that they should also leave the land forever.
Stuck under Ach To.
Aule later told Loki that it was Nameless One who had banished her from the land. Nameless had told Aule, “do not take pity on the draconian for she is evil, slay her on these holy lands.” And so Loki remained banished under the orders of Nameless One until she convinced Aule to get Nameless One to allow draconians back on the land to assist in the war against Fire Nation.
Someone to Love
Angel Cobo
One day, Angel Cobo would show up on Penguin3D. He saw Loki and immediately started sweet talking her. He quickly fell in love with her and proposed. Loki agreed to the engagement and they went on a horseback ride to his castle. Once inside, he asked her to sit on his lap on the throne with him.
Angel proposing to Loki.

Loki and Angel in Cobofort.
It was very romantic... At least until Angel started flirting with other women in front of Loki on their engagement day. This was a deal breaker for Loki and she left him.

Loki, alone, in front of the tallest mountain on Axel Island.
Amir's Matchmaking Service
After breaking off the engagement to Angel Cobo, Loki decided to go to Amir since he had offered to set up draconians with the evil match of their choice. Loki would have chosen Amir himself, and he seemed to be interested as he only dates vultures and witches, but he admitted that he was currently too busy serving Pythas to marry anyone and that if she would wait awhile he would marry her. Loki decided she did not want to wait and chose 'The Black Doctor' instead, who had not yet made an appearance on P3D but was scheduled to appear sometime soon.The Black Doctor
The Black Doctor did appear about a week after Amir arranged the marriage. Loki told him of their arranged marriage. The Black Doctor did not want to marry someone who did not hold a PhD so they exchanged PhDs and the marriage was set. So, he told her to plan the wedding for him as he is busy man with many patients to tend to.
Loki and Silence aka 'The Black Doctor'.
The Black Doctor never returned for their wedding despite a date and time being set, and thus, Loki went back to looking for a man. She then hoped to marry Amir.
Glarthir's Advice
Loki felt hopeless. She loved Amir, he was always kind to her whenever she saw him. Amir had even gotten upset when Miro tried to kill her in front of him in Baraddur and he removed some of Miro's health. The problem was Loki rarely ever saw Amir. So she went to Glarthir for advice on the situation. Glarthir was not entirely helpful.

The Vulture Once Again
A Wish Granted
Once birds came to Penguin3D, Loki had one wish, to claim her true form once again. She thought she would have to go to Snowfalls to get it and so she waited, but she was impatient. Loki saw her chance when Amir logged in and said he was there to grant each draconian one wish. This was an easy choice for Loki, she wished for her real form and Amir granted it to her. Once again she could soar through the skies spreading fears of doom with her harsh call.
Loki in Vulture form with Danito.
The Wizlock Council
Amethyst Wizlock
When the Wizlock rank was brought back to P3D, Loki applied to it, thinking that it was unlikely that she would get it as she was evil. When the day came for promotions she was surprised to find out that the Arch Wizlock wanted to hire her. Loki was not going to be allowed to become a Vanadium wizlock, which can be evil, so she had to make a choice, give up evil and be a wizlock or stay evil. She decided to give up evil and thus became an Amethyst Wizlock. Whether or not Loki actually had given up evil remains debatable as soon after this she would marry Amir and make an attempt on the Lord of Wind's life. Loki was never demoted from the rank despite being evil and committing crime.
Loki the Amethyst Wizlock as a grey after giving up evil.
Shortly after becoming an Amethyst Wizlock, Loki would be approached by her sister Uade. Uade asked Loki if she was evil or not and Loki responded with no. Uade told Loki to go to Black Wood at 6 PM EST to meet with Numenial. So Loki went, though she was weary about the meeting as Aule had tried to fool her the day before by pretending to be Doom to prove that Loki was not actually good. To Loki's surprise, Numenial actually showed up, though she did not speak as Numenial is a mute. Numenial offered Loki a spot on an evil Wizlock Council and three wishes if she would return to evil. Loki accepted but offered to first spy on the Royal Wizlock Council and requested a meeting with The Black Captain as well. Numenial thought Loki should meet with RenJey instead as he is apparently the youngest and hottest of the nazgul. Loki rejected and so Numenial set up the meeting for Loki, helping to further the corruption of the Vulture Princess.
Finding the Perfect Man
The Black Captain
Shortly after becoming a wizlock, Amir met with Loki, he had heard that she was once again in the market for a husband. Loki described to him what kind of man she was looking for, and she said "someone who is tall, dark, and handsome who has a way with words." Amir responded to her, "you're looking right at him". Amir pulled Loki into his embrace and asked her hand in marriage. Loki, having loved Amir for some time already, accepted.
Amir announcing his desire to marry Loki.
The Wedding
On October 31, 2021, Loki and Amir had a small wedding in the Baraddur Gallery, despite Emperor Damen trying to get people to get the wedding cancelled! It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone who was in attendance cried. Amir even gave Loki a gift for their wedding, it was a shiny new sword that he himself forged. Afterwards, the newly weds went out the the upper level of the Baraddur Council Chamber to wave at the masses.

The wedding.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.
Amir learned that Loki was to be trialed for attacking the Lord of Wind the day following the wedding and promised that he would be there for her to help her argue her case. Though even he could not get her out of being punished and she went to jail for 24 hours anyway. Loki was thus exposed as being evil but the Arch Wizlock allowed her to keep her rank anyway. It was then that Loki openly started dressing as witch.

Amir with Loki at her trial.
Shortly after their wedding, Loki and Amir would adopt a child together. This child was Tasha. Loki found her one day two years after the vultures had attempted to kill her by dropping her from the sky. Amir then gave Tasha the power to use her vulture abilities.
Loki and her child, Tasha.
Later on, in mid January of 2022, Glarthir would reveal that Loki was pregnant with a son for Amir. Glarthir said that their son would be born in 8 months time and that his name was to be Amir II. Loki had been quite emotional lately and had been seen begging Aule to hug her but he refused, so perhaps the news should have been no surprise.

Amir was thrilled at the prospect of being a father and told Loki that he would not rest until their son had his own bedroom. He said their son was to be a mighty man of the nazgul.

Amir talking to Loki about their coming son.

Dealings with Dragons
One day Winteron would make his first appearance ever. He sought out Loki and requested her to meet him in the South and so she did. Loki was the first ever to see this Ice Drake. Winteron was but a young and small dragon at this time. He seemed to have a lot of trust in Loki, especially when she flew with him in the skies in her vulture form.
Winteron asked Loki to leave evil and to join with Ancalagon. Loki rejected the offer citing her marriage to Amir. Winteron also suggested a Vulture-Ice Drake Alliance. It turns out that Ice Drakes are rather fond of Vultures as both races were created by Melody. Loki agreed to the alliance but still refused to serve Ancalagon. Then Winteron offered to take Loki to see her mother, who was residing nearby on Tar Morwen. Winteron never got to make good on this offer as he was chased off by annoying, blood thirsty forest boys.
Glarthir would come on forums one day and post a scroll containing a prophecy containing the words of Alderan (Orome). In it Loki was mentioned. She was prophecised to march on Gorgoroth with Pythas, Amir, Benedeth, and others from the league as well as with some servants of good. She was also prophecised to be reunited with her mother (MotherVulture/Mahannon) and that together they would call the vultures from Tol Morwen and would fight along side them against the dragons.
Arch Wizlock
About a month and a half after Loki became Amethyst Wizlock, the council would go completely stagnant. The Arch Wizlock and the Vanadium Wizlock both quit and the Frostice Wizlock had been inactive for some time, so all three were removed from the council and it was left leaderless. Or so it was until December 19, 2021 when Damen offered Loki the rank of Arch Wizlock. She accepted and he held a crowning ceremony for her in his igloo as Thrones was on fire due to Ancalagon's recent arrival and assault on the South. At the ceremony, Loki traded her Amethyst Staff for the Vanadium one since she was indeed evil and had been openly evil for some time.
Meeting Melody
Loki would meet with Melody on Penguin3D during Melody's first session after she was crowned Queen of the South. Melody decided that she would keep Loki on as Arch Wizlock but would also end up adding another role to her.
Melody would decide that she wanted to have two Warlords for the south, one male and one female. So Melody decided to host the woman's warlord competition during her first session. Rouge and Tasha, the only other women in attendance of the session, both dropped out of the competition before it began. And so, Melody named Loki as her first Warlord. This would be the first, and likely the only, time Loki would ever hold the rank of Warlord.
Childhood Story of Loki
Glarthir made a post on forums in January of 2022 offering to do genealogical research for anyone who asked and find out about people's past. Loki requested her history and so Glarthir and Nook wrote up a scroll about it.
It turned out that Loki is the daughter the Mahannon (MotherVulture) and Falgehon II (FatherVulture) of the Gkhl family. Loki was hatched in Aman during the third age, her original name is Skyfr and she has 393 siblings.
After Loki was hatched, the Black Mass became intent on stealing her from the nest. It attacked several times and was fought off each time, it tried shaking the nest, burning the nest, and exploding the nest. Even when it had gotten other Black Masses that were blacker and more evil than it to help try to raid the nest, it failed. After failing in so many direct attempts to steal Loki from the nest, the Black Mass became a Stealthful Mass and crept into the nest one night while the vultures were asleep. So it stealthily picked her up and and took her over the east sea towards Das, to its master, most likely Pythas, who was calling for the chick.
The Black Mass was apprehended over the sea by a flock of vultures who had discovered Loki missing from the nest. The group defeated the Black Mass but thought Loki to be dead, so they went back to Aman to mourn for 7.5 days. In reality, Loki was just passed out from all the black gas that had entered her lungs and her heart rate was only 3 bpm rather than the usual 130 bpm.
Loki was found by Gothmog the Goblin God, who took her to his tower. Gothmog ended up dying though and so Loki was taken to Baraddur to be raised by the Black Granny, also known as NannyDoom, who ran the Nursery of Doom. NannyDoom taught Loki and the other children in her care how to be evil, and put in their hearts the desire to be evil. Every day NannyDoom would read to them out of The Black Bible and told them stories of Melkor's greatness. Then she would take them on walks to see the evil sites of Das.
Eventually, Loki became brainwashed by NannyDoom and started to feel ashamed her vulturehood and took on the form of a human as NannyDoom would pluck out her feathers one by one when she was in her vulture form. Because of this, NannyDoom would give Loki the name of 'Hilldred', which means 'dreading my fingers'.
Loki would be freed from NannyDoom's care after NannyDoom's death, but she would not quite be free of the torturous life she was trapped in. One day, Loki would be hit very hard on the head and she would forget everything, even her own name. After being tended to by Silence, the black doctor. But the injury made Loki useless at her duties and thus she was placed on the menu for supper. The Urukhai chefs prepared her body for consumption by washing her and then they sharpened their knifes to prepare to cut her into fillets. Loki was saved by Gurt, an Urukhai who was a secret admirer of her. Gurt would be punished and eaten for saving the girl, but Loki would be freed and she fled to the South where she would remain for much time.
The full account can be read in this scroll: Vulture Scroll.
The Kidnapping
Due to this story, Loki would become curious about why she in particular was kidnapped. At one point, she asked Glarthir. Glarthir lied to Loki and said she was kidnapped so that Pythas could hold her for ransom so that he could have control over the vultures.
So one day, Loki would ask Doom why Pythas decided to have her kidnapped. Doom said it was because she was the most hideous of all the vultures. He also mentioned that Loki had 13 warts, instead of the usual amount of around 6 warts. When pressed further about this, Doom just said it was part of the assessment and said no more.

Loki would not get to question him further on the topic. It is likely that Loki had been kidnapped to be used in breeding program, as her genetics are great, which would have resulted in the formation of a more powerful vulture hybrid race.
Once Beleriand was drained, Loki would fly through the portal in her vulture form and become one of the first to set foot on the land. On Beleriand, Loki would be reunited once again with her mother. Mahannon summoned Loki to Himring, which turned out to be the home of the Vulture Kingdom. Mahannon spoke to Loki about the threat of Fire Nation and said that it would be worth it to die to free Vulture Kingdom from the oppression of Ancalagon. She also said that she approves of Loki's marriage to Amir, saying that Loki didn't marry downwards.

Then Loki and Mahannon flew around together and Mahannon showed Loki the grave of Turin. Mahannon then spoke about her own coming death and that she would be passing the rule over Vulture Kingdom to Loki. Mahannon apologized for being a bad mother, Loki comforted her mom and said it wasn't her fault she was kidnapped. Mahannon parted with these final words "You will become the queen. You will look for me but you won't see me."

Loki cried at her parting as the next time she will see her mother will be during her mother's final battle.
Lady of Doom
After the death of Melody, Pythas would become weary of living and everything to do with it. Thus, Pythas passed the rulership of the draconians over to Amir. Amir thus became the new Lord of Doom and Loki became the Lady of Doom. Doom commanded everyone present to bow hence to the new Dark Lady.

Fire Nation Strikes Back
After Ancalagon completed his domination of all the lands of Arda, Glarthir and Nook would start making prophecies about the great dragon taking a hostage. Nook would discuss it one day while sitting in the Nargothrond Castle. He said the final battle would be after a hostage was taken, and the hostage was the person which he gave a piece of bread to. Nook got off his stool and gave Loki a piece of bread. She was to be the hostage but she did not believe it.
Ancalagon would come to the South about two weeks after Nook and Glarthir started prophecising about a hostage. Ancalagon came under the guise of looking for a new Warden of the South since Melody had recently been vanquished. Ancalagon saw the Vulture Princess approaching him and started speaking of taking revenge upon the traitors to Fire Nation, starting with the disloyal bird allies.
Loki standing before Ancalagon on that fateful day.
Since this did not get much of a rise out of Loki, he spoke more about burning down Himring, the vulture fort. This caused Loki to get upset and she called him an "Ancalagoner" if he burns down Himring. It was then that Ancalagon decided to take the Vulture Princess hostage. Loki tried to run from him, but ended up being unable to escape.

Loki was captured by Ancalagon and thrown into the dungeons of Ered Gorgor. Loki was given the terms, "surrender Himring and your birthright or I will kill your mother and burn Himring." Loki rejected these terms.

After Loki was taken hostage, Ancalagon sent in Drogoth to torture her. Dragons and Balrogs were sent in to help do the job but they proved inefficient as Loki was able to easily slay dragons and the balrogs could not fit into her cell. So she was instead chased around her cell by a burning ball of fire.Another Captive
Five days after Loki was taken hostage, Ancalagon also trapped her mother and placed her in the Gorgoroth dungeons. Mahannon (MotherVulture) warned Loki not to stay too long in the dungeons as it was dangerous there. Loki explained to her how she has tried to escape every day since being made captive. Mahannon told her that she would need the help of a dragon named Vingaard, as she had known him since he was an egg and knew he was disloyal to Ancalagon. She told Loki that she must liberate the vultures and told her not to fail.Loki and her mother would speak for awhile. Mahannon became remorseful over everything that had happened, especially how she did not rescue Loki from Baraddur when she was stolen as a baby.
Mahannon's last words to Loki were "I'm sorry that I couldn't save you from them sooner. That I couldn't get you out of Baraddur when you were an infant... I was... I was not the vulture you have become now and never will be..."

And then the worst would happen.
MotherVulture Slayed
While Loki was speaking with her mother in the cell, Ancalagon would make a surprise appearance. He was glad to see the mother and daughter together at last. Not because he loves an emotional reunion, but because he wished to end the vulture race and found it fitting to vanquish the pair together. Loki managed to escape vanquishment, but her mother didn't have that same fate. Ancalagon laughed at Loki's pain.
As MotherVulture had said, Loki was eventually released from the Gorgoroth dungeons after Vingaard had come looking for her.
Death of Ancalagon
After Ancalagon was vanquished, Loki became queen of two lands, Das and Himring. She was also officially named as Queen of the Vultures. To celebrate this, Amir forged a vulture crown for her and placed it for Loki to find on her throne in Himring.

Sibling Rivalry
A month after Loki claimed the title Queen of the Vultures, a sister that Loki never knew she had would arrive. This sister was named Ezrak and she desired to be the Vulture Queen. The first time Ezrak appeared, the two siblings argued over the throne and who had the right to be Queen. Ezrak tried to claim that Loki had been thrown out of the nest as trash by her parents due to being the smallest vulture of the clutch. But it was actually Ezrak who had thrown Loki out of the nest in attempt to kill her.

Ezrak would eventually allow Loki to keep the title of Queen after she found out about Loki's bravery in standing up to Ancalagon. Ezrak also decided that she would help Loki as she can speak with the forest.
A Child is Born
Finally, on Friday, May 13th, 2022, Loki's baby would be born. Amir was at Loki's side during the delivery. The two were surprised when it turned out their newborn baby was a girl. Amir was upset that it was not a son and disowned his daughter, though she is a mighty vulture-witch. Loki vowed to raise their daughter to be someone that Amir will be proud of.

A Day of Doom
Loki would be vanquished one fateful day after protecting her child from being killed by Nook on AchTo.
Protecting Raven
On June 5th, 2022, Raven would log in and help Loki antagonize Nook. Raven then attacked Nook on Beleriand, causing him to flee to AchTo. Once on AchTo, Nook ordered the forest people to kill Raven and attempted to slay her himself with the Prophet Dagger. Loki refused to just watch and let her child be slayed, so she attempted to stop Nook and his friends from killing Raven by using force push. When Nook refused to stop attacking her daughter, she slayed him.Angering The One
Loki's killing of Nook angered Nameless One greatly and she was banished from the land. Loki repented and was forgiven for killing Nook but she was still banished from AchTo. So Loki cursed Nameless One and spat on Nook.Vanquishment
Loki was vanquish smited by Nameless One just before she was going to leave the island. The is the only one to be personally vanquished by Nameless.Return
Loki would restore herself after her vanquishment by using the Vulture Crown that Amir had forged for her. And thus, she returned from death renamed as Lokoth.
Sith Lord
After Loki's return, Amir would create a sith order. He armed his wife with a new Cosmic Vanadium Saber. Amir and Loki were the first to wield the weapon. Together they stepped out onto the Baraddur Council Chamber Balcony and Amir announced the new sith order.Pregnant Again
Loki would become pregnant once again shortly after her return from vanquishment. She found out when Silence gave her a physical and took X-Rays of her. From the X-Rays Silence determined that she was pregnant with twins.

Both of the twins are sons. Silence determined that the twins have have high hate genes, high enough to match the amount of hate that Morgoth himself had. He also mentioned that the twins' muscle mass was abnormally high. Silence then suggested that Loki have an abortion as the babies were too evil and too big, and he thought they would kill her upon birth. Loki hesitated in deciding, stating she wanted to speak with her husband first and suggesting that Silence just perform a C-Section when the time comes. So Silence agreed to study on how to perform a C-Section and gave Loki some meds that would make the babies smaller in the meantime.
High Risk Pregnancy
Loki's pregnancy was rather high risk. The twins were growing fast and becoming rather large. As time went on Loki got larger and it was said that her sons would explode out of her if she did not get an operation.

Giving Birth
On August 26, 2022, Silence would finally come and help Loki give birth to her sons. They were temporarily called BirdBeast and BirdSon. Sadly, BirdBeast would vanquish his brother just minutes after being born. BirdBeast was renamed to Spike.
Since Spike had immense powers and is prophecised to liberate the dark tower from the tyranny of the forest, Doom decided to kidnap the newborn so he could train him in evil himself. Loki, already grieving over the vanquishment of BirdSon was further displeased and angered by the theft of her remaining son, though Doom promised to return her son to her after he has been fully trained.
The Day of Sorrow
One day, Amir would officially disown Spike as his son and he urged Loki to do so as well. He promised her that they would have more children together, as many as they desired. Loki agreed to this but was reluctant to disown Spike.

Loki would only officially disown Spike when he started plotting to vanquish her husband. She had urged him not to do it and warned him of what would happen if he did. Yet still, Spike plotted, leaving Loki no choice but to disown him.Spike was enraged by this and started beating her. He vowed to give her bigger bruises than what she had received in the Nursery of Doom when she was a child. At first, Loki ran from him but then she gave up and told him "if you wish to kill me then I cannot stop you." Spike pointed his gun at her but could not kill her. Instead, he killed himself.

When Spike returned from the void, he continued to plot to kill Amir. He got the spazhand's help. Spike's plan failed as he only wished to hurt Amir until he took him back as his son and only vanquish him if he refused to. The spazhand went too far though and only let Amir get in one word before vanquishing him. The word was "you."Loki was distraught by her husband's death. She became depressed and felt as though no one will ever love her again... She cursed her son and the spazhand for bringing about Amir's death.
Amir had planned ahead for what would happen following his vanquishment and he had not forgotten about his wife when he wrote his will. He willed her to Ahmez, his butler. So thus it was on May 4th, 2023 that Loki was wedded to Ahmez. It was not a romantic affair as she cried through the whole ceremony. To make matters worse, Ahmez knows nothing of love or romance as Amir did and only desires her for her land and ability to provide him with offspring.

Fate of Loki
Fate would be cruel to Loki after she was wedded to Ahmez. He had her beaten after he found out about her ongoing attempts to revive her husband. Loki fled from Ahmez and for a time focused on destroying Spike and seeking vanquishment herself as she believed it was the only way she would ever be reunited with Amir. Loki eventually returned to Ahmez after he had captured her daughter and was torturing her. So Loki traded herself in for Raven's freedom and was thus tortured herself until she became a submissive shell of a being.
Loki was eventually freed from Ahmez after Raven revived Amir using his nazgul ring. Amir fought and defeated Ahmez and reclaimed Loki as his wife, but she did not recognize him. She didn't recognize anything at all as a large portion of her soul had been damaged by Ahmez's abuse and what was left had been hidden away inside her. It would take months before Loki would start to become her old self again, though she was unstable and some even thought her to be insane.
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array(3) {
string(9) "character"
array(10) {
string(5) "Wilf "
string(12) "The Ice King"
string(62) ""
array(1) {
string(17) "Wilfred Von Drake"
array(1) {
string(15) "The [b]Goat[/b]"
string(1) "1"
string(5) "Drake"
string(7) "Undying"
array(5) {
string(5) "Damen"
string(9) "Majorhalo"
string(6) "Sriram"
string(7) "Chelsey"
string(6) "Raegon"
string(8) "Willfred"
Sigma W
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Reverting to wikichange #8633
array(3) {
string(9) "character"
array(10) {
string(6) "Pythas"
string(12) "The Deceiver"
string(31) ""
array(12) {
string(14) "Mairon Annatar"
string(13) "The Dark Lord"
string(18) "Servant of Morgoth"
string(13) "Lord of Gifts"
string(18) "Lieutenant of Evil"
string(7) "Thauron"
string(10) "Skullcroft"
string(20) "Prince of the Forest"
string(9) "Durn Wolf"
string(14) "The Black Hawk"
string(12) "The Deceiver"
string(16) "The Morning Star"
array(3) {
string(20) "Lieutenant of Melkor"
string(20) "Prince of the Forest"
string(8) "Top Dogg"
string(1) "1"
string(37) "Annatar (Present), Illuvitar (Former)"
string(84) "Friday the 13th, November 2020 /jr 809 (OldCp), April 4, 2022 Beleriand to Ancalagon"
array(6) {
string(6) "Melody"
string(8) "Glarthir"
string(9) "Newmexico"
string(4) "Nook"
string(5) "Gamer"
string(4) "Stan"
string(6) "Pythas"
Pythas (formerly Mairon Annatar, "The Admirable", "Lord of Gifts") is a fallen Forest Prince who became lieutenant to The Menace, Melkor.
In the dawn of all things, Pythas was created as a forest prince to be in the service of Forest Lord Aulë, the Lord of Crafts. As apprentice to Aulë, Pythas (then known as Mairon meaning "The Admirable") was taught how to smith the most complex of structures in the world.
He and his fellow apprentices excelled in their smithing skills, constructing grand fortresses and structures for the forest kingdom which was at the time ruled by Forest Shaman and King Rashad.

Mairon was a great smith and mason of ancient times
Mairon was an obsessive compulsive perfectionist who had a great love of order and organisation. He would often spend many years perfecting his builds, destroying anything that was wasteful and presenting his creations to his master.
Aulë was very close to his apprentices and would spend a lot of time helping and guiding Mairon and the other apprentices in achieving the highest standards.

Mairon and Aulë
Since Mairon lacked the power needed to make a rebellion against the forest, when Melkor rebelled, Pythas chose to join him. His plan was to use Melkor to gain power for himself.
When Melkor rebelled, he named himself Morgoth and went to war with the forest. Pythas helped Morgoth in battle several times and became his best servant. He was hence named the lieutenant to Morgoth.
Together, he and Gothmog ruled the black city, doing deals with the king of men, starting with Snake Boy of Das and eventually branched out his operations as the years dragged on.
Pythas had only one goal, to take over the world and rule it. His plan was to exploit the forest kingdom and deceive the Princes and Kings into serving him.
His plan was to marry Maria and make her the Queen of the Forest, removing her sister Melody from the line of royalty. But this plan failed when he himself fell in love with Melody, because she was more beautiful than Maria.
After a long process of seducing Melody and her father Rashad, Pythas finally succeeded in winning the heart of Melody.

Mairon proposes to Melody
Going by the name Annatar (meaning the Lord of Gifts), he gave many gifts to Melody's family. He won the approval of Rashad and he himself began to feel less and less inclined to be evil. Melody and Mairon became happily married and he was crowned as King of the Forest and Melody the Queen of the Forest and its lands (today this would be the North.)
The happiness was short lived.
When Morgoth returned, Pythas was sought out. Angered at his apprentice's lack of help during battle, Morgoth schemed to break his heart. Starting with Melody's brother Raegon, he inspired Raegon to jealousy causing him to hate Mairon and crave the crown of the forest.

Pythas returns to darkness and sorrow
Many years later, Pythas' master was once more captured but this time abyssed to the endless void by the great Manwe and his brothers, the Lords of the Forest and greatest of the spirit persons in the universe.
Pythas was now a lone wolf but still believed his master would one day return to the world in order to make his dark plan succeed.
Pythas also had relations with Maria, the sister of Melody and bore a daughter to her. She became later known as Rainberry.
Now that the kings of men began to spread, Pythas conducted a plan. He would create mystical rings with the help of Celebrimbor, an elven smith, to create rings to control the kings of men, and create a New World Order. This practice would later come into modern play, when Grand Most Wise Randal discovered the idea thousands of years later and begin a black church in servitude of Pythas, Randal was assisted by Legion, who are the combined spirits of fallen grey maiar. The Black Church was founded and inducted into the empire. Randal was eventually executed after Argon Drake suspected him as the Grand Pope of the Church. The Church would continue on, when Legion inducted the new pope Dragon as its leader. The Black Church did many rituals, but there were some who were against the idea of the New World Order, such as Accal and Bakon, the children of Melody and Maria Illuvitar.
Many years on, Accal, his third-born son was anointed by the forest to be the chosen one. Though this was kept secret until much later. Pythas suspected his third son had eyes brighter than his and so he went on to hunt him, fearing that his eyes could see all things. The Stag would take Accal with him and train him to fight.

Pythas battles with his son Accal many times
His hunt failed and first met his son as a teen, strong and ready for war. Accal repeatedly bested his father, first when Accal fought Pythas' wolf form, at first Accal had no knowledge that Pythas was his father, since he did not recognize his form as The Night Wolf, but eventually he realized that his father was Pythas. One day they both fell together into the smokeless flames only to rise to fight again another year. Accal sealed his father and other souls into a golden skull, with the help of Rashad, the physical shaman form of Orome. At one point they both went into a legal battle with each other, and another time where Pythas defended Accal. Despite being disdained enemies, they were still family.
In 2018, Morgoth returned from the void. He nearly destroyed all things like Thanos, but thanks to Accal who was transformed into the prophecied chosen one: Turin Turumbar, he took on the greatest form of all time: A FOREST LORD (formerly known as Ainur).
Turin battled Morgoth and with some assistance from The One, he vanquished the menace from the world and he ceased to exist for all time. Pythas took the form of The Hooded One, a false form of The Nameless One. He claimed that the world would be remade, and Pythas reverted back to Mairon, but Pythas was lying and was still evil.
After the fall of Morgoth, a Shinobi Order arose from the ashes. Lead by a mysterious man called Unmei, they came out as being against Pythas and his Dark Forest Boys as well as the Good Forest Boys. The Shinobi and the Forest Boys often quarreled and there was much speculation of who this Unmei man was as he was an old and vengeful person that was only heard from but never seen. It wasn't until after Pythas founded Myfort that Unmei would reveal himself to actually be Pythas.
A Shinobi Charter which Pythas wrote to further his deception can be read here.
Ultimately, Myfort was evil as was Mairon who then decided to go by the name of Myrus. Part of the pride of Myfort was that it was meant to rid the world of 'incompetent mortals who had never tasted the greatness of immortality'. Mairon's initial charter for Myfort can be read here.
Since founding Myfort, Pythas has also endeavored to recreate the New World Order, which was last strong in 2016. The New World Order still works to advance the evil goals of Pythas and currently functions largely out in the open.
Pythas has many servants including but not limited to:
• Legion
• Behmez
• Gahakhelaz
• Maglion
• Molkam
• Mandos (Forest Lord, King of Death, Eventual Enemy)
• Khalun
• Benedethhezagoth
• Benehethagoth
• Alatar (Fangsworn Lord)
• Loki (Vulture Princess)
• Cardinal Orlock
• Pope Dragon
• Warlord Frogs
• Grand Pope Randal
• Amir The Witch King
• Khamul
• Dendra Dwar the Hound Lord
• Ji Indur the Assassin
• Cyrus the Custodian
• Hoarmurath Lord of Ice
• Lady Numos
• Ren Jey the Sorcerer
• Drogoth the Drazgul
• Doom the Butler
• Mother and Father Vulture
• Uade the Vulture Witch
• Zabuska and Zaboth the Warlords
• Dr. Silence PHD
• Goblin God Miromeski
• Formerly Julianhak The Lord of Death
• Flame son of Morgoth
• Witch Melian
After Orome called Little the most beautiful in the forest, Pythas became infatuated with her and decided he would marry her. He set the wedding date to be on an evil day, Friday the 13th of November. The wedding was held in Myfort with many of Pythas' evil henchmen being there. Vultures, Orcs, Urukhai, and Goblins were in attendance as well as his chief lieutenant Cyrus and Golam the Choker. Pythas and Little had exchanged vows and both had said "I do." But before the marriage could be sealed with a kiss, Pythas' son Turin showed up and attacked the wedding party in an attempt to kill Pythas.
After the wedding was raided, Pythas attempted to finish it in the forest in the south as it is still holy land. Unfortunately, Little lagged out and could not finish their wedding ceremony. This was planned though, as Little had planned with Saber to bring about Pythas' ultimate demise.

Pythas and Little about to get married
After Little "lagged out", Pythas was confronted by many of the forest people. He declared that no man could kill him, and no man did kill him. Pythas met his ultimate demise to Saber, a woman. He did not put up a fight as he was in so much disbelief that he could actually be killed. The 'Great Deceiver' had been deceived.
Now Pythas lives on only on P3D.

The death of Pythas.
Pythas continued his reign on Penguin3D after his death on OldCp. He even has all his old nazgul servants to serve him once again in his attempt to dominate the entire world.

The Baraddur Council Chamber.
For awhile, Pythas desired Arien's aid in his conquest of the world as she had been trying to create a powerful Fire Kingdom through her son Flame. When she wouldn't assist him, he decided that she was a threat and killed her in the fourth dimension, forever vanquishing her.
Pythas eventually came out of hiding when his wife, Melody, was vanquished by Shadow in the Gorgoroth Dungeons.
After Pythas made his speech, he passed his title of Lord of Doom down to Amir, the Black Captain, thus starting a new era for draconians.
Pythas wielded the Black Trident in the final battle against Ancalagon. He and Satele touched the light and dark tridents together, creating a bright light and deafening noise which vanquished both of them as well as Ancalagon.

The bright light after the tridents touched.
Amir held a funeral for Pythas in Orodoom to remember the founding father of the draconians.
It is thought he will eventually return as the One Ring was eventually found intact, meaning Pythas' soul would live on.
On 4/22/2022, Kace destroyed the One Ring in Orodoom. This was thought to be the only container that held part of Pythas' soul but it would later turn out that it wasn't.

Those wish strong force abilities can indeed sense the presence of Pythas.
Species | Spirit Person |
Race | Maiar |
Age | Older than Time |
Pythas (formerly Mairon Annatar, "The Admirable", "Lord of Gifts") is a fallen Forest Prince who became lieutenant to The Menace, Melkor.
In the dawn of all things, Pythas was created as a forest prince to be in the service of Forest Lord Aulë, the Lord of Crafts. As apprentice to Aulë, Pythas (then known as Mairon meaning "The Admirable") was taught how to smith the most complex of structures in the world.
He and his fellow apprentices excelled in their smithing skills, constructing grand fortresses and structures for the forest kingdom which was at the time ruled by Forest Shaman and King Rashad.

Mairon was a great smith and mason of ancient times
Mairon was an obsessive compulsive perfectionist who had a great love of order and organisation. He would often spend many years perfecting his builds, destroying anything that was wasteful and presenting his creations to his master.
Aulë was very close to his apprentices and would spend a lot of time helping and guiding Mairon and the other apprentices in achieving the highest standards.

Mairon and Aulë
Mairon was intensely attractive and became to be known as the most elegant of all the princes of the forest. He towered over most forest people, and was exalted by them. He became a concern for the Forest Lords, the Masters of the Princes, as the only virtuous quality he didn't possess was humility.Rebellion of Melkor
As time went on, Mairon began to desire worship for himself, fancying himself to be the perfect ruler. In his eyes, the works of the great forest lords were imperfect and inferior to what he had in mind.Since Mairon lacked the power needed to make a rebellion against the forest, when Melkor rebelled, Pythas chose to join him. His plan was to use Melkor to gain power for himself.
Turn to Evil
When Melkor rebelled, he named himself Morgoth and went to war with the forest. Pythas helped Morgoth in battle several times and became his best servant. He was hence named the lieutenant to Morgoth.
Defeated in war
When Morgoth was defeated in battle and captured by his former co-lords, Pythas fled to the east and hid from the powerful forest lords who were hunting the rebels. During his time in the east, Pythas constructed the black city and recruited dozens of fellow fallen forest princes including the nine and his comrade Gothmog.Together, he and Gothmog ruled the black city, doing deals with the king of men, starting with Snake Boy of Das and eventually branched out his operations as the years dragged on.
Plan to Dominate
Pythas had only one goal, to take over the world and rule it. His plan was to exploit the forest kingdom and deceive the Princes and Kings into serving him.
Exploiting House Illuvitar
His plan began with exploiting his former House Illuvitar. The Illuvitars were in change of the forest and as first borns of creation, they were the most powerful rulers of the world. Pythas took on the form of a wolf to seduce Maria Illuvitar, the daughter of Shaman King Rashad Illuvitar.His plan was to marry Maria and make her the Queen of the Forest, removing her sister Melody from the line of royalty. But this plan failed when he himself fell in love with Melody, because she was more beautiful than Maria.
Marriage to Melody
After a long process of seducing Melody and her father Rashad, Pythas finally succeeded in winning the heart of Melody.

Mairon proposes to Melody
Going by the name Annatar (meaning the Lord of Gifts), he gave many gifts to Melody's family. He won the approval of Rashad and he himself began to feel less and less inclined to be evil. Melody and Mairon became happily married and he was crowned as King of the Forest and Melody the Queen of the Forest and its lands (today this would be the North.)
The happiness was short lived.
Return of Morgoth
When Morgoth returned, Pythas was sought out. Angered at his apprentice's lack of help during battle, Morgoth schemed to break his heart. Starting with Melody's brother Raegon, he inspired Raegon to jealousy causing him to hate Mairon and crave the crown of the forest.
Melody Murdered
Raegon murdered Melody's beautiful form by the command of Morgoth. This broke Mairon's heart and caused him to hate himself again. Angered that his 'perfect marriage' was ruined and that Melody was severely weakened and unable to assume a beautiful form again, he became Pythas once more.
Pythas returns to darkness and sorrow
Morgoth Abyssed
Many years later, Pythas' master was once more captured but this time abyssed to the endless void by the great Manwe and his brothers, the Lords of the Forest and greatest of the spirit persons in the universe.
Pythas was now a lone wolf but still believed his master would one day return to the world in order to make his dark plan succeed.
Children Born
Pythas had children with his wife Melody. They were Glarthir (who became Shaman), Stan (who became Shaman and then evil), Accal (the chosen one), Mexico (who became evil), and Nook (who was a prophet).Pythas also had relations with Maria, the sister of Melody and bore a daughter to her. She became later known as Rainberry.
The New World Order
Now that the kings of men began to spread, Pythas conducted a plan. He would create mystical rings with the help of Celebrimbor, an elven smith, to create rings to control the kings of men, and create a New World Order. This practice would later come into modern play, when Grand Most Wise Randal discovered the idea thousands of years later and begin a black church in servitude of Pythas, Randal was assisted by Legion, who are the combined spirits of fallen grey maiar. The Black Church was founded and inducted into the empire. Randal was eventually executed after Argon Drake suspected him as the Grand Pope of the Church. The Church would continue on, when Legion inducted the new pope Dragon as its leader. The Black Church did many rituals, but there were some who were against the idea of the New World Order, such as Accal and Bakon, the children of Melody and Maria Illuvitar.
Fights with Accal
Many years on, Accal, his third-born son was anointed by the forest to be the chosen one. Though this was kept secret until much later. Pythas suspected his third son had eyes brighter than his and so he went on to hunt him, fearing that his eyes could see all things. The Stag would take Accal with him and train him to fight.

Pythas battles with his son Accal many times
His hunt failed and first met his son as a teen, strong and ready for war. Accal repeatedly bested his father, first when Accal fought Pythas' wolf form, at first Accal had no knowledge that Pythas was his father, since he did not recognize his form as The Night Wolf, but eventually he realized that his father was Pythas. One day they both fell together into the smokeless flames only to rise to fight again another year. Accal sealed his father and other souls into a golden skull, with the help of Rashad, the physical shaman form of Orome. At one point they both went into a legal battle with each other, and another time where Pythas defended Accal. Despite being disdained enemies, they were still family.
Fall of Morgoth
In 2018, Morgoth returned from the void. He nearly destroyed all things like Thanos, but thanks to Accal who was transformed into the prophecied chosen one: Turin Turumbar, he took on the greatest form of all time: A FOREST LORD (formerly known as Ainur).
Turin battled Morgoth and with some assistance from The One, he vanquished the menace from the world and he ceased to exist for all time. Pythas took the form of The Hooded One, a false form of The Nameless One. He claimed that the world would be remade, and Pythas reverted back to Mairon, but Pythas was lying and was still evil.
Tangling with the Shinobi
After the fall of Morgoth, a Shinobi Order arose from the ashes. Lead by a mysterious man called Unmei, they came out as being against Pythas and his Dark Forest Boys as well as the Good Forest Boys. The Shinobi and the Forest Boys often quarreled and there was much speculation of who this Unmei man was as he was an old and vengeful person that was only heard from but never seen. It wasn't until after Pythas founded Myfort that Unmei would reveal himself to actually be Pythas.
A Shinobi Charter which Pythas wrote to further his deception can be read here.
Pythas continues to plan to take over the forest and continue the legacy of his fallen master Morgoth. Since Nameless One departed, he has lost his immortality but he has not lost any of his cunning. At first, Pythas tried to be good, or come off as being good. He took back his original name of Mairon and decided to create a fort called 'Myfort'. When he first founded Myfort, he promised to reward all those who joined it with extremely OP health, a powerful saber, and all of the force powers. He said it was to be a Forest Fort of power, greatness, glory, and good.Ultimately, Myfort was evil as was Mairon who then decided to go by the name of Myrus. Part of the pride of Myfort was that it was meant to rid the world of 'incompetent mortals who had never tasted the greatness of immortality'. Mairon's initial charter for Myfort can be read here.
Mairon finally completed building Myfort on (DATE HERE). Its location is on the small island of Sanctum at Das. It takes up four rooms, Sanctum (which is the outer most room from which you can see the entirety of the fort), MyfortCourtyard, Myfort (which is the main throne room), and MyfortUnderWorks.The Palantir
Myfort contains a very important room, MyfortUnderWorks, which is actually a palantir. Mairon can control the Palantir and have it show him events from the future, past, or present. He can also manipulate it to show illusions or whatever he wishes and he can use it to talk to people who may be off in distant galaxies. The Palantir can also be used to control the minds of other people if they are not of strong enough mental power. One important instance of when Mairon has used to Palantir to show illusions was when he created the illusion that the Shinobi had captured and killed Turin. It was a very powerful illusion as Turin even appeared to be dead when his lastonline was checked. This just goes to show the power of the Palantir when in powerful and competent hands such as Mairon's.Return of the NWO
Since founding Myfort, Pythas has also endeavored to recreate the New World Order, which was last strong in 2016. The New World Order still works to advance the evil goals of Pythas and currently functions largely out in the open.
Pythas has many servants including but not limited to:
• Legion
• Behmez
• Gahakhelaz
• Maglion
• Molkam
• Mandos (Forest Lord, King of Death, Eventual Enemy)
• Khalun
• Benedethhezagoth
• Benehethagoth
• Alatar (Fangsworn Lord)
• Loki (Vulture Princess)
• Cardinal Orlock
• Pope Dragon
• Warlord Frogs
• Grand Pope Randal
• Amir The Witch King
• Khamul
• Dendra Dwar the Hound Lord
• Ji Indur the Assassin
• Cyrus the Custodian
• Hoarmurath Lord of Ice
• Lady Numos
• Ren Jey the Sorcerer
• Drogoth the Drazgul
• Doom the Butler
• Mother and Father Vulture
• Uade the Vulture Witch
• Zabuska and Zaboth the Warlords
• Dr. Silence PHD
• Goblin God Miromeski
• Formerly Julianhak The Lord of Death
• Flame son of Morgoth
• Witch Melian
The Dark Wedding
After Orome called Little the most beautiful in the forest, Pythas became infatuated with her and decided he would marry her. He set the wedding date to be on an evil day, Friday the 13th of November. The wedding was held in Myfort with many of Pythas' evil henchmen being there. Vultures, Orcs, Urukhai, and Goblins were in attendance as well as his chief lieutenant Cyrus and Golam the Choker. Pythas and Little had exchanged vows and both had said "I do." But before the marriage could be sealed with a kiss, Pythas' son Turin showed up and attacked the wedding party in an attempt to kill Pythas.
After the wedding was raided, Pythas attempted to finish it in the forest in the south as it is still holy land. Unfortunately, Little lagged out and could not finish their wedding ceremony. This was planned though, as Little had planned with Saber to bring about Pythas' ultimate demise.

Pythas and Little about to get married
After Little "lagged out", Pythas was confronted by many of the forest people. He declared that no man could kill him, and no man did kill him. Pythas met his ultimate demise to Saber, a woman. He did not put up a fight as he was in so much disbelief that he could actually be killed. The 'Great Deceiver' had been deceived.
Now Pythas lives on only on P3D.

The death of Pythas.
Life Goes On
Pythas continued his reign on Penguin3D after his death on OldCp. He even has all his old nazgul servants to serve him once again in his attempt to dominate the entire world.
The Dark Tower
On P3D, Pythas has constructed forts that were better than what they ever were on OldCp. The most prime example is Baraddur. Baraddur features fine construction and a very luxurious hide out for draconians. While the Baraddur Council Chamber (the Nazgul meeting room) is accessible to all, the rest of the building remains locked to those that do not hold a key to the Black City. Pythas remarried Little once more but was almost killed by a trident-wielder.
The Baraddur Council Chamber.
The Destruction of Arien
For awhile, Pythas desired Arien's aid in his conquest of the world as she had been trying to create a powerful Fire Kingdom through her son Flame. When she wouldn't assist him, he decided that she was a threat and killed her in the fourth dimension, forever vanquishing her.
Waiting for Ancalagon
Whispers of a greater threat (Ancalagon the Black) coming has made Pythas become scared and he has gone into hiding since. Allegedly Pythas has even taken on yet another new name to hide from the dragon, very few people know what his new alias is.Orodoom
Pythas, being in great fear of Ancalagon, also created a new underground fortress to operate out of rather than just using Baraddur. This new fortress is called Orodoom, it also happens to be where Pythas forged the great rings many many years ago.Out of Hiding
Pythas eventually came out of hiding when his wife, Melody, was vanquished by Shadow in the Gorgoroth Dungeons.
Mourning Melody
Pythas mourned deeply after his wife had been vanquished. He said this about her:Quote:
Truly, of all women (of which I have had the taste of many), only one was true in my heart. She has fallen along with her father. Now I am ready to pass into history. I am not fully whole without her. Though I betrayed her a dozen times, I speak truthfully. It took me years to realize it, but your mother was all that I was. Now she is gone, I am ready to perish. All want and ambition to rule this earth has perished, and along with it I shall follow.
Final Battle
Pythas wielded the Black Trident in the final battle against Ancalagon. He and Satele touched the light and dark tridents together, creating a bright light and deafening noise which vanquished both of them as well as Ancalagon.

The bright light after the tridents touched.
Amir held a funeral for Pythas in Orodoom to remember the founding father of the draconians.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we gather here to remember our founding father. The one who forged the ring and who built this mighty city. He fell in combat slaying Ancalagon with his own hands. He and Revan together, with a little help from me as well. I was there. If it wasn't for me, it might have been different. But now history will remember him in this way: "He fought with bravery. He slew the beast with Revan and Amir."
Destruction of the One Ring
On 4/22/2022, Kace destroyed the One Ring in Orodoom. This was thought to be the only container that held part of Pythas' soul but it would later turn out that it wasn't.
The Skull
Amir and Doom would do some research and found in one of the old forest records that Pythas had placed one gram of soul in another vessel. This vessel was a red skull, hidden in the Warren Wound Caverns. So the two crafted a plan to try to revive Pythas. Doom ordered that draconians feed the skull some of their own soul every day to try to empower the gram of soul left in the skull.
Those wish strong force abilities can indeed sense the presence of Pythas.