DamenSpike Games HQ Wiki
The Beginning
Matthew found OldCP, or the Old Club Penguin Recreation Project in around 2012, better known as the Beta Era of OldCP. He thought Club Penguin was going in a direction he didn't want to follow and saw OldCP as a place to relive the memories and glories of the old days of Club Penguin. He went by many names, forgetting his password frequently, and wasn't active much but his eye to spot bugs and errors help contribute greatly to the gameplay quality OldCP has today.
Matthew had participated in Crimezone and other events during the late 2013 to late 2014 periods but had never really been an active member of the community. He would usually just walk around and admire the old rooms he loved so much, while also checking cool custom features accessible to him. It wasn't until later, in the year 2014, where he became a small cell in the community. During the year 2015, he has stood out and has achieved many ranks in which he is ever so grateful. 2015 has been his year to shine.
The Snail Rebellions
During the mid to later period of 2014, Matthew had few friends and no one to talk to. To attract attention to himself and be heard in the community, he used to transform into a snail, using the now inaccessible /snailon command, and stand atop the buildings in the plaza, by glitching onto the wall using /jr plaza, shouting out rude and nasty things about OldCP, the empire, and Damen himself. Believe it or not, a lot of people started following him in these rebellions, and he gained popularity among those who wanted a change in the community. But, after a spy gained access into his inner circle and leaked to the staff all the rebellions and rumors he started, he was banished for the first time and the snail feature was discontinued.The Moth Blindfold
A few months into 2015, Matthew was sitting in the town with his friends Kris162, Rae, Salsa, and Eridan when Tennis appeared in the room. Tennis rushed over to Kris162 and said Damen had found a glitch in the Moth Blindfold. He told Kris not to save outfits while wearing it or else it would save the blindfold onto the outfit. Being as curious as Matthew is, he quickly ran to his igloo and punched in Kris's first outfit, /outfit Kris162. Not to Matthew's surprise, the outfit contained a user with a blindfold as well as other items. He replaced the other clothes with items of his own and marched into town with his head held high. His friends were shocked, the staff, even more, blow away, and a spark was quickly struck between Matthew, his friends, and the staff. Matthew and his friends saying the blindfold is just an article of clothing, and he has every right to wear it, while the staff scolded the users stating it was against the rules. The argument spread to the Forums, and soon enough, the whole community was in on it. As soon as Damen found out about the incident, Matthew was banished for the second time and the blindfold glitch was fixed. The end result is the saying "Yolomode" which is now used between Matthew and his friends.Ancient Mods
Around the same time as the blindfold incident, Matthew logged in late at night to see his friend Classic. Matthew took Classic to a private room in which he gave him the following instructions, "say /jr castlecrypt, a room inaccessible to normal users, repeatedly and you will glitch onto the walls." He did as instructed, and before he knew it, he was on the walls walking around with Matthew. They were up there for quite a while and were continually asked how they got up without being staff members, their only reply was that they were "Ancient Mods." Their fun was short-lived though as they were reported multiple times, as well as users posting images of them on the Forums. Soon enough, they both got in deep trouble resulting in Matthews' 3rd banishment, and the glitch and all other glitches allowing normal users to walk on walls, to be fixed.The Blackhawk Scandal
In early May 2015, Matthew and his friend Freddy were chatting in the town, when they were summoned to /jr pirate, a room that is known for criminal activity. They were met by a Guard and a user by the name of Kenshi. Both characters claimed to be working against the empire, and in the gang known as the Blackhawks. The users demanded knowledge and extreme tasks be done by Matthew and Freddy, both of which were considered treason. Freddy, being blindsided by the characters, immediately fell under their control and pronounced that he would accomplish any task necessary. Matthew, on the other hand, was unsure of the situation and acted like he was on their side while reporting all information to Tennis. In an effort to persuade them of their loyalty, they summoned a user named Doug3 to the room, and the guard shot him dead at first sight. Soon after, with fear fresh on their minds, they were forced into doing extreme and intolerable acts. Freddy leaked the names of the Penguin Watch brothers, while Matthew was ordered to torture Tennis without killing him. After the commands were given, and the deeds executed, the two characters left leaving Matthew and Freddy alone with each other. The next day, both Matthew and Freddy were banished for treason, the events before were a test of their loyalty. That day, Matthew received a pardon from the Emperor due to his loyalty and the information he sent to Tennis, while Freddy ended up being tried, demoted from Brother of the Watch, and executed.Archie's Murder
Two days after the Black Hawk Scandal, Matthew and his friend Salsa wound up in Jail after disputing rules with Moderator Bailey. While disputing, a user named Sully approached them yelling terrible things about the Empire. Sully ended up getting throw in jail, alongside Matthew and Salsa. While in jail, Sully said he was in contact with a powerful criminal who could break them all out and give them weapons to kill those who have wronged them. Amused at what they thought was Sherlock making a fool of himself, they didn't believe the story Sully told them one bit. After about a minute, Sully disappeared and a few seconds after that, Matthew disappeared with him. He was released into the courtyard, where he saw Sully and the Blind Moth Priest Hgar waiting for him. Then, he saw Hgar release Salsa, give Sully a firearm, and instruct him to murder Prince Archie and any other user that come in his way. Hgar left, while the new Knight Tommy0724 entered the room. Sully started shooting at Tommy who was blocking every bullet he could with his sword. After around 30 seconds of combat, Hashir entered the room and joined in on the fight. Outnumbered, Sully left the courtyard and proceeded into the training room, where he was confronted by Archie and Leon in the middle of a Knight training session. Sully killed Leon and Archie but did not stay to fight the others in the room. Sully exited the server, his task complete, and his body never to be seen again. Since Matthew was found talking to Sully and Hgar, he was assumed to be apart of the criminal gang they had created, and after a trial and encounter with The Mountain, he was banished for the 5th time. After a few days, no evidence was found that he had anything to do with the murder, and he was allowed back into the empire, a free man.
Slaughter at the Town
On the night of July 17, 2015, Matthew was found to have logged into Lord Roberto's account and killed twelve users, including Grand Most Wise Jacobg627. He was once again banished and named traitor of the DSGHQ.
Game of Moderators
Matthew competed in the Game of Mods in the spring of 2015. He co-founded, and led the Lecturers to an astounding 2nd place victory, right after Wolves. The combined effort and success of the Lecturers deemed them good enough to become a House. It was founded a few days after the Game of Mods and has yet to let down the expectations of its forefathers. He was a finalist in the single-player competition but came up short in 7th place.
Avenging Ailithius
A few weeks after becoming Warlord, Matthew racked up quite a bad reputation with the staff. He was caught using foul language in a whisper, killing dummies, and murdering the Black Hand Assassin and Ice Child Ailithius. He had an explanation for most of these allegations against him, and his words were considered during his trial, but it was not enough as he was sentenced to a fight for his innocence, a fight to the death. The Stag was chosen to battle Matthew, and in accordance with the scriptures of the emperor, Matthew fell and was deemed guilty of all charges.Hacking Roberto
The day after Matthew had Hacked Roberto and slaughtered the town, he was put on trial by Emperor Damen, and sentenced to death. He was killed by Gamer, and Damen had the staff parade around his dead motionless corpse. This trial however had a twist, Matthew was not allowed to attend the trial and his account, Matthewvacc, wasn't controlled by him during the trial. Thus, when given the chance to express his emotions during the trial, though he wanted to, he was restricted from doing so and he was branded the turncoat of the empire once again.Dummies
During the Djinn war, at a time of no action, Matthew and his friend GreatDane decided to blow off the rules and have some fun training with dummies. The two of them logged onto an empty server and had GreatDane swing at him, while he ran around dodging his friend's attacks. Tessa was also invited to join; she came shortly afterward. After around 20 or so accounts were killed by GreatDane and Tessa in total, they decided to call it a night, and thus, they all logged off the server with smiles on their faces, unaware of the trauma they would encounter the next day. When they all awoke, it seemed as though Damen had checked the database and was astonished by the mass number of murdered accounts. He called a trial on Tessa, Matthew, and GreatDane immediately. During the trial, all three of them were found guilty of their preposterous deeds and sentenced to death by execution. In jail, GreatDane and Tessa were killed, but, thanks to his friend Tennis, Matthew was saved, but had regained his previously acquired bad reputation.Promotions
Matthew was destined to be in the Warlord Competition; to slay the mighty Mountain, but to do so he needed to become a Knight and acquire a sword. After months of training and convicting felons, Damen felt Matthew was ready to become a Knight. He was promoted the day before Empress Chelsey's coronation.Warlord
Matthew along with Freddy, Jesse, Cysero, The Mountain, and The Stag were chosen to compete in the Empire's third Warlord Competition. After Cysero and Jesse were eliminated, Matthew slew The Mountain with Glarthir's powerful Golden Sword and was close to killing The Stag, when The Stag surrendered, and Matthew became the 4th Warlord in DSGHQ history. He has vowed to protect the empire since that day and will stop at nothing to do so. Matthew had lost his title as Warlord when his account died during his battle with The Stag. He officially remained as Warlord until he was demoted on September 18th, 2015, when his account 'Matthew' was revived.Detective Sergeant
Matthew bypassed the Bouncers and attended Damen's Royal Party, in which Damen announced the secret Detectives that would lead the operation against Mickey until the official return of the Crimezone was announced. Damen chose Matthew to be the Detective Sergeant due to his connection with former OldCP gangs and his key ability to find clues and analyzing details. He was promoted by Hashir, later that day, and given a firearm the next morning.War Knight
On September 13th, 2015, Matthew was promoted to War Knight by Prince Tennis due to his remarkable skill in the Championship Jousts. He maintained that rank until his death on the 18th of September 2015, when he was brutally murdered by the rotting ghostly form of The Mountain. The Mountain had finally gotten his revenge.Free Fighter
After the war on September 18th, 2015, the newly inaugurated Emperor Tennis came online to demote Matthew from his rank as Warlord. Due to his sacrifices on the battlefield, after his demotion, Tennis entrusted Matthew with the task of fighting for freedom and protecting the people in the Empire. Alas, Matthew was finally promoted to Free Fighter.Second Promotion to Kinght
After the account reset of v10, Matthew had remade his account 'Matthew,' and reported to the town, where Damen was giving assigned ranks back to their owners. He waited a minimal amount of time before he was given a notification stating he was once again a Knight of the realm. This surprised him, as he expected to be re-promoted to Free Fighter, but he was just as happy, if not happier, being an Imperial Knight.Second Promotion to Warlord
Matthew along with Cysero, Skippy, Jesse, Orbay, and The Wolf competed in the Empire's fourth Warlord Competition. Skippy was the first to be picked off, and Jesse fell soon afterward. Damen had to reset the room, in the middle of the battle, to fix the issue with random users dropping dead. All competitors relogged in, their lives reset, Jesse was revived, and Orbay was brought in to fight in place of Skippy. Jesse was killed once again, and Matthew quickly finished off the defenseless Orbay. Wolf killed Cysero during their head-on deathmatch, and alas, Matthew was left to take on The Wolf single-handed. The Wolf was carelessly swinging at Matthew in vain, while he used all his strength to block the powerful blows. Matthew took a step back and jabbed his sword right through Wolf's beastly chest. The Wolf was slain and Matthew was promoted to Warlord once again.Jousts and Battles
Chelsey's Coronation - Golden Sword
On the day of Empress Chelsey's coronation, the day after Matthew became a Knight, he was chosen to fight Sir Bashysmelly, an old and experienced Knight, in a joust for the users' entertainment. Bashsmelly doubted his appointment, dubbing him a new and inexperienced knight. This minor assumption cost Bashysmelly his life. Matthew chased Bashysmelly around the ring, swinging and grinding to all extents until the mighty Bashysmelly fell and Matthew was crowned 'The Savoir' of Chelsey's Coronation. He was awarded the Golden sword of The Forest Boys, which did massive damage compared to the lesser normal sword, and was personally congratulated by the Emperor himself. He received the Golden Sword the day after the battle.Bloodbath with the Black Hands and The Mountain
A few days before the Warlord Competition, The Mountain, who was a target of the Black Hawks, came online to find himself in jail. The Guards of the Empire were alerted, and before long, there were multiple knights and guards in the jail, along with The Mountain. After hearing about The Mountain's return, members of the Black Hand went to jail and attacked The Mountain. The Guards sat back while the Knights defended The Mountain from the Black Hand, but after The Mountain killed Adawg in a fit of rage, the Knights turned on him and left him to die. The Black Hand, who were now invisible, surrounded The Mountain and drew him clueless to an extent where he was swinging aimlessly into the air. Matthew, who wanted revenge on The Mountain for the way he treated him and for killing his good friend Freddy, swung at The Mountain with full force, beating him down with his mighty blows. Little to Matthew's knowledge, he had accidentally killed the two Black Hand warriors surrounding The Mountain, Jaserius and Tiberius. With those two Black Hand eliminated, The Mountain attacked the remaining Black Hand member Ailithius, who stood her ground only to be demolished by The Mountain and have her corpse shed all over the jail. The Guards warned The Mountain; if they attacked Matthew, or themselves, they would shoot him dead, but, as stuck up as he is, The Mountain swung at Matthew a few times and got many bullets fired at him until he logged off, afraid of his destined death.Archie and Raindrop's Anniversary
On the day of Archie and Raindrop's one year Anniversary, Freddy was chosen to battle Sir Alice, so he could regain his honor back. His skills outwitted Alice, and she fell easily. Angry at Freddy for killing one of his beloved knights, Damen sentenced Matthew to kill Freddy. Freddy put up a fight but was no match for the Warlord, with three mighty blows Freddy exploded and his corpse spew all over the arena.The Black Hands Last Stand
Around a week before his demotion, Matthew found himself in the Private Chambers along with the guards, The Stag, and Roberto. Shrek had ordered his Black Hand army to attack and kill Roberto, but alas, Roberto was heavily protected and ready for a battle. Roberto, and his army, moved into the town where Crowtherius and Realtherius were waiting for them. Matthew managed to hit Crowtherius, who was attacking Roberto, but he got shot in the process. Roberto shot Crowtherius and knocked him dead, while Orbay finished off what was left of the Black Hand by slicing Realtherius in single combat. Roberto, and his guards, were victorious and The Black Hand was crippled beyond reconstruction. The few remaining members were eventually picked off until the Black Hand was never seen again.Battle with The Stag
After Matthew was found guilty during his trial, he was sentenced to fight The Stag for his freedom. The winner would either gain or remain Warlord. Matthew dominated the match, chasing The Stag around and draining his health bit by bit, the match seemed to be over before it had even begun. Matthew had almost taken all The Stag's health, when The Stag ran into the crowd, gained a white glow, and unleashed powers never seen before upon Matthew. The Stag raced out of the crowd with the speed of 4 penguins in one. With one swing of his deadly white sword, he knocked Matthew dead. These powers were later classified as powers of the Djinn or undead warrior, this was the first recorded combat in which Djinn powers were used.The Championship
The Championship was a series of Battles fought by armed users to see who was the most skilled and worthy fighter in the realm was. Matthew first challenged DanceBear, on her War Knight account, Ranch. A time limit was reached and both users tied with one another. Next, Matthew was sent into the ring with the remaining platoon of contestants. He had killed Sir George and Detective BAKON in combat, and he was left to face DanceBear once again. Their fight was long but a fight to remember, as both warriors were tremendously skilled. Matthew and Dancebear died within a millisecond of each other, but DanceBear had fallen first, and Matthew was sentenced to fight Gamer and Bashysmelly, as Kabal, the day after. That battle, the final battle of the championship, was named the greatest battle in the history of OldCP. Bashysmelly was picked off in the early stages very easily, but the fight between Gamer and Matthew was intense and downright draw-dropping. It was a one-sided battle, Matthew being on the offense the entire time, though he had one large disadvantage. Though others say differently, Matthew believes Gamer had a much larger amount of lives than him. Gamer was wearing the protective coat, known as safety, which made him harder to kill. Matthew hit Gamer quadruple the times, but in the end, was killed by the pansy, and Gamer was promoted to Grand Champion of the Empire.The Djinn War
Before any fighting or sightings happened during the war, War Knights were assigned to patrol the island, the threatening presence of the Blackhawks, and the Djinn well-known. Matthew checked OldCP's activity, via the /activity command, and noticed an unusual amount of users occupying the forest, especially since OldCP was on lockdown, and all unarmed users were restricted to the Throne Room. He entered the Forest to see a whole army of Blackhawk agents lined up ready to battle. Unsure of what to do, Matthew ran to a corner and held his sword up in defense. He alerted Hashir and the rest of the War Knights, and seconds later, they all entered the forest, watching as the Blackhawk agents had their weapons out, and were ready to fire. The Blackhawk agents and knights battled for some time, the end result is most of the Blackhawks dead, along with the two remaining Detectives, Adawg and Hashir. Everyone logged back in to find the Blackhawks were gone and OldCP empty. They held a post in the town, awaiting a sign of life, when a Blackhawk agent entered and warned them of the upcoming attack. He ordered them to give up, and hand over Damen to be executed in exchange for their lives. The Imperials denied the request, and the Blackhawk agent scurried away. Moments afterward, the mighty Mountain, twice the size, yielding a huge white sword and having Djinn powers, entered the town. Without a moment to spare, he started clawing away at Matthew. Matthew fell without a battle, and The Mountain had gotten his revenge. Surrounded, The Mountain tried to fight his way through, only to be killed once again, by an enormous amount of rounds fired by AK47s and pistols, plus the power of Glarthir's Golden Sword. Matthew didn't participate much more after this, as he was killed twice more by a Blackhawk agent and misfire from a Guard.Trial of Balin
On September 16th, 2015, Balin was tried for his association with the Blackhawks. He had chosen to be convicted upon a trial by duel, and he had Sir Tent fight for his cause. Emperor Tennis had chosen Free Fighter Matthew to fight for the empire. The battle took place in jail, and only a minimal amount of people were allowed to attend. Matthew slaughtered the inexperienced Tent, and Balin was found guilty of his crimes. Balin was later executed by Hashir, on the Mountain, in accordance with the Emperor's sentence.
Wedding of Damen and Chelsey
After Damen and Chelsey were wed, and the database issues were resolved, Daman held a joust and had Matthew pick his victims. First on the list was former Turncoat, NinjitsuSir. He was easily sliced and gashed by the skilled Sir Matthew, and in fear, stood his ground, blocking, and refusing to continue fighting. Damen called his actions disgraceful and named him 'NinjitsuSir the Coward.' Next up, Matthew picked Sir George. George didn't even last a full minute before he was slain by the almighty blade of Matthew. Damen announced a non-combat round in which Matthew was assigned to chase after a user, trying to kill them. He chose Cheep but was unable to kill her, in the time constraint. Due to his unmatchable skills on the battlefield, Damen branded Matthew, The Dreaded Sir Matthew, an alias he's kept to date.

Death List
Bashysmelly - Knight
Jaserius - Black Hand
Tiberius - Black Hand
The Mountain - Former Warlord - Moth Ninja
Lotherius - Black Hand
Freddo (2) - Knight
Roberto - Lord - Administrator
Ailithius - Black Hand - Ice Child
Ixk4osxi - Wise One
Jacobg627 - Grand Most Wise - Lord - Moth Priest
Sir George (2) - Imperial Knight
DanceBear - Ranch (2) - War Knight
Bashysmelly - Kabal - War Knight
PeTaL - Tent - Imperial Knight
The Wolf - Former Royal Executioner - Hand Guard
NinjitsuSir - Turncoat
Lord Malvon - Djinn
Drog4 - Djinn - Servant of Snowfalls
Drejk - Djinn
Aegor - Djinn - Servant of Snowfalls
Every dog has its days
Don't let your ego get the best of you
A moment of pain is worth a lifetime of glory
The key to the future is locking the past

Titles | Royal Executioner, Detective Sergeant, Free Fighter, Emporer Hand Guard, Imperial Knight, War Knight, Guardian of the Gold Sword, Black Hand Adviser, Slayer of The Mountain, Slayer of The Wolf, Master |
Gender | Male |
House | Lecturers |
Death | Death by The Stag during a battle after his trial - June the 17th 2015, Death by Gamer during execution after his trial - July the 17th 2015, Death by DanceBear during the Championship - September the 12th 2015, Death by Gamer during the Championship - September the 13th 2015, Three deaths by Blackhawk agents during the Djinn War - September the 18th 2015 |